View Full Version : So, why did you choose your username?
27 Jan 2008, 17:46
Explain WHY you chose your username. I chose Shadowmoon because my favourite game character is shadow the hedgehog, and added on moon to make it better. Originally, i was going to call myself Shadow.
These are names that i was going to consider.
1. Mr Blobby
2. drakenwarrior
3. Grenadier22
4. Lumpylip
5. Boyworm22
Yes, i know Mr Blobby is stupid. And so is lumpy lip. I was very close to choosing drakenwarrior.
Mods- Just delete the thread if it doesn't meet up to standards. I don't know, if it does.
I made this thread before. I'll root it out for you.
EDIT: I didn't make it, I'm thinking of a different forum, but someone else did. Or maybe it was me, but I can't find it.
27 Jan 2008, 18:29
I'm sure we've had this kind of thread before.
I always like them, though, because it amuses me to think that there are people who can't work out why I chose this name. Those people should consult with Rubbertoes for lessons on how to be smarterrer (
27 Jan 2008, 18:31
I'm sure we've had this kind of thread before.
I always like them, though, because it amuses me to think that there are people who can't work out why I chose this name. Those people should consult with Rubbertoes for lessons on how to be smarterrer (
I think i know why you chose it. Its because your real name is Andrew taylor.
Why Plasma? Hmm... I still can't remember. I think it was because I figured it as stuff pretty much made out of energy, and capable of disintegrating stuff near-instantly.
27 Jan 2008, 19:15
the username that i was originally going to use was too long, so i had to use a different one, and thus ended up with this name
27 Jan 2008, 19:16
My mum was 'Evil Blister', so when I needed a username I picked a similar ailment - 'Evil Splinter'
That was shortened to Splinter because the forum has a character, also, 'Evil' ain't cool no more :( :p
I chose Shadowmoon because my favourite game character is shadow the hedgehog, and added on moon to make it more better.
Let's face it, anyone who says that shouldn't hold the right to post a thread :p
tgworm - my first two initials, followed by "worm"
It's fairly dull, I'll agree but I was in a dull mood. Also, I have regretted not making it "Tgworm" ever since...:eek:
27 Jan 2008, 19:56
Let's face it, anyone who says that shouldn't hold the right to post a thread :p
tgworm - my first two initials, followed by "worm"
It's fairly dull, I'll agree but I was in a dull mood. Also, I have regretted not making it "Tgworm" ever since...:eek:
But adding on moon, does make it better.
He's referring to the terrible grammatical error that is "more better"
27 Jan 2008, 20:22
Anyone who doesn't recognise my name needs to read more, and better, books. And I should have checked my spelling.
27 Jan 2008, 20:22
He's referring to the terrible grammatical error that is "more better"
Oh. Its hard to make every post have correct grammar in it anyway.:)
"Muzer" is a terrible, 6-year-old (literally) misspelling of "Muzza", the nickname everyone calls me, when I registered on my first site, (I know...)
Alien King
27 Jan 2008, 20:40
I'm sure we've had this kind of thread before.
We have. I have certeinly given some reason as to my username. I can't remember what it was, but it might have had something to do with the Aliens v Predator 2 section on some gaming forum somewhere that I joined a long time ago.
Why Plasma? Hmm... I still can't remember. I think it was because I figured it as stuff pretty much made out of energy, and capable of disintegrating stuff near-instantly.
Did you know there are Plasma cookies?31140
27 Jan 2008, 20:46
Did you know there are Plasma cookies?31140
Lol, but the cookies have PLAZMA on them. So they are not plasma cookies, they are plazma cookies.:p
Right.... : P WEll on them but on box its Plasma and you have to say Wen buying i want plasma.
27 Jan 2008, 20:56
Right.... : P WEll on them but on box its Plasma and you have to say Wen buying i want plasma.
I just find it weird that someone in this forum is also a cookie. Weird....... and then, when i type in on Google Shadowmoon, i get a map of a place called shadowmoon valley. Its most likely from a game, but its weird. Everyone try typing in your username and see what you can find!:D
I just find it weird that someone in this forum is also a cookie. Weird....... and then, when i type in on Google Shadowmoon, i get a map of a place called shadowmoon valley. Its most likely from a game, but its weird. Everyone try typing in your username and see what you can find!:D
World of warcraft
27 Jan 2008, 21:06
Its most likely from a game
You think?
You think?
Look my post : P....
Aw, you get to star in a book!
But Plasma means a lot of things. (
I chose Yakuza because I figured I'd change my nickname for WWP, when that came out and a japanese mafia sounded like something cool. My real nickname since WA came out back in 1999 has been ropa, because it's the "cool" way of saying roper, and I was pretty impressed by the rope scheme when I was a kid.
27 Jan 2008, 22:48
I chose shadowman because I was ten.
That's basically a reason for anything.
Same reason here. I think I was inspired by the name of the end boss in either Unreal Tournament or Quake 3.
I've used it for so long, I can't change it.
27 Jan 2008, 23:02
Liketyspli comes from Liketysplitt, just typed in Liketysplitt and didn't notice the character limit... :eek:
Licketysplit is a delicious piece of food from the Angry Beavers, I just changed it a little to be original... :P
I changed it for half a year to Angry Meatball or... a Turd on a Stick, changed it back because obviously nobody recognized me anymore...
For the interested people who like to read crap here's my list of used nicknames:
Terroreyes (A character from the game: Ghostmaster)
Angry Cookie (BF1942 / CoD period)
Liketysplitt (Just my Nickname for almost everything)
Bananenworst (Dutch for: Bananasausage)
Angry Meatball (Yes, a lot of my nicknames contain food)
E702 (E is the 1st letter of my name and 702 from a character in UT2004)
a Turd on a Stick (Kindof started with "Draw me a worm with a pineapple on a stick")
'n Drol op 'n Stokkie (Dutch for: a Turd on a Stick) (CoD2 nickname now :P)
I think a better question would be "what would your nickname be if you had to change it right now". If we're not counting alternative forms of the same nickname, mine would've been my old nickname, TIGERassault. Which I got from a mech in Earth2140.
Also, I'd really like to figure out where ThomasP got his username from. I can't figure it out...
27 Jan 2008, 23:11
It's not that obvious, so perhaps I should tell you...
Or not.
27 Jan 2008, 23:14
Mine obviosly came from my worm
I was going to choose Crow or CrowCuervo since this is my nickname in every single thing that requires a nickname
Don't remember why I couldn't use it...Maybe there was someone with this nick...whatever
It's not that obvious, so perhaps I should tell you...
Or not.
Ah, go on!
Also, I'd like to know how you managed to persuade your parents to name you after your nickname when you were born.
28 Jan 2008, 00:55
Grim Oswald is the name I gave my wooden stick with a skull on the top wearing a bandanna. So I stole it from him. :(
*Changes avatar to pay homage to Grim*
28 Jan 2008, 01:51
I chose my name because I'm sexy. :cool:
28 Jan 2008, 02:41
Mine was a play on my real name with a number on the end.
28 Jan 2008, 05:26
mine was a sstuupppiiiddd name that came in my mind 6 years ago :eek: (yes it is not based in the weird serie)
28 Jan 2008, 06:03
mine was a sstuupppiiiddd name that came in my mind 6 years ago :eek: (yes it is not based in the weird serie)
It reminds me of a ninja pony.
28 Jan 2008, 06:06
It reminds me of a ninja pony.
yes i need a new username
28 Jan 2008, 07:28
Why did I choose this name? Well, I don't know, I just thought, hmm, name, BING. And if I type it in on google, I find all the forums I've registered on. And all my deviantart. And no other unrelated stuff, so that's good, because that means I'm the only one in the world with this name.
28 Jan 2008, 10:39
My name was supposed to be Jack D. I just thought of it after I just registered.(damn.)
Why my name has some Capital and small letters? I thought this forum is like one of those online Games. Y'know, examples like "xXHeavenXx", "JaMeZ210", something like that.
Zero is after the Mega Man X character. ...You knew that. 72 is a numeral I've always liked for no real reason and had used in just about every screen name I'd ever used prior to joining this forum somewhere around 6 or 7 years ago. Numerals are so old-fashioned. And Zero is the "John Smith" of the Internet. But hey, what are you gonna do?Aw, you get to star in a book!Pff.
And the other one is too huge for an img tag. (
28 Jan 2008, 14:17
I used to play with the team "KilburnDeluxe" in WWP, when I didn't have Internet yet, because I thought it sounded good. And when I registered on a forum for the first time, I didn't know what name to choose, so I decided to use "Kilburn".
And when I registered here, I added an underscore because "Kilburn" was already taken... And I had no clue about who the real Kilburn was. :p
28 Jan 2008, 14:57
Wanted to name my self "Shadow" originally.
Didn't go through,so i started picking different endings until I got something that weren't taken by someone else.
Which was this...
28 Jan 2008, 15:55
philby is short for philbanium, my christian name.
I was also exactly 4000 days old when i registered.
28 Jan 2008, 16:02
Aw, you get to star in a book![/IMG]
But Plasma means a lot of things. (
Lol, thats weird.:eek:
Metal Alex
29 Jan 2008, 00:20
I came up with mine from... Metal Mario :p
but with Alex on it :p
consider me a freak, but I love to know stuff about metals, and wearing a cap and becoming all metallic sure is fancy. And against probable common belief, I'm not a fan of metal music :p
29 Jan 2008, 01:43
Well, my username has no story, so I'm hoping Google Images will produce one for me.
Ahh, guess not.
29 Jan 2008, 06:48
I came up with mine from... Metal Mario :p
but with Alex on it :p
consider me a freak, but I love to know stuff about metals, and wearing a cap and becoming all metallic sure is fancy. And against probable common belief, I'm not a fan of metal music :p
Funny. I wanted my username to be Metal Angelus, but because of the character limit I had to shorten it to MtlAngelus... plus I wanted that name because I am a fan of metal music. :p
Liketyspli comes from Liketysplitt, just typed in Liketysplitt and didn't notice the character limit... :eek:
Licketysplit is a delicious piece of food from the Angry Beavers, I just changed it a little to be original... :P
I changed it for half a year to Angry Meatball or... a Turd on a Stick, changed it back because obviously nobody recognized me anymore...
For the interested people who like to read crap here's my list of used nicknames:
Terroreyes (A character from the game: Ghostmaster)
Angry Cookie (BF1942 / CoD period)
Liketysplitt (Just my Nickname for almost everything)
Bananenworst (Dutch for: Bananasausage)
Angry Meatball (Yes, a lot of my nicknames contain food)
E702 (E is the 1st letter of my name and 702 from a character in UT2004)
a Turd on a Stick (Kindof started with "Draw me a worm with a pineapple on a stick")
'n Drol op 'n Stokkie (Dutch for: a Turd on a Stick) (CoD2 nickname now :P)
How the hell do you change your username? I'm sure I should know this if it is possible
You can't change your forum username. Liketysplitt was referring to his nicknames for all sites/games/etc in general.
I shall redirect you to my first post ever here on the T17 forum from over 4 years ago:
The link in that post is dead, so here ('s an updated one.
30 Jan 2008, 10:56
I chose pilot because at the time I was really interested in planes, still am, and 62 because it's my old house number.
I think a better question would be "what would your nickname be if you had to change it right now". If we're not counting alternative forms of the same nickname, mine would've been my old nickname, TIGERassault. Which I got from a mech in Earth2140.
Hmm, on most forums I sign on as AndyB these days, but that's not particularly original really, is it?
31 Jan 2008, 19:15
Why did I choose this nickname? I was around 10, Sniperfin was taken and "Snipu" means Sniper somewhere in Finland.
hey.. snipufin... do u play stick online?
I think you were the guy with a hammer who killed me while i was on my way to the dessert.
on-topic: yauhui is my real name. I REFUSE TO REVEAL MAH SURNAMEZ!
1 Feb 2008, 10:20
Did I mention the first idea of my name is Zero72? But maybe no...
Bastian is my real name. And i just love the @ symbol. :)
Therefore, i mixed both things and i got "Basti@n", i use that on most sites now.
when I registered on my first site, (I know...)
Lego was my first site too... 2 years ago. I didn't even know what did "LOL" mean. :p
But i didn't had the "Basti@n" nick on that time. :p
Everyone try typing in your username and see what you can find!:D
On Google "Classic":
1st entry: A thing about someone against drugs. It says "La familia, basti?n contra las drogas", in english "The family, basti?n against the drugs". Weird.
2nd entry: A link to with some W:A/WWP gravestones i uploaded.
3rd entry: A Habbo Hotel member called !=basti@n=!, it's not me.
Meh, i don't want to list all 818 results so here's Teh link (
On google images: Some pics on posted by me, and pics from Hungary.
3 Feb 2008, 00:18
First forum...If I recall correctly, it was *gulp* RaymanZone. :p
Metal Alex
3 Feb 2008, 00:49
This is my first and only forum, actually :p
3 Feb 2008, 15:15
From the Warren G song Regulate (, as everyone should know.
Definitely one of the best songs ever. Probably second only to that one Haddaway song.
4 Feb 2008, 02:35
From the Warren G song Regulate (, as everyone should know.
Definitely one of the best songs ever. Probably second only to that one Haddaway song.
No, the best song ever starts with "This was a triumph" and ends in "Still alive."
I used to be Shadowman on alot of things.
4 Feb 2008, 05:02
From the Warren G song Regulate (, as everyone should know.
Definitely one of the best songs ever. Probably second only to that one Haddaway song.
Definitely? More like Definitely Not... X_X
9 Feb 2008, 19:00
My political views would probably be considered "extreme" to a lot of people, and this is my second account, so...
Why Mayla? Well, mostly, friends call me by Kiki (my first ever nickname on another forum ever since 2005) but I thought of having a fresh new nickname and messed around with my RL name. About something like this came up in mind.
9 Feb 2008, 20:37
My political views would probably be considered "extreme" to a lot of people, and this is my second account, so...What happened to your first account?
Also, please make a thread explaining your controversial political views.
I Didn't actualy choose my name, I got it off somone else.
It just seemed to hang well.
I was gonna be called something random, like "Eris" or "Nut" But I like this.
14 May 2008, 17:10
My name lets see...
Does anyone know the song "Superfreak" by Rick James? Rubbish song... good name. No frea doesn't actually mean anything before you ask I wasn't being clever in any way, I was not aware of the 10 character limit. NO SH*T SUPER-FREA
My name lets see...
Does anyone know the song "Superfreak" by Rick James? Rubbish song... good name. No frea doesn't actually mean anything before you ask I wasn't being clever in any way, I was not aware of the 10 character limit. NO SH*T SUPER-FREA
If the song is called "Superfreak", why did you add an underscore in your name then?
That's the one character you've been running short.
Not very clever in any way indeed. :D
15 May 2008, 13:04
Apologies the song is in fact titled "Super Freak" with a space not as one word :p
15 May 2008, 14:42
hey look, another one of these threads.
anyway, I got mine because a friend of mine was on a japanese cat-girl sort of kick and was handing out nicknames to all of her friends. none of them stuck even a little bit, but when creating an account for this forum I had just been given the nickname and thought it sounded cool at the time, so I made it my forum name.
I've since stopped using it and would change if I could but luckily it isn't a bad name or anything, so I've grown accustomed to being called aku here on the forums. the 13, btw, is there just cause it sounded cool to me :p
I call myself either .JeT or DotJeT depending on which sites can use punctuation marks. Cus it be cool
Even though i have a scout obsession at the moment and call me scout with fancy letters on Steam :)
17 May 2008, 18:56
Hmm, Steve is similar to my real name and 14, cause I used it first when I was 14. :)
22 May 2008, 11:57
Long story, but okay.
When I got Worms 2, the first name I gave my team was "Paul's Team". After a while I decided that this wasn't exciting enough, so I renamed it "Paul Power". When I went online for the first time, I also decided to use Paul Power as my username. The Worms 2 server thingy didn't like it though, it suggested "Paul.Power" instead. Being about 15 and fairly impressionable, I thought "Hey, that dot makes it all cool and futuristic and stuff, maybe I should incorporate it into my forum nicknames from now on!".
And there you go. Ironically, WA and WWP didn't like the dot that W2 suggested, but it was too late to change it by then.
Being about 15 and fairly impressionable, I thought "Hey, that dot makes it all cool and futuristic and stuff, maybe I should incorporate it into my forum nicknames from now on!".
Good thing you have the right impression though, because Paul Power alone.... let me just say that it reminds me all too much of "Girl Power".
26 May 2008, 01:42
The Paul Power Girls!
26 May 2008, 02:23
I first signed on to these forums in June of last year when I wanted to find out why I couldn't play more than one round of W:A with the latest patch. I chose this name because I wanted a W:A themed name and "Fusion" has to do with nuclear stuff. I added "Sgt" because it's a cool sounding abbreviation of Sergeant, and I thought I needed something like that since Worms: Armageddon is an "army" style game (kind of).
26 May 2008, 02:47
The Paul Power Girls!*tries to edit a picture of the power puff girls but can't find the pictures of paul unedited anywhere* :(
26 May 2008, 15:54
Because my neck is ginger
26 May 2008, 16:00
I think you should get that looked at.
*tries to edit a picture of the power puff girls but can't find the pictures of paul unedited anywhere* :(
Melon to the rescue.
Yes, it is saved to my computer. No, that's not sad.
If it's not sad, why do you have it?
I have the face of Paul freely available for when the needs desire, such as Forum News, Picture Perfect, and now the Powerpuff Girls. You never know when you might need Paul's face.
Good point. I should download it.
26 May 2008, 22:49
I have the face of Paul freely available for when the needs desire, such as Forum News, Picture Perfect, and now the Powerpuff Girls. You never know when you might need Paul's face.
A W:A map, perhaps? *hint hint*
27 May 2008, 02:07
Melon to the rescue.
Yes, it is saved to my computer. No, that's not sad.*saves* unfortunately, the ppg are so freakishly disproportionate that I can't do anything with the head..... :(
A W:A map, perhaps? *hint hint*
Do this.
28 May 2008, 00:09
Do this.
Melon should have the honors. I love his maps. :cool:
28 May 2008, 00:41
It was Spring, 1968. There was a change in the air so solid you could've cut it with a knife, spread it on an English Muffin and eaten it for breakfast. I was lead singer in a band known as the Holy Wotsits. We were nothing special - we did a few School Discos, a handful of weddings and an alarming number of funerals. It paid the bills, but my real passion was poetry. I spent many a long night up in the basement I rented from the one-eyed landlord, Mr. Shanklesy, and I wouldn't get to sleep until gone 3am, often with notepad and pen in hand.
It wasn't until a year later that my work was discovered and subsequently published. Friends had coerced me into sending my poems to a few magazines. I was never confident enough to put my own name down, but I couldn't just leave them anonymous. What to put, though? A friend had suggested signing them "Funky Dave", which was silly as my name isn't Dave and I am seldom funky. It took some soulsearching, but I eventually landed upon the moniker "Squirminator2k".
Over the next five years my poems were published in various magazines and newspapers, from the New York Times to Horse & Hound, from Vanity Fair to Doctor Who Adventures. A publishing house picked up the rights to put out a compendium of my completed works, as well as some new work. The poetry scene was a wild ride of fast cars, hard drugs and loose women, and I enjoyed more than my fair share of all three. The money flowed on like the Mississippi, I was interviewed by every magazine, radio series and TV show out there. Life was good.
But soon I let it get to my head. I stopped focusing on what was important - the poems - and started wasting my time with every vice out there. I alienated my friends and I broke alliances that had taken me years to forge. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, my fame started to dwindle. Before long I was getting thrown out of 24-hour delis and coffee houses across the country. By 1979 I was penniless, homeless, and alone.
In 1982 I was found by my former agent, Muggs Murphy, in a Crack Den in Southern California. He helped me get back on my feet, and tried to rekindle my interest in poetry. By that time, however, I was so messed up by the heroine and cocaine that my brain didn't function anymore. It just didn't. Satisfied that I was at least in a better position, my agent slipped away while I worked as a Bag Boy in a prominent supermarket for the next 12 years, during which I met Magdeline... my dearest Maggie. She was, ironically, a fan of my old work... but she didn't know that Squirminator2k was me. Only that he'd vanished into obscurity.
In 1994 I collapsed while bagging up groceries. I was taken into hospital where a chest x-ray determined that I had inoperable Lung Cancer. I was told it was any wonder I was able to walk around, and at best I had weeks, maybe days left to live. Sadly this was not to be - I died later that day in the hospital, with Maggie at my side. Even now, I regret not telling her the truth about who I was, that I was the poet that had so enlivened her heart and fed passion to her soul.
I will see her again.
A W:A map, perhaps? *hint hint*
A brilliant suggestion.
Melon should have the honors. I love his maps. :cool:
A brilliant opinion.
I just find it weird that someone in this forum is also a cookie. Weird....... and then, when i type in on Google Shadowmoon, i get a map of a place called shadowmoon valley. Its most likely from a game, but its weird. Everyone try typing in your username and see what you can find!:D
That's a place in the Massively Multiplayer Online RPG World of Warcraft.
My name? Well I was trying to think up a name for myself for my first online game, Gunbound (back in the old Thor's Hammer days when it was a quality idea, unlike today when it's full of stat whores, noobs and perverts)
O.F.T. is the initials for my name. I wanted that as my Gunbound name but it was already taken so I added the first thing that came to my head on the end of it, which happened to be the number 99.
Oh no! :eek:
He has looked directly into my soul AGAIN!
28 May 2008, 19:21
When I registered on this forum, I wanted to put the username "Kingston", because he was my first player in my team on W4:M. But it was already in use, so I chose the name of my third in my team, McMaster, and that's how my dears I got this name. :p
3 Jun 2008, 03:18
its a cool name for me .__.
3 Jun 2008, 18:48
I actually just wanted to see what google finds when I try: Liketysplitt (
YouTube - Liketysplitt's Channel
Liketysplitt on deviantART
Steam Community :: ID :: Liketysplitt
Steam Community :: Group :: Liketysplitt's GMOD Server
Company of Heroes Fansite, Maps, Mods and forums - View Profile: Liketysplitt - Developer Overview: Liketysplitt
Xfire - Liketysplitt (liketysplitt)
User's Tracks - TMX
Liketysplitt Gmod Community � Index page
Wiremod Forums - View Profile: Liketysplitt
Not so suprising: It's all me.
3 Jun 2008, 22:05
I chose my username because it means HANDSOME GODLY STUD OF AWESOMENESS in an ancient language nobody has spoken anymore since a hundred billion years ago. :cool:
I chose my username because it means HANDSOME GODLY STUD OF AWESOMENESS in an ancient language nobody has spoken anymore since a hundred billion years ago. :cool:
That's merely the fake biography of the metal band you'd wish to play lead guitar in.
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