Blog Post · iq or nahaiq?
iq or nahaiq? ^
Posted On Tuesday 28 February 2012 by Murray Colpman (Muzer)
(Sorry the title is not in timlan, but I've realised we have no word for "or"!)
We've made a couple of changes recently that we haven't yet documented, so I've taken the liberty to write this post about one of them.
For a while, we've had an issue, that iq is too vague. You could use it for all sorts of things, and it didn't really have a clear defintion.
Now, however, that has changed!
iq now means "subject has the PROPERTY of the object". So:
My cat is blue
But, what if you want to say "this food is pasta"? After all, this food doesn't have the property of pasta (it doesn't make much sense). What you want to say, is that this food has the type of pasta. So:
= "This food is pasta(s)"
With the latter, you use determiners (or plurals) on both the subject and the object when referring to any specific instance of the subject. If you're referring to things in general, both subject and object should have no determiner. EG:
= "Cats are animals" (in general)