View Full Version : Appreciation

8 Jan 2010, 00:21
I bought this the first day it came to PlayStation Network and I love it. I play it almost every night online and its really good.

I haven't played a Worms game since Worms World Party on the PS one and although there are a few weapons and features (such as fire) missing from this version, its still the best �8 I've ever spent.

So thank you Team 17 for your hard work and offering great entertainment! :)

One question though - will Worms 2: Armageddon eventually come to PSN? As long as it does come at some point I don't mind waiting a few months.

Going to play Worms now lol (Ninja Rope FTW)!

8 Jan 2010, 22:07

Thanks for the kudos. Glad to hear you're enjoying it, it's a great game (of course it is - it's a worms game)! Worms is perfectly suited to the download culture - a small game with huge replay value equals great value.

Regarding Worms 2: Armageddon, I'm not sure. No doubt it'll make its way over to PSN at some point - if and when I'm not sure.

But if it does, you're in for a treat! It's a great game! :D

31 Jan 2010, 02:29
It's very limited compared to the old ones :( but it probably has the best replay value in any psn game yet.

9 Feb 2010, 01:24
I sign this appreciation thread as well. :)

Absolutely loving it! Downloaded it a few days ago. (Ashamed I didn't know about this sooner.)

Many thanks for the PSN version guys.

18 Feb 2010, 17:58
It's a great game and thankfully we'll soon be graced with Worms 2: Armageddon!

18 Feb 2010, 18:33
I've always loved the Worms series ever since the good old Amiga days. Used to have great fun creating our own voice packs and using them in-game! Oh the days!

When this appeared on the PSN store, it was an immediate purchase. I even managed to get the girlfriend hooked on it. Infact, I got her that hooked, she even got 100% trophies before me!

20 Feb 2010, 04:43
yeah it is a fun game, could have used more weapons and maps and stuff but its still enjoyable

im more familiar with those of the pc games...huge, huge games they are. so it was a bit of a shock to see this one so small. of course it cant be that big....but i still liked it

28 Feb 2010, 17:55
I agree...as a fan since the first worms game..this game is a good gesture for the old fans...
although I miss some of the realism of the first game.
as an example in the first hell level the fire looked and sound more realisic
(i couldv'e hear the worm burnnnig lol!!)
the space level has a low gravity default..
the snow level was slippy !! :)

even though it's the best and fun game ever !!
keep up the good work