Blog Post · Yarr!!!

Yarr!!! ^

Posted On Monday 16 April 2012 by Freddie Nash (FredFace)

No, not pirates, just y-

I've now convinced myself that Muzer was right all along, and that y- should be a Timlan base modifier! HURRAY!

It is now, meaning Timlan fully supports all bases between 0 and 16 (and maybe some negative ones, but I can't work out the bounds)


In Timlan, it used to be hard to say numbers like 5.8, because (8 / 10) * 16 is not a natural number (its 12.8).

Conversly, it is hard in decimal to say c-z-m- (0x1.9) because (9 / 16) * 10 is not natural either (its 5.625)

(If you don't follow the above, don't worry about it - its just me explaining why a flexible base is good)

As you notice, in English we kind of have a way to say hex numbers, with the 0xblah notation, but that is just stolen straight from the computer scientists.

In Timlan, using base 10 is as easy as sticking y-n- at the end of any number. No really.

y- means that the following changed the base
n- is 10
y-n- means the base is 10

So in Timlan, if you want to say 5.8 (horrid in hex) you just say h-z-l-y-n-!

Note: TCP is yet to be updated, but will be soon

To Reiterate...

Posted On Thursday 19 April 2012 by Freddie Nash (FredFace)

b- through to v- are digits 0 to 15
w- indicates negative
x- for standard form
y- to modify base
z- for "decimal" point