Blog Post · dVocab/dt

dVocab/dt ^

Posted On Saturday 7 January 2012 by Freddie Nash (FredFace)

Its Change Vocab with respect to Time again, and todays topic is Mathematics.

To clarify, that is Mathematics, not Programming, so no distinct assignment and comparision operators.

This also comes with a lush syntax for handeling maths, which we've spent most of the last 2 days working on. Hopefully the time has paid off, in a !commercial sense.

Now some vocab... This first list of verbs will all always take the 'elem' (general) tense, as maths doesn't change of time like the Timlan vocab.

pad - Add
sub - Subtract
mul - Multiply
div - Divide
mod - Modulate
var - Variable
cost - Constant
ras - Raise to the Power
eq - equals

These words are used for making maths work in-line.

solute - Solve
eval - Evaluate

Now the fun parts that have NOTHING to do with vocab.

How to build expressions

Timlan having a VOS syntax, this is fairly evident.

In common SVO notation nonsense, you might write:

(4 + 2) / 2 = 3

In Timlan, using symbols this would be:

= 3 / 2 + 2 4


eqelem f- divelem d- padelem d- g-

Which is probably a bit hard to follow, if you don't know Timlan numbers (see

And to compliment this...

A new Marker!!


The # is pronounced as the Timlan 'm', for maths, or something else that starts with 'm', doesn't not matter.

Inside these Lush expression markers, symbols can be used inplace of lengthy verbs with postfixes (but verbs can be used also, and must be used properly). Here are the symbols we allow:

add +
sub -
mul *
div /
mod %

Expression markers also allow decimal numbers (0 to 9), which means that this is valid:

= 3 / 2 + 2 4

If it seems familiar, it should be (its the example above all this).

Note that the clear spacing is ESSENTIAL (especialy between numbers when they are written).

Do not say decimal numbers; this is all a bit hap-hazard ATM, so some kind of meaningful information regarding this may be released at some point in the future.

Following on...


Variables must be followed by $ (pronouned as the 'u' in 'put').

This applies to text inside and out of expression markers.

Nor much more to say about these...

Some Samples

tokosoluteaht /# = ^ 2 x -1 #/ sui
iqelem wuhilot padelem c- l-
evaleht divelem b- c- ei

tokouhaht setuh sui