View Full Version : Worms PSN Patch

22 Apr 2009, 15:01
Hi guys. My name's Karl; I'm an Assistant Producer at Team 17.

I�d just like to let you know where we�re currently at with regards to a patch for Worms to address some of the problems with online games that some of you have been experiencing.

We currently have a patch in submission which addresses freezing issues when searching for games. Unfortunately, this is something that we couldn�t have recreated before the game got released to market as it only occurs when a critical number of people are online and trying to play the game. We have, however, now managed to debug this and fix it!

We�re also working on a fix to address reported issues in online games. It became apparent that some users playing the game on low bandwidth connections were having problems with 3 and 4 player games. A patch to fix this will be released shortly after.

Any constructive feedback on crashes/online problems you've experienced is much appreciated and we'll do our best to try and address them as quickly as possible.

I hope you�re all still enjoying the game! :)

22 Apr 2009, 16:09
Great. Will you fix the glitches (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=38518) in this thread at some point? They let you use multiple weapons per turn.

22 Apr 2009, 16:21
From my ignorant design/coding point of view, shouldn't a "critical amount of users" had been expected and if so wouldn't it have been possible to emulate it before hand? Just for testing purposes and what not.

23 Apr 2009, 08:26
I noticed nearly all of my 2 player "ranked" games (which I'm not hosting) have ended prematurely saying "all players have left the game".

Now does this mean a server problem, or is it because the host is rude and ends the game when he/she has no chance of winning? (and do I get the points if the host disconnects when losing?)

23 Apr 2009, 14:23
From my ignorant design/coding point of view, shouldn't a "critical amount of users" had been expected and if so wouldn't it have been possible to emulate it before hand? Just for testing purposes and what not.

Genuine stress tests are difficult to emulate due to the number of users, the different combinations of networks in use, NAT types, server loads, packet loss and so forth.

Without having hundreds, if not thousands, of people testing the game around the world from their home networks, it's really not something you can test. Being a self-published title, this is not something Team17 would have had the resources to do.

But hey, they're fixing it, right? All's good :)

23 Apr 2009, 19:38
Hate to sound repetitive as it has been mentioned on the forum before, though surprisingly not nearly as much as I'd expect. But, the camera bug has got to get fixed. Its the only issue I've noticed so far but it is ruining an otherwise great game of worms. I love worms but can't believe an obvious major bug like this could slip though.

I get camera problems about once every 3 turns and it makes the game very difficult to play, especially if I'm using girder or homing missile. The screen keeps moving away and it is hard to place/target. Also it often jumps to random areas of the screen instead of staying centered on the worm.

Please fix this asap :( I can't imagine it would take long at all.

23 Apr 2009, 21:48
Now does this mean a server problem, or is it because the host is rude and ends the game when he/she has no chance of winning? (and do I get the points if the host disconnects when losing?)
I don't have the game, but if its a ranked match with no points gained/lost on a connection error then chanses are great that its the other person quitting. Things like that are always a huge problem with peer2peer connections (aka: matches that aren't run from a server).

24 Apr 2009, 12:57
Thanks for replying to all of the complaints, can't wait for the patch.

24 Apr 2009, 13:54
well its now downloading the patch..version 1.01..and its well over 100meg

whats included in it?

25 Apr 2009, 08:51
well its now downloading the patch..version 1.01..and its well over 100meg

whats included in it?

? I'm still playing 1.00, why do they love you more?

worms mp3
25 Apr 2009, 10:44
The PS3 firmware at present is set up to support custom soundtracks, if the software developers would write in support. It?d be nice if this game would support them.
(sorry if you have alredy read it I don't wat be boring )

25 Apr 2009, 12:13
Europe got it first, maybe?

I got 1.01 yesterday, too. shabbadoof and I are both in the UK whereas you appear to be in the USA.

25 Apr 2009, 12:17
I ran the game on my US and AUS accounts but no patch. I guess I need a UK account now.

25 Apr 2009, 12:19
YH probbaly only Europe cos I'm in the uk N got it yesterday

26 Apr 2009, 05:56
Thanks for all patch recipients that mentioned that they got it in the UK, I appreciate it. I felt like I was just unlucky or some silly crap at first, thanks for clearing that up.

For all that got the patch, is the game still set up to where only 2 people can communicate via mic at a time?

26 Apr 2009, 22:42
I'm in europe too and no sign of patch so far...

27 Apr 2009, 06:57
I created a UK account, ran the game, played online and it didn't prompt for a patch. I haven't tried deleting and redownloading the game yet.

The "thin airstrike" glitch from the XBLA version still exists (it's fixed in WOW2). Just move the cursor all the way to the bottom of the screen and you can make an airstrike appear inside land. It should always fall from above the highest piece of land or from a fixed height above all land.

5 May 2009, 09:29
Always same bugs with your patch !!!

Please fix them

11 May 2009, 15:27
If I could just have 3 things, 3 vital things in the next patch:

1. Fix the camera, please. Just fix it.

2. Allow connection to the worms servers for online games and allow filtering once a search has been done, like a game browser. Having to connect/disconnect 10 times in a row to find an online game is pathetic. One connection, enumeration of games and then allow a filter to applied to the results rather than constant caining of the servers with connections only to be thrown back out to the main menu.

3. Create a lobby for the online game once joined, this way people can chose to play again straight after and you don't get disconnected from whoever you are chatting to on ending the game.

Pretty basic stuff!

To address some other points...

For all that got the patch, is the game still set up to where only 2 people can communicate via mic at a time?
Last edited by Guyren; 26 Apr 2009 at 05:59.

Yeah it's still only 2 people, I heard 2 people chatting away so I turned on my headset and they couldn't hear me at all. Bandwidth restrictions... you're kidding right? It's mostly static entities sat on an almost static map where one moves at a time with barely any movement at all, let alone heavy physics calculations, how the hell can there be BW restrictions on voice chat?

Surely just have a small mini in-game menu you can bring up and toggle who you want to hear or not? If your broadband can't take it just display a message giving the user to limit the connections or turn it off altogether. Better still ask the user to select their broadband speed and allow them to adjust it accordingly so the game imposes restrictions only on known poor connections?

So I guess thats actually wish number 4, sort out voice comms.

There are a few other things I'd like to see fixed, some times the game seems incredibly inconsistant but i'm focusing on more functionality and making it bareable to participate in online games at the mo!

15 May 2009, 10:37
always same bugs with your patch !!!

Please fix them

please make a new patch !!!

The one you did correct n-o-t-h-i-n-g !!!!!

22 May 2009, 15:58
Hello again,

Just wanted to let you all know that a new Worms patch is on its way!

The patch will be released in Europe and America simultaneously and will address the following issues;

* Players are no longer able to use multiple weapons by using the Jetpack or Blowtorch exploits.

* The Airstrike now behaves correctly when deployed at the bottom of the landscape.

* The Concrete Donkey no longer triggers silent explosions.

* The 'Get a Lob on' Trophy has now been changed so that only the local player need use just Grenades as opposed to all users having to.

As this will be the first American patch (due to the differing patch submission processes), it will also address all issues which have been fixed in previous European patches.

Happy Worming :)


22 May 2009, 17:00
Today is a good day I think for game patches!

23 May 2009, 09:35
How do I download the patch? Is it out now, what do I need to do?

23 May 2009, 11:34
It's not out yet but the game will ask you if you want to update when it is out.

Barring any unforseen circumstances, the new patch for Euro and USA should be going into sony submission on Tuesday.

That sounds like it hasn't been submitted yet, so after that it could still be a while before Sony approves it.

23 Jun 2009, 19:24
I am currently playing on version 1.01 is this a new patch coming out after that or is this that very patch. Because when I try to play psn games I can never get in I select a room and it instantly says "unable to connect to worms servers" and then "disconnecting." I was able to play 1 game and besides that they have all either failed to start correctly or I was not able to get into the lobby.

24 Jun 2009, 05:58
1.01 was the patch. I don't know if there will be more, Team17 doesn't usually budget for more than 2 patches but they may surprise us. It works well for me. PS3 says my network type is NAT2 which is more open than NAT3. Try enabling UPnP in your router or forwarding these UDP ports:

3378, 3479 and 3658.

Check http://portforward.com for forwarding tutorials.

20 Oct 2009, 14:32
RE: Camera problem

I may be talking about the wrong thing here, but when people mention the 'camera bug' do they mean the camera not following the cursor on remote weapons (homing missile, girder, teleport etc.)?

If so, this is caused by first using the right analogue stick to scroll. Once you have used that, the cursor movement doesn't marry with the camera movement. To match them up again just press the right analogue stick in (R3?). This marries them up and the screen will follow the cursor again.

If I'm on about something else just ignore me :confused: