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14 Sep 2008, 16:02
Btw, just how much money does it take to buy a star system, because my allies keep calling me a cheapskate.

I usually find 1 - 2 million Sporebucks does the job. 1.5 Million is usually perfect, not too expensive, and not too cheap.

Alien King
14 Sep 2008, 17:12
The space stage is quickly growing stale for me. It started good, as I would see other empires battle each other, but not anymore.
I'm tempted to see if I can get a war going being Splapp's Spatulon race and the Phlovomite race.

14 Sep 2008, 17:38
Sadly, once you actually get there, it's a bit of a kick in the knickers. While you can explore to your heart's content, you're not allowed to interact or change the system in any way.
Yeah, I probably should've told you. But you're still perfectly able to modify the surrounding systems as you wish!

And because ecosystems have much less creatures than the actual Creature stage, I couldn't find my creature. :(
Ah well. Next time, try and reach at least Tribal stage first.

14 Sep 2008, 20:23
Thanks for clearing that up! Woo, I'm excited!

Alien King
14 Sep 2008, 21:12
Just how safe is it for me to ignore all warnings about eco-crises (which are annoyingly common), UFO attacks and Grox invasions (which are happening with increasing frequency).
It's just that I get fed up trying to find a wormhole to take me to the other side of the galaxy whenever my allies suddenly become incapable of doing anything for themselves. And the fact that I am the only single spaceship in my entire Empire does ask for trouble.

14 Sep 2008, 21:13
Just how safe is it for me to ignore all warnings about eco-crises (which are annoyingly common), UFO attacks and Grox invasions (which are happening with increasing frequency).
It's just that I get fed up trying to find a wormhole to take me to the other side of the galaxy whenever my allies suddenly become incapable of doing anything for themselves. And the fact that I am the only single spaceship in my entire Empire does ask for trouble.

You can try that mod on Xsproe that I linked to earlier if you like.

Alien King
14 Sep 2008, 22:23
But that would stretch into the realms of cheating. :

14 Sep 2008, 22:26
Just how safe is it for me to ignore all warnings about eco-crises (which are annoyingly common), UFO attacks and Grox invasions (which are happening with increasing frequency).
If the eco-crisis is from your own colony, completely safe; if it's an ally, it might lose them as an ally. As for UFO attacks, check if you have any enemies other than the Grox: if so, there's a chance you could lose the colony, if not then it's just pirates and you're pretty much safe. As for Grox, I don't know, but I presume you can wave goodbye to a colony, and remember next time to take my warnings about that seriously.

15 Sep 2008, 02:54
Anyone know how to fight enemy aliens off your planet without dieing 6 times every war or cheating?

Every time I attempt to leave the planet the *******s in the neighbouring system decide they want my planet... and the guys on the planet really aren't much help. Even though I did notice that they don't start for your cities until you get there.

But if you would like the health/energy replenish cheat, I can give you one.
Click! (http://www.gamewinners.com/Cheats/index.php/Spore_(PC))

15 Sep 2008, 07:14
Turrets don't do much IMHO.

The uber turret is quite good, but expensive if you're strapped for cash.

I usually take down other ships with the laser. While it says it's better suited to ground units, it's stood me in good stead all this time. I usually keep flying around them with the keyboard and holding the laser on them.

15 Sep 2008, 18:05
Continuing on my OftGame: I got to the Space stage!
Hey, remember this?
http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/7620/spore20080913224544dz3.th.png (http://img229.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080913224544dz3.png)
Unfortunately, my Spaceship was too big to be able to just fly through it! But at least I'm at the position where I can look down at creatures there from my own Spaceship.

So onto the good ol' abandoned planet. And ho-hey, look whose responsible for those drone models:
http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/6808/spore20080914000609ul9.th.png (http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080914000609ul9.png)
Is it wrong when my own creations start attacking me?

But I did find my Palisian colony:
http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/6724/spore20080913230316km3.th.png (http://img227.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080913230316km3.png)
Not very hard, considering I formed a trade route earlier meaning I could see a whole bunch of my spaceships going to and from it.
I also allied with Me. It didn't count towards the achievements though because even though I didn't cheat on this Empire, I did with the one I'm allying with. Oh well.

And that's all I have on OftGame for now.
So I decided to put my Asanit Sporecast to the use that I made it for; making a themed game!

Welcome my new race, the Golden Asanitopis!
http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/4304/spore20080915093331ei8.th.png (http://img227.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080915093331ei8.png)

-And in the process, say Goodbye to Paul's race, Eric XVI!
http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/1672/spore20080915093422ku9.th.png (http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080915093422ku9.png)
Sorry Paul, but next time, make stronger beasts!

Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, I'm on a very green planet, hence the odd colour.

15 Sep 2008, 18:17
So let's meet the other tribes on this continent:

First off, we've got the Orange tribe: a group of Grasping Asanitiopaus(7 legs)!
http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/3295/spore20080915093538th5.th.png (http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080915093538th5.png)

Next on the list, the Pink tribe: a gathering of Emrald creatures by good ol' WormGod (http://www.spore.com/view/profile/TimmyWing)!
http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/4197/spore20080915095332hg5.th.png (http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080915095332hg5.png)

Introducing the Cyan tribe: a bunch of Asanitapiois (3 legs; and all Asanitapiois also have a grasp)!
http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/1361/spore20080915095409ud5.th.png (http://img222.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080915095409ud5.png)

And finally, the Green tribe: a group of Grasping Asanitiopaus(7 legs)!
Err... again.
http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/5387/spore20080915095353kp7.th.png (http://img232.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080915095353kp7.png)

The final tribe has yet to spawn. But don't change the channel folks!

Anyway, first cause of action; allying with the Orange tribe.
http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6267/spore20080915095313ak3.th.png (http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080915095313ak3.png)
Nicely done!
For this Asanit game, I want to try make them Scientists, so I need to have them as Industrious for the Tribal stage and Military for the Civilian.

At this point, I would've kept on playing, but then First Day of University happened (I still can't believe there's only 6 people in my course)! So I'll add to this later on. Whee.

15 Sep 2008, 19:12

Race: Rhyken
Description: My signature race, the savegame I shall use the most, it is with them that I shall get really stuck in with the space stage.
Difficulty: Easy (I made a last minute decision to play on easy since I want to see how it affects the space stage.)
Theme: None
Starting stage: Tribe
Home planet name: Terenthis

As you can see from this shot, the Rhyken were the original inventors of the space-age helmet.
http://img377.imageshack.us/img377/3788/rhykentribe1inventedspajd8.th.jpg (http://img377.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykentribe1inventedspajd8.jpg)

Here's a nice shot of the Rhyken taming their first creature: A Thigiras. (A bloody UFO abducted it some time later)
http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/8259/rhykentribe2thigirasjpewg3.th.jpg (http://img180.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykentribe2thigirasjpewg3.jpg)

They're siiiiinin' in the rain! Just siiiiiiingin' in the raaaaiiiin!
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/9971/rhykentribe4singinginthxf0.th.jpg (http://img256.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykentribe4singinginthxf0.jpg)

The first other tribe to appear were some pink-topped elphants that hold their tools with their trunks.
http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/6364/rhykentribe5elephantsjphi0.th.jpg (http://img381.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykentribe5elephantsjphi0.jpg)

Here's a shot of the final totem.
http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/6016/rhykentribe10totemzh6.th.jpg (http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykentribe10totemzh6.jpg)

EDIT: News flash! I have reached the space stage of the Rhyken, and I have become a scientist, no cheating! All I did was finish the tribal stage as industrious and then finish the Civ stage as militairy.

15 Sep 2008, 23:16
The first other tribe to appear were some pink-topped elphants that hold their tools with their trunks.
http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/6364/rhykentribe5elephantsjphi0.th.jpg (http://img381.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykentribe5elephantsjphi0.jpg)
Yeah, I put a grasper on their trunk so that it'd animate properly when they walk, and so that it'll use them to eat.
I still like what I did with the ears though.

Also, the Thigris is mine too. Considering I've made 285 creations, there's a good chance of something of mine coming up at least once.

Anyway, I'm nearly finished my Golden Asanit stuff. Just one building and three vehicles to go (including spaceship).

16 Sep 2008, 20:23
Here's a nice little portrait of the Rhyken during transmissions. I may try and make it into an avatar for myself. Maybe someone else could try too if they think they can do it well.

EDIT: Lookie! Empire I just found.

17 Sep 2008, 09:29
Well, I've now reached Space stage with my Golden Asanitopis guys. I'll post more of the story later on.
But I'm quite proud with how the buildings came out:
From left to right: Node of Golden, Residential of Golden, Amusements of Golden, Laboratories of Golden and my spaceship. Which, because I had all the others ending in "of Golden", I had to call this one...
Heart of Golden.

Those of you who don't get the reference... you suck. Badly. And should read more.

Sorry about the extra-large pictures, but it's too hard to see them otherwise.

Here's a nice little portrait of the Rhyken during transmissions. I may try and make it into an avatar for myself. Maybe someone else could try too if they think they can do it well.
Not while it's in JPEG form. Host it on Imageshack next time!
Actually, I think I'll make an avatar out of either my Golden Asanitopis (again, but in portrait form) or my Palisinas there.

EDIT: Lookie! Empire I just found.
AHAHAHAH! Best! Quote! Ever!

Also, that's actually the Tribal model there.

Edit: Hey Oft, how come you didn't upload the Tribal, City and Space Rhyken models yet?

17 Sep 2008, 17:55
Edit: Hey Oft, how come you didn't upload the Tribal, City and Space Rhyken models yet?

I'll try, but the game seems to be quite random on what it does and doesn't allow me to upload. Well not the game, but actually my internet. I have a half broken internet card (we think) and I have a replacement at hand I just need to wait for my Dad to have the time to put it in.

EDIT: PNG Rhyken portrait:
http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/3095/rhykenportraited3.th.png (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykenportraited3.png)

17 Sep 2008, 18:40
Oh hey, do you think you could get a portrait of the Palisinas for me? I don't have anything to take a screenshot of it with, and the in-game one doesn't take pictures of the creatures when communicating, for some reason.

And I forgot to say: In my Asanitopis game, I ended up Scientist too. I also found the creature from my second Empire, only they had formed an Empire by themselves! Because my real second game is so close by, I think I'll see if I can get the two to ally...

I'll try, but the game seems to be quite random on what it does and doesn't allow me to upload. Well not the game, but actually my internet. I have a half broken internet card (we think) and I have a replacement at hand I just need to wait for my Dad to have the time to put it in.
Also keep in mind that if the game says something is uploaded, but it's not appearing on MySpore and you can't make a comment on it in the in-game Sporepedia, then it either exceeds complexity or it exceeds the budget allowed.
The latter would only happen if you either cheated or you were editing a creature made in the stand-alone Creature Creator.

17 Sep 2008, 19:42
Also keep in mind that if the game says something is uploaded, but it's not appearing on MySpore and you can't make a comment on it in the in-game Sporepedia, then it either exceeds complexity or it exceeds the budget allowed.
The latter would only happen if you either cheated or you were editing a creature made in the stand-alone Creature Creator.

I haven't cheated, but a few of my creations are at the absolute maximum parts aloud.

EDIT: I deleted a single part from the Rhyken (the symbol) and now it submits on the sporepedia! Maybe that's my problem!

EDIT2: Palisinas portrait...
http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/3229/palisinasportraithm4.th.png (http://img388.imageshack.us/my.php?image=palisinasportraithm4.png)

Metal Alex
17 Sep 2008, 20:37
I'm back from my holidays, without internet, and I've made my empire with a new Raymanoid! Now, I need to buddy more people :p

Also, the Palisinas were the first contact I had. Best Buddies Forever, it seems, as I have around 200 points in relations with them. Also, the odd part: Another civilization, with the SAME race, was near, but while my buddies were merchants, the others were fanatics. Whiped those out :cool:

17 Sep 2008, 21:27
Considering the Palisinas have become rather popular here, and in my Golden Asanitopis game (I came across them three times: the first was because one of my ships crashed into the planet before I started, the second was because the Drones were using my ships again, and the third when I found them in the wild on a planet), I've made a new variation!

Meet the robotic MechPalisinas:

I also plan on making a second non-cheating Palisinas empire too, at some point.

EDIT2: Palisinas portrait...
Whee! Thanks for that!
Oh, and my bad, that was the Civilisation version.

Also, the Palisinas were the first contact I had. Best Buddies Forever, it seems, as I have around 200 points in relations with them. Also, the odd part: Another civilization, with the SAME race, was near, but while my buddies were merchants, the others were fanatics. Whiped those out :cool:
If you could get a picture of the two races (preferably from the Sporepedia), I could tell you which of the five variations (only in costume and what stage they can first appear at) it was.

18 Sep 2008, 02:30
I can't get it to work!:( It crashes during the intro. One time it made it past the intro and stopped on a blank screen. And I managed to Alt-Tab to return to the desktop and there was a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in my taskbar. I clicked it and it disappeared without telling me anything. Every other time though it just crashes my computer which then restarts. Usually when the Maxis logo is about to fly into the spiral thing, although sometimes it crashes at the end when the last thing is about to enter. The video stops, but the audio continues for a second past the video before the computer restarted.

I'm about to kill something...

18 Sep 2008, 05:11
All my files are Carnivores, lol.

18 Sep 2008, 07:18
I can't get it to work!:( It crashes during the intro. One time it made it past the intro and stopped on a blank screen. And I managed to Alt-Tab to return to the desktop and there was a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in my taskbar. I clicked it and it disappeared without telling me anything. Every other time though it just crashes my computer which then restarts. Usually when the Maxis logo is about to fly into the spiral thing, although sometimes it crashes at the end when the last thing is about to enter. The video stops, but the audio continues for a second past the video before the computer restarted.

I'm about to kill something...

Update your graphics drivers, make sure you have all the update your computer requires.

18 Sep 2008, 08:17
Also, if it helps, you can skip the video by pressing Esc.

19 Sep 2008, 09:14
Turns out if I set my windows resolution to 1024*768 (from 1400*1050) the game seems to work fine (or did once and I was too scared to close the game all day).

Dang this game is awesome. I just got to civilization stage and I must say that my only complaint thus far is that I royally blow at designing buildings. Creatures, ok, vehicles, alright, but I just can't seem to make a building that looks half-way decent.:( Ah well, maybe I've just been playing the game too long today and I'll have some sort of inspiration in my sleep...

19 Sep 2008, 10:03
Well, I updated and re-uploaded all my Palisinas buildings and vehicles. Some of them was just re-naming, some of them was a complete make-over. So if you've already signed up to my account, you might want to delete the older ones.

Oh, and Oft, do you know anything about this? (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=srch-rhyken%3Asast-500067403519)

Dang this game is awesome. I just got to civilization stage and I must say that my only complaint thus far is that I royally blow at designing buildings. Creatures, ok, vehicles, alright, but I just can't seem to make a building that looks half-way decent.:( Ah well, maybe I've just been playing the game too long today and I'll have some sort of inspiration in my sleep...
You could always just steal buildings from other people! :D
Or, if you want, I'll make a building for you if you specify what you want (eg: tall, round, medieva castle-looking, red with black details) and then you could try making a set of buildings using a similar style.
Also, whats your account name so that I can add you to my Watchlist?

Edit: Here's a thought. Why not someone try and make an alternative Space costume for my Palisinas race?

Metal Alex
19 Sep 2008, 14:38
Edit: Here's a thought. Why not someone try and make an alternative Space costume for my Palisinas race?

I'll try that on a while. Also, I've tweaked my Raymanoid designs, since I made them with the creature creator DEMO, and now, they look fantastic. Also dressed them as space creatures. I'm specially fond of the Social Raymanoid.

19 Sep 2008, 18:05
Oh, and Oft, do you know anything about this? (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=srch-rhyken%3Asast-500067403519)

That looks like something where he took a pre-built creation off the sporepedia as a substitute for making his own vehicle, like you can... but then he redesigned it and recoloured it to make him fit more with his race to use. But then he wasn't mindfull of the fact that when he hits the green tick to accept the creation the game auto-uploads it.

Sadly I didn't think of this before I reported the creation.

19 Sep 2008, 19:14
Anyone get the patch yesterday?
Seeing a fully evolved creature surface from the ocean is priceless.

19 Sep 2008, 20:24
Wow, it's been out for just two weeks, but I felt like I've had it for ages!

And if anyone wants to know how to get the Deja Vu achievement, it's actually pretty easy. As you advance from Tribal stage to the Civ stage, just find a tribe before they evolve into a civilisation too, and click on them. Apparently, creatures made in previous stages count as creatures from other savegames.

Man, that's one heck of a patch! So summing up the important bits:
-New cheat: 'evoadvantage'. Start off the creature stage with any Sporepedia creature (remember, cheats prevent you from unlocking achievements, so only a good idea for a minor SaveGame)
-New stylefilters
-Improved animations
-Harder tribe and civ difficulties
-Empires demand less money now
-Disasters are less likely
-Fixed bug with missions not ending properly when requirements are fulfilled. Who was it that had that a few times again?

19 Sep 2008, 23:34
Many people are experiencing problems with the new patch, including me.

Things I have noticed so far:
--Invisible artefacts on planets in Space Stage (quite annoying when trying to pick up something you can't see)
--Invisible species at a nest in Creature Stage (they became visible when I entered and exited the creature creator)

20 Sep 2008, 01:12
Guh. I asked my international go-getter to get me this game from the U.S. but he couldn't find it.

And he went to Best Buy. He doesn't know much of games, but I gave him the title. apparently even a store clerk didn't know anything about it. :s

20 Sep 2008, 03:43
Guh. I asked my international go-getter to get me this game from the U.S. but he couldn't find it.

And he went to Best Buy. He doesn't know much of games, but I gave him the title. apparently even a store clerk didn't know anything about it. :sthat's what you get for going to best buy :p

20 Sep 2008, 04:12
that's what you get for going to best buy :p

Since you're american: Which easy to find, common store can I get spore from other than bestbuy? :p

20 Sep 2008, 06:32
You could always just steal buildings from other people! :D
Or, if you want, I'll make a building for you if you specify what you want (eg: tall, round, medieva castle-looking, red with black details) and then you could try making a set of buildings using a similar style.
Also, whats your account name so that I can add you to my Watchlist?

Thanks, but I managed to find my inspiration.:)

My account name is "Kentosh" which, boringly, is my real name as well.:rolleyes: Or it's actually my last name, but it's what everyone calls me at college, and I've begun to like it. It's kinda like a nickname, but it's also my actual name at the same time.

My first race, designed in the creature phase so I didn't have full selection of parts, is the "Dekon" race, pronounced like "day" and "con" (as in con-man) on the planet "Daskrakal," pronounced IPA: d�skɹəkʌl (Freaking every name I come up with seems to start in D... I had to work hard to make my vehicle/building names not start in D...) So far my favorite thing I've made has been my "Skra fl Dekon" airplane, even though it's not particularly complicated.

--Invisible species at a nest in Creature Stage (they became visible when I entered and exited the creature creator)

I had that happen pre-patch when I tried to use a certain color on my creature. They were all invisible until I changed the color back. Don't know if one of my textures didn't install right, or what. but it worked fine in the editor so I don't know what was wrong

Since you're american: Which easy to find, common store can I get spore from other than bestbuy? :p
I bought mine at GameStop, they also had it at Target when I was there. They probably have it at Walmart, as much as I hate that store, or anywhere really. Even BestBuy should have it - I'm shocked they wouldn't.

Alien King
20 Sep 2008, 09:50
-Disasters are less likely

My current hatred of them means I will only be happy until they set the probability to 0.

20 Sep 2008, 10:00
I'm having problems with the patch. I have installed it, but when I enter the game i still get a pop-up saying "there is a patch available, get it now or later?" if I click "yes" to get it now again it instantly says "patch downloaded, install?" and if I say install it takes me to InstallShield wizard. Once loaded the wizard tells me "the patch is already downloaded and installed, patch again anyway?"
I have installed and patched the patch twice now, but my Spore game is still utterly convinced that it hasn't been patched.

20 Sep 2008, 10:09
I'm having problems with the patch. I have installed it, but when I enter the game i still get a pop-up saying "there is a patch available, get it now or later?" if I click "yes" to get it now again it instantly says "patch downloaded, install?" and if I say install it takes me to InstallShield wizard. Once loaded the wizard tells me "the patch is already downloaded and installed, patch again anyway?"
I have installed and patched the patch twice now, but my Spore game is still utterly convinced that it hasn't been patched.
I'd reccomend clicking no to downloading the patch then.

20 Sep 2008, 10:19
I'd reccomend clicking no to downloading the patch then.

That's what i've had to do for a while. I still don't know if the patch has had an effect yet, maybe I should try one of the new style filters to check.

Anyway, it's time for the Rhyken civ reel!
EDIT: The forum seems to be counting thumbnail links as two images now instead of one. I'll try a different method...

My first city, simply called Terenthis City. There is a Golem Trade Tank parked outside. (http://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykenciv1economicjpegzf3.jpg)

Manticore Assault Tanks, doing what they do best. (http://img502.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykenciv2manticoresjpefg6.jpg)

Arbiter Prospect Tank probes, off to convert a city. (http://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykenciv3arbitersjpegwu1.jpg)

Ad Bltizing my own city, just for the lols. (http://img254.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykenciv4adblitzjpegdd9.jpg)

The final city falls! Rest in pieces. (http://img502.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rhykenciv5restinpiecesjfh3.jpg)

20 Sep 2008, 11:16
Also, that big grey-and-blue tower thing is my creation.
Pity you had to go and blow them up.

20 Sep 2008, 14:02
Since you're american: Which easy to find, common store can I get spore from other than bestbuy? :pEB Games? Wal Mart? Target? Circuit City? hell, Tiger Direct if they have any actual stores in your area.

20 Sep 2008, 14:48
Well, I've now finished a full set of Palisinas stuff, and put them in a Sporecast in case anyone wants to start a game with them. Link in my sig.

Also, Oft, if you made a Rhyken theme anthem, do you mind posting it here? I'm thinking of starting a Rhyken game soon.

20 Sep 2008, 15:59
I still haven't figured out what a "Sporecast" is supposed to be.

Metal Alex
20 Sep 2008, 16:32
I still haven't figured out what a "Sporecast" is supposed to be.

A collection of stuff made by someone that can include any sporepedia entry. Yours, or somebody else's.

The catch is that you can use those when starting a new game to have them in the game on a 100% preference.

Like a Sporecast on Asanits, from Plasma, would make you see Asanits EVERYWHERE.

20 Sep 2008, 16:42
A collection of stuff made by someone that can include any sporepedia entry. Yours, or somebody else's.

The catch is that you can use those when starting a new game to have them in the game on a 100% preference.

Like a Sporecast on Asanits, from Plasma, would make you see Asanits EVERYWHERE.
Actually, having a buddy or sporecast as a preference for a game will only make those creatures appear more often, not 100%.

Also, Sporecasts are good for organising stuff. For example, I plan on having multiple buildings and vehicles for the Palisinas so that I can have a choice when I place a colony, and it's a lot easier to just have a selection from the Palisinas already out than it is to have to go through them individually. Which is why I made the Palisinas sporecast.

20 Sep 2008, 18:49
Like a Sporecast on Asanits, from Plasma, would make you see Asanits EVERYWHERE.

As if I don't see them enough!

EDIT: I'm playing and these guys make me smile.


20 Sep 2008, 21:14
Posted here for ease of access:

Patch Notes:

New Cheat: "evoadvantage". Enter this cheat when are starting a new Creature game to choose any creature from the Sporepedia. Start a new game with one of your more evolved creatures!
Display part statistics when you are in Build mode. Rollover any part and hold down the 'i' key.
New Cheat: "blocksmode". Turns creatures into their blocky representations.
More style filters. Open the cheat window and type: "stylefilter -microscope" or "stylefilter -norainbows" or "stylefilter -nextgen" to see the new styles
Added 70 new planet scripts with a low terraform score, especially of the "hot and high atmosphere" type

Animation improvements
Improved the planets fogging, blooming and lighting
Fixed animation issues with tool handling, hand walking and some of the more oddly shaped creatures

Creature phase: Improved the pacing towards the end of the game, and increased the challenge in Normal and Hard modes.
Tribe phase: Increased the challenge in Normal and Hard difficulty modes.
Civilization phase: Increased the challenge in Normal and Hard difficulty modes.
Space phase: Made Empires in Easy and Normal modes demand reasonable amounts of money in exchange for peace and adjust the level of punishment if the player doesn’t pay
Space phase: Made disasters less likely to occur in Easy and Normal modes and increased the time between each attack from the enemy empire when the player is at war.

Creature phase: Improved the way posse members behave during threatening situations and fights.
Space phase: Made finding your home world and colonies easier in the Galactic view.
Tribe phase: Made it so that tribe members can travel on steep hills if they need to do so now, but their speed will be reduced a lot.
Fixed an issue with attacks not working on some bigger animals and larger animals not dying correctly
Fixed collect mission not completing correctly when all parts have been collected
Fixed problems with the "Rolling Thunder" and "D�j� Vu" achievements not being awarded as they should
Fixed floating parts not being deducted from the budget when loaded into creator
Fixed an issue with the rotation rings not resizing correctly when a part was resized and improved their look
Fixed an issue where the terraforming score of planet could differ when revisiting a solar system
Fixed the keyboard controls for zoom & pitch in the Colony Planner not working properly
Fixed a crash that could occur when watching an epic creature attack a city
Fixed some issues where the game would freeze when using the Creature Tweaker tool or when capturing a planet in solar view
Fixed an issue where not all tribe members would obey the raid order when a large group was ordered to raid
Fixed an issue where banning a creation from one of your other saved games would black out the main menu

20 Sep 2008, 23:01
If anyone has problems with invisible textures, missing visual effects or distorted sound, I found a possible solution on the Spore forum.
Set all your graphic and sound options to the lowest save and exit. Then start the game again and set your old values.

21 Sep 2008, 08:22
If anyone has problems with invisible textures, missing visual effects or distorted sound, I found a possible solution on the Spore forum.
Set all your graphic and sound options to the lowest save and exit. Then start the game again and set your old values.

I got that again, but this time it was in the space stage flying over a planet in the tribal stage. I saw the shadows, and the staff the chief carried, but not the creatures themselves. I'm on the lowest settings already, so I might try raising my settings a tad, but it happens so SPOREadically* I don't know that'll do much.

* :rolleyes:

21 Sep 2008, 09:30
Let's trace the evolutionary path of a little organism arbitrarily named "Skylant."

The single-cell saw a few different variations on the same basic philosophy, which they more or less retain even today: While generally peaceful and content to be left alone with their plant-based foodstuffs, they are more than capable of fighting back against aggressors. Nearly anything that tried to dine on them was met with a fairly savage poking.

The creature that slithered out of Agaandon's orange seas and onto dry land looked a lot like its bacterial ancestor on legs. Even its fin-like cilia remained more or less in place, its defensive spikes surviving as a barbed tail.

Evolution of more suitable land-dwelling mouthparts did not make the creature entirely more majestic.

Skylant began developing better posture and a more capable attack tail, its back fins also maturing into something more useful.

The coat suddenly took on a deeper hue, the rear legs evolving to facilitate fleeing from carnivores, and the spine on its head developing into the fin-like crest which would be a mainstay throughout the rest of its evolution.

21 Sep 2008, 09:43
Circumstances forced Skylant to evolve onto its rear legs, its newly-acquired hands allowing it to feed from taller trees and, again, to fight back savagely against threatening carnivores. Oddly, this change also sees its back fins merge into a single one.

Further development of the spike tail, and re-emerging of parallel back fins in addition to the straight fin already now present. Bony plate armor develops on the chest.

Bony armor extends to the upper arms. Extra fins develop on the elbows, which somehow aid its movement. Finally, the mouth evolves into something a bit more versatile, as do the hands.

The final recorded step of evolution includes a slightly taller, more erect posture, another evolution of the hands, and a lightening of color.

At this point, it adorns itself in a mask, some basic armor and an elaborate kilt, and begins to form the rudiments of society.

Ha... Whee. I love this.

21 Sep 2008, 09:59
http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/9039/youallneedmorefiberhs1.th.jpg (http://img255.imageshack.us/my.php?image=youallneedmorefiberhs1.jpg)
Tribal Skylant was all about making friends and having a good time, even managing to ally with some tribes which seemed determined to be its enemies.

http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/5074/thefriendlybrigadehp6.th.jpg (http://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=thefriendlybrigadehp6.jpg)
Music was clearly becoming a central part of the Skylants' way of life, and they became good at it.

Continuing to climb the ladder of intelligence, they have erected the beginning of a city...

http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8500/lanbotegy8.th.jpg (http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lanbotegy8.jpg)
...and engineered an unusual sort of land rover.

21 Sep 2008, 15:00
I fancied having a fiddle about with the Armour editor, so I made my own attempt at a Palisinas variation; the DarkPalisinas.

"The DarkPalisinas are the long-term consequence of the Palisninas empire sending MechPalisinas scouts to investigate the Grox."

I took the general idea of the MechPalisinas and went from there, they are quite well-covered compared to other Palisinas.
I am not going to submit these to the Sporepedia though, because I think I can do them much better. I think i'll try out Xspore's Assymetry mod on them, make them look more Grox-like.

21 Sep 2008, 15:48
Hahaha! Great little mod, this Asymmetry Mod (http://www.xspore.com/news/708_spore-asymmetry-mod.html).
You can turn it on or off by simply moving it's .package file in or out of the Data folder in the Spore directory. Apparantly, you can even submit things you made with it so long as the complexity meter is quite low.

21 Sep 2008, 16:13
I'll check out the patch now.

Also, do me a favour, rename it to MechPalisinas (I don't mind someone re-using the name, as long as it's still robotic looking) or ModPalisinas or something. I already have an idea for DarkPalisinas.

Oh, and I'm gonna have to remove the Palisinas Sporecast for now, I think. The in-game one is screwed up and won't let me search.

21 Sep 2008, 16:26
Also, do me a favour, rename it to MechPalisinas (I don't mind someone re-using the name, as long as it's still robotic looking) or ModPalisinas or something. I already have an idea for DarkPalisinas.

Um... that'll be kind of hard. Remember you can't rename dressed up creatures from their original creature name without having to remake them completely.
I don't think i'll submit them online anyway, unless you want me to.


21 Sep 2008, 16:48
Wow, this Asymmetry mod kicks ass! And best of all, the results still work on normal versions of the game!

Um... that'll be kind of hard. Remember you can't rename dressed up creatures from their original creature name without having to remake them completely.
I don't think i'll submit them online anyway, unless you want me to.
Ehh, with DarkPalisinas as the name, you're better off not.
But wait until I make my DarkPalisinas. Because I'm going or a Cyberpunk style, it shouldn't be too differe from your one there, if you want to modify it.
And if you do, host it online.

21 Sep 2008, 18:02

How did you do that? :eek:

21 Sep 2008, 18:07
How did you do that? :eek:

Using the Xspore Asymmetry Mod (http://www.xspore.com/news/708_spore-asymmetry-mod.html) if you had read the last few posts properly.

Anyway, to further test my Asymmetry mod skills, I made the Grex. They're my own version of the Grox from an alternate dimension.

21 Sep 2008, 18:26
Done! Meet DarkPalisinas, the tech-salvaging bandit Empire:
I went with a Menacing and Cyberpunk sort of theme for this one. Using a mix of symmetrical and asymmetrical pieces.
Oft, I think you can see what you should change in your one if you want to make it a DarkPalisinas. Namely, the details and coat colours are the very darkest bluest blue, the one in the bottom right corner. And don't make it too robotic-y. ...and ya might as well tie it in with salvaging Grox robotic technology and converting it to cybernetics.
Edit: Oh, and I didn't change the textures or anything. I just had the settings too low.

Saay, is anyone else having trouble with the server?

Also, try not to go too overboard with that mod. It doesn't produce a lot of favourable results unless you're going to put a lot of work into the creatures.
How did you do that? :eek:
Look up Asymmetry in a dictionary, then read the last few posts again.

21 Sep 2008, 18:34
Hahaha I just found this creature on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjvFmxGZ6zE&feature=related
It is epic win. XD

edit: holy nuts, this tops that by far: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovCxgjahbKI

22 Sep 2008, 07:15
Assymetry! Hooray! They should include the package in the normal spore, and add an option in the menu to tick on-off. They said it couldn't work, but it does!

Metal Alex
22 Sep 2008, 14:58
I'm loving this thingy! Here, a Raymanoid made with it. Gotta love it.

The Jester Raymanoid!
http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/4586/crejesterraymanoid0701cej4.th.jpg (http://img380.imageshack.us/my.php?image=crejesterraymanoid0701cej4.jpg)http://img380.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)

http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/2323/crejesterraymanoid0701cya8.th.jpg (http://img152.imageshack.us/my.php?image=crejesterraymanoid0701cya8.jpg)http://img152.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)

I need to make a raymanoid sporecast... If only the server stopped giving me error messages... :p

EDIT: meanwhile, grab/subscribe/see stuff from me HERE (http://www.spore.com/view/profile/MetalAlex)

22 Sep 2008, 17:46
Made an Asymmetry Video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOqki8DyXUo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOqki8DyXUo)

22 Sep 2008, 17:53
This is the second time I've had to re-install Windows recently! Another problem with files not being recognised.
My Spore game better not have been deleted! I had nearly made a safe path allowing other Empires to get to the Centre of the Galaxy while avoiding The Grox.

22 Sep 2008, 20:23
If you didn't delete your old user folder, you should be fine. They're in %APPDATA%\SPORE

22 Sep 2008, 21:26
What does Yahtzee have to say about Spore?

Let's find out! (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/218-Spore)

Oh, did I mention this is way more NSFW than usual? Short answer....

22 Sep 2008, 21:36
Don't worry, everything's back to normal. I've re-installed Windows and can run the game again.

If you didn't delete your old user folder, you should be fine. They're in %APPDATA%\SPORE
Yeah, I've stopped trusting my hard drive to not go corrupt now. Granted, it probably isn't the reason Windows keeps losing critical files for some reason, but whenever you get a variety of different errors asking you to CHKDSK, it's rarely a good thing.

23 Sep 2008, 08:02
Short answer....


Long answer:

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

23 Sep 2008, 08:56
If you didn't delete your old user folder, you should be fine. They're in %APPDATA%\SPORE
hahaha how i hate windows NT :) thats one of the main advantages of Windows 9x, programs store there configuration in there own folder. I seriously don't know why programs don't support multi users itself rather then always storing stuff on your windows partition.

23 Sep 2008, 21:54
hahaha how i hate windows NT :) thats one of the main advantages of Windows 9x, programs store there configuration in there own folder. I seriously don't know why programs don't support multi users itself rather then always storing stuff on your windows partition.It's more of a security thing than a multi-user thing (most games implement their own profiles anyways, but they'd be silly in Spore :p). Messing with Program Files (installations etc.) is usually reserved for admins, so Application Data is there so programs can write their own files (configs etc.) without needing special permissions.

24 Sep 2008, 00:07
Well, I have now sucessfully made a full bridge of colonies leading from the edge of the Grox base up to the very centre of the galaxy! This allows any and all later SaveGame empires to just waltz in and out without even encountering the Grox, let alone getting horribly shot up.

And, just to show how many colonies it took:
Keep in mind that that was the BARE MINIMUM!

24 Sep 2008, 08:08
How much did that venture cost?

Let's see, prices of colony kits range from $100,000 to $350,000...

24 Sep 2008, 08:56
Oh, forgot to mention: one thing I did notice is that the T1 planet of the solar system closest to the center of the galaxy didn't have a symbol indicating whether it was barren, had plants, or had animals. I think there might be an achievement related to it or something.
In any case, I didn't colonise it. I want to have my next SaveGame be the one to do that.

How much did that venture cost?

Let's see, prices of colony kits range from $100,000 to $350,000...
I'd say the whole thing cost a total of $50,000,000 to $75,000,000, because I had to put in things like Uperturrets and built up most of the colonies.

And hence is why it's not a good idea to try that if you're not using a cheating empire.

24 Sep 2008, 10:29
It's probably a "Storybook Planet".

24 Sep 2008, 16:35
How much did that venture cost?

Let's see, prices of colony kits range from $100,000 to $350,000...

I've seen them at 75 000.

24 Sep 2008, 18:24
Rhyken Space stage is going better for me than I ever could have dreamed. I'm interacting with as little empires as possible (meaning less empires to either be at war with me or call me back to fix eco distasters) but I have 6 allied empires. I have the Cloud Acumalator, the Cloud Vacuum, Heat Ray, Refridgerator Ray, uber turret, super auto cannon, mega laser, wormhole key and loads more besides. I have completely wiped out two warlike empires that annoyed me which I have never managed to do before. I have Only 13 colonies right now but 10 of those 13 have a T2 or T3 ecosystem that I formed by myself. I am in all, further than I was in my Gorok save game in terms of achievements and unlocks and did I mention this is ALL WITHOUT CHEATS!? Now that I'm not cheating i'm learning lots of gameplay techniques that you don't see when using cheats, like the importance of different types of spice and having good ecosystems on colonies so they produce lots of it. Soon I will go through a wormhole and make a new colony cluster closer to the centre of the galaxy. Hopefully I can one day get to it without cheats.

On another subject though, I have started another new save game to have a quick break from the Rhyken. This save game will be special because where my other savegames I have thought through alot in terms of their vehicles, buildings and how I play them, this new save I am starting will be the first where I am making up everything as I go. Also, this will be only the second time I have done the Cell and Creature stages since with all of my other saves except for the Goroks I have began at Tribe stage. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.
Expect to see pictures detailing my jorney quite soon.

EDIT: Also, Plasma: How do you see colony markers like that? I don't seem to see them in my game when I zoom out. Is it part of the patch?

EDIT2: Since it's on my mind, I thought I may as well show you the first few events of the cell stage that i've done so far now.

Cell stage gets off to a flying start. And by "flying" I mean "running away". (http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacell1flyingstartjug1.jpg)

As I ran away I ate what ever I could, after growing big enough I turned right arround and attacked him! (http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacell2growbiggeranvt1.jpg)

Now that's over, I can evolve in peace for the time being. (http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacell3evolvedjpegrr6.jpg)

Probiscus, baby! (http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacell4probiscusbablf3.jpg)

After evolving some poision sacs, I realised I was still in dire need of speed. I evolved a fan of fins which made me go faster, it also keeps the predators cool as they chase me. (http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacell5poisonousbutcs3.jpg)

Alas, having poison pumped into a predator's mouth as they chase me does not do anything to halt their advance. (http://img237.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacell6poisonpumpedfn3.jpg)

EDIT3: I got rid of the spikes to make way for more poison. (http://img528.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacell7morepoisonjpsl7.jpg) Poison is now my primary offensive attack. When a predator charges at me I swim in circles to create a cloud of poison arround me and then swim away. They often suffocate before they can touch me.

One last evoltuion of spikes and I'm ready for the Creature stage. (http://img409.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacell8onelastevolues9.jpg)

24 Sep 2008, 19:40
EDIT: Also, Plasma: How do you see colony markers like that? I don't seem to see them in my game when I zoom out. Is it part of the patch?
Yeah, that was one of the bigger updates with the patch. Really handy too.

25 Sep 2008, 04:55
Well, I have now sucessfully made a full bridge of colonies leading from the edge of the Grox base up to the very centre of the galaxy! This allows any and all later SaveGame empires to just waltz in and out without even encountering the Grox, let alone getting horribly shot up.

I haven't had any savegames interact yet, but so you see your own empires in your other files? What happens when you conquer the entire galaxy? You only see your own creatures with nothing new to conquer? And are the planets randomly generated, or is it only the creatures you encounter? And then when you create a new savegame after discovering the entire galaxy, do you take an uninhabited planet over, or does a new planet just come to be? And can you see the planets that are available as new savegames, or do they not appear until you start at them?

Or am I too interested in the little ways the space stage works?

25 Sep 2008, 09:14
Well, my computer has decided that all the recent problems weren't enough, so now it's decided to completely stop working altogether. Save for those little green lights telling you when its on and if Caps Lock is on and such.
So yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a hardware part thats blown, but its not beeping so I don't know which part.

but so you see your own empires in your other files?
You can meet them, but they count as regular empires. Except that you can't form trade routes with them and they're immune to biodisasters and enemy attacks.

What happens when you conquer the entire galaxy?
AHAHAHAHAHAH! Good luck with that one!
Just remember one thing:
"Space is big!"

And are the planets randomly generated?

And then when you create a new savegame after discovering the entire galaxy, do you take an uninhabited planet over, or does a new planet just come to be?
I think the latter.

And can you see the planets that are available as new savegames, or do they not appear until you start at them?
Dunno, didn't try looking for an unstarted savegame.

25 Sep 2008, 10:04
Well, my computer has decided that all the recent problems weren't enough, so now it's decided to completely stop working altogether. Save for those little green lights telling you when its on and if Caps Lock is on and such.
So yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a hardware part thats blown, but its not beeping so I don't know which part.

Reset the bios! Works every time :cool:

25 Sep 2008, 12:31
Reset the bios! Works every time :cool:
I'll try that when I get home then.

In any case, I think I should get a new compy anyway (here's the one I have my eye on) (http://www.realvg.org/forum/showthread.php?postid=9765#post9765). So since I'm here, I have a question:
What's the performance difference between these two processors?
Intel Pentium Dual Core Processor T3200 (2.0 GHz, 667 MHz FSB, 1 MB L2 cache)
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5750 (2.0 GHz, 667 MHz FSB, 2 MB L2 Cache) - €60 more

25 Sep 2008, 14:43
I'll try that when I get home then.

In any case, I think I should get a new compy anyway (here's the one I have my eye on) (http://www.realvg.org/forum/showthread.php?postid=9765#post9765). So since I'm here, I have a question:
What's the performance difference between these two processors?
Intel Pentium Dual Core Processor T3200 (2.0 GHz, 667 MHz FSB, 1 MB L2 cache)
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5750 (2.0 GHz, 667 MHz FSB, 2 MB L2 Cache) - �60 more

The second has a bigger number after the 'T', and is therefore better :p

But seriously, it has twice the cash. Probably worth the extra dosh depending what you use it for (games, I assume)

25 Sep 2008, 15:21
But seriously, it has twice the cash.
Is that � or $?

25 Sep 2008, 16:01
Is that � or $?


25 Sep 2008, 17:14
Reset the bios! Works every time :cool:
And y'know what? You were very much right!

Still gonna get a new compy though.

25 Sep 2008, 19:35
EA's getting lawsuited for including SecuROM on Spore. (http://www.xspore.com/news/712_ea-lawsuit-drm.html)

I am excited and satisfied at the same time as worried.
On the one hand SecuROM is technically legalised malware that EA could potentialy use to control our computers and it is bad that the game, it's installer, the web site or even the game manual state nothing of it's presense with the game what so ever.
On the other hand, this could affect alot of their company and the companies working for it. I hope it doesn't affect Maxis.

25 Sep 2008, 19:56
Here's a fun fact: I backed up the wrong files when I formatted my computer. One of those files I didn't back up was the Spore savegame. YAY RESET!

Although in fairness, I didn't really do much outside of the cheating game, and I want to be able to say that my new galaxy will be cheat-free, so it's fine I guess. Thank goodness for server-hosting your content!

Edit: Actually, I think I'll wait for my next compy before starting a serious game, and in the meantime I'll go ahead and try beat some of those achievements. EPIC HUNTING WE GO!

EA's getting lawsuited for including SecuROM on Spore. (http://www.xspore.com/news/712_ea-lawsuit-drm.html)

I am excited and satisfied at the same time as worried.
On the one hand SecuROM is technically legalised malware that EA could potentialy use to control our computers and it is bad that the game, it's installer, the web site or even the game manual state nothing of it's presense with the game what so ever.
On the other hand, this could affect alot of their company and the companies working for it. I hope it doesn't affect Maxis.
If the ones making the lawsuit win, then I'd say it would just be on the basis that it can't be installed.
Although I thought it would've been a smarter move to sue Sony rather than EA, considering they're the ones that made SecuROM. Or to have sued when SecuROM first started being an issue (BioShock, Sims2 and Mass Effect all had SecuROM).
Altogether, I don't think they have enough of a case to win a lawsuit over.

Edit: Wait, I thought the installer did say about it?

25 Sep 2008, 23:45
It probably does in the terms of agreement which most people don't read.
(I know I don't)

26 Sep 2008, 07:30
Here's a fun fact: I backed up the wrong files when I formatted my computer. One of those files I didn't back up was the Spore savegame. YAY RESET!

Although in fairness, I didn't really do much outside of the cheating game, and I want to be able to say that my new galaxy will be cheat-free, so it's fine I guess. Thank goodness for server-hosting your content!

Edit: Actually, I think I'll wait for my next compy before starting a serious game, and in the meantime I'll go ahead and try beat some of those achievements. EPIC HUNTING WE GO!

Aren't you going to be breaking your 5 install limit one of these days?...:p

26 Sep 2008, 08:36
Aren't you going to be breaking your 5 install limit one of these days?...:p
TTBOMK [squirrel!], re-installing on the same hardware doesn't count towards that limit.

26 Sep 2008, 08:45
Aren't you going to be breaking your 5 install limit one of these days?...:p
I'm not worried. I have a phone.

26 Sep 2008, 12:28
I'm not worried. I have a phone.
Well, it's not that you'd have a problem finding a phone or paying the extra charge for the call.
You could run into problems when it comes to proving to some call center desk jockey that you really purchased the game.

It's "guilty till proven innocent" with EA there, not the other, proper way round. :rolleyes:

26 Sep 2008, 16:29
This is freakin' awesome (http://kotaku.com/5055113/holy-crap-spore-created-starcraft-amazes-us)

26 Sep 2008, 16:34
I'm not worried. I have a phone.

You're going have to promise all your children, your dignity and most likely both your mortal and immortal life. Then you might stand a chance.

26 Sep 2008, 16:59
Oh ho ho, those krazy Koreans!

Well, it's not that you'd have a problem finding a phone or paying the extra charge for the call.
You could run into problems when it comes to proving to some call center desk jockey that you really purchased the game.

It's "guilty till proven innocent" with EA there, not the other, proper way round. :rolleyes:
In all seriousness, I haven't actually came across a comment about how EA did deny them the re-activation when called.

And yes, I do sense the irony in using the word 'seriousness'.

Alien King
26 Sep 2008, 18:16
It probably does in the terms of agreement which most people don't read.
(I know I don't)

I'm pretty sure it doesn't. If it does, that lawsuit will be shot down pretty quickly.
The problem with SecuROM has been around for a while, but the Install limit finally pushed it too far. And the method it uses for that install limit is stupid.

Such a program is completely unnecessary and achieves nothing positive. The same goes for the install limit, only more so.

26 Sep 2008, 22:41
never understood the point of install limits if all you have to do is call the company to get it extended...

27 Sep 2008, 10:29
never understood the point of install limits if all you have to do is call the company to get it extended...
I'm not too sure either. While in theory, it allows EA to check if the installs have been too close together suggesting piracy, and other such things, in practice it would be much simpler to make an algorithm that would decide that automatically.

27 Sep 2008, 10:37
I won't be doing an "everything Rhyken" series of posts in this thread because i've already put all of it in a sporecast (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-Oft99%7C2262790273%3Assc-500090126282).

And I actually can't post it here anyway because you see, I started making posts with the attachments but then I deleted the posts. Now I can't re-make the posts because the forum still regards those perticular attachments as already posted in the thread before. Why the hell does the "you can only post an atachment once" rule exist anyway? I think it's pointless, personaly.

27 Sep 2008, 11:23
I'm still waiting for the Rhyken Anthem, by the way.

27 Sep 2008, 13:11
I won't be doing an "everything Rhyken" series of posts in this thread because i've already put all of it in a sporecast (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-Oft99%7C2262790273%3Assc-500090126282).

And I actually can't post it here anyway because you see, I started making posts with the attachments but then I deleted the posts. Now I can't re-make the posts because the forum still regards those perticular attachments as already posted in the thread before. Why the hell does the "you can only post an atachment once" rule exist anyway? I think it's pointless, personaly. To prevent adding to the database when you can just link to old attachments. :p (or delete them through User CP > Attachments to reuse them elsewhere)

27 Sep 2008, 13:11
never understood the point of install limits if all you have to do is call the company to get it extended...
I'm not too sure either. While in theory, it allows EA to check if the installs have been too close together suggesting piracy, and other such things, in practice it would be much simpler to make an algorithm that would decide that automatically.
What are you babbling about?
You of course have to give them a proof of purchase and explain them why you have to install again.

One can wonder why they haven't made it like Steam, where you can only log in with your account in one location simultaneously.
And since they're also having an activation routine, that should have been enough.

But what they really try to prevent is the big business of reselling. They want to make it difficult for people to resell the games, as they can't get a slice from that.

Really, think about it.
Pirates use cracked copies so they don't have to bother about installs anyway.
EA are well aware of that situation, so an installation limit surely has no sense at all against pirates.

27 Sep 2008, 13:34
What are you babbling about?
You of course have to give them a proof of purchase and explain them why you have to install again.
Oooh, right, yes, that'd make more sense.

Really, think about it.
Pirates use cracked copies so they don't have to bother about installs anyway.
EA are well aware of that situation, so an installation limit surely has no sense at all against pirates.
Pirates can't play online because of that limit too, y'know. Trying to connect online at all will also cause an auntentification, which'll lock the game.

27 Sep 2008, 14:10
I'm still waiting for the Rhyken Anthem, by the way.

It isn't very good and changes alot, but here you go anyway. It isn't actually their anthem, just a sort of "theme" for their cities.

27 Sep 2008, 14:15
What are you babbling about?
You of course have to give them a proof of purchase and explain them why you have to install again.yes, but you can validate the game automatically, proving no more or less reliably that you are the owner of the game. when you call all you do is explain why you need to install again but you can come up with any number of sensible excuses that no one can prove. making this process require a tech support person does nothing but senselessly prolong the process without providing any added measures of security. all the tracking can easily be automated.

27 Sep 2008, 15:51
Pirates can't play online because of that limit too, y'know. Trying to connect online at all will also cause an auntentification, which'll lock the game.No it won't, otherwise everyone would've been locked during the serial fiasco (http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/spore-technical-support/334993-my-code-invalid.html).

27 Sep 2008, 15:58
I thought it was different for when your install limit was up though.

And I was one of those people in the serial fiasco, remember.

27 Sep 2008, 16:04
Pirates are well aware that they won't be playing with the online features without a valid key.
That's how it is with all online games.

My point is, this whole 3-install limit is utter useless since there is already the CD-key feature to limit the online features to one purchased copy with a valid key.

Too bad for EA that their game is a single-player game which doesn't really need the online features if you think of it.
You don't have such issues in server-based MMORPG games like World Of Warcraft.

It seems to me that EA just tried to enforce the same standards of a MMO game onto a (basically) offline, single-player game. :rolleyes:

Metal Alex
27 Sep 2008, 16:51
Changing the subject for a bit, I managed to kill an epic.

On Criature stage :cool:

My strategy was simple: Lure the epic to my nest. And spit at it :p

The fun thing is that while it was busy killing my fellow freaks, I was spitting it from far. Until the massive thing realised, and started to chase me. Then, I'd die. AND BORN BELOW IT! It was quite amusing seeing your mommy taking care of you while a gigantic thing was about to step on me. After around 25 deaths, I managed to kill it, and got like 1/8 of the total DNA needed to get to tribal stage. And an epic meal :cool:

It was odd seeing so many corpses of my own self, though.

27 Sep 2008, 16:58
The epics I come up against seem to almost always be Splapp's Creepycrapper.

27 Sep 2008, 17:09
I met an epic on my second game. It just grabbed me and threw me away. And then I got an achievement for flying 200 meters or something like that. :p

27 Sep 2008, 18:05
Epics just like following me. I met two in the Creature stage, one of the two popped up again in Tribal (and was eventually killed by a neighbour), and a third one decided to NOM one of my vehicles in Civ. And I'm still on my first game.

27 Sep 2008, 18:31
I found one that didn't entirely hate me because I had befriended the smaller ones. Though it ignored me most the time anyway. He was pretty useful when I was being chased by a pack. I would just go stand by him and they'd all run away. He was just like "Hey you're cool I'll just go step on these guys."
I have pictures :D


That was the original species and here's one of the Epic.

Oh, and has anyone else caught the wild animals doing lines?


27 Sep 2008, 19:12
Kels, would it be too much to just ask that you re-size images before hosting them? Or set resizing options when hosting?

I met an epic on my second game. It just grabbed me and threw me away. And then I got an achievement for flying 200 meters or something like that. :p
I got that achievement by upgrading to wing level 5, and jumping off a ridiculously high mountain. It was a bit excessive, but I like to be sure. (oh, and don't try fly across the sea, it won't work).

And Paul, how many Ships on Legs did you make so far? :D


Edit again: Here's Robia (cell) and Atakata (cell). I'm uploading it here because my next post already went over the allotted image limit.

28 Sep 2008, 06:51
Yeah sorry, but I must've misread the size when I uploaded them...

28 Sep 2008, 08:38


28 Sep 2008, 11:26
Right I've started on Hard mode now. And so far it is living up to it's name. I'm only up to the Creature Stage so far because the Cell Stage took me a rather long flipping time.

28 Sep 2008, 11:46
I found this pic hilarious! And before you ask, yes, it's fake.
Although it wouldn't be as funny for those of you who didn't look up the secret achievements...

And below is the un-hosted material I made. I'm putting them up here for anyone that wants to download them. Including me, when I get my new compy. Remember that, if you want your My Spore Creations folder to be only full of your stuff, then you can put them in there, run the game one, then delete them.
(Left to right: Palisinas (cell), Pamerite (cell), Palisinas Anthem, Pamerite Anthem, Golden Asanitopis Anthem)

29 Sep 2008, 10:22
http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/4757/spore20080928040658bt3.th.png (http://img522.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spore20080928040658bt3.png)

Pretty proud of that shot.

29 Sep 2008, 14:15
Is it possible to make my allies ally with each other?

One of them keep attacking the other. :-/

Metal Alex
29 Sep 2008, 14:27
Is it possible to make my allies ally with each other?

One of them keep attacking the other. :-/

Just pray so they don't ask for your help...

29 Sep 2008, 20:42
Yeah I keep getting distress calls from both sides of wars since I pretty much ally with everyone. But eventually one of them kills off the other so I don't really give a crap. :p

Once you actually get a foothold in Space stage, it becomes extremely easy. I've bought the all mighty MEGA LASORZ which vanquishes all my foes, and got the ammoless tools to terraform any planet into T3 easily, and I've already reached All-Powerful rank. (no cheats) I guess all that's left now is to head into the center of the galaxy... *gulp*

I still have an extremely hard time making money though, specially since there's no auto-trading and I can't buy any systems for under 3m.

Metal Alex
29 Sep 2008, 22:13
I still have an extremely hard time making money though, specially since there's no auto-trading and I can't buy any systems for under 3m.

If you are a trader, there's a skill that lets you buy it immediatly after starting the trade route.

Since I'm a Shaman, I only have the trip back home, though :p

29 Sep 2008, 22:40
If you are a trader, there's a skill that lets you buy it immediatly after starting the trade route.
If you're a Zealot, you don't even have to buy it, you can just get it automatically.
But I'm pretty sure it ****es of the neighbouring Empires.

30 Sep 2008, 07:18
Yeah, the Zealot superpower breaks galactic code. What I find effective is using the Mega Bomb and just destroying cities until they let you capture the system. Then, find another empire and try to get a trade route going.

30 Sep 2008, 19:28
So I decided to play on hard as a carnivore, and I'm much preferring the game this time around. The difficulty feels just right - it's tricky, but not impossible. Easy was way too easy, and I decided to skip normal. So far I just got to the end of creature phase so we'll see how the difficulty of the rest turns out.

Change in circumstance causes evolution

Form factor evolves to become slightly more suited to land

Evolves new coat of fur, more suitable horn, and more suitable eyes.

Becomes a more ferocious killing machine.

Change of circumstance causes frikin' HANDS (and loss of the old middle horn)

I LOVE creatures with really short legs and the way they scurry as they try to run.

1 Oct 2008, 18:54
Okay,so how do I fix this?

http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/2536/sporeproblemmw2.png (http://imageshack.us)
http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/sporeproblemmw2.png/1/w413.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img524/sporeproblemmw2.png/1/)


1 Oct 2008, 19:01
Try saving three different creatures: one in build mode, one in paint mode, one in Test Drive, and see if the problem pops up for one of those.
If it does, repeat. If it does again with similar results, then don't save in whatever mode that was.

1 Oct 2008, 19:20
Report this bug to the Spore team: I get it too now.

1 Oct 2008, 19:26
After a bit of testing it seems like it happens when I dress a creature. If I make the creature walk down from the "platform" and then up on it again in test drive, and then save it in any mode, the bug occurs.

Managed to delete my last post,here it is again. :p

Report this bug to the Spore team: I get it too now.

I'll do that.

1 Oct 2008, 19:35
Okay,so how do I fix this?


That bug seems to be popping up everyone now, it seems. Don't worry, it doesn't affect the creature or it's download.

It's time for the make-it-up-as-i-go savegame reel! And some proper info about it:

Race: Terroa
Home planet: Coryn
Starting stage: Cell
Difficulty: Normal
Description: This is the first save game i've done where nothing is planned or organised in advance, everything is mayde up as I go.

Alot of pictures here, twenty plus, it took me ages to turn them all into JPEGs.

My first friend was called "Finster". (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature1firstfriuz0.jpg)

Then I met these creatures with really weird looking eggs. (http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature2weirdjpeoa9.jpg) I tried and failed to befriend them at the time.

Here is an early Terroa trying to befriend a Sinimatius. (http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature3sinimatisz2.jpg)

The first species I tried to attack were these purple dudes. It didn't go well. RUN AWAY! (http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature4runawayfbw9.jpg) (My poor old Finster friend died after this, too!)
After barely surviving with very little health, by the time I get back to my nest to heal I get attacked again by a pack of other creatures, at least I had my nest mates to fight along side this time.

From now on, I'll only recruit my own species as posse members. (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature6friendofqj4.jpg)

With new posse members at my side I try to befriend another species...and fail. (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature7outofmylic5.jpg)

Then I have another attempt at those purple dudes, and fail. RUN AWAY!...again. (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature8runawayawo2.jpg)

Four attempts it took me to finaly extinct those purple buggers, four attempts!
Victory tastes good...as do their corpses. (http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature9fourattepf4.jpg)

It seems that everything I run in to wants to kill me.
I have a good tactic for killing these guys, roar to scare them all off and kill the remaining ones that refuse to run. (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature10scarethjb2.jpg)

Maaaan! These hippy creatures look real coooool! (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature11hippiesce1.jpg)

The first creature I come across of my own creation is the Smichila. I got this really nice picture of one doing a very fitting pose. (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature12smichilaj7.jpg)

I eventually catch up with the others of my species who migrated a while ago, I make one evolution and then they imediately migrate again! (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature13anotherzi5.jpg)

From here on I don't take pictures of my entire progress because otherwise I'd be here forever. The rest of pictures from now on are just a reel full of only the interesting stuff that happened.

I was trying to befriend a species but then these weird asanit like things crashed the party! (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature15weirdasrg9.jpg)

I was about to befriend the last alpha of a species for the unlocks but then a UFO comes and abducts him! (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature16lastalpgt1.jpg) It was impossible to befriend any of them after that since they started panicing and running about everywhere.

I find this really cool zigguratt cut into the rock covered and surrounded by cool statues. (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature17statuetjj8.jpg) I'll probbaly use it as my wallpaper some day.

Some Terroa fighting some wild Tame Asanits. (http://img527.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature18tameasaxz0.jpg) (Yes, I am aware of the contradiction there.)

Ahh, I'm drowning! ...in a sea of pink glitchyness. (http://img527.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature19glitchaju1.jpg)

Here's a cool crashed meteor I found. (http://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature20meteorjtp6.jpg)

At this point I go looking for an epic to kill for the achievement. I spent ages looking.
Hunting for epics is like waiting for a bus. You spend ages waiting for one and then suddenly two come along. (http://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature21likewaieg5.jpg)

I lure it back to my nest for slaughtering.
Ummm... not the ideal birthplace, mate. (http://img357.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature22notanidju5.jpg)

When the epic stood on the nest to attack my nest mates, it glitched and got stuck. (http://img357.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature23epicglizz1.jpg) From then on all it did was glitch about and roar on the spot...talk about easy!

Yay! (http://img357.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature24yayjpegpi7.jpg)

Are they really telekinetic, or is it just an illusion? (http://img354.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature25telekinbh1.jpg)

Woah, glad that's over. Took a while.

1 Oct 2008, 19:43
That bug seems to be popping up everyone now, it seems. Don't worry, it doesn't affect the creature or it's download.

Yeah,I know,but it looks very ugly.

1 Oct 2008, 20:29
Really? You haven't played one without an advanced plan before? Out of my five, the only one I had that did use a plan was the Golden Asanits!

I think those weird egg things are actually cocoons of some sort. They certainly aren't edible like eggs are.
And they still creep me out.

Here is an early Terroa trying to befriend a Sinimatius. (http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature3sinimatisz2.jpg)

I was trying to befriend a species but then these weird asanit like things crashed the party! (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature15weirdasrg9.jpg)
But not Asanits. They are, however, physical manifestations of Spikes.

[QUOTE=Oft99;670924]Some Terroa fighting some wild Tame Asanits. (http://img527.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature18tameasaxz0.jpg) (Yes, I am aware of the contradiction there.)

When the epic stood on the nest to attack my nest mates, it glitched and got stuck. (http://img357.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature23epicglizz1.jpg) From then on all it did was glitch about and roar on the spot...talk about easy!

Yay! (http://img357.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature24yayjpegpi7.jpg)
Err... well, it was mine.

Are they really telekinetic, or is it just an illusion? (http://img354.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroacreature25telekinbh1.jpg)
Also mine. And I love those guys!

1 Oct 2008, 20:48
After the events told of in my previous posts I had reached the tribe stage but didn't advance. I stayed in the creature stage and went about getting a few achievements, namely "Foe" and "Everyone's BFF". after getting them I took a look at my timeline and was shocked at the fact that after my toiling to reach Tribe stage with the line finishing in the blue section, it had gone all the way down to rock bottom of the red section. I somehow thought that the timeline stops updating after you unlock the next stage but I was very wrong. I went back to an earlier part of the map and befriended everything that didn't attack me. After bfriending what was about 25 new creatures, I realised the timeline wasn't moving now that it was at the bottom of aggressive status. I gave up and advanced to tribe.

On that subject, I find it ever so slightly annoying that after finsihsing cell stage, in the creature stage you will only unlock mouths of the diet type that you finished cell in. The final evolution of Terroa still has the proboscis mouth.

2 Oct 2008, 09:31
The final evolution of Terroa still has the proboscis mouth.
Well what was wrong with the other 16 mouthes you could have? You did say that you hadn't a planned creature, after all.

Edit: wait, what were you doing getting 'foe' with a Proboscis mouth in the first place?

2 Oct 2008, 15:20
I just noticed I never finished that Golden Asanitopis story.

And I don't intend to. Instead, have a collection of my favourite pics from the SaveGame.

These little guys can't even see over their own food! (http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9707/spore20080915203228ke2.png)

...The Palisinas are obviously not known for their driving skills. (http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/7466/spore20080915203704fk6.png)

Paul's Eric creature is back, and looking pretty smug with himself!
...I got him back. (http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9651/spore20080915205728mn2.png)

Can love blossom on the battlefield? (http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/1302/spore20080915210806sz4.png)

Into Civ Stage:

The Palisinas ship is still there, relatively unscratched! (http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/526/spore20080916204514el5.png)

Also found a meteorite on my travels too. (http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/3430/spore20080916204924ud8.png)

The Golden Asanitopis take a more agressive tactic this time. Mainly, a BRUTE-FORCE-TO-THE-HEAD tactic! (http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/8618/spore20080916212416tc6.png)

City goes bye-bye. (http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/9055/spore20080916212444du0.png)

I take on the last city now.
This pic needs a "Ride of the Valkyres" tune! (http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8945/spore20080916213909fi5.png)

A completed city, Golden style! (http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/5422/spore20080916214925zm0.png)

Into Space Stage:

Found a statue of... something! (http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/4776/spore20080916235821kv3.png)

That ship is still there? Gods, it must have reallly though armour, considering it's managed to survive for thousands of years! (http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/7220/spore20080916235847zv5.png)

As I prepare for my trip into space, I take a look at one of the moons I'll be exploring to.
This planet needs better moons. (http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/5305/spore20080916235904lu9.png)

...err, I had more pictures here, but Imageshack doesn't like hosting them. Seriously, doesn't anyone know of a better image-hosting site?

Anyway, moving on to other stuff:

Back in my Palisinas game, I come across the same rock formation as in Oft's game there. (http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/1121/spore20080919181825cr8.png)

I also come across a completely barron ice planet! Woo! (http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/5236/spore20080922204631yi9.png)

I don't believe I posted much about my Robia game. So here's... some feet I encountered. (http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/7738/spore20080919234734ua1.png)

And here's the Epic who owns the foot. That is one friggin' big creature there! (http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3438/spore20080919234744bh2.png)

I make friends with a Rogue. Whee! (http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4348/spore20080920003543uw2.png)

There weren't any Erics on this planet, so I had to settle with picking on Metal Alex's creature. (http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/1900/spore20080920004101vh0.png)

And in my most-recent Atakata game, I come across some familiar faces! Man, those guys pop up everywhere! (http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/7174/spore20080930203158nu3.png)

I think this Asanit has a bit of Tribe stuck on its foot. (http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/4107/spore20080930203219mz1.png)

And that's all the unshown pictures worth showing up to date. Or, at least the ones imageshack would actually let me upload...

2 Oct 2008, 17:17
Well what was wrong with the other 16 mouthes you could have?

I finished cell stage as a carnivore even though I had the omnivore mouth so I only unlocked 12 extra mouths, all carnivore, but I really wanted to stay as an omnivore because being able to eat fruit was convenient.

2 Oct 2008, 18:07
I finished cell stage as a carnivore even though I had the omnivore mouth so I only unlocked 12 extra mouths, all carnivore, but I really wanted to stay as an omnivore because being able to eat fruit was convenient.

I finished with both mouths on my creature (herbivoire and carnivoire) but it would only unlock the carnivore mouths.

2 Oct 2008, 18:16
I finished with both mouths on my creature (herbivoire and carnivoire) but it would only unlock the carnivore mouths.

It does that because it only unlocks mouths from the category your timeline finished in by the end of cell stage, something I just found out. Kind of annoying.

2 Oct 2008, 18:17
Here's a question: does anyone know if its possible to encounter one of your previous Cell Stage creatures in the Cell Stage? I mean, aside from the multiples of your own creature.

Alien King
2 Oct 2008, 18:21
I don't think so. Cell creatures are not shared at all.

2 Oct 2008, 18:33
No, if you notice, it's the same cells every time you play.

2 Oct 2008, 18:45
No, if you notice, it's the same cells every time you play.
Yes, but at the same time I haven't played a cell stage with more than two non-maxis microbes in it.

2 Oct 2008, 19:02
That's what I'm saying. The cell stage has no pollinated content. It's always the same Maxis cells too.

2 Oct 2008, 19:53
Land ho! We have another silly design flaw!

That's cause they had to guarantee that all the creatures you encounter could accumulatively give you all the cell parts, one by one. If there were some procedural variety, that guarantee would not be true.
That said, yes, they could have just implemented some code to make sure that the only creatures would be ones that excusively have each part.

Maaaxis... :(

2 Oct 2008, 20:14
Land ho! We have another silly design flaw!

That's cause they had to guarantee that all the creatures you encounter could accumulatively give you all the cell parts, one by one. If there were some procedural variety, that guarantee would not be true.
That said, yes, they could have just implemented some code to make sure that the only creatures would be ones that excusively have each part.

Maaaxis... :(
Well, the big problem I can think of is for 'invulnerable' creatures. Ie: creatures that are surrounded with spikes or mouthes so much that you can't kill them with spikes or mouthes.

Or it could just be a case of that they didn't bother trying to go through all the trouble of introducing custom creatures to that stage because it would require too much effort for a 15-minute stage.

2 Oct 2008, 21:19
I finished cell stage as a carnivore even though I had the omnivore mouth so I only unlocked 12 extra mouths, all carnivore, but I really wanted to stay as an omnivore because being able to eat fruit was convenient.

What I did when I had that trouble was keep the proboscis mouth and add another carnivore mouth. Then I stuffed the proboscis mouth inside the carnivore mouth so that it wouldn't be noticeable.

2 Oct 2008, 21:32
What I did when I had that trouble was keep the proboscis mouth and add another carnivore mouth. Then I stuffed the proboscis mouth inside the carnivore mouth so that it wouldn't be noticeable.

Good idea, I should have thought of that.

3 Oct 2008, 07:40
I disguised my proboscii in feathers. So there's a bird thing with proboscii in its wings now.

4 Oct 2008, 20:32
Ok, so still playing on Hard, the Tribal phase was pretty dang easy. So I get to civ stage, and I'm expecting it to be easy, but it was freaking MURDER. Mostly because I was just being stupid. One city asked to establish a trade route, and then later they attacked my neighbour. I decided I'd be nice and help the friendly nation by attacking the neighbor too. We failed and then I saved because I'm a freaking idiot. My neighbor proceeded to hate me forever, and took over a number of other cities before I could do anything, so I had this huge neighbor who hated me.

And so they decided to kill me. And there was very little I could do about that - I'd been slacking on getting money because I was cocky after the tribe phase, and because I'm stupid. And there's no way to restart the civ. phase, so I was basically screwed. I eventually managed to capture one of the defenseless cities my neighour had just conquered a few seconds prior, and managed to hold off their forces. I lost my starting city, but I was at least back in the game. But most of you have probably realized that your starting city has the most room for buildings. So I basically had room for about 4 buildings before the city was maxed out.

And then they kept trying to kill me, and there was nothing I could do about it and no way to fund this war. And by this point they'd started using aircraft, so I was getting slaughtered. And so as a last resort, I used money cheats to build turrets. And lots of them. To replace the one that was destroyed every few seconds. The attacks were relentless, but now that I didn't have to worry about protecting my base anymore I managed to create a ground force and reclaim my home city. At which point I was able to make tons of money, enough to replace the turrets on my own without cheats, and I managed to complete the rest of the stage with relative ease.

In conclusion: Civ stage in hard mode isn't too bad as long as you don't save after doing something stupid... (they really should have set it so when you lose it restarts the civ stage, and if you want to load from last save you do that manually, or had at least some type of "restart phase" option somewhere...)

4 Oct 2008, 21:36
Okay, some people didn't listen to me the first time, so I'll say it again:
The Asymmetry Mod should not be used when making a creation from scratch! It should only be used to add extra detail to a creation made or half-made without the mod; or on the odd occasion for creature outfits, as long as you don't go overboard with it.

4 Oct 2008, 22:33
Okay, some people didn't listen to me the first time, so I'll say it again:
The Asymmetry Mod should not be used when making a creation from scratch! It should only be used to add extra detail to a creation made or half-made without the mod; or on the odd occasion for creature outfits, as long as you don't go overboard with it.
What I read on the Sporum, you can do it from scratch, but you can't max out the complexity.
Before sharing the creature online, you need to remove the mod, launch the game unmodded and see if your asymmetric creature hasn't reached the maximum complexity.

That means you have to slowly approach the limit by checking on your creature in an unmodded game.

4 Oct 2008, 23:29
What I read on the Sporum, you can do it from scratch, but you can't max out the complexity.
Before sharing the creature online, you need to remove the mod, launch the game unmodded and see if your asymmetric creature hasn't reached the maximum complexity.

That means you have to slowly approach the limit by checking on your creature in an unmodded game.
Alternatively, you could just try and upload it and see if there's a box for comments where there normally is. A creation that failed to upload won't have a comment box for it.

But that wasn't what I meant. When I said don't do it from scratch, I meant that the creations often end up horrible from it! And the amount of times I saw backwards-moving wheels as a result...

Metal Alex
5 Oct 2008, 00:18
BAD DR. WHO! BAD! he abduced my animals!

Behold... I found... PLANET LOL.


By the way, what was the hotkey for snapshots? I managed to leave my manual in a very far away place :p I'd love to make non-glitchy images, and not full of spanish everywhere :p

5 Oct 2008, 07:19
by the way, what was the hotkey for snapshots? I managed to leave my manual in a very far away place :p i'd love to make non-glitchy images, and not full of spanish everywhere :p

c .

5 Oct 2008, 10:58
Because of the many problems I have been encountering, i've decided that some time soon I'm going to re-install my Spore, but I want to keep my savegames.
Does anyone here know exactly what files do I back up and what do I do with the backed up files once the game is re-installed? Where do I put them/what do I replace with them?
Any help anyone can give me i'd be greatfull for, this patch not working thing is really starting to annoy me (I'm also encountering a load of bugs in the editors which I have not mentioned here yet. I even encounter them in the creature editor even though I didn't get them when I had the stand-alone creature creator).

EDIT: I'm using Vista.

5 Oct 2008, 12:17
If you're using XP, I believe you copy everything inside:

C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\SPORE

Application Data is a hidden folder, by the way.

Edit: Wait, I thought when uninstalling it asked if you want to keep save data, right?

5 Oct 2008, 12:30
Edit: Wait, I thought when uninstalling it asked if you want to keep save data, right?

I want to know that for sure before I try it.
Also, i'm using Vista. ...And I hate it. I miss XP.

5 Oct 2008, 12:32
I want to know that for sure before I try it.
Also, i'm using Vista. ...And I hate it. I miss XP.
Try doing a search for GraphicsCache.Package or Pollination.Package or MVJCache.

5 Oct 2008, 12:51
Found it! I've backed up everything in:

Anything else I should do?

5 Oct 2008, 13:23
Found it! I've backed up everything in:

Anything else I should do?
Back up the entire AppData/Roaming/SPORE folder. Those Package files contain the loaded creatures and planets. The savefile only has the settings specific for that Empire, and won't work without the other files.

Also, if you want, back up the good animations in the My Documents/My Spore Creations folder. It's quite entertaining to look back at how you made your creations.

Metal Alex
5 Oct 2008, 13:53
Getting achievements is FUN.

Specially the odd ones...

-Bad Baby: Get a creation banned.
-That explains the dick creature I made.

-Coronel Custer: Get 30 allies to their deaths in creature stage.
-*Evil grin

-Pathological cheater: Get 50 Joker Badges. (seems to be prven)
-This one's going to be looong... Apparently, it's on different savestates.

5 Oct 2008, 14:08
Backed up the entire AppData/Roaming/SPORE folder and my My Creatiosn folder just in case. I'll begin the uninstall and reinstall now, I think.

5 Oct 2008, 14:18
and my My Creatiosn folder just in case.
For future reference, when re-installing the game, if you don't already have a backed up SPORE folder there, the game will automatically download all your creatures uploaded online, and into the My Creations section of the Sporepedia.

5 Oct 2008, 15:07
Game re-installed! When I loaded it up everything was still in place. My savegames, all downloads and also my options. Then I re-downloaded and re-installed the patch and...I still doesn't work. In all: Absolutely nothing has changed since the re-install. How damn annoying. :mad:

5 Oct 2008, 15:42
BAD DR. WHO! BAD! he abduced my animals!

Behold... I found... PLANET LOL.


By the way, what was the hotkey for snapshots? I managed to leave my manual in a very far away place :p I'd love to make non-glitchy images, and not full of spanish everywhere :pC. The only problem is it removes the HUD so you couldn't screenshot things like the "Lol" with it. :p

5 Oct 2008, 15:54
C. The only problem is it removes the HUD so you couldn't screenshot things like the "Lol" with it. :p
ctrl + shift + C -> toggleCaptureUI
Makes all screenshots include the HUD.

(I don't know the exact spelling of that command, look it up with 'help')
(also, it's not a cheat)

5 Oct 2008, 15:54
BAD DR. WHO! BAD! he abduced my animals!Brilliant.

6 Oct 2008, 17:06
Forgot to mention: Oft, I think the problem with wheels not showing up on your track parts is a result of having Lighting settings on high.

6 Oct 2008, 19:41
Forgot to mention: Oft, I think the problem with wheels not showing up on your track parts is a result of having Lighting settings on high.

By golly, he's right!
I salute you for your advice, good sir!

6 Oct 2008, 22:19
For anyone whose interested, I wrote a 4,000 word review of Spore on the RealVG forum (http://www.realvg.org/forum/showthread.php?t=951). Because I had some time.

By golly, he's right!
I salute you for your advice, good sir!
Yeah, I found that out when I set all my settings to max, to see if it would make the blurry texture problem or the black highlights where there shouldn't be problem go away.

7 Oct 2008, 10:50
For anyone whose interested, I wrote a 4,000 word review of Spore on the RealVG forum (http://www.realvg.org/forum/showthread.php?t=951). Because I had some time.

Yeah, I found that out when I set all my settings to max, to see if it would make the blurry texture problem or the black highlights where there shouldn't be problem go away.

I'd go through quoting bits stating what ridiculous nonsense they are. But 4000 words? **** that. Maybe Ill pick a few particularly stupid bits out later on. For now all Ill say is:
like five games, each one linked to the ones before it.
Yeah... linked is exactly the word I would have used there...

7 Oct 2008, 12:15
But 4000 words? **** that.
Yeah, being in college means I have a lot of free time to burn, with nothing to do but unlimited access to the computer lab.

Yeah... linked is exactly the word I would have used there...
Well, what would you say there?

7 Oct 2008, 13:13
Yeah, being in college means I have a lot of free time to burn, with nothing to do but unlimited access to the computer lab.
Actually I meant I just couldnt be bothered to read, let alone quote, all 4000 words, regardless of the ridiculous amount of time I have 'available'

Well, what would you say there?
Err... completely seperate?

8 Oct 2008, 07:03
Looking online, I see what you mean about the untextured vehicles, but at the same time I know I've made some untextured WIP vehicles that end up getting uploaded in that fashion.

The animations it makes are really fun. I just strung together all the animations it made as I was making the Zifla race. Warning, .gif animation is 1.27MB in size (http://brian.kentosh.com/spore/Zifla.gif). I tried optimizing it, but I couldn't get the size down more than 5%, so I didn't bother.

8 Oct 2008, 14:00
It seems that adding
to your SporeApp.exe (link) greatly helps with the sluggish response and audio lag I have been experiencing since I applied the patch.

And I read somewhere that it helps to enter your in-game Sporepedia for about 30 seconds when you start up the game to prevent invisible creatures. (Seems to be a loading problem.)

8 Oct 2008, 17:20
Whenever I had invisible creatures, it was just because they hadn't loaded yet, and after a few seconds they'd become visible. It was only in the Space stage though.
Also, they were still abductable and killable, had yellow trails when they're supposed to, and were still detectable with the radar. It was just the model loading too slowly.

Also, fun stuff: when I entered Space stage in one of my games, I found an Epic on my own planet that wasn't one of the nine creature types on it! Don't ask me what that was about.
Also, it killed another Epic at the time.

Edit: Bollocks, Dell was slow with building the new compy! It's now estimated to arrive on or before the 28th, another 17 days extra than planned!
But I suspect it to come sooner than that. The date chosen is exactly one month from when I ordered, and is most likely chosen so high as a failsafe rather than an estimate.

8 Oct 2008, 17:28
Iv'e just got Spore, but it doesn't work on this PC, (Graphics not at best) So Ill have to continue using the one next door, which has improved graphics, and I'll have to wrestle with the rest of the family for it.

However, the little I have seen of it is good. it is a decent game, provided it works.

8 Oct 2008, 19:08
I've just made a desicion that I'm not entirely happy with the look of the Rhyken Buildings. Some time soon I may revise the colour scheme and i'll be redesigning the house building completely.

9 Oct 2008, 00:17
Whenever I had invisible creatures, it was just because they hadn't loaded yet, and after a few seconds they'd become visible. It was only in the Space stage though.
Also, they were still abductable and killable, had yellow trails when they're supposed to, and were still detectable with the radar. It was just the model loading too slowly.Why don't they just use a placeholder model while it loads, like the planets? (which are the only things I've experienced slow loading with)

9 Oct 2008, 00:20
Why don't they just use a placeholder model while it loads, like the planets? (which are the only things I've experienced slow loading with)
Because it's rare, and only happens if I rush into the planet, and on my crappy comp. There's not really a need for a placeholder.

Metal Alex
9 Oct 2008, 01:51
Why don't they just use a placeholder model while it loads, like the planets? (which are the only things I've experienced slow loading with)

The only problem with that is that all planets are round, while creatures are... well, ODD. Would the placeholder have 2 legs? or 20?

9 Oct 2008, 13:56
Would the placeholder have 2 legs? or 20?

It wouldnt matter. Just make it an obvious placeholder (ie. grey) and then pick a shape to stick. It wouldnt matter that it wouldnt look anything like most creatures and it wouldnt matter that people would make immitations of placeholders. Its just so you can see where creatures are.

Metal Alex
9 Oct 2008, 14:08
It wouldnt matter. Just make it an obvious placeholder (ie. grey) and then pick a shape to stick. It wouldnt matter that it wouldnt look anything like most creatures and it wouldnt matter that people would make immitations of placeholders. Its just so you can see where creatures are.

In that case, I'd go for a 2D circle placeholder, instead of another 3D model. Since it's a loading problem, loading more 3D stuff wouldn't be a good solution... Actually, I have that problem, and it makes sense, since the creatures are the last to be noticed on a planet, unless it's an eco disaster. The only problem is that sometimes, you can't aim at them. but pausing and waiting fixes it, too.

9 Oct 2008, 16:19
The new Rhyken buidlings are up! I can't decide whether I prefer them to the old ones. Tell me what you think.
(They look a little better in game with the lower-res textures)

Rhyken Central Array (Town Hall)
Rhyken Complex (House) NEW!
Rhyken Leisure Centre (Entertainment)
Rhyken Plasma Staion (Factory)
Rhyken Bio Lab (Entertainment, don't ask why)

The last building that isn't up here is the Rhyken Barracks, which I'll attach to my next post.

9 Oct 2008, 17:10
In that case, I'd go for a 2D circle placeholder, instead of another 3D model. Since it's a loading problem, loading more 3D stuff wouldn't be a good solution... Actually, I have that problem, and it makes sense, since the creatures are the last to be noticed on a planet, unless it's an eco disaster. The only problem is that sometimes, you can't aim at them. but pausing and waiting fixes it, too.

You know, I think it'd be better if they used the blockmodel (like in the blocksmode console command) as a preload: then you'd see the basic shape and color and it would then become more detailed.

9 Oct 2008, 19:43
In that case, I'd go for a 2D circle placeholder, instead of another 3D model. Since it's a loading problem, loading more 3D stuff wouldn't be a good solution... Actually, I have that problem, and it makes sense, since the creatures are the last to be noticed on a planet, unless it's an eco disaster. The only problem is that sometimes, you can't aim at them. but pausing and waiting fixes it, too.

Second Life uses a cloud, which is nice

9 Oct 2008, 20:09
I have just reached space stage with the Terroa. From Now on the Terroa and the Rhyken will be my two main savegame empires. The Terroa will be my cheats empire that I toy about with, the Rhyken will be my non-cheats empire where I play the game properly using things I learnt while using the Terroa.

When I left the atmosphere of my home planet for the first time with the Terroa I started using cheats to change my class type to see what the portrait backgrounds for each of them looked like. I thought that since I was doing this I may as well take screenshots of each one so you people can see what they're all like.
I turned Screenshot UI on to do this, and then when I took the screenshot the creature and the floor they stand on had dissapeared in the screenshot which makes things even better, so in the pictures all you can see is the portrait background.

As most of you who've played the game should have noticed: Your empire colour and therefor certain elements of your portrait background will change depending on your creature's "Detail" layer colour. In the Terroa's case, this colour is a bright blue.

Bard (http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spacebardportraitib1.jpg)
Diplomat (http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spacediplomatportraitix3.jpg)
Ecologist (http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spaceecologistportraitsm4.jpg)
Knight (http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spaceknightportraitfs4.jpg) (also, this portrait gives your creature a Grox-style orange underlighting!)
Scientist (http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spacescientistportraitdy7.jpg)
Shaman (http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spaceshamanportraitbt6.jpg) (My personal favourite. It looks really jazzy in bright yellow.)
Trader (http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spacetraderportraitxo3.jpg)
Wanderer (http://img93.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spacewandererportraitbb5.jpg)
Warrior (http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spacewarriorportraitwl9.jpg)
Zealot (http://img93.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spacezealotportraitol7.jpg)

EDIT: Also, VERY AWESOME CHEAT: Press ctrl+shift+C to open the cheat log and then type...
Rename Star NAME HERE
or... Rename Planet NAME HERE
this renames the current star or planet you are on to whatever you want. And, it doesn't make you get the Joker badge!

EDIT2: Rhyken Barracks

9 Oct 2008, 20:39
The Trader is my personal favourite.
Although I'm probably just saying that because that was the class I was.

Also, I don't know whether I preferred your old skin or your new skin for the Rhyken buildings.

You did re-colour the old Town Hall too, right? I still prefer it to the new one.

9 Oct 2008, 21:12
Also, I don't know whether I preferred your old skin or your new skin for the Rhyken buildings.

You did re-colour the old Town Hall too, right? I still prefer it to the new one.

No I didn't. I personaly prefer the new one although I still quite like the old one too. My problem with the old one is that the the chain thing spiraling it's way up the building doesn't quite fit in with the Rhyken style, or at least in my opinion.

10 Oct 2008, 10:02
Guwah. I hate Space stage. It's not hard, it's just incredibly annoying. All my allies are like "HALP, THIS!" and "HALP, THAT!" and "HALP, GROX!!11!"...
Even my own home planet keeps *****in' with "HALP, RAID! D:!"
And the missions feel quite repetitive and get boring really fast...

10 Oct 2008, 17:18
Go blow all your allies up and steal their planets. Easy if you get the mega bomb, pretty much destroys cities in 2 hits.

10 Oct 2008, 17:49
Guwah. I hate Space stage. It's not hard, it's just incredibly annoying. All my allies are like "HALP, THIS!" and "HALP, THAT!" and "HALP, GROX!!11!"...
Even my own home planet keeps *****in' with "HALP, RAID! D:!"
Once again: you ignore all those cries for help! The only one to be concerned about is if your own colony is under attack. And not by pirates.

10 Oct 2008, 18:58
My spore game is acting weird. It won't log in my account. My account works fine oustide the game but in game it is acting like the account doesn't exist. It just says "login failed" and then "invalid login" even though the details are in absolutely correctly and I have typed and retyped them in a number of times, my caps lock is not on or anything.
I've also noticed the sporepedia web site isn't updating either, the creatures on the first page haven't changed for hours. Is this a server error? is anyone else having these porblems?

10 Oct 2008, 19:04
Everyone's getting an invalid login today. Aka: server issues.

11 Oct 2008, 00:13
Aw, the Top 100 threads got closed because people made the bandwagon topple over and lost us all our melons, annoying AndrewTaylor.

I'd just like to say that Spore was in the Top 100 Games of 1 Word. An interrupted victory, but a victory nonetheless.

11 Oct 2008, 00:31
Aw, the Top 100 threads got closed because people made the bandwagon topple over and lost us all our melons
Don't worry, I'm still here!

11 Oct 2008, 12:35
Yes! Yes! Nearly there! ...Nearly there! y-


...FFF- *bleep* (http://img236.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nooooooopo3.jpg)

11 Oct 2008, 12:45
OWCHness! Especially as orbiting the Galactic Core is considered a safe spot, and the Grox won't attack you.

Metal Alex
11 Oct 2008, 14:41
I managed to get there too, with a mix of Plasma's tactic, and the madman-go-for-it tactic.

I just jumped a long distance before setting a colony

it's almost safe, and it's easy. Also, managed to colonise the center planets, including their home world. I'll use 12 staff of life charges for that, and then... START THE SERIOUS INVASION.

Whenever I get enough time for that :p

11 Oct 2008, 17:59
You're actually going to try and take the Grox? Good luck! There's bazillions of them.

12 Oct 2008, 11:25
Last night I reached the center of the Galaxy. I decided i'd rather lose the Staff of Life than be at war with the Grox though, so I quit without saving. I still got the achievement and I may go there again when i'm better prepared.

Also, I've just forged an alliance between the Rhyken and the Arcana on both of their save games, meaning i've just got the "Identity Crisis" achievement. 'Tis cool.

12 Oct 2008, 12:20
I tried going to the center of the galaxy but my engine's range becomes ridiculously small when I get close. :(

12 Oct 2008, 13:31
Last night I reached the center of the Galaxy. I decided i'd rather lose the Staff of Life than be at war with the Grox though, so I quit without saving. I still got the achievement and I may go there again when i'm better prepared.
That's why I said "turn off your autoblaster and dismiss your allies". They won't declare war unless you destroy one of their ships.

I tried going to the center of the galaxy but my engine's range becomes ridiculously small when I get close. :(
AFAIK, regardless of your interstellar drive's power, it'll always be reduced to three parsecs as you get close.

12 Oct 2008, 15:14
That's why I said "turn off your autoblaster and dismiss your allies". They won't declare war unless you destroy one of their ships.

I did do both of those things.


Galaxy location 1 (http://img95.imageshack.us/my.php?image=earth2lp2.jpg)
Galaxy location 2 (http://img205.imageshack.us/my.php?image=earth3cx7.jpg)
The Sol system (http://img205.imageshack.us/my.php?image=earth1ed8.jpg)
Earth! (http://img511.imageshack.us/my.php?image=earth4yg3.jpg)

Found it with the help of this post on the TotalSpore.com forums:
"Hi guys, new to the forums.
I've found the Sol system, and I have a picture of the galaxy with the system area's circled. Sorry I couldn't give a more exact location.
Also, I've found the system on my friends game, so I'm sure they are in the same arm for all of us.
A way of remembering the general area is looking to the left of Earths arm, to the shorter arm. This arm is easily noticeable, with its 3 clouds and large gap at the end. The Earths arm has a middle cloud, with two small gaps on both its sides. It may take a little bit to get there depending on where you are, I suggest using a black hole."
(scroll down to post 98)

I put a colony on the moon. I may come back with some plants to terrafrom one of Jupiter or Saturn's moons later.
It's location as actually very very close to Cyrel, the Arcana home world.

EDIT: I ended up terrafroming the moon instead.

12 Oct 2008, 17:21
The Earth is in the same position in all galaxies:

Put your cursor over the UFO icon at the bottom of your screen. This will give you your galactic bearing and distance from the center. The Sol system is at around 225 degrees, 7500 parsecs.

12 Oct 2008, 17:32

The fact that you didn't know that leads me to believe that you don't use the Spore Wiki site.
In which case, I'd strongly advise looking at this page (http://spore.wikia.com/wiki/Spice). It's the handiest stuff to know in the Space Stage.

The spice must flow.

Edit again: Just reading the manual and I found out that in the vehicle/building creators, the ALT button can copy just the colour of a piece (press 3 first), the piece itself without colour (press 4 first), or both the piece and colour (default, but press 5 first if you changed it before).
Edit again: Say, Paul, when you said earlier that you didn't know how to socialise tribes, can I take that to mean you decided not to read the manual this time? Odd, especially considering it's one of the most detailed manuals I've ever seen!

12 Oct 2008, 18:01
The fact that you didn't know that leads me to believe that you don't use the Spore Wiki site.
In which case, I'd strongly advise looking at this page (http://spore.wikia.com/wiki/Spice). It's the handiest stuff to know in the Space Stage.

I thought the Spore Wiki had gone offline ages ago! Thanks for linking me to that.
Also, that link goes to the page about Spice, is that what you intended?

12 Oct 2008, 20:09
Oh, nearly forgot: don't forget to asplode Earth if you want to get an achievment. AFAIK, you don't have to save afterwards.

Also, that link goes to the page about Spice, is that what you intended?
Yup! Knowing which spices give you most cash is really handy, along with where to find those spices!

12 Oct 2008, 20:12
Oh, nearly forgot: don't forget to asplode Earth if you want to get an achievment. AFAIK, you don't have to save afterwards.

Yup! Knowing which spices give you most cash is really handy, along with where to find those spices!

I heard about that. When I can afford a planet buster i'll do that.

Metal Alex
12 Oct 2008, 22:05
I heard about that. When I can afford a planet buster i'll do that.

Or you could do that to afford a planet buster :p

13 Oct 2008, 09:12
I must say that I really like the balance of Hard mode in space. I just finally got to Omnipotent with the Zifla race. And I recently had my first encounter with the Grox before getting lost in all the wormholes and finally letting them kill me in order to get back easily.

There's an available savegame fairly close to the Zifla empire, and actually right next to Earth apparently, so I think I'm going to start a new game there (also in Hard mode) and have my two empires meet, because the Dekon empire is really far from the Ziflas and I haven't done that yet (I only have two savegames at the moment)

I really should be studying... :rolleyes:

14 Oct 2008, 20:24
Question to Plasma:
Would you be interested in pictures if I found any other empire races of your creation? (I've found two different versions of Pamerite already, btw.)

EDIT: On another subject, yet another one of the many minor bugs I have with Spore which I haven't mentioned here yet is the fact that once in space stage with a certain save game, and after loading up that save game a number of times, the game will only once change that save game's race's empire colour randomly, regardless of that race's detail layer colour. The new colour they have will be randomly selected out of the choice of empire colours that other alien empires can have. I don't mind this bug much.
Over the course of my game, the Gorok colour has changed from their original yellow brown of their detail layer skin tone to dark green, the Arcana from the original sky blue to violet blue, the Rhyken from the original fiery red to violet blue and the Terroa just recently from the original light blue to bright yellow. I actually quite like the Terroa's change because I made them Shaman, meaning they have a snazzy background which looks really cool in bright yellow.

14 Oct 2008, 22:20
Question to Plasma:
Would you be interested in pictures if I found any other empire races of your creation? (I've found do different versions of Pamerite already, btw.)
Yes, actually.

That happened to me too. But I noticed that it only started happening after I started cheating, and AFAIK it happened every time you cheated to change your class.

15 Oct 2008, 19:07
My game won't even start up for some weird reason. I quit it normally yesterday then I went to play it again, and it crashes before it even loads.
Anyone got any suggestions as to why? I haven't fooled with anything.

EDIT: Error log if it helps any:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: SporeApp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 48ca7eb8
Fault Module Name: SporeApp.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 48ca7eb8
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000e95a5
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: 7ff3
Additional Information 2: 047c7161ca272d21f947442c4d631de0
Additional Information 3: 98a6
Additional Information 4: 79f0cdc01eec64be803bc091f6d3e0bd

16 Oct 2008, 15:59
That happened to me too. But I noticed that it only started happening after I started cheating, and AFAIK it happened every time you cheated to change your class.

It only happens once and once only with me, whether I cheated or not.

16 Oct 2008, 16:02
Question to Plasma:
Would you be interested in pictures if I found any other empire races of your creation? (I've found do different versions of Pamerite already, btw.)Yes

EDIT: Error log if it helps any:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: SporeApp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 48ca7eb8
Fault Module Name: SporeApp.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 48ca7eb8
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000e95a5
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: 7ff3
Additional Information 2: 047c7161ca272d21f947442c4d631de0
Additional Information 3: 98a6
Additional Information 4: 79f0cdc01eec64be803bc091f6d3e0bd
Why on earth would you think that'd help us? Go post it on the Spore forum.

16 Oct 2008, 16:25
Here are two Pamerite empire portraits for you to crop as you please, Plasma. Any more empires I find of your creation I shall post here as well, if I think of it.

Space version, orange Bard (http://img184.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pamerite1fx1.png)

Civilization version, bright yellow Shaman (http://img521.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pamerite2nz8.png)

16 Oct 2008, 17:23
Thanks for those!
Btw, in case you're wondering, the reason there's little change between them is because the creature was so complex, I only had room for two items.

More aas the story progresses.

16 Oct 2008, 21:16

Why on earth would you think that'd help us? Go post it on the Spore forum.

I thought you said you were a computer geek. I guess I'll have to, seeing as you can't help me.

16 Oct 2008, 22:00
Yes, as I was saying,
And a good 'un too! It's able to run the game, without lag, on nearly full settings (shadows are on medium)! And jeez, that's a HUGE difference graphically from what it was with my old computer!

I thought you said you were a computer geek. I guess I'll have to, seeing as you can't help me.

...I'm guessing I don't want to know what's gotten into you recently.

Metal Alex
17 Oct 2008, 01:28
I'd play more if I didn't have stuff to do. :p

Also, the only thing that keeps me away from playing is loading times, just because my laptop seems to be working on a steam engine :p


18 Oct 2008, 10:23
Whoops! Turned out I had my charger unplugged! (which, for those of you who don't know laptops, makes the computer run slower than when plugged in)
So on a close inspection, it turns out I can run the game, fullscreen at 1440x900, on max settings, with no lag. I LOVE THIS COMPUTER! Also, it has significantly better loading times and doesn't lag when I enter a planet's atmosphere.

Fun facts:
1: If you play through multiple stages with a creature, that creature will actually retain the bonuses from the previous stages in its PNG file, but it only uses them for your own creations and not other peoples'. In other words, I was able to start a game in Space stage with Palisinas and still have the bonus from the previous four stages.
-Pity that I only realised this after getting to Space stage with Palisinas by starting in tribe mode (still had cell and creature bonuses though). So now I have two Pal empires: one as the origional Trader, and one as a.... safari guy.

2: I only found out now that the reason missiles are advised over the more-powerful laser is because the missiles don't require aiming at all. Which should satisfy SupSuper(IIRC) and his pixel-aiming grudge.

3: Incidentally, in that Old One Palisinas empire, my three neighbouring empires turned out to be Palisinas (the same outfit as the new one Palisinas empire: also bard), DarkPalisinas(Diplomatic, which really goes against what they should be), and MechPalisinas(Zealot, which makes a little bit of sense considering they were actually created by beings)! Also incidentally, that neighbouring Palisinas happened to have the same ship as the New One Palisinas.

4: Also incidentally, I swear I started the Old One Palisinas on the very same planet as I did in the old game. However, considering both planets were planets generated at the start of the game, they most likely are.

5: If you make a creation and uploaded it but want to remove it (for example, the bunch of creatures generatd as you go through creature stage), deleting it before quitting the game will take it down online too.

18 Oct 2008, 10:42
It's time for Terroa game: Tribe Edition!

Tribe stage started humbley for our sucker-faced friends.
Say HAI, everyone. (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe1sayhijpegoq3.jpg)

Our first tame was a...cool creature. (http://img337.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe2firsttamejpod9.jpg)

I plan to be mostly friendly for this stage. First up, the yellow tribe of T-rexes! (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe3firstyellowtv2.jpg)

A really cool shot that I used as my desktop wallpaper for a while. It even shows enemy tribesman in the background. (http://img528.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe4coolshotjpeiy3.jpg)

The Terroa's friendlyness policy starts looking weak when I end up having to defend myself from attackers. (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe5combatfallsbx1.jpg) The rain begins to fall, as does my reputation with all of the other tribes.

In the confusion, some of my old T-rex friends get caught up and hurt in the fight! (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe6reputationmop3.jpg) (I had to re-ally with them!)

I've got some reputaion fixing to do, starting with the blues. (http://img337.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe7fixingmistaln6.jpg)

...and then the reds. (http://img337.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe8thenwithredot8.jpg)

And then a new tribe appeared, the dark reds. I had to gift them twice just to get them neutral with me so I could ally with them, (http://img117.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe9crimsonshadgg5.jpg) nasty buggers.

Here's another cool shot which I may use as my desktop wallpaper for a while in future. (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe10anothercooka7.jpg) It has that meteorite in it.

Lastly, there was the forest tribe. (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe11lastlyforria3.jpg) (MAGTHERIDON!)

Here's a cool pic of the Terroa standing in line for food after their victories. (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe12standinginxn5.jpg)

Then a UFO appeared and... NOOOO NOT THE ANIMALS!! (http://img391.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribe14noooojpegdy0.jpg)

And of course, a picture of the final Totem. (http://img48.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terroatribefinaltotemjpwi0.jpg) Yay for primary colours!

18 Oct 2008, 11:07

Also, I left the UI on because I was taking screenshots for my RealVG review.

18 Oct 2008, 12:22
Here comes the expansion train, woo woo! (http://blog.gameshadow.com/?p=672&newsletter=71)

18 Oct 2008, 13:26
...Yeah, Maxis really love releasing parts pack for a ridiculous price.

18 Oct 2008, 13:29
Here comes the expansion train, woo woo! (http://blog.gameshadow.com/?p=672&newsletter=71)

72 new body parts - 12 per pallet (mouth, eyes, antennae, legs, body & Details)
2 new backgrounds for the spore creature creator - 1 x creepy & 1 x cute
36 new scripts (12 bases, 12 paints & 12 Details)
12 new painting motifs
24 new test-animations - 12 x creepy & 12 cute


19 Oct 2008, 00:14
So, if you don't have the expansion pack then you won't be able to see creations that use it on your game? Or you'll be able to see them but just not be able to use those pieces yourself? :-/

19 Oct 2008, 00:38
I'm guessing the former. The latter would mean needing to download the entire pack as a patch anyway, and would somewhat defeat the purpose of buying it.

Incidentally, you'd be better off not calling it an expansion pack. It's just a parts pack, like with Sims2. In fact, I'd be willing to bet it's not worth getting at all unless you're a fanatic like me and Oft, or love spending money (I'm looking in your direction, Kels). Because, as a rough estimate, I expect the pack to be 10 bucks a set, like the Sims2 packs are.

19 Oct 2008, 00:45
Nope, all the prices I have seen so far list the pack at US$ 19.99. :p
They really should reduce the price the price though, since the pack also works with the stand-alone, retail Creature Creator, which only cost $10. :rolleyes:

19 Oct 2008, 01:54
so I purchased the creature creator, a fully-realized engine for creating unique creatures from various parts through the use of skills damn near the level of a basic 3D modelling program, for $10. in order to get 24 new parts, however, I have to pay $20?! who the hell thought THAT made sense?!

19 Oct 2008, 10:10
so I purchased the creature creator, a fully-realized engine for creating unique creatures from various parts through the use of skills damn near the level of a basic 3D modelling program, for $10. in order to get 24 new parts, however, I have to pay $20?! who the hell thought THAT made sense?!

This is EA were talking about, remember?

I have buttloads of pocket money right now and nothing to spend any of it on (other than pre-ordering the new WoW expansion) so I think i'll probably get this.

EDIT: I hope they release another creature parts pack in future which has FELINE-STYLE HEADS! Of all the other kinds of creatures you can make a was suprised at the lack of cat-style faces. Also, they should release a robotic-style parts pack.

19 Oct 2008, 10:46
so I purchased the creature creator, a fully-realized engine for creating unique creatures from various parts through the use of skills damn near the level of a basic 3D modelling program, for $10. in order to get 24 new parts, however, I have to pay $20?! who the hell thought THAT made sense?!
Once again: welcome to the world of Maxis. They love doing this kind of thing.

And I wouldn't be complaining, really. It's not like you lose anything with the addition of packs and expansions.

Metal Alex
19 Oct 2008, 14:31
Once again: welcome to the world of Maxis. They love doing this kind of thing.

And I wouldn't be complaining, really. It's not like you lose anything with the addition of packs and expansions.

Except money.

19 Oct 2008, 14:43
Except money.
I meant for when you don't buy the packs and stick with the vanilla version.

19 Oct 2008, 15:14
so I purchased the creature creator, a fully-realized engine for creating unique creatures from various parts through the use of skills damn near the level of a basic 3D modelling program, for $10. in order to get 24 new parts, however, I have to pay $20?! who the hell thought THAT made sense?!Because you get twice the options with the expansion pack! :rolleyes:

19 Oct 2008, 15:55
Because you get twice the options with the expansion pack! :rolleyes:so I get TWO 3D modelling programs made specifically for public use without training?! SWEET! :rolleyes:

19 Oct 2008, 20:00
Heard about the Space Stage expansion, Spring next year?

Lets you make and play missions on individual planets, controlling your creature and (possibly) using weapons.

Sounds quite fun, and it adds more depth to the game as well as gameplay. :D

19 Oct 2008, 22:31
This is what I was afraid of. Expansion packs. I'm seriously expecting them to come out with "Spore - Hot Date" at any time.

Although I must say the ability to land your ship and walk around on planets would be neat, but it depends how they do it.

19 Oct 2008, 22:42
but it depends how they do it.
I agree. It could range in anything from 'barely an improvement' to 'watch me destroy these cities, one-man-army style!'

20 Oct 2008, 01:02
Mine doesn't work right now, so you won't be hearing any stories from me for awhile.
Though what I was honestly surprised with is that they never made an option to give creatures tentacles...

20 Oct 2008, 05:19
I hope Little Big Planet doesnt turn out to be such a huge dissapointment... Both games are boasting 'limitless creativity' of some sort and Spore has been even more limited than I had been pessimistically expecting :(

20 Oct 2008, 06:23
Once again: welcome to the world of Maxis.Hey, hey. Maxis are the good guys. EA has had them in their satanic stranglehold forever now. I very, very much doubt Wright and/or Maxis ever wanted Spore to become another vessel for EA's expansion pack lust -- I remember getting wind of some sort of official statement to that effect. I, and a few other people I know, theorize that EA basically made them cut some things out of the game, like on-foot world exploration in the space phase, so they could wring more money out of them later as expansion packs. Wouldn't put it past them for an instant. They're basically the devil.

Meanwhile, I've started a game as a blind species. It's a bit interesting, though not quite as much as I thought, since you basically just see the same things, only within a much smaller range. Example, if I'm blind, I probably shouldn't be able to plainly see that other planet passing my planet's orbit. Unless it's making a lot of noise or smells funny or something.

20 Oct 2008, 08:40
Hey, hey. Maxis are the good guys. EA has had them in their satanic stranglehold forever now. I very, very much doubt Wright and/or Maxis ever wanted Spore to become another vessel for EA's expansion pack lust -- I remember getting wind of some sort of official statement to that effect. I, and a few other people I know, theorize that EA basically made them cut some things out of the game, like on-foot world exploration in the space phase, so they could wring more money out of them later as expansion packs. Wouldn't put it past them for an instant. They're basically the devil.

Was that satire?

20 Oct 2008, 09:02
Was that satire?
Nope, that's the truth.
If you have a big company like EA as your publisher, you'll get overruled by economy orientated managers that don't have the slightest idea about computer games and just want to maximize the gaining for the company. :rolleyes:

20 Oct 2008, 10:49
I would've said so too, except for that Maxis are apparently the only ones actually doing it, and not the other EA-run companies.

Also, I always thought of milking as a mixed blessing. While on one hand, it means you're spending a whole lot more money if you want to buy the expansions; but on the other it means that if you're not a sucker for those expansions, then you profit from getting such a huge base game. There's no way an average videogame developing company could produce something on the scale of Spore.

I, and a few other people I know, theorize that EA basically made them cut some things out of the game, like on-foot world exploration in the space phase,
And purposefully delayed releasing the expansion by several months too, even delaying it past Christmas? And considering it was getting delayed enough as it is, I really can't agree with you there.

20 Oct 2008, 11:03
Maxis were bought over by EA some time ago, no wonder they've got such a stranglehold on them.