View Full Version : Dwarf Fortress: More generic than MFAH's topic.
15 Nov 2007, 20:12
Wonderful. Now I'll have 3 mayors running around.
Mr. Bunsy finishes the artifact, and then immediately does this. Note the "x5".
Looks like she'll be joining Zeor and SupSuper in the Super-Awesome League.
Seriously. And Thomasp is getting to be a wonderful carpenter, too.
I'm not going to post any more pictures of this subject, so just assume that they create one or two masterpieces for every single picture I post from now on.
I notice a strange and very mysterious line in the deep areas. It surely must mean something, right?
Zero is getting close to attaining perfect stats.
He's also female, but that's what happens if a forum has a male:female ratio of 100239012930:1.
Goblins! Lots of 'em!
Yeah, I got invaded again. Fortunately, this time I found out how to use catapults! Unfortunately, they liked hanging around the edge of the map, which allowed any injured to escape, unless they died straight away. Eventually, when they were down to only five left, they ran away.
But I got a heap-load of spoils! Each goblin was fully equipped with steel armour and weapons. Pity that my dwarves can't wear their armour though. I managed to kill four goblins, and the rest all escaped. Although some did drop their main weapons as they got hit, and also there were a few loose steel arrows around the place too.
Oh, and they managed to kill a few dogs, Lothar, and two Zeors.
Also, quite often a goblin theif will show up right in the centre of the busiest part of my fortress! It's a miracle he doesn't get seen until he's in the middle of it though. However, my 60-or-so trained dogs roaming the land make short work of him! (Actually, for the fun of it, I'm gonna make the muskoxes trainable too. And mabye try make the cows milkable.)
And those lines down deep mean nothing. But if you haven't already done so, I'd make a small excavation site down at the bottom floor, just in case you got lucky and located on top of an adamantine mine.
And I'm trying to persuade Apoc to help with a DF webcomic at the moment...
Edit: Ah. Shadowman went berserk because he couldn't find enough material for his artifact. He instantly got ripped to shreds by his five war dogs he was keeping as pets.
15 Nov 2007, 20:32
Uh oh.
Let's hope he doesn't want a shell.
Poofer gives birth... while sleeping in her bed.
This results in the best baby name yet: *Sploofer*.
I decide that rather than wait until nobles arrive to build their rooms, I should build them ahead of time to save the trouble.
I designate the deconstruction of some floor tiles and practically every single dwarf in the fortress runs over to smash them down. While standing on them, of course.
Wait... crap, Matty is still possessed, isn't he?
He's kinda stuck on looking for cloth, it seems.
But... why? Look at all of that we got! We got... oh. We only own the rope reed cloth on that list. Apparently Matty noticed that the just-appeared caravan was holding some giant cave spider cloth when he got possessed, and seeing as the caravan took ages to reach the depot, he's probably not too happy that he can't get any of that cloth.
15 Nov 2007, 20:41
and two Zeors.
Cloning is bad, Plasma. I thought you knew better. :p
just in case you got lucky and located on top of an adamantine mine.
From what I saw in the wiki, the chances of that happening are astronomically low. Especially since I'm in the forest and not the mountains.
Though I bet that eventually DF will reach the level where I can chat with other civilizations, collect clues as to where that adamantium is located, send out a small batch of dwarves to start a mine in that area and then it's on to making sweet, sweet metal shoes.
And I'm trying to persuade Apoc to help with a DF webcomic at the moment...
I totally had that idea first.
...but I'm far too lazy to do that, so whatever. :p
15 Nov 2007, 21:07
Poofer finally finds someone who loves her. :p
"Honey, it's time for us to have a talk about your spamming problem."
Oh great, this is the happiest day of my life, I think Ill go KILL myself :rolleyes:
Another goblin siege! Only this time, it's being lead by the ruler of the goblin civilisation, a human axe lord!
...This is gonna be fun!
Edit: CRAP! There's two armies this time!
15 Nov 2007, 23:47
Pigbuster, you win a point. From me. Exclusive one-time SupSuper Point offer.
So anyways, back to the spider massacre (this goes on for loooooong):
*cue chase music*
Hey quit hogging all the fun I wanna be chased too.
UGUGUGHAAAAAARGH. They don't even make it to naming.
What's that, Plasma? You're off into doomsday lands merely so you can have the joy of carrying a corpse? Well don't let me stop you.
Oh boy!
15 Nov 2007, 23:50
It's a fair price for extreme stupidity.
Though part of me was hoping he'd fall in the chasm. :-(
I'd rather bleed to death than being killed by a spider!
Every single immigrant tries to have a go at the spider. It's ridiculous. And hilarious.
This thread has thrown my awesomometer out of whack. I'm gonna have to recalibrate it.
SupSuper, why don't you try killing the spiders by causing the nest(?) to collapse? All you need to do is first dig a tunnel one floor down that goes directly to the centre of the nest, designate all the area one floor below the nest to be dug out, dig out a channel pit in that dug area (starting from the centre, so your dwarves don't get trapped), then dig a ramp into the sides of the dug-out area (which removes the floor just above the ramp.
If I'm right, this will cause the entire ground the spiders are on to fall down two floors and break apart, hopefully killing the spiders! (if not, they're trapped anyway)
Of course, the collapsing debris might kill one of your dwarves though. I only say might because the dwarf won't be under the falling floor, but will be one step beside it. Chances are that he'll survive though.
Also, I plan to be posting my big, yet incredibly stupid, move to eradicate the goblin threat once and for all!
16 Nov 2007, 18:32
SupSuper, why don't you try killing the spiders by causing the nest(?) to collapse? All you need to do is first dig a tunnel one floor down that goes directly to the centre of the nest, designate all the area one floor below the nest to be dug out, dig out a channel pit in that dug area (starting from the centre, so your dwarves don't get trapped), then dig a ramp into the sides of the dug-out area (which removes the floor just above the ramp.
If I'm right, this will cause the entire ground the spiders are on to fall down two floors and break apart, hopefully killing the spiders! (if not, they're trapped anyway)
Of course, the collapsing debris might kill one of your dwarves though. I only say might because the dwarf won't be under the falling floor, but will be one step beside it. Chances are that he'll survive though.
Also, I plan to be posting my big, yet incredibly stupid, move to eradicate the goblin threat once and for all!
Erm, it's not a nest of spiders. It's one really big spider. Also, it's a bit late now.
Anyway, Dan, get to the SuperClerk bit already :p.
16 Nov 2007, 19:49
Done hating me for posting such an ungodly amount of pictures and stretching the thread out? Good! Time for some more!
Yep, he's gone crazy. Oh well.
He stares at his bed and mumbles incessantly for a long time!
He stares at a bed in the barracks and mumbles incessantly for a long time!
He begins the obligatory stripping!
He runs into the dining room and completely crashes the party that was going on there!
16 Nov 2007, 20:00
We've got 3 legendary miners now. Woo.
A raccoon steals Matty's dropped pants!
...and that's enough to push him over the edge.
The horses, dogs and camel surround Matty's corpse in mourning.
Another one already?
16 Nov 2007, 20:12
He uses the very cloth that was the reason of WorMatty's madness. Thank goodness I bought every bit of it I could.
"Hmm... haven't used Pilot yet. Well, now I have."
I designate a mass good bedroom project to keep the miners & engravers busy.
Legendary? As big as my dining room is, I'm pretty sure it's only at the "great" level.
Either they're misevaluating it, or there's a secret legendary dining room somewhere.
No! They'll stand around at the lake and be mildly threatening again!
16 Nov 2007, 20:17
Hey look, a weird new stone!
...water? The hell?
Sweet, I'm totally building a workshop out of ice!
...or not.
It doesn't melt when built outdoors, though!
...until Spring, probably.
And this here is a wood furnace. Built out of ice. And it works.
16 Nov 2007, 20:27
The soldiers fail to chase down a kobold thief, so they decide to take out their anger on the nearby wolves.
They shot off it's right leg with an arrow.
I begin a strip mining operation in the deep levels.
And right away it is a success!
I can find out where my dwarves went just by following the trail of vomit.
About time we get some immigrants. And a dungeon master? Ooh!
Well, here's my heroic last stand against the goblin siege! (prepare for more Awesome)
This the first group of goblins. There's four in total.
As you can see, they're only mildly entertaining. They have that bad habit of staying at the edge of the map again. Also notice how all of them are rookies.
Quite frankly, they don't seem to pose much of a threat. Mabye this won't be as awesome as I thought...
Here's the second group of goblins:
As you can see, they're already busy at work tearing through my defenses! Ack! There's more there, but you can't see them from that screenie.
That big blue U there is the human Axe Lord, the ruler of the goblin kingdom! And if you haven't already guessed it, that guy is POWERFUL!
PB deserves a kick in the teeth for saying that goblins don't attack!
I enlist any dwarf that can fight into the military, which comes to a grand total of about 120 dwarves. This is just a preview of what's to come.
It sorta looks like a smiley face.... oh, the irony!
Really though. Those goblins HURT! As in, really really HURT!
Oddly, Pieman carried her baby into the battle! Even more oddly, the baby lasted fairly long too.
The goblins aren't slowing down! This means trouble!
16 Nov 2007, 21:08
Are they seriously just running and attacking your fortress without provocation? Jerks.
I guess I was just lucky enough to have a bunch of cowards "attack" me. :p
Lordy, nobody can hit him! He's tearing straight through my army but not even flinching!
Well, at least they're good for getting rid of mayor mandates...
Honourable Oft does a favour for us all and distracts the Axe Lord while the army can get rid of the other goblins.
Some might call it 'running away'. Not me! None of my dwarves do cowardly things like that. *ahem*
Ah. Looks like my dwarves still didn't stand much of a chance, even without the Axe Lord mowing them down.
That's what I hate about those goblins. They never clean up after their own mess.
After much intense fighting, and dieing, I was finally able to kill all of the goblins, and get the Axe Lord retreating! Looks like he won't be getting far though!
Well, it was a long, hard battle, but I finally managed to defeat the goblin menace! This shall be a great day for celebration! Cities will be prasing us for-
Oh, right. I forgot. That was only a quarter of their force...
Well, as they need to be eradicated too, I best get started!
As previous squad leader Pikkul has got severely injured, the role of commander has passed on to Preasure! Rallying his troops, he leads onwards to defeat more of the great evil!
...nobody followed.
Even though he's on his own, Preasure decides to face the threat anyway!
Preasure was never exactly the brightest bulb in the box, so to speak...
Right. With Preasure gone, squad leadership gets passed on to Kelster instead.
Rallying her troops, he leads onwards to defeat more of the great evil!
...everybody followed!
However, this troop were still rather unentertaining (although I did like a few of their juggling acts), and were quickly overrun by Kelster's hordes of trained dogs and muskox.
Victorious, Kelster returns back to the fortress. Tired and weary, she goes for a lie down, a much earned rest.
...what we didn't know was that when she got back, she ended up getting sent to a month in prison for injuring one of her own pet muskox. Shame, that.
Legendary Miner Pikkul is recovering slowly but surely. Hopefully, he'll soon be back to continue his mining.
Even though the Axe Lord seemed to enjoy large portions of dwarven stew, quite a number of dwarves survived. About 50, actually. One of which was Dungeon Master Volcadmin, who was the only noble still alive.
Another survivor was...
...Don't ask. I don't know either.
There's still two troops left. However, with their ruler unable to give them orders, on account of him being deceased, they remain in position. Which is perfect, as now I finally get good use out of my catapults!
A few flying rocks later, and the goblins are in retreat! Finally, the battle is over! Phew, that was tough...
With the goblins dead and the siege lifted, migrants came to assist us in rebuilding the fort. This'll be the start of a glorious era of Tickboot and Zeor-hunting.
...did I say 'Zeor-hunting'? Err, I meant... umm... oh hey look over there it's PB with more updates of his own (slightly less) awesome fortress! Woo, pay attention to him now, especially if you are Zero!
16 Nov 2007, 22:06
his own (slightly less) awesome fortress!
Them's fightin' words, son! :p
I name the Dungeon Master after Nutter.
And it appears that he's an exhibitionist.
I decide to go against my "No revive" policy just this once and name the new trapper "Gingerneck".
...that's a hell of a lot of blood.
A compassionate hunter he is not.
Anyway, it's just another fine, uninteresting day in the fortress!
Those wacky craftdwarves are still making their masterpieces, I see! Pikkul's become more and more awesome, of course. Thomasp had another baby? Geez, I'm running out of ways to combine those names. How about "AndromasP"? Yeah, that works.
Good thing that other baby became a kid, because I'm not sure how ThomasP could handle carrying 3 babies at once.
16 Nov 2007, 22:08
Wait, what?
DAMN... IT... WHA...
He's been beating on OldSkoolCrazy for a good minute because the game decides that the discovery of magnetite deserves a pause and a zoom, but a titan in the fortress that could kill dozens of my dwarves if I don't activate the military? "Nah, that's not important. Hey, look! Orthoclase!"
Hey, he's not doing too bad!
I don't have that many war dogs. Stop killing them, please.
OldSkool somehow drags himself outside and away from the battle below.
Ooh, looks like PB's fortress is gonna be even more less awesome!
Right, so Sup get's attacked by a Giant Cave Spider while his population is low, PB get's attacked by a Megabeast, and I get assaulted by an entire civilisation of goblins.
Fun times...
Actually, my fortress is getting kinda boring right now, as I don't really have anything to do. There were so much goodies drooped that my dwarves spent half a year picking them up and still aren't finished.
I'm gonna search the forums for some sort of an endgame.
17 Nov 2007, 00:10
Ooh, looks like PB's fortress is gonna be even more less awesome!
NOOOOOOOoooooo... actually, YAAAAAY!
Crap. Poofer carried her baby into battle with her. That kid's going to have problems.
The titan is still unscathed.
17 Nov 2007, 00:13
AGH. Another one.
That titan has two dogs biting on him at once and he doesn't even fall down.
The battle is taking place in the storeroom, so the dwarves are constantly trying to store some wood, only to run away from the titan. They're all crammed in the hallways.
At least we seem to be doing a bit of damage to him!
Well, it took 6 arrows (including one in his heart), but we got him!
17 Nov 2007, 00:23
Everyone gleefully rushes in to collect the titan's stuff.
Of course, since most of them were in the hallways, they've probably all "witnessed death recently". Wonderful.
*Sploofer* crawls around aimlessly. I guess there isn't any dwarven adoption, is there?
OldSkool miraculously survived the attack, but he's probably never going to heal from those wounds.
Rest In Peace.
The whole thing left Agent Luke down in the dumps.
Well done. Although he didn't really seem to be as much a challenge as I had hoped.
At the moment, the Goblins are taking revenge again. Two troops inbound.
Actually, as I got bored, I decided to tear into one of them, and lost another 20 dwarves.
17 Nov 2007, 00:35
Man, I really don't need this right now.
I lock all the doors and one of the dogs rips him up.
And you know what that means...
"Dibs on the tunic!"
"No way, I called it!"
Eventually every single dwarf is going to have "Mayor" as their profession, aren't they?
OldSkoolCrazy is apparantly now a "dabbling wrestler".
He was never in the military, so I think the game is telling me that my recruits are wrestling with the crippled dwarf.
Fresh blood!
I pretty much gave up the process of "Give dwarves names that have something to do with the profession" and just went down the list and gave everyone a name.
17 Nov 2007, 00:47
Well done. Although he didn't really seem to be as much a challenge as I had hoped.
Yeah, he was only able to take out 2 dwarves. I need a big battle to quench my thirst. FOR BATTLE.
I might actually take on one of those goblin "raids" sometime.
Nutter wants a tomb, and so he shall get one! It's insanely heavy, too.
The visiting merchant prince seems to have confused himself with a goblin and is staying at the edge of the map.
Agent Luke is taking the death of Poofer rather hard. TANTRUM TIME!
Hey, this is a nice weapon rack I think I'll DESTROY IT MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
AndrewTaylor doesn't seem too interested in doing his job, so I draft PsyDome into the Fortress Guard and he brings Luke to justice!
17 Nov 2007, 00:55
"Hey, I'm calmed down now. Seriously. You can stop dragging me to the jail, now."
Once again my jailers prove to be utterly incompetent at chaining something up.
Geez, he just let it all out on that one weapon rack.
I'm getting Deja Vu, here.
17 Nov 2007, 01:08
|8B>, please refrain from rolling around in the crippled person's bed.
Luke escapes from prison to get a nap. I think I'm beginning to see a repeat of Aku's imprisonment, here.
...yep. The exact same thing happens. It's even the same room in which the prisoner collapsed.
...only to be brought back to go through the same exact events.
...wait, LEAVING?
I tried to trade with them just a moment before and they said they were "still unloading"!
The caravan drivers are idiots who don't realize that I built them a road, so they proceed to take so long that they only arrive at the Depot when it's time to leave.
Well, this sucks.
Consider yourself lucky though. My fortress is too far away to get human traders.
17 Nov 2007, 01:17
Err... he already was...
Thomasp goes legendary.
Gingerneck is out of ammo, but he's hungry, so he seems to be chasing around a deer trying to get a bite of of it.
Some of my dwarves have been acting really weird, as they were sleeping outside and getting depressed. So what was the problem? Well, it seems as though I never unlocked all of the doors after that goblin raid. Who KNOWS how much crap that caused.
Seriously, these guys are stuck in an infinite loop of Catch-Escape-Run-CollapseInBarracks and there seems to be no end in sight. Agent Luke's mood is plummeting since he's been imprisoned over and over again, so I decide to cancel the jail, giving PsyDome nowhere to take Luke.
17 Nov 2007, 02:28
This makes Psydome stand totally still in the middle of the corridor and spam my message center constantly. At least Agent Luke can get a bit of sleep now, so I'll activate the jail when he wakes up.
The humans can't even drive their caravans properly. They've been trying to turn around for ages.
Remember Faraz? Turns out he actually wanted green glass instead of clear glass, and I figured this out just moments before he probably would've gone mad.
Plasma throws a party. In the jail.
I have too many horses.
I finally decide to give HuntaKilla something to do and mark the camel for slaughter.
17 Nov 2007, 02:29
The merchant prince finally shows up, and he and his guards have Paul.Power cornered in the bedroom. Let's hope this doesn't go in the direction of SupSuper's fortress...
HuntaKilla drags a horse over to the butchers table. "I won't kill you, I promise!"
Faraz finishes his sweet loincloth.
...wait... spikes of glass?
That thing is a neuter machine just waiting to happen.
I reactivate the jail and Psydome is right back on the job!
Zeor is just hanging out in the jail for no reason.
17 Nov 2007, 02:30
Thank goodness she'll be able to feed herself now.
Daveyy stays in the jail and chats with Luke.
...which actually brings Luke's mood up to "happy". That's... actually rather nice.
HuntaKilla runs and jumps across the tables in the dining room and snatches the camel before it even has a chance to react. We'll be having camel meat tonight!
Subliminal messages!
17 Nov 2007, 02:30
After butchering the camel, HK runs downstairs to pry off the door to the water storage. I meant her to do this, though, as I need to make a drain.
Seeing as how everyone's clothing is getting rather old, I set up a massive order of clothing for Vader to make.
I built a catapult purely for the novelty of having a catapult. :cool:
Status (
Units (
B1 (
B2 (
B3 (
That is some pretty freakin' sweet stuff.
Is that a closet full of vomit towards the bottom of B1? :confused:
17 Nov 2007, 08:24
It's actually just a ramp upwards, but someone threw up on it.
[EDIT] New version.
It appears that he has fixed some of the more notorious bugs.
19 Nov 2007, 16:05
PB how do you take screenshots of such a large area?
Also, can you update DF without having to restart your fortress?
Well, I got bored of my fortress, so I abandoned it once the goblins left.
Currently, I'm playing in Adventure mode, where I just beat the living crap out of a fully-grown dragon!
...or, at least, I tried to beat the living crap out of him, but really only managed to kill him by giving him too many nosebleeds.. But dragon scales are really tough! My shots kept glancing away. I would have been instantly toasted if I didn't get a lucky shot from throwing a willow bolt in it's face.
PB how do you take screenshots of such a large area?
Like I said before, press Esc and goto 'export local image' or something like that.
Also, can you update DF without having to restart your fortress?
19 Nov 2007, 19:28
Status (
Units (
B1 (
B2 (
B3 ( now supports multi layered maps, and allows for neato things like points of interest and such, it might be easier to use than just uploading a bunch of stuff to imageshack. II'm going to try to put my fortress in its current lame state up there soon.
19 Nov 2007, 19:50
DF Version has been released.
- Fixed problem with fortress advancement
- Fixed embark crash in cliff areas
- Fixed crash caused by seed trade valuation
- Fixed lockup from dry wells
- Fixed crash from sewing cloth images
- Handled a reclaim/adv mode crash
- Added a bit of text to wells
- Fixed problem with edge construction restriction
- Eliminated a tantrum lag/freeze problem
- Fixed scrolling problem on load screen
- Fixed crash caused by viewing the inventories of additional units
- Fixed problem with traded armor items not being recognized
- Fixed problem with moods not getting started
- Fixed problem with list update on stockpile mode paging
- Handled some of the problems keeping dwarves stuck on unpathable terrain
- Fixed crash bug from archery training
- Fixed a problem with wagon pathing
- Fixed problem with wagon speed
- Handled problem with 3D projectile targeting
- Capped reclaim squad number
- Stopped vegetation from growing on ramps/stairs
- Stopped innate swimmers from gaining swim skill
- Fixed some material typos
- Stopped 2 mayors from being present at once
- Fixed a problem with blood hanging in the air
- Handled problem with caveins involving stairs and ramps
- Fixed trap component/anvil metal use issues
- Stopped live vermin from being eaten all the time
- Stopped square trampling from removing dig designations
- Stopped stockpiles from removing liquids on placement
- Stopped miasma from escaping coffins
- Stopped floor removal over constructed walls from leaving empty space
- Stopped channeling a floor over a constructed wall from leaving empty space
- Fixed some cases of liquid flows not starting up properly
- Fixed problem with windows and vision
- Caused some buildings to block vermin
- Cleaned residual jobs on site saves
- Stopped buildings from destroying ramps/stairs
- Fixed connectivity problem from ramp digging
- Fixed a problem with constructed stair placement
- Stopped appointment of leader position
- Gave threadable stones economic status
- Fixed a few problems with counter offers
- Fixed lag caused by creatures wandering in liquid
- Tweaked pathfinding
- Fixed lag associated to wilderness creatures
Hopefully this will stop all my Adventure mode crashing. Moving on...
That's right, not even the horses are safe! Although they are good at running away.
You know what they say, the more the merrier.
For the spider, of course.
You wouldn't believe how much the map looks like a graveyard by now.
Hay guys let's have a party at the spider lair. It'll make you cool, honest.
19 Nov 2007, 20:00
But maybe four heroic dwarves can put an end to the massacre? No they can't.
Let's all jump into webs! Fun for the whole family!
I lost track of the death toll by now.
Though I'm sure the spider hasn't.
19 Nov 2007, 20:07
Also, running into deadends, not a good plan.
There's a bad vibe about this cliff.
And now it's going for the mules! No creature is as ruthless as this.
On a twist of things, our immigrant ranger decides to go hunt. For troglodytes... yes, I'm surrounded by morons.
The sad thing is the more dwarves get killed, the more webs get created, the more dwarves are trapped...
19 Nov 2007, 21:09
Dammit, stop running into deadends!
And stop going for the animals, too! What did they ever do to you?
At this point, the only dwarf left is Paul.Power. Yes, again. Given his obsession with numbers, he's the only one who hasn't gone willy-nilly into the woods, and turned him into... CLERK KENT!
Of course, once that's over, the final round will begin:
Paul.Power' Logemedeler, Clerk
When he's not cracking numbers, he's cracking skulls!
�tastaran Kivish Mamot, Giant Cave Spider
Loves to lure them into her web of treats.
This made my day.
Don't forget to enlist him in the army and give him a weapon ([m] then [w]) before making him fight, I don't think bare fists are gonna do very much.
Or, you could have followed my idea and dig out the ground below him. But naah, that would be the smart thing to do. That's not for you, right?
Edit: Also, that's a female dwarf you got there!
19 Nov 2007, 21:47
This made my day.
It was my pun originally :p
20 Nov 2007, 01:12
So I've been meddling with the new version for a while. Guess I won't be resurrecting my last fort at this rate.
Anyway, we've made ourselves a nice little 4-story home in the side of a mountain in an area with plenty of sand, grass, and trees not too far away. The only drawback? It's pretty dang cold, the outdoor river's frozen over most of the year except in late spring-summer. Also, my little expedition team seems to have a terminal case of DURR, and will frequently loop the entire way around a section of mountain to get at a tile that they were already standing next to with full access.
We just got our first wave of immigrants, hoisting the population from 7 to 28. I don't know how I got all those new beds built. One of the new immigrant children has held two parties in the dining room already.
Before long, the new glassmaker was stricken with a strange mood. Hoping I could salvage the situation I built a glassmaker's furnace, but he started sketching pictures of stacked cloth. We don't have any cave spiders around here, and didn't have anything to trade the elves that wouldn't offend them, so he's doomed. If he's lucky maybe he'll get slapped with a light prison sentence.
I have currently assigned a sheriff, stationed a fresh squad just outside the door to the shop, and set up a rock trap in the doorway.
Edit: Hold that thought, he decided to go insane while everybody else -- including my squad -- was asleep.
The sheriff's decided to attend the party.
As is tradition, Zeor's the only one getting anything useful done.
Kid's organized his third party.
This is proving to be inconvenient. Half the dwarves that should be doing some fairly important things have been chillaxing for nearly a full season now.
Our squad gets put on standby and our mechanic gets bored. This is the net result.
And before he's even done mopping up the mess, one of the squad members takes a nasty bash to the head. From wrestling unarmed. I hate to see what happens when I give these guys access to weapons for training.
He just doesn't stop, folks.
I actually fired up the game mostly to experiment with the color schemes listed on the wiki, but a lot of stuff ended up happening. So that's why my colors are all whack, anyway.
Winter happens. Commence doom. Don't wake up SupSuper, though, he likes it there.
So much for putting the meat to use. Nobody even bothered chiseling the macaque carcasses off the depot.
This is the Another Scheme Pikkul likes so much. It's not bad, but a bit too radically different for my tastes, and somehow makes all of my orthoclase seem even uglier.
Speaking of which, rest assured, when we've all gone crazy and stabbed each other to death, we will be able to spend our eternal rests entombed in ORTHOCLASE ASKJDF;ALKB;A
On a less orthoclase-ridden note, they finally got around to digging out that handy-dandy little shortcut staircase I ordered. I'm glad it worked, the waypointing actually knows how to use it, and it makes life a lot easier for those who need to fish or drink.
Ahh, regular old seasonal river freeze. Cool! Now we can starve and dehydrate.
Aku gets the honor of breaking in our shortcut. It works and it's cool. Did I mention that?
Bring on the hunger. The mountainside shudders with the combined rumblings of somewhere around 17 empty dwarf stomachs.
Not keeping me down, though. I'm workin' through the pain.
Guess who isn't starving, though. The fishermen are able to produce a hilariously slow trickle of fish meats, which are almost immediately picked off by the first one lucky enough to get to it. It keeps turning out to be Melon, though. Mr. Important. >: |
The eternal mining race resumes! New rule, though: Starving to death = Disqualified!
I got the collapse notification and my view took me to about the middle of the waterfall. I figured out after a bit that part of the frozen waterfall had just collapsed under its own weight. Nice touch. Nobody's hurt.
I ttthhhhink this was Pikkul, actually. Hmph. Luck.
I think maybe Super just doesn't like his bed anymore. First the brook, and now he's passed out on the rock right next to the bed. Maybe he's magnetically opposed to it.
We now celebrate the onset of impending dwarven death with the traditional "vermin hunt."
The river thaws pretty early. I'm almost disappointed. Not sure why Plasma's so confused about it.
Now we can go back to feeding Melon.
Hello, Paul. It is good to see you up here! I have been here for quite some time, doing camel things. How is the outpost doing?
Jeepers, Paul! I had no idea all of this was way down here! Are we going inside?
I do not like it very much in this room, Paul. It is dark and smelly. Why are we here?
Well, what do you know? Everybody survived winter. Weird.
Okay, this time he's in the middle of his workshop. He was probably in the middle of making a bed. I think Sup's narcoleptic.
This shortcut to the river is never used. Everybody keeps going up the stairs to the upper river to drink instead.
Speaking of the shortcut, I made a hatch cover for it! Isn't that great? I think that's great. ...Although I do wish it would only show the hatch symbol instead of blinking between that and the > symbol all the time, but oh well.
This one was definitely me. I rock.
GET IT?!?! MINER?!?! ROCK!?!?@1/21? I swear that was accidental
Liketyspli seems to have heard that Melon is holding some sort of meeting. Melon is actually asleep in the middle of the brook, so I dunno. That's what Likety's up to, though. Gotta attend the meeting. Nonexistence is no excuse.
Now where were we? Oh yeah, that.
Melon keeps doing things other than holding meetings. Likety keeps attending them anyway. He has some bizarre fixation.
Melon goes downstairs to not throw a meeting there. Likety follows to attend.
Melon chops a tree. Liketyspli attends the meeting.
I'm starting to wonder if Slick was born as the center of some axis of misfortune. Even in Dwarf Fortress, his dwarf self is always miserable. Slick isn't a happy camper, and for some reason, he has dwarf blood splattered all over his head. Doesn't look like his own...
I'm looking around to see if I can spot any wounded who might have bled on Slick, but I'm just seeing how bad our condition is getting. Munkee manages to feed himself on dragonflies or fireflies or some such and then drink out of the river, though.
Melon makes crafts. Likety attends the meeting. Likety attends the meeting so faithfully that he falls asleep there.
Maybe I'll see if I can make the farm plot work just to see if I can. I'm basically just turning most of the room into a big channel, then I'll see about installing a floodgate on the lower level.
Kitty likes waterfall.
Sup falls asleep in his workshop for the second time. Will he ever wake UP!?!??!
I think Melon is just trying to get the hell away from Liketyspli now, but nope, gotta attend the meeting.
Laugh now, Mr. Eats All the Fish Important Dude, but you're gonna find yourself dragging all the corpses around. >: (
Nobody likes being hungry all the time, and everybody's getting pretty unhappy about it, and an unhappy dwarf is oh so very close to a crazy psycho killer dwarf.
Edit: Ugh, I have 3 more posts' worth to go through, but I'm way too tired right now.
20 Nov 2007, 12:51
Zeor's tale of Liketyspli's "meetings" made me laugh soooo much.
Also, here Toady, have $10
Melon keeps doing things other than holding meetings. Likety keeps attending them anyway. He has some bizarre fixation.
It all makes sense now (
20 Nov 2007, 14:52
Decent start so far. I decided to pick somewhere with lots of trees but no mountains, and just dig down. I also went with the wiki's starting recommendations
The Team
Paul: Miner, all round noble guy (:p), bookkeeper
Zeor: Miner, Mason
Thomas: Carpenter, woodcutter
Ben: Fisherman and fish cleaner
Daniel: Farmer, plant gatherer
Andrew: Brewer, Cook, and now a novice bone carver
Matty: Mechanic, architect
*DING* Ground floor, the wagon, trading, finished goods and fishing!
*DING* Lower ground floor, carpentry, craftsdwarfing, brewing, fish cleaning, farming, refuse collection and restaurant!
*DING* Basement, masonry, mechanics, accounting and sleeping!
20 Nov 2007, 15:22
This shortcut to the river is never used. Everybody keeps going up the stairs to the upper river to drink instead.
Did you make a water source zone around it?
20 Nov 2007, 15:38
Uh-oh. I decided not to go for an anvil in my starting package, figuring I could always buy one when the caravan showed up.
3000 gold. That's one hell of a price tag. Couldn't meet it even with all of my crafts, mechanisms, beds, buckets, free barrels and doors in tow.
I wonder if I can run a fortress without ever making metal?
20 Nov 2007, 15:51
It isn't totally necessary... at first.
You'll definitely need it for making chains and weapons and fancy tables for the nobles.
Just keep making crafts and you'll get enough money to buy one next time.
20 Nov 2007, 16:06
Uh-oh. I decided not to go for an anvil in my starting package, figuring I could always buy one when the caravan showed up.
3000 gold. That's one hell of a price tag. Couldn't meet it even with all of my crafts, mechanisms, beds, buckets, free barrels and doors in tow.
I wonder if I can run a fortress without ever making metal?
At least they bought you an anvil :mad:
The Liketysplitt and Melon part was absolutely HILARIOUS!
(And Pigbuster just lost his Best In Thread award...)
20 Nov 2007, 19:54
tracked why units are following certain units more closely
So anyways, the epic finale!.
Paul finishes his recordkeeping. He puts his books down, grabs his trusty axe and gets ready to rumble. He leaves the fort and follows the cave spider's treacherous trail to her lair. He goes for her head and...
Oh well, better luck next time.
I put up various hilarious movies of the various hilarious spider fun here:
Benny Hill music recommended.
20 Nov 2007, 20:09
Liketyspli follows Melon around because Melon is the one with all the food :p my current fort, noting interesting at all happening yet really.
edit: oh golly oh jeez all my dwarves are starving like zero's fort
NOT!!!!! ha ha ha
Is anybody else worried that in Pikkul's fortress, it would appear that nobody is wearing anything? my current fort, noting interesting at all happening yet really.This kicks tremendous ass.
Meanwhile, back at Braveloaf...
Melon seems to have gotten some distance on Liketyspli, and now he's just a-livin' the life. Totally content on fish meat and river water, here he is, on break, just hangin' out in the doorway of his bedroom and watching everybody crawl around looking for rats to eat.
SupSuper can bear it no more.
He starves in such a fashion that his body holds the front door open. Jerk.
Splapp sets about the grim task of... er... moving all of Sup's clothes to the finished goods stockpile. That's not quite what I had in mind, there. Somebody needs to move the body, guys.
Dude, nobody wants to do that. He's all dead 'n' stuff. Gross. Philby, however, is hunting for vermin right on top of Super's carcass. Maybe he's using it as rat bait.
The horror of it all is too much for poor Slick. He's lost the will to live.
He takes to strolling slowly around in the middle of nowhere.
Ok, guys, let's get this straight. That's NOT A DOORSTOP. That's a DEAD WOODWORKER. Somebody put it in a COFFIN before it starts BELCHING MIASMA EVERYWHERE. Seriously.
Forbidding everything else on the tile seems to do the trick. Splapp lays Sup to rest in our happy little bright yellow cemetery.
Maybe... if I can just make it... to the food stockpile... I can find a bone to gnaw on, orr... Nope, opening the door was a bit much.
See you on the other side, guys.
Please look after my cats. : (
Slick looks like he's on his way back to his bedroom. Maybe he wants to paint it all black and put up some Linkin Park posters.
He gets there. Liketyspli, meanwhile, has attended his last meeting.
Likety and Raycaster, who none of you know but I added anyway because he's pretty cool, also decide to croak right next to the main entrance. Dude. Those doors are cursed.
Likety's death seems to attract horses. Right at the main entrance. Guh.
Slick's had enough of this mortal coil.
21 Nov 2007, 09:08
Melon's meetings part was hilarious.
Makes me wish I had this game figured out already. :p
It doesn't help that I'm not playing it, but I can't really play it witouth figuring it out first... it's like a vicious cycle.
I will continue reading this thread in the hope that I will eventually figure it out of you people's posts. :p
21 Nov 2007, 09:50
Melon's meetings part was hilarious.
Makes me wish I had this game figured out already. :p
It doesn't help that I'm not playing it, but I can't really play it witouth figuring it out first... it's like a vicious cycle.
I will continue reading this thread in the hope that I will eventually figure it out of you people's posts. :pYou could always try a tutorial (
I'm still wondering why Zeor seemed so hesitant to make an outside farm, which only requires soil, which he has...
Edit: Oh, and I plan to start another Goblin fortress soon too...
21 Nov 2007, 18:02
Edit: Oh, and I plan to start another Goblin fortress soon too...
If you don't have a fortress right now, could you please go into adventure mode and burn down an Elf retreat? I always wanted to see that. :p
21 Nov 2007, 21:45
I'm still wondering why Zeor seemed so hesitant to make an outside farm, which only requires soil, which he has...I never got the right seeds for that.
21 Nov 2007, 21:50
Zeor's avatar is making me bleed from my eyeballs, it contains awesomeness.
I've currently got 36 pictures worth of adventure here, and it's not even winter yet. Goblins kick ass!
Yes, I plan on actually posting the pics at some time...
If you don't have a fortress right now, could you please go into adventure mode and burn down an Elf retreat? I always wanted to see that. :p
Too late. Sorry.
I never got the right seeds for that. don't start with them, you collect them by gathering plants from outside.
Zeor's avatar is making me bleed from my eyeballs, it contains awesomeness.
Why thank you for that post. I'm sure it is somehow completely relevant to this topic.
21 Nov 2007, 22:16
There seems to be something monumentally unfair about a whole wave of migrants arriving in late autumn, but at least I have plenty of food (although the blacksmith's going to be annoyed about that anvil)
Here, have some names
I'm now officially a Clerk. Bask in the glow of my purpleness!
So yeah, the liason and I are currently standing (sitting?) in the same square, and she's prone. Oh well, at least I'm male and she's female :p
Zeor's stealing a march on me in the mining stakes, but it's difficult to be churlish when you're a High Master Record Keeper...
What an odd mixture of real and forum names.
22 Nov 2007, 00:21
Is anybody else worried that in Pikkul's fortress, it would appear that nobody is wearing anything?
We are wearing clothes, we just haven't MADE any.
22 Nov 2007, 13:03
What an odd mixture of real and forum names.It's a well-documented fact that Zero72 is called Mr. Zeor T. Awesome in real life.
23 Nov 2007, 16:50
Hangabout, what the hell have you chosen for me in this den of incoherent brain confuzzling stuff?
I still don't feel like posting the whole end of the Braveloaf saga at the moment, but...
30 Nov 2007, 18:48
Time for another IMAGE RUN! I hope you're ready.
Looks like the jail-time is almost over.
All of the squaddies throw a celebration party. Woo.
he was lapsing in and out of consciousness, unable to sleep properly, so this was bound to happen. Oh well.
He certainly isn't a very mobile madman, what with his injuries. Still, a stark-raving mad person has to move around and babble as best as they can. It's the law.
30 Nov 2007, 18:48
_Kilburn suddenly gets inspired, and rushes to the nearest carpenter shop with determination in his eyes!
...and he runs directly on top of OldSkool. Guess all that determination in his eyes blocked his vision.
Actually, OldSkool managed to drag himself into one of the busiest hallways of the fortress, so the other dwarves are happily treating him like a carpet.
Looks like we have another one. I guess I accidentally exported something made of tin, and poninja took it personally.
AndrewTaylor chained up Mr. Bunsy.
And her baby.
OldSkool then crawls into the dining room, where he is trampled on by an army of horses.
30 Nov 2007, 18:49
I notice a number of flashing red arrows. What's this? Non-ecstatic dwarves in my fortress? Never! (Ignore the babbling dwarf with the broken legs and the horses stomping on him.)
It seems that everyones clothing is degenerating more than I thought. Hurry, Vader! You're the only one who can stop our fortress from becoming a nudist colony!
I make two extra clothiers for the extra power.
Aw, what's wrong, Poninja?
Would you like some cheese to go with that WHINE?
30 Nov 2007, 18:49
Thank god he died before he went into the workshops. He would've been trampled into mulch.
You KNOW he's really p-o'd if he cancels going to a party.
"Why, hello, poninja! Why it's a great day, isn't it?"
"So, what are you going to do todaaaaAAAAAAAAHGHHGH MY UPPER BODY! NOT MY BEAUTIFUL UPPER BODY!!!"
Hey, I certainly have a fine chair. I'm glad Philby made me such a fine chair because now I'm going to BREAK IT INTO PIECES HAHAHA
30 Nov 2007, 18:50
That's the thing we need to remember about politicians. They're all have the same faults as the average person except some of them are just plain crazy and beat people up for no reason.
Well, he may have nearly killed someone, but his rulings still stand.
Psydome gives him his well deserved punishment. Note that I'm extra annoyed at him for beating up the Dwarf that saved the fortress by eating that turtle, so this is well deserved!
He really wails on him, too. Hooray for archaic punishments!
Psydome then drags Poninja's broken body through one of the meeting halls.
...actually, he should be doing that, but I don't see poninja anywhere.
Wait, is that him in the lower-right there? The hell? Did Psydome DROP him?
30 Nov 2007, 18:50
Ah, nevermind. There they are. Anyway, justice is served as Poninja is dragged off to the prison!
Kelster watches as Psydome drags Poninja away.
...and then she snatches Poninja right out of Psydome's grip and carries him off to a bed to recover. Psydome actually walks a few steps before realizing "Hey... I don't seem to be dragging that prisoner anymore".
He then plucks Poninja out of that bed and drags him off toward the prison.
...only to have SupSuper snatch him away once again and tuck him into a different bed.
This is going to last a while...
Oh no! How will we ever defend ourselves from their fiendish loitering!?
30 Nov 2007, 18:51
Not only did they send a number of squads including a human elite bowman, but their leader, a master swordmaster, also came into battle.
All of our fierce skirmishes in the past must have provoked their nation. B�x T�bebngom must have been especially enraged because we didn't kill his brother. Now he has brought a mighty army here so he can not avenge his brother and not attack us back.
I decide that these drastic times recall for drastic measures, so I cancel Gingerneck's hunting skill. Perhaps with Armok's blessing, we will make it through the winter, but I am not hopeful.
I try to rain stony death on the invaders! Will we succeed in wiping them out? HINT: It starts with "W" and ends with "e missed with every single shot".
Gingerneck apparently began hunting just before I disabled the skill, so he walked right up to the Goblin leader's nose and shot a deer. Not only do these goblins not fight, but they're gifted with bad sight as well. Truly they are the deadliest foe I ever hath faced.
Ooh, so close!
With all of this trading off, Poninja hasn't actually been imprisoned lately, so he's probably going to be traded off until his sentence ends, when he'll go off to bed and recover all his wounds.
Meanwhile Sel, the great turtle-eater, is cooped up in a tiny room unable to sleep, where he'll definitely go mad. JUSTICE IS SERVED.
Meanwhile, wolves are loitering around, so it's time for the Silvery Spear-Ears to deal out some whoop-ass!
They give one of the wolves a fine new coat of arrows.
30 Nov 2007, 18:52
After wiping out two of the wolves, the squaddies head down to the new glitch-free well to fill their water skins.
And then they fill them again.
And again.
And they keep doing this, since that water is stagnant, and apparently they don't think that counts as water. Looks like I need a better well spot.
They keep filling it, though, and there seems to be no limit. This goes on for a couple pages, and keep in mind that each unit of water is a full cup of water's worth. Those things must be as heavy as statues by this point.
I notice the brand new shield is left in the metalsmiths. Then I realize that I never built an armor stockpile. I don't know if that contributed to the current wardrobe crisis, but I bet it did somehow.
The soldiers enjoy the new well alcove and they fill their pouches with fresh, clear, cool...
...stagnant water.
I don't know why, but it seems the brook isn't properly flowing down the little tributary, possibly because it leads to a dead end. Maybe if I make the water take a wide detour around the fortress to lead back to the brook it will flow around better.
And so begins a new tale in goblin history, as I start my new fortress using goblins instead of dwarfs.
Actually this was a while back, I just forgot to post all the stuff. And since then, I have become obsessed with goblins!
PS: If anyone's wondering why I have such a kick-ass fortress when I just started, it's because I'm lazy and decided to take over a previous Goblin fortress instead of diggiong out my own.
...not that the previous owners decided to just hand over the keys though. Instead, they all decided to move their goods to the roof and hope the siege passes over.
My seven-goblin squad. Let's see if I can be more succesful than the army that's attacking PigBuster's fort.
Also, extra points to whoever can figure out how I came up with these alterations. From easiest to hardest, they are:
Run - Walk
Futureworm - Presentman
Pikkul - Appul
Zeor - Thanatos
Munkee - Prefessur
Kelster - Luthergel
Akuryou - Jackime
Here, we have the goblins ganging up on one of the previous inhabitants, with Thanatos taking the lead!
Now to head for the roof and claim this structure for team Awesome!
30 Nov 2007, 20:23
Er, that isn't all, right?
Pro-Tip: When making a big update, format the posts in an external text application. Then, just copy and paste to the forum every 30 seconds and you wont give people like me the chance to interrupt. :p
I had been able to cleanse the entire structure from hostile forces, but both Jackime and Appul had gotten too injured to move. Hopefully, they'll recover.
But screw them. More for me, I say. This building is mine now!
So I started moving in to the place and built a few buildings. I don't know what that dude is doing there, but he seems okay with us invading his homeland and killing everything else that moves, so we left him there.
Thanatos is not just the goblin equivilent of Zeor though!
The fiends! That child practices witchcraft! He's paralysed Prefessur just by staring at him!
Granted, some people would call that a bug in the system. But I say that it's witchcraft!
He couldn't go rest his injuries properly because he was too injured. But just as soon as he goes insane, he gets up by himself. Typical!
At least Appul's keeping his sanity intact though. Hopefully.
Er, that isn't all, right?
Pro-Tip: When making a big update, format the posts in an external text application. Then, just copy and paste to the forum every 30 seconds and you wont give people like me the chance to interrupt. :p
Nah, I prefer having time intervals between every five pictures.
Because, y'know, I laugh at people being impatient.
Speaking of which, I'm gonna go have dinner now, so I'll update the other 5 posts or so later on. :p
(All this goblin-group-adventuring really reminds me of the webcomic, Goblins. (
Right. He was on the top of a multi-storey rock structure, and he refused to come down. I think he deserved what he got!
More of my goblins tried to help out Prefessur, but ended up getting paralysed themselves! Fun times!
Right! Now I only have Luthergel and Appul to go up there and give that little kid what for!
I can only hope that he gets there quickly, before my dwarves start dy-
C'mon you two! Hurry up! There's still three more goblins to save!
Oh hey, did I forget to mention that Appul was also stuck up on that first building? Looks like Luthergel's gonna be the only guy killing everyone on this roof!
Ah, nothing more pleasing for a goblin than watching some little kids laugh and play and run down towards you to tear you limb from limb.
Or, at least, I hope that's what goblins like. Because if they don't, this guy isn't gonna be to happy about it...
I knew that fighting this battle out head-to-head would be suicide, so I opted for the most powerful weapon of all:
Strategic retreat!
It's... an axeman?
And it looks like he's having fun knocking around that witch kiddy too.
Actually, looks more like a LOT of fun knocking around the kid!
Hmm again?
I didn't even notice that until I posted it here. Good thing I took a picture anyway.
I found a few more allies on my way around. Pity I can't order them around myself, but at least they'll be handy when it comes to defending my fortress.
Right. That's two buildings taken, and I've got four dwarves surviving. I hope I can still survive the rest of the opponents...
After much battling, and much sacrifice, I managed to get through the goblin outposts, claiming each one as my own as I go along.
By which I mean the other buildings were lightly guarded and I was able to knock straight through them with very little injuries.
And now I'm down to the main, final building. This is it, it's do or die!
...and it would appear that 'die' has a great advantage this time!
The thing I like about these goblins is that they're such great hosts! They all rush to greet you as soon as you come in, and they always present you with the finest tools in the land as soon as you introduce yourselves. Free of charge.
After a long battle involving great bloodshed and mastery of weapons from both forces, I was finally able to claim the last structure and claim this fortress!
In other words:
More goblins rebelled, and beat the everlasting stuffing out of the other guys.
That 'g' there isn't one of my guys though. Sometimes, when an enemy goblin dies, it leaves a 'g' corpse instead of an '@' corpse. (It was a swordsman, by the way)
Really! I kick ass! And none of my guys had any combat experience, or even weapons, to begin with!
After the battle is fought and the day is won, everyone gets to work on improving the new land. However, Walk takes time off, and celebrates the occasion by attending the meeting Luthergel didn't throw! Brilliant!
The news of the fortress' population being drastically cut down spreads fast, and pretty soon some nasty Koblods are found lurking nearby. Fortunately, this one was spotted by one of my patrolling allys, and get's chased down.
While chasing him, the goblin bumps into a guard, who was also chasing him.
A fight ensured!
These goblins are way too much like the Irish!
Hmm... the surrounding areas seem willing to accept their loss of a fortress, and instead try trading with me. Nice!
Even Nicer! About bloody time, too.
Right, here we go again:
Paul.Power - Professor Dot Power
MtlAngelus - Wdndemonyou
PigBuster - Boarblower
(damn, I forgot who this guy was) - Lightplanet
Actually, Boarblower died pretty early on. Sorry, PB!
1 Dec 2007, 00:02
(damn, I forgot who this guy was) - Lightplanet
Shadowmoon, I assume.
And I don't care if I died. "Boarblower"? That's fantastic. :D
And I don't care if I died. "Boarblower"? That's fantastic. :D
Yeah. It's the only name there that I liked properly.
Aside from Stuntedwitch! That was brilliant!
N-N-N-N-New version!!!!
Not terribly exciting stuff though. A couple of bugs fixed.
1 Dec 2007, 01:39
Eurgh, plasma that tileset is disgusting
I started a fort in a really neat spot but I accidentally Play Now!ed instead of preparing carefully, so I went back and reclaimed it and they sent me with [b]70/[b] dwarves. It was really cool and I was having a good time with that but then dwarf fortress crashed and I'm going to have to scrape up some desire to play it again
Still cracking up at Pigbuster's stuff. Heartily.Eurgh, plasma that tileset is disgusting
I started a fort in a really neat spot but I accidentally Play Now!ed instead of preparing carefully, so I went back and reclaimed it and they sent me with [b]70/[b] dwarves. It was really cool and I was having a good time with that but then dwarf fortress crashed and I'm going to have to scrape up some desire to play it againIs your castle fort still going on?
Hm, guess I'll finally get around to finishing off the tale of Braveloaf.
Pikkul has gotten himself into quite a... n unfortunate situation. UGH. He's stuck right there, you see. Now he could actually take that one-level drop without injury, but noooOOOOo.
Pikkul deserves our help as a dedicated worker and our only surviving miner. Operation: Pikkul Bridge commences!
Paul should probably be the one starting on that bridge, but he's busy tinkering with the floodgate just now. Mmmboy.
Melon holds an actual meeting! Hey, where's Liketyspli? Oh, yeah! lol!11!1
Munkee's the one who actually starts on the bridge. Cool.
Yeah, I got them to use that little watering hole now.
Hold on, man, we'll have you on the good side in no time!
Whoop, never mind, gotta go move Zero's pants, you know how it goes. Hey, hang in there, yeah? : )
Ah, it needs masonry now that it's been architechted. Philby takes up the reigns.
That Munkee sure is an irresponsible jerk! I can't believe he'd just walk off like that! Well, g'night!
Bridge? I don't know anything about a bridge. I'm just Melon's horse! If I were you, I wouldn't look under me, because Melon sure isn't hiding under me, that's for sure.
Time's a-wastin'. Hard to say how much longer the P-Man will last at this rate...!
Aww, what an adorable baby bridge! Its other 80% hasn't even grown in yet. :3
Bonus fact: That bridge is made from the petrified wood that Pikkul himself mined from the rock. It's, like, symbolic or... something.
Sadly, he does not enjoy free life for long. Welcome to the Dead Club for Dwarves, bro.
Pff. Like it's MY job to move the corpse. Gross.
That's Melon asleep, there, I think. Which is odd considering he spends all his time holed up in his room.
Munkee totally spoils Pigbuster's break by dying in it.
Thump. Like flies.
Since Pikkul and I are pushin' up daisies, Melon takes up the task of connecting the farm room to the stream.
Hooray! I flooded something! Does it drain? Nope. Does it ever evaporate by itself indoors? Nope, don't think so, needs actual drainage. Oh well, now we have a cool petrified wood bridge over a flooded room thing sort of thing with a thing.
Yyyyep, nobody wanted to move the body, and NOW WHAT?! UGH, THAT'S WHAT! UGH!
Melon conducts a second meeting. Attendance: Horse.
Not sure on the particulars, but meanwhile, HA! HA! YOU DIE PIG BUSTER!!! It's just these guys now.
Plasma bites the green weenie in the food stockpile. Maybe they'll just stuff him in the barrel.
Make you no mistake, Melon's death is an IMPORTANT one. Or maybe he just suddenly keeled over next to a wall outside.
Philby and Aku are alone now, but I decided I'd give Philby an outlet for his frustrations by making him hack some engravings into one of the walls.
Philby holds a meeting to lay down his new laws as expedition leader. "Okay! Here's the Braveloaf situation. We die. Meeting adjourned!"
Edit: Note that my cats are in attendance. They've just been following around whoever they fancy, since nobody else likes cats enough to warrant adoption. It's kind of like I'm still there in spirit, watching through the eyes of my cat sentinels. Spooky.
1 Dec 2007, 11:13
But Aku just ain't down with that. He starts tantrumming all over the place and bashes one of our front doors to bits. Hey, maybe that'll let out some of the MIASMA STENCH.
And then the UNSPEAKABLE happens!
Ha ha! Shoot, man, my bad, sorry. What were you saying?
Philby, unable to forage for vermin chow in his brutalized state, expires in that spot some time later, next to Melon's skeletal remains.
Not much else is left to happen. Aku wanders back and forth and somehow keeps himself alive for long enough to see Spring.
Doesn't even bother shovelling up the bits of the dwarf he effectively murdered. Jerk.
At this point, Aku isn't doing anything interesting, isn't freakin' dying, and I'm worried about getting immigrants and having to do it all over again, so I gave Aku a fitting title and decided to leave him there: a sole inhabitant of the ruin of Braveloaf for years to come, half-crazed and subsisting on vermin. So ends this epic tale.
*sniff* It's all so beautiful.
But enjoyed very much.
Here's a question:
You had horses! Why didn't you eat them?
I just wanted everybody to die and be done with it. :p
1 Dec 2007, 16:21
If you didn't make a graveyard stockpile, your dwarves will ignore bodies.
If you DID make a graveyard stockpile, then your dwarves are just lazy and stupid. Or dead.
2 Dec 2007, 01:07
Dammit you guys have such awesome fortresses I love it.
I might go off adventuring on my old fort, if it doesn't crash anymore.
8 Dec 2007, 13:31
Made veins and other rock types collapse downward properly, added a skeletal flag for certain parts that skeletons would want, stopped siege operators from firing at hidden units, stopped unchained dwarves from using beds in jails, fixed problem with cursor on military screen, stopped mandaters from bringing trade goods to depot, fixed icon for blinking trees with fallen leaves, stopped nobles from caring about the rooms of other dwarves if they don't require that room, resolved recover wounded/justice conflict, added note for deceased criminals, stopped self-punishment in justice, fixed various problems with movement involving chains, fixed problem with currency screen lumping together all metal types, made caravans bring proper animals following trade agreements, fixed problem causing trade animals to have trade flags prematurely removedNo more wacky jail shenanigans. :(
8 Dec 2007, 17:34
You know, I've just had a thought; this online would be very interesting, especially if we were able to wage war on eachother's forts. That would be great.
9 Dec 2007, 14:57
I can only imagine how much that would boost requirements.
Also, new version out woo yay.
9 Dec 2007, 17:28
I can only imagine how much that would boost requirements.
I don't think it'd require much more power than it does now if it were online, to be honest. Lag probably wouldn't be a problem either.
9 Dec 2007, 20:26
I don't think it'd require much more power than it does now if it were online, to be honest. Lag probably wouldn't be a problem either.You do realize we are talking about multiple fortresses running at once (admiteddly they might not be in the same square) and an entire world having to be transmitted every 1/10th of a second. There's a reason Spore didn't add multiplayer.
Alternatively, you could have it so that the attacker only declares who attacks, and the rest of the battle is fought only by the defender.
10 Dec 2007, 18:09
Well, they might not have to send the entire world. Only the changes to the world, such as the positions of things only the players are looking at at either end. It doesn't take much bandwidth to submit co-ordinates.
an entire world having to be transmitted
That's not right.
submit co-ordinates.
And that's not right either.
What it would require, at most, is for the entire properties of the defender's fortress to be constantly transmitted to the attacker, and the orders the attacker gives to his dwarves be transmitted to the defender.
Which is still way too much to be done real-time!
10 Dec 2007, 19:45
We didn't specify that it'd be 1v1 multiplayer, just... multiplayer. In any case:
What it would require, at most, is for the entire properties of the defender's fortress to be constantly transmitted to the attacker, and the orders the attacker gives to his dwarves be transmitted to the defender.
Which is still way too much to be done real-time!That's not how multiplayer works. All the clients transmit their input to the host which updates the game state accordingly and transmits it back to the clients.
And coordinates are that much. Games like Supreme Commander are hardly light, both CPU and internet-wise, and a fort alone in DF probably has (or can, anyways) many more units than them (yes yes SupCom's graphics probably don't help, but you can reduce them to nothing and still have it jack up your computer). Multiply it by how many more fortresses you need and all the game state changes (stuff you do just doesn't affect *your* fort, it does have some kind of permanent effect on the world, although on a small scale, and (IIRC) the world keeps on running independently) and that's a lot of variables getting shoved back and forth. And even if I am exaggerating this, DF is CPU-intensive enough with one fort, so some computer would still have to handle multiple of them simultaneously.
That's not how multiplayer works. All the clients transmit their input to the host which updates the game state accordingly and transmits it back to the clients.
Yes, I'm perfectly aware of that:
Transmitted by host- The entire properties of the fortress to each client.
Transmitted by clients- The orders the user gives to his sieging dwarves to the host.
Unless you're no longer talking about waging war on each other's forts.
10 Dec 2007, 21:19
There could be sort of "Online Worlds" where there's a set of "maps" or "scenarios" that aren't an entire world, with history. Just a sort of map, and that would help.
11 Dec 2007, 17:11
The new update has some nasty issues, it seems
With an update every week, though, it won't be long before it's fixed.
15 Dec 2007, 17:57
New update, and it's a doozy.
Stopped dwarves from mining out/removing their own and each other's floor tiles ... sped up freezing water checks, made various types of items capable of destruction by fire, fixed a burn lag issue, fixed problem that made invader AI turn off, stopped full goblin armies from attacking smaller sites, fixed conflict with migrant projectiles and stranded item code
Crap. Better start making some more weapons.
17 Dec 2007, 00:03
disable mud/blood spreading,
Awesome! I had to wall off a square of mud to prevent the whole fortress from succumbing to it and I thought it was a little extreme.
18 Dec 2007, 16:20
I ended up with treecaps growing in my bedrooms because of mud trackers. :mad:
22 Dec 2007, 01:43
My fort is doing OK, I guess
28 Dec 2007, 15:38
So it looks like Toady will be starting a DF port for Mac.
29 Dec 2007, 05:48
Indeed, indeed.
Mac version of Kobold Quest is up, and a Dwarf Fortress port is soon to follow. My computer will be able to run it even BETTER. Sweetness.
It might require a new world, though. Better wrap up the Tanstukos saga soon.
30 Dec 2007, 04:28
I have so many backed up pictures. I have no idea how I'm going to get through them all...
But I'll try!
Especially since I've found out about Imageshack's super-fly uploading tools. Ooooh. So nice.
The dig through to the river is complete. As the last rock is dug, the river bursts into the channel, rushing through at great speed!
...Actually, it slowly oozed forward like molasses, and it took ages for it to make the full loop around.
Here is Zero tripping and falling on his face while slowly walking away from the FIERCE TORRENTIAL WATERS.
It seems they left for a moment to have a bite to eat, but they're back and can start invading us again.
Okay, these things are way too heavy. They're so full of water that they're heavier than beds or stone doors. No doubt my soldiers are moving at half their normal speed because of these cursed waterskins.
Not only that, but the soldiers are constantly walking away from the well, realizing the water is no good, going back, filling it, walking away, etc.
30 Dec 2007, 04:29
The military is deactivated so they will dump these damned flasks in the garbage. Good riddance.
The stocks screen says there's only 19 liquids in the fortress, but that's a dirty lie. There are so many stagnant waters that the game lags a ton whenever I scroll over it by accident. AGH.
The water fills up my farm plots nicely, and the path to the stream is blocked with a floodgate. All that's left is to drain it.
Hmm... how to do that...
I know! Have Squirminator break down one of the walls! It's foolproof!
The water gushes out with the force of a THOUSAND TYPHOONS.
The soldiers seem to have taken some of the water servings out of their waterskins to neatly stack them up in a corner of the food storage.
But what's that blue wiggly in the bottom right? Isn't that the color of deep water? How did it get down here...
30 Dec 2007, 04:30
Seems there was more water in the fields than I thought. It's all shallow and harmless, but it's getting everywhere.
Uh oh. Seems Gingerneck dropped one of Mr. Bunsy's bolts outside, where a raccoon stole it. She's taking it hard.
REALLY hard. She was ecstatic before.
Pro-tip: Don't let legendary craftsdwarves make your ammunition.
She prances around the meeting hall, screaming out for someone to fight her. She smashes SupSuper in the stomach, but he completely ignores it and walks on.
By the time he walked upstairs his wound had been completely healed.
I guess he has unbelievable toughness.
The horse, however, doesn't.
30 Dec 2007, 04:30
"Oh god... oh god... please, horse, please move... oh god don't be dead oh god oh god WHYYYY!?"
Killing a horse is as bad as killing a fellow dwarf in Tickrazor! This and more in Wacky Laws: Dwarf Fortress Edition!
Despite earning a beating, SargeMcCluck never actually gives it out.
I guess that she happened to pull this sh** while he was in a transitional period.
He was beginning to heal, too. :(
Gotta attend those nonexistent meetings in the jail.
30 Dec 2007, 04:31
Plasma may have told me that those mysterious patterns mean nothing, but I need to see it myself.
There's an awful lot of mica at the bottom level of the fortress...
Bunsy puts her superdwarven might to use.
Poninja's also sleeping in there for no reason. I don't think that's a very good idea.
She's garnering up quite the criminal record. And she's a mother, too! For shame. Think about the children!
I've hit upon a bit of a lull. So what do we do when we're bored? SKY TEMPLE!
This wonderful picture shows how I messed up the placement of the super-tall stairways.
I have to deconstruct one of them. Sure, it's a bit of a fall, but what's the worst that could happen?
It seems every horse in the fortress was hanging out on that one stairway, and they all fell into a huge pile when it was destroyed, some of them dying from the impact.
30 Dec 2007, 04:32
"Crazy uncle Sel's swimmin' in the water hole again, pa!"
"Is he now? Well, only one way to get 'im out! Pull that level there, son..."
Mr. Bunsy decided that her sentence wasn't long enough, so she beat up Poninja and destroyed the bed she was lying on for good measure. I warned you, Poninja, but you just didn't listen.
Why just build a temple in the sky? Why not a labyrinth in the deepest level, too? Why not?
The soldiers head out for another good-ol' family fun day of wolf massacre.
30 Dec 2007, 04:33
Superblob makes the best artifact yet.
About time, too.
I really kinda wonder why so many DF players despise immigrants. As long as you have enough food and big enough hallways and enough beds, the extra workers can be quite useful.
Of course, I don't mind nobles that much, either, so maybe I'm just crazy.
The sky temple is beginning to form!
And so is the labyrinth! The visualization tool is rather nifty. If only I could hide certain layers...
Everyone hangs out at the new statue garden in the sky. Unfortunately, without a roof, the nasty sun is going to make them coat the floors with a fine carpet of vomit.
30 Dec 2007, 04:33
The miners start constructing my third project...
Now, it's pretty much useless to do that since all of the items in it will just get randomly scattered around on abandon anyway, but I'm going to make it anyway, so there.
Oh, I do hope that it is opposite day!
Let's hope he's not as bad as that titan was.
The army, trained in the art of wolf slaughter, finally have a real target, and they unload their bolts into the beast from a distance!
...except for Yauhui, who is charging directly at the hydra despite having a quiver full of arrows.
The hydra seems to enjoy the prospect of killing the fool, and they both run toward each other at top speed.
30 Dec 2007, 04:34
Yauhui tackles the Hydra and knocks it to the ground, climbs on top of it and GOUGES IT'S EYES OUT.
It then stumbles around in pain, bolts whizzing, war dogs gnashing, and Yauhui flailing everywhere around it. It lets out a mighty roar and...
...dies. Yes, dies. My soldiers took out a hydra without anyone receiving a single scratch... not even Yauhui.
30 Dec 2007, 04:35
Seeing as how my military members are all incredibly awesome now, I think it's time to show that goblin leader some Tanstukos hospitality.
I'll just let the pictures tell the story.
The battle is over, and VICTORY TO TANSTUKOS!
If you look in the lower-left there, you'll see a blue 'g'. That's the goblin leader, and he's running away because he's a damn coward.
We've had some casualties, mostly dogs. The greatest price was paid by the goblins, though.
30 Dec 2007, 04:36
Awesome Yauhui was given a nasty injury, unfortunately. That's going to keep him in bed for quite some time.
|8B>'s baby is crawling around the battlefield. Say, how's |8B> doing, anyhow?
Uh... nevermind.
The child had her mother sliced to pieces by the goblin leader right before his eyes. As he watched the swordmaster run away like the coward he was, the baby's tiny infant heart was caked with rage and fury. It would be many a year before he grew old enough to take to the sword, but he knew that he would never be able to rest until he took revenge against the murderous beast that slew his mother!
The dwarves were so focused on collecting the equipment of the slain that they completely ignored the baby crawling aimlessly about. He fell into a murky pool and drowned.
"Hey, you're JUST the guy I wanted to see right now. I gotta tell ya, see, there's this bed and... what? Condolences for my loss? What loss? ...OH! Right! My wife and child! Well, yeah, that's really... uh... sad, and whatever but seriously, man. There's this bed, and I swear it is the most awesome bed EVER. Just wait until you see it, man. It'll blow your mind."
That's all. For now...
Have I mentioned that you're just entirely too awesome? All of your updates in this thread are priceless. I rofl'd.
That was just too excellent. Brilliant stuff. Very funny.
31 Dec 2007, 17:52
Ahahaha oh my gawd that's just freakin' amounts of epic. My favorite bits were the horse pile and the |8B> tragedies.
28 Jan 2008, 16:42
Oh heck yes, HECK YES!!!
Finally! We can see our glorious fortresses in 3D!
From the traveler's log of Johnny Dangerpants
I've decided to go to the Dwarvish ruin of Braveloaf.
This is obviously a thoroughly well-conceived idea that will bring no harm to anybody!
My friends, being three hammermen and a drunk, and I, have arrived at the ruined fort. It's mostly rock and the occasional scattered bones.
There's NOTHING valuable here. Maybe I'll gather up some of these hideous yellow rock trinkets and see if I can hock them for their "historical significance."
I jumped off a ledge into a tree because it was a shorter route. It was awesome! Ha ha! They all thought I was crazy, but I thought it was great.
Oh, speaking of historical crap, the only really interesting thing I found was a few crappy engravings in the ugly yellow walls. Lots of people like this sort of thing. Which isn't to say I can take them with me, but you know.
Would you believe that I traded all of those crummy yellow things for this amazing iron two-handed sword? Man, I feel BADASS.
Oh, I'm never going fishing. All of my buddies got too close to the riverbank and were immediately pulled in and ripped to itsy-bitsy shreds by all the ravenous carp. "Stay at least a couple of feet away from it," I told them, but noooOOOo. Let's all get eaten by bottom-dwellers. Whatever. I'm Johnny Dangerpants.
Whoa, check out these cool houses. They're built into the ground so that the roof is at ground level, and there's a ramp to actually enter them. I like this town.
Oh dude, things are getting pretty heated around this town. I'm outta here.
I've taken to following the river north out of the ruin of Braveloaf just to see how far I can get into the mountains.
I found the COOLEST thing. This pit goes on for FOREVER. And most of it is actually under this overhang in the rock, so it's this little cave thing with a bottomless pit in it. I'm pretty tired from all the river-following, so I think I'll spend the night here. Looks safe.
[Seriously, the pit goes down 15 levels from the top, and then ends in an infinitely-deep chasm.]
Well, my trek has hit a sort of a snag, albeit a pretty cool one. After spending the night in the cave of the pit of doom, I emerged into rain, which didn't strike me as a problem...
And then THIS! Amazing. Just before I got to that canyon there, the river was perfectly normal, and within the span of a few minutes, had overflowed to cover my entire range of vision. I'm not in any immediate danger of drowning or whatever, but progress up the river is impossible like this, because the water gets too deep and the current keeps forcing me back. On the plus side, I'm becoming a decent swimmer.
It's still raining, too. I wonder how bad it'll get before it starts getting better... Maybe I should back off for now and come back in drier weather.
[The river had actually overflowed in Braveloaf as well; the chamber with the wood bridge was inaccessible, either by the river-side entrance or by the door. Either route was blocked off by the current of the swollen river. I even almost drowned in the hallway between the shortcut staircase and the river.]
14 Feb 2008, 11:19
And lol at Crazy Uncle Sel in the water hole.
DWARF FORTRESS : Now available on Mac.
For all you crazy Mac junkies out there. Now you too can join in on the fun.
24 Feb 2008, 14:05
DWARF FORTRESS : Now available on Mac.
For all you crazy Mac junkies out there. Now you too can join in on the fun.
Not for those of us who still use the old fashioned PowerPC processors.
Although I do like how the requirements state OSX 10.3, when only 10.4 and above have been sold as Intel Compatible...
28 Feb 2008, 16:06
That's because there's still issues with PowerPC processors, but a compatible version should come soon.
12 Mar 2008, 19:16
The dev log is fun:
I almost made it through, but I got stuck on an annoying world gen hunting bug for a while. I'll finish up stage 3 ( tomorrow, and I'll probably be able to make some progress toward the stage 4 bug cap as well. On the bright side, there are now more appropriate people to bring along on your adventures again. I joined up with a married couple. They both used swords, but they weren't part of the town guard so they agreed to come along. The wife was a hunter (and had killed a wolf and two cougars during world gen before I met her), and the husband had been wandering for a few years trying to make a name for himself killing mythical beasts and hadn't met a single one. While we were journeying through the hills on the way to a goblin tower, a pack of seven wolves attacked. The husband got his throat torn out by a wolf that became named Couragebasements. While his wife skewered another wolf, unaffected by dwarf mode thoughts of misery, I killed the other six, including Couragebasements. This wolf was distinguished on my kill list (the other five were grouped together with the region where they were killed). We then went on to rack up some more victims at the goblin tower before eventually dying there. My goblin kill list got a little cumbersome, and it doesn't yet list the primary profession of the goblin, but it gives the names and races, at least (and the undead status). You can view the kill lists in any mode, though you can only view your own kill list in adventure mode (and only your dwarves at this point in dwarf mode). Later on I suppose hunters in world gen should be found with clothing and trophies relating to their kills, but that likely won't make this release. They can't even talk about it yet (I got the wife's kills from legends). I'm doing the talking part tomorrow, among other things. The dragons and their other megabeast friends are collecting kills as well, though they won't be able to cause real trouble until a later stage of this release. The hydra that survived world gen had fended off 22 heroes, and a bronze colossus that was destroyed in the year 55 managed to defeat five elves, three dwarves and two humans first. By the end of world generation, the majority of the semimegabeasts like minotaurs and giants were dead, and all of the ones that were still alive had killed multiple heroes to stay that way. All of these deaths of civilized creatures has the fortunate side effect of keeping the populations below their limits more often, which leads to a wider range of birth dates for races like elves and goblins. Goblins don't try to dragons, but they do hunt regular creatures and suffer losses there. Wars will amplify this.
You keep thinking "how much more awesome can it get?" and yet.
Blue hedgehogs confirmed as a playable race?
Actually, when the next update comes out, I think I'm gonna first add in any race and creature types, then generate a new world. Because (while the playable races do,) when a creature type is added to the game, it doesn't appear in a previously-generated world.
And I am soo gonna add in a Slowpoke race!
Let's see what our friend Johnny Dangerpants has been doing.
After giving up on exploring the mountains north of Braveloaf, Johnny ventured to a ruin and accumulated a vast wealth of valuable trinkets. While there, he encountered a skeletal mace lord, which, for most adventurers, meant certain doom. But not to Johnny! He defeated the mace lord without suffering so much as a nick in his clothing, and sold the contents of his backpack for a completely absurd amount of money, most of which he spent on fine iron armor, and the rest of which he accidentally forgot in a field somewhere after a wolf ambush. He also amassed a team of 5 or 6 other warriors who he dubbed the Johnny Dangercrew. Johnny's exploits in striking down undead warriors earned him the game-given nickname "The High Control of Nets," which is dumb. Several other members of the Dangercrew were also given nicknames.
The War of Banescar
Banescar was a cave set on the very end of a long peninsula sticking out into the ocean. When Johnny Dangerpants and the Johnny Dangercrew (if I recall, a swordsman, two macemen and a crossbowman) arrived, they did so at about the same time as a kobold caravan, somehow. As such, the kobolds were already at war with everything else in the cave. I could not even begin to count the number of dead kobolds strewn accross the landscape outside of the cave. And there was more than a little going on underground, of course. The better part of the Dangercrew stayed above to join in the battle there, while Johnny and one or two of the others proceeded underground to seek Imi Sadrains the giant.
The better part of what was mowing down the hordes of kobolds were the giant cave swallows practically swarming the cave. These huge, hideous birds would have spelled certain doom to most adventurers...
...but not to Johnny Dangerpants, who expertly struck them down while incurring not so much as a scratch. I literally lost count on how many of them I took down. I'm also getting unreal sneaking experience as I progress through the cave. At least once, I literally snuck right over a troglodyte in a one-tile-wide passageway.
Once Imi Sadrains was found, which took forever, he did, unfortunately, strike down one of Johnny's longest-running companions, Slensi Pleatedjoked the crossbow lady, and then disgrace her name when Johnny did show up.
And that sort of thing just don't fly with Johnny. He cleanly beheaded the smart-mouthed giant --still completely unharmed -- and left the kobold-strewn field behind him in a highly dramatic fashion with a sunset behind him.
With that behind him, Johnny and the surviving Dangercrew took to wandering wherever their fancy took them, doing really cool, manly stuff.
Because it was something I always wanted to do, I followed a river to its source, and just for good measure, drank from it. Should've bottled some.
Johnny's ambition of becoming a legendary swordmaster slowly progressed as he was repeatedly ambushed by wolves. The rest of the Dangercrew saw relatively little action as Johnny's unreal agility and overwhelming strength decimated the wolf packs. The kills are rarely swift, and most of Johnny's battles are marked by severed appendages flying everywhere.
Johnny returned to Braveloaf briefly, to find that it was still flooded. Even so, he took the abandoned anvil and threw it at a wolf just to say that he could. He then forgot the anvil in the field much like all of his money.
Hmm, this one might have to go to the judges' scorecards.
He and the Crew then went to the cave Diamondscar to seek an ettin. Said ettin was a bit more destructive to the Dangercrew than Sadrains the giant was, but like so many others before him, was useless against the overwhelming might of Johnny Dangerpants!
You hack at The ettin in the right head with your *�-Iron two-handed sword-�*!
The right head flies off in a bloody arc!
You hack at The ettin in the left head with your *�-Iron two-handed sword-�*!
The left head flies off in a bloody arc!
Inala Pinicamade, ettin has been struck down.
Taking both severed ettin heads with him as trophies, Johnny moved along, now accompanied only by a maceman and Lir, a swordswoman nicknamed the Sorcerous Bride of Animals, who had been travelling with him for quite some time.
Recruiting more into the Dangercrew, however, was easy now; who wouldn't want to ally himself with Johnny Dangerpants?
All Because of a Waterskin (Or: Johnny the Homicidalpants)
Johnny had slain several iron men while touring Diamondscar, and was able to sell the remains off as exceptional statues for quite a lot of money. So, of course, he went on a region-wide shopping spree, upgrading the few lacking portions of his armor, and picking up a spiffy green cape, which he then traded for a spiffy red cape. These actually change the color of the player's @ icon, which is a nice touch.
During his travels, another of his long-time companions, a maceman, was fatally wounded by a cheetah. Johnny immediately avenged him -- the cheetah corpse landed 19 tiles away -- and, in a really touching scene which totally would've won some sort of award, stayed with the mortally wounded maceman until the last.
Not long afterwards, Johnny found an exceptional bronze scimitar engraved, somehow, with an artistic depiction of that very incident. While he wouldn't ordinarily bother himself with bronze, exceptional or otherwise, he decided to purchase the sword for its symbolic significance, and keep it as a backup weapon. Even the strongest warriors can be separated from their weapons, and an unarmed warrior is a warrior in trouble. It is wise to keep a spare.
He then found a waterskin also decorated with this same image, so he purchased that as well. He took the waterskin and proceeded out of town, like normal. It was only once he had left town that he realized he had accidentally left the shop with the wrong waterskin, as there were actually two with this same piece of art on them. He promptly ran back to the shop, returned the wrongfully taken waterskin and grabbed the one that was rightfully his, but the town did not approve of this gesture. Johnny fled the town for his life, blocking a crossbow bolt on the way out, but not returning the attacks. He attempted to continue his shopping trip, but he found that accidentally grabbing the wrong waterskin had resulted in his excommunication from the entire region. Nobody would talk to him. Not even any of his 6 new recruits would talk to him, only Lir, the DangerSwordslady. Nevertheless, they continued with him, just not saying anything to him. Disgusted with the entire region's lack of respect, and deciding he had little to lose, Johnny got back at them by openly stealing a pair of pants to replace his worn-out ones, and left with his nose high, dropping all but a handful of his now-worthless money in a field somewhere and departing for the south. Excommunicated for picking up the wrong waterskin. Stuck-up jerks.
His new crew was not cooperative. Ambushed by a grizzly bear, Johnny decided to stand by and let the team fight it off by themselves, hoping the bear would maim some of them. Naturally, the bear attacked the only cool member of the team, Lir, causing her to permanently drop her shield. Johnny brutalized the bear and the team continued on, Johnny disgusted with his team's abject uselessness, with one eye looking behind him and one hand on the hilt of his sword.
Johnny, trailed by the newly defiant Dangercrew, found an especially wide river, which apparently had a waterfall somewhere judging by the repeated notifications that carp were slamming into things and falling unconscious and sometimes smashing their whole heads in and dying messily. He stopped and waited for his team to catch up to him; this was normal, because he was a ridiculously fast mover and always outpaced the rest of his team, even while sneaking. Lir the DangerSwordslady, who seemed now to be his only real friend, caught up first, which was also normal. The rest bumbled slowly along behind, save one. That one still wasn't showing up. Johnny waited and waited, finally deciding to turn back and figure out where the hell that one lagging hammerman had gone. Only at that moment did the hammerman finally show up.
"You better get the lead out, dude," said Johnny.
"Don't talk to me." said the hammerman.
Johnny's cool-headed reserve left him. "Slowpokes don't survive out here in this world, son! If you're not careful, some maniac might do THIS!" With a flash of iron, the hammerman sunk to the ground, now with 50% fewer arms. The six others from the excommunicated region all turned unanimously on Johnny, each proclaiming "prepare to die!"
Now look! All because of a wrong waterskin! You did this to yourselves! Insult my honor, will you?!
Someone as flimsy as yourself has no business allying yourself with the Dangercrew, anyway! Go on! I'm a thief! A scoundrel! Punish me! Here's my neck! Rend it! You! Lasher! Hurt me! Whip me with your one arm!
A spectacular show, Maceman! Dodge my strike -- into the river! You utter fool! Allow me to do you the favor...
Of ending your misery before the carp get to you!
The blows ended, with Lir, his faithful companion, still by his side. Three were dead, the other three missing arms and unable to bring themselves to move, much less fight. Whether or not it was truly mercy is anybody's call, but Johnny regained himself and decided to spare the survivors. It was safe to say they had learned a lesson about respecting the guy holding the huge iron sword, and that their days as warriors were pretty well over. Cursing the complete ruin of his good name at the hand of an erroneous shopping spree, he and Lir continued along their way. The Johnny Dangercrew was no more.
A truly epic story. Seriously, that was awesome.
Top stuff.
It's a shame about the current shopping "bugs", but there you go, at least it can make it more interesting.
4 May 2008, 23:11
Spectacular stuff, well done.
(Or: Johnny the Homicidalpants)
Was that intentional? (
And just think that I was able to come up with a story like this in such an early version of the game. Imagine later on as the game becomes more advanced. I could marry Lir Jackleaders and we could have awesome manly adventurous kids.
Not many more developments so far. I really do feel kind of guilty about killing all those losers off. But then, all the cool heroes have dark chapters at some point. Superman kills Lois Lane twice a month. Even Darth Vader does the right thing in the end. :p All I've done since is do some more aimless exploring, learning that I'm a capable swimmer even in full iron armor, and stopped at the entrance to a random cave I stumbled across and have no idea what it contains.
Rule Number One of the Adventurer's Rulebook
"Leakyshadows the Common Lamb" isn't such a challenging cave. It's mostly batmen. A bunch of them, a giant mole, a giant rat and an iron man. No swwwwwwWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA
Rule Number One: Don't encounter a giant cave spider. Ask the burliest adventurers or the most scrawling dwarven fortresses. Giant cave spiders will rip your whole universe off. The wiki even has a special section of the adventure mode guide saying why you should not encounter them.
The time has come for a test of Johnny's true mettle!
I'm actually pretty lucky here to have been on the tile adjacent to it before the fight began -- this way, it might not decide to web me, which would be the end of the world pretty much right then and there. This is where sneaking saves lives, kids. Remarkably, I'm even holding my own against it. Have some of THIS, spider! YAAAA
Holy GOD, we DID it.
Well, yeah, I feel like we're all strong and mighty, but I think I'll grab this iron statue and we'll beat feet. We don't want to risk encountering a second
Bah! I'm Johnny Dangerpants! Bring it on, spidey! ...Oof, sorry, Lir.
Nah-ha! You're not so tough!
Not so tough at all!
And THAT, boys and girls, is why you carry a spare weapon.
The rest of the trip out of the cave went without incident. I proved more than a match for two of them, but I'm not about to push my luck any further.
Goddam Zeor, now I feel the need to start playing this game again!
Actually, I think I'll re-start the world, so that I can get all my mod creatures and civilisations. Like Gnomes! And Anthro-Arachnids!
...I am not looking forward to meeting those...
Edit: Wait a sec; what the heck is an Angelshark?
Metal Alex
5 May 2008, 17:46
Johnny Dangerpants deserves a statue.
So I've created a new world, only with loads more creatures an civilisation. One of which are Arachnids: 8-legged, 2-armed beasts taken from the Modding part of the DFwiki.
These monsters are capable of taking down an Ettin with their bare hands! Which is just about all they can do, because they don't craft armour or weapons, only trinkets.
Unfortunately for me, I didn't know that, and put all my stat points into Swordfighting and Armour-using. Whoops!
So now I've got control of a character called Unu "Deathsense" Oszozo (don't try to pronounce that!) and now I'm looking for something to do.
Perhaps I'll ask one of the locals if he knows of any creatures that need "taken care of".
Wait, what? I didn't know there were Demons outside of Demon Pits, let alone that they could be the ruler of a grand kingdom; let alone that they could be the ruler of MY kingdom!
Oh well. TIEM FUR HUNTING!!!!1
After the end of the long, tedious voyage south (2 days is still a long time!), I finally arrive at the capital! Considering that purple areas mean that the area is cursed and evil, I'm having second doubts about how safe this is...
Braced for what ungodly horrors I might see here, I enter the capital and-
Okay, mabye I should wait until I can see anything first!
The nice thing about going to overthrow your own ruler is that his people still let you stay the night there.
Okay, so it takes a lot longer to find the Demon in the capital fortress than I expected. Especially when he can fly.
Perhaps I should ask a local if they know where he is:
Gee, what a pleasant man!
*note to self: spiderpeople are emo*
Right, so I FINALLY caught up with him! About damn time, too, if you ask me! This hunting lark is a lot more stressful than I thought.
Y'know, for a being that's supposed to be evil incarnate, he's actually pretty polite.
Oh well.
Demon, your reign of generally being-good-to-your-people ends now! Huzzah!
Hey, do you lot mind? I'm trying to hunt this creature here, and it's not very easy when you're trying to tear me limb from limb.
Seriously, people these days...
"Great Balls of Fire!"
Okay, now's probably not a good time to be singing...
"I've got a luverly bunch of-
WTFGHARGHHHDJ HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! Gah, this Demon must have haxxed my strength-stats! Even my awesome swordfighting skills didn't work. (Wait... mabye I should have brought a sword...)
Really though, why are people so fond of hunting? I mean, you just seem to die every time you come up across a Demon ruler. That's not my idea of fun.
As I've mentioned, Johnny's true ambition is to be written in legend for all time as a great, legendary swordmaster.
...Okay, and ambusher.
Hey, first time I've been legendary in anything without resorting to evil hackery. I'm not complaining.
For your continuing Johnny Dangerpants-relevant amusement, here's Johnny during his travels through the Hills of Nails, which is clearly the wolf capital of the known world.
(note that I knocked a wolf flying and then finished it off with a coin throw)
I go to sleep in the mead hall of a strange town, wake up and leave the place, and find a dead cougar, a dead child and a maimed child lapsing in and out of consciousness., did I miss anything interesting?
By the way, Zeor, do you know what colour the different types of cloaks are? I know that Rope Reed is green and (IIRC) Nurse Shark is brown, but I don't know about any others.
9 May 2008, 20:09
I killed 3 giants and two ettins with my custom civilisation; the headcrabs.
Of course, being able to weild three shields and being a HammerLord helped.
Oh, and if anybody is interested, I've made a Worm civilisation. It's not complete, I'm thinking of adding firepunch to the basic melee and prod too. Then again, I like the fact you can pull eyes out with your tail provided you get a good enough grip while wrestling something.
Oh, and if anybody is interested, I've made a Worm civilisation. It's not complete, I'm thinking of adding firepunch to the basic melee and prod too. Then again, I like the fact you can pull eyes out with your tail provided you get a good enough grip while wrestling something.
Haha. Awesome. I was thinking of doing something like that, but I have no idea how. If you could add Slorg and Foobos monsters into the mix too, that would be fantastic.
By the way, Zeor, do you know what colour the different types of cloaks are? I know that Rope Reed is green and (IIRC) Nurse Shark is brown, but I don't know about any others.I don't think rope reed is naturally green, but brown. Were you seeing a dyed one? My red cape is rope reed.
Leather items usually just appear in the same color as the animal, I think.
10 May 2008, 08:01
[PREFSTRING:memetic qualities]
This is the first creature I've ever made, but if it works right, you have a Slorg megabeast which:
• Dwarves like for their "memetic qualities".
• Is twice the size of a bronze colossus.
• Gives 40 units of meat and bones and stuff, and 30 units of fat.
• Can pretty much kill anything in a single hit by OWNARing it... with its mind. This attack can do damage of 4-9. For comparison, a dragon does 1-6.
• Avoids traps. (Why not? It's already vastly overpowered!)
...I may have overdone it a little bit. :p
Foobos will be just as bad, when I get to him.
Oh, and the forum put a space in the words "BLUDGEON" and "2LUNGS" for some reason. Annoying...
I don't think rope reed is naturally green, but brown. Were you seeing a dyed one? My red cape is rope reed.
I've got two. They're both bright green.
...I should go killadventure with more drunks.
Also, the bad thing about adding creatures is that you need to re-start the world for them to work. However, IIRC, they can still appear on trophies.
10 May 2008, 10:01
Please tell meh that dis is a computer game
doesn't look like one weirdest game i ever seen
I've got two. They're both bright green.
I'm still pretty sure that if you've got bright green rope reed, it's dyed. Check the item description; that'll tell you about the dye.
10 May 2008, 19:27
In mine, Dwarf guards are a force to reckon with. I mean, seriously. They use laser rifles. With damage 20-400. Dragon Breath does something like 10-35.
Of course, it all depends on if they can build laser charges well enough.
Yeah, maybe I'll work more on the worm civilisation, and perhaps throw some other things in, maybe internet phenomena?
Okay, here it is (note:WIP)
1. Download and extract the zip file.
2. Put the text files in the Dwarf Fortress/Raw/Objects folder.
3. Delete the files inside Data/Objects
4. Generate a new world (size must not be POCKET)
5. Start an adventure to play as a worm if you want!
Edit 2: Bugfix
Edit 3: Bugfix 2
Man, I should be careful when file splitting!
Edit 4: WTF
Okay, now it's not working at all. Okay, hang tight folks.
Edit 5:Success!
Right, here we go!
The hell with "The High Control of Nets." I'm Johnny Dangerpants the Accidental Larcenist. It looks like I've now put on a boot I don't technically own. Just one. I do own the other one. But of course, now that I've committed this HORRIFYING SIN, nobody within 800 miles will tell me anything except "Don't talk to me."
Being very frustrated but not wanting to murder anybody else, I put my sword away and bashed him in the hand with my shield just to let him know how I felt about being kicked out of another 8th of the world for another retarded mistake. With that done, I proceeded along my way, taking the unpaid boot, because they wouldn't let me pay for it.
Fool followed me out of his shop. Well, this must be important to you, Mr. Helptummies or whatever your name was. Go ahead. Make your move.
Oof. Hey, you're lucky. Had you not knocked me over, you probably would have LOST that leg.
There, your other leg is BROKEN. I think we're done... What?! Look at you, CRAWLING towards me on your busted, gashed leg. You REALLY want a piece of me, don't you.
That leg won't be taking you anywhere in the foreseeable future.
That's what I thought, punk. Victory by counterstrikes alone. I tried to just buy the damn thing, but no. "Don't talk to me," he said. Fine, I'll communicate otherwise.
Count yourself lucky that Lir decided to spare you, too.
I'm off to kill a titan. Not for YOUR sakes.
We're off to slay the titan, the hideous titan of ooohhh poopydoodles, that's a giant cave spider. Lir, it hasn't spotted us yet, so let's just turn and walk awHY ARE YOU ATTACKING IT OH HOLY GOD THE WEBBING AAAAGH
Johnny wrestles free from the spider's web trap, but precious moments have been lost, and it may be too late for Lir!
The giant rat wasn't a big fight, either.
Oh, Lir. : ( Damn those giant cave spiders! Damn them all! If I ever see another one of them, I'll...
Lir is safe and makes a full recovery from her injuries, but alas, warriors in this version still do not yet know how to pick their own weapons back up after dropping them. Henceforth, Lir Jackleaders is a wrestler.
12 May 2008, 06:33
What the heck is that blue M in the town's minimap?
Is it just the tavern?
Gawd, I haven't played in forever.
Yeah; apparently, it actually stands for Mead Hall.
On the plus side, without the giant cave spiders to terrify you, Johnny Dangerpants would probably just happy cut through anything as an invincible killing machine.
On the plus side, without the giant cave spiders to terrify you, Johnny Dangerpants would probably just happy cut through anything as an invincible killing machine.
Until he faces a Demon ruler of a kingdom of arachnid-people, I aint seen nothing!
And I don't mean just a wussy little Frog Demon, I'm talking about the big one, the endgamer!
7 Jun 2008, 19:13
The newest devlog is so very cool.
06/06/2008: You can now set the year range at which you'd like your world generations to stop, as well as the maximum population... and I threw in all of the other parameters while I was at it. Here are some medium worlds:
Forest World ( Maximized rainfall. At the top and the top right, the humans and the dwarves have done some deforestation.
Wasteland World ( ( No rain (aside from the orographic stuff it forces in), and 10x the number of caves (caves have been made visible in all of these images). It's a hard life for the humans and dwarves that survived. The elves and goblins are dead -- only the demon remains in that tower.
Good Ocean World ( Islands via increased low elevation frequencies. The variations are also increased here, so there are more biomes packed onto the islands.
Savage Ocean World ( Another island map with good/evil turned off and high rainfall/savagery. The only civilized creatures left alive after 1000 years were three demons and a nine hundred year old elf born in a goblin tower. In order to stay alive, one of the demons had killed 3 hydras, 4 titans and various cyclopes and minotaurs. The elf was a guard and had killed a cyclops and two minotaurs. He had a wife, 6 daughters and 2 sons, but they were all killed by marauding beasts early on. The high savagery didn't impact play other than killing a few hunters -- the beast problem was caused by all of the caves crammed on the islands (it's possible to compensate for this by changing the cave parameters, but I didn't do that). Also, you can see a rain shadow very clearly on the right side of the upper island.
Customized worlds. Hell yeah.
Almost everything in the next update will be related to world generation, but damn will it make the worlds more interesting.
9 Jun 2008, 05:54
Okay, a surprise update has revealed that there's a world editor now.
9 Jun 2008, 17:18
Also, leading MASSIVE armies around, and burning towns, and stopping world gen at year 1, doing something awesome, and then watching your repercussions by fast forwarding 1000 or so year.
9 Jun 2008, 21:43
That's not going to happen for a few releases yet, unfortunately.
But seriously, in a year or so this game is going to be even more legendary than it already is.
9 Jun 2008, 23:20
Wow. I seriously want to raise a dwarf fortress in a frozen world. That sounds amazing. A constantly burning world not so much :p
10 Jun 2008, 01:03
I think ruins are my favorite badguy resort. I'd totally make a world populated by alot of ruins and see if the undead conquer the world.
If all the civs are dead by then, and undead is respected as its own civ, then you'd be starting a fortress in the middle of a barren waste, fending off undead through the walls, trying to scratch out a living from the scorched soil.
11 Jun 2008, 18:35
I really hope he doesn't increase world generation substantially, since I enjoy watching it and don't wanna end up having to leave it going overnight to find it on fire in the morning:
PS: Actually, the freezing "bug" could just be my computer feeling the relative change in temperature now that winter is long gone... SpeedFan tells me my processor, which is normally around 70C, is just about ready to boil water when I'm at year 900 on a standard map. What a little worker my laptop is. I should get it some stilts or something before I set my desk on fire.
12 Jun 2008, 17:29
Well, we're close to the first release of the Army Arc guys! Toady's wrapped up Stage 10, and he's fixing bugs and so on. The freezing bug was related to heat (funnily enough) so we're ready to roll soon!
Well, we're close to the first release of the Army Arc guys! Toady's wrapped up Stage 10, and he's fixing bugs and so on. The freezing bug was related to heat (funnily enough) so we're ready to roll soon!
Hurrah, now I'll finally be able to carry out my plan and CONQUOR THE WORLD(s)!
Also, does that include the thing where other races' armies are taken from their respective civilisations instead of being generated on the spot? Because I remember in previous fortresses, I had to fight off a LOT of enemies!
12 Jun 2008, 18:57
Yeah. Also, we can march large (but not over about 100 unit) armies ourselves, providing there's suitable conditions (read: a vendetta).
Megabeasts can be worshipped, and have a place in religeons, there's detailed histories!
It's almost as good as the Z-axis addition!
It's almost as good as the Z-axis addition!
I would hope so anyway: there hasn't been an update in four months.
12 Jun 2008, 21:33
Yeah. Also, we can march large (but not over about 100 unit) armies ourselves, providing there's suitable conditions (read: a vendetta).
Megabeasts can be worshipped, and have a place in religeons, there's detailed histories!
It's almost as good as the Z-axis addition!
I'm not sure about that first part. This first release is almost entirely about world generation.
The next release will have wars actually occur in the game, and the ability to watch them in adventure mode.
The third release will do what Plasma said: "Other races' armies are taken from their respective civilisations instead of being generated on the spot".
And THEN he'll focus on having you create armies in Fortress Mode, but I think that release will take even longer than this one did.
After that, he said he might want to focus on UI improvements so the game won't have such a steep learning curve.
So yeah, he's not done with the Army arc yet. Not by a long shot. Sorry, guys. He did say that the whole army arc might take as long as the Z-Axis update did. :eek:
Anyway, he's aiming for a June 22nd release date, and he's working weekends, so hopefully he'll finish up this first release before he takes a week long break from DF.
I'm amazed that he's already given us the ability to customize worlds. I thought it was going to take ages until people could create their own Middle-Earth, but I guess not.
13 Jun 2008, 07:35
Of course, the Spore Creature Creator is available for download on the 17th.
Until the DF update and the Spore Demo, we can at least lead "armies" (with quotes) by modding all civs to be extremely adventurous, so when you ask anybody to join they will.
There's nothing better than taking a whole town (including mayor) with you to a Giant Cave Spider place.
My Adventure log, after one of those escapades, reached the 3 meg mark.
I'm amazed that he's already given us the ability to customize worlds. I thought it was going to take ages until people could create their own Middle-Earth, but I guess not.
That's a thought! How about we try and work together to make a Middle-Earth game? Including map and creature mods?
13 Jun 2008, 17:06
Oho! A DISCWORLD one! Now THAT has to be worth it.
Sapient Pearwood trees, Luggages (there is more than one, if you don't believe me, read The Fifth Elephant) Elves that aren't wussies (which is editable; you can edit the ethics through the raws now, check the latest post) Ballista-Wielding trolls in the city goes on.
16 Jun 2008, 19:43
The world needs more DF comics.
16 Jun 2008, 19:46
Yeah, I agree. Nice ones from 3PS.
16 Jun 2008, 19:53
Please tell me there are more of those.
16 Jun 2008, 21:09
Sadly no. You'd think with most DF players around here being artists and all... :p
16 Jun 2008, 22:25
Oh, dear lord. That is magnificent. I really need to start reading 3PS again. Last September I basically stopped reading all the webcomics I used to follow.
18 Jun 2008, 07:13
I sent an email to Toady not long ago, with full details of how a moddable liquids system could work, and a suggested raw layout. This is the reply;
If it's going to be that specific, it'll probably work best as a
general material definition, so that the solid and gaseous (and other,
stranger) states can be further defined. We had material defs in
Armok 1, but I'm doing things a bit more cautiously this time around.
I've got a liquid item up on dev, I think, and the trickiness is map
storage, mostly, and keeping the speed high enough if it's reading
variables instead of preset properties as it does for water/magma.
Should be possible though.
My original raw said this
[TEMPERATURE:?] Integer, obviously how hot the liquid is.
[BOIL_TEMP:?] When it boils- left out, it won't.
[FREEZE_TEMP:?] When it freezes- left out, it won't.
[FREEZE_TO:?] What does it freeze into? Stone or metal should go here.
[VISCOSITY:?] How goopy is it? High viscosity is thinner.
[HAS_PRESSURE] Does it have a water pressure ability?
[COLOR:?:?:?] What color is it? Classic 3-color thing.
[IS_DRINKABLE] Can creatures drink it?
[IS_POISON] Is it poisonous if drunken?
[IS_EXPLOSIVE] Instead of boiling, will it explode?
[IS_ALCHOHOL] Is it a form of alchohol?
[IS_BLOOD] Can it be used as blood?
You could get a creature that bleeds molten gold, and when that cools down
it becomes gold ore.
Or elephants that bleed alcohol...mmm, tasty!
To which I later added
[IS_GENERATED] Does it appear on the map in WorldGen?
[IS_SUBTERRAINEAN] Is it underground if it is generated?
[BIOME:?] Biome for generation (can have many of these)
[IS_RIVER] Does it become a river?
[IS_POOL] Can it be a Murky Pool?
[IS_SEA] Can it become a sea?
[GEN_FREQUENCY] How frequent?
Heh, molten metal streams. Sea of alcohol.
24 Jun 2008, 01:48
Unfortunately, Toady is now going to take a little break from Dwarf Fortress for the week to work on his other projects. The release should come pretty soon after that.
But, he decided to make it up to everyone but implementing some of the most requested features;
...I know some of you are disappointed, so I've hand-made some little presents today, like being able to place multiple constructions via rectangles, being able to select all of the required building materials from one list entry with a single command (so you can select 30 granite at once, though there are no general categories like 'stone' or 'any' yet), dump/melt/hide from 'd', 'hide' from everywhere you can forbid/dump/melt (including being able to hide buildings), forbid/dump/melt/hide right-side unexpanded groups in Stores, and a bit of cursor persistence stuff somebody requested for the Stores screen as well (at least partially).
Designating large constructions easily! He just made a lot of people happy, including me. :D
24 Jun 2008, 07:47
Unfortunately, Toady is now going to take a little break from Dwarf Fortress for the week to work on his other projects. The release should come pretty soon after that.
But, he decided to make it up to everyone but implementing some of the most requested features;
Designating large constructions easily! He just made a lot of people happy, including me. :D
Yeah, the building lots thingy should be great. Also, designatable dumping! Woot! Now I can dump ALLLLL THE STOOOONE INN AA ROOOOOOM withOUT having to go through each stone.
11 Jul 2008, 22:17
Merely 13 lines left in his list of things to do before the next release.
Asmur Senseking was kidnapped at the age of five and escaped at the age of eight, returning to her old home and reuniting with her parents. When she grew up, she became a farmer, though she was involved in a war with the elves and managed to kill one. After that, she got married and became a guard. Her second eldest son Nebo was abducted, and they were reunited a few years later after he escaped, but unfortunately, Nebo was abducted again, this time for good (he was later murdered due to unspecified internal strife at the goblin tower at the age of 70, after having committed a murder himself). As a guard, Asmur surprised and fought off three snatchers, tearing off the ear of one. She also cornered and killed kobold thief Jrifigolgus, who had stolen 17 trinkets during a 38 year reign of skulking mischief. Asmur eventually left the guard at the age of 64 to become a priestess of the goddess of lightning and the sky. She died of natural causes five years later.
It'll probably be released in a day or two. GIDDYGIDDYGIDDY!
13 Jul 2008, 17:25
One line left. ONE.
Oh, and has anybody visited
yet? New DF Webcomic.
One line left. ONE.
Oh, and has anybody visited
yet? New DF Webcomic.
SWEEET! I'll keep an eye on that!
14 Jul 2008, 00:17
Everytime I get linked to it it's still dead as always.
14 Jul 2008, 08:41
The nobles one was posted not long ago.
14 Jul 2008, 17:02
14 Jul 2008, 17:36
note 7/14 -- dwarves appear to be sleeping forever, so you can mess with the new world gen stuff, but hold off on playing a dwarf mode game until I get this fixed... I have to sleep now though, it has been a while
14 Jul 2008, 20:24
Don't worry! Mod the raw file with [NO_SLEEP]. :D
Sup, you should stick to the current version until all of the bugs are fixed for your Distantcity fortress.
14 Jul 2008, 21:35
I think we should stick with .38c for the life of the fortress myself.
Are saves backwards compatible like that? What if someone didn't update?
14 Jul 2008, 23:17
The DF site keeps all the old versions up so anyone can update:
The games are backwards-compatible but I don't know if they're forwards-compatible, although I'd assume so since there hasn't been anything major added to go in the saves, and an old version would probably just ignore it anyways.
I think we should stick with .38c for the life of the fortress myself.
I can't quite see the point on that. I mean, once the bugs are fixed, there's no reason not to.
15 Jul 2008, 14:58
New version out that fixes that nasty sleeping bug.
And I have just one thing to say:
Elves eat their enemies.
15 Jul 2008, 16:58
Yeah, in this version Elves are also cannibalistic. They're totally badass now.
Also, I found a goblin fort where an Elf worked for them and had eaten his children in a war against the humans.
25 humans managed to kill 130 Elves, despite being outnumbered nearly 22:1?
Wow, that's impressive!
15 Jul 2008, 17:12
25 humans managed to kill 130 Elves, despite being outnumbered nearly 22:1?
Wow, that's impressive!
It's the wooden weapons.
In one of my worlds, 30 humans killed a force of 1022 elves.
EDIT: GYAHAHA! Carp Vs. Cougar.
17 Jul 2008, 13:26
New bugfix release, 38c.
23 Jul 2008, 20:59
New release; 39d.
Nice stuff, and now it's got a site finder on the embark screen; you can go to a place with such-and-such features that you ask for.
Also, made a utility to mod new weapons in.
26 Jul 2008, 14:00
Good god damn.
26 Jul 2008, 18:29
Of course, he's resting for a while until August. But wow! Adventure mode skills! Hooray!
Oh gods, best quote ever:
D�besh Udosdeb has been ecstatic lately. He was forced to eat a friend to survive. He enjoyed a truly decadent meal.
Resuming his quest along with Lir, Johnny Dangerpants had utterly forgotten what he had last planned on doing, so he simply wandered where his whim took him, eventually landing in a cave fairly well brimming with creatures of the bat sort.
He had become so stupidly good at sneaking that he was even able to maim things without being noticed.
Somewhat surprisingly, Lir proved herself to be a fairly apt wrestler, able to deal with a good number of batmen without injury to herself.
Johnny himself handled the much-dreaded giant bats. These are up there with the cave spiders in just-don't-encounter-these infamy, but he was having minimal difficulty with them.
Johnny's first ever injury transcending the common bruise! For once, our hero feels pain at the hands of his nemesis, and is even unable to use his left hand!
Unfortunately for the giant bat, just because it's a two-handed sword doesn't mean Johnny actually requires both hands to use it to decapitate him.
Seeing that Lir was still in pristine shape, and deciding this giant bat had simply gotten lucky, Johnny decided to ignore his injured arm and press on into the cave, satisfied that he needed only one good hand.
What happened next was so sudden it took me a moment to figure out it had happened, much less screenshot it as it did:
Add to mental image of Johnny Dangerpants: Eyepatch. Notice that he still had the presence of mind and strength to actually dislodge the beast from his throat, however.
Needless to say, Johnny triumphed, the savage dying a fitting death.
Obviously, an arm is one thing, but having an eye bitten out of your skull is reason enough to perform a strategic retreat. Even though Johnny tried to slow down for her, though, Lir trailed behind -- this was commonplace, as the man simply crawled faster than other men walked. However, this time, the distance would be costly...
Johnny knew Lir was in trouble, but could not find her. Even despite the loss of his eye and more, he backtracked to lend her a hand, but she simply would not be found. She had gotten herself thoroughly lost, and now was beyond Johnny's aid.
Johnny had no choice but to escape to safety as his longest-running partner, member of the original Johnny Dangercrew, Lir Jackleaders breathed her last.
It was the single most disastrous day of his life. Johnny Dangerpants -- maimed, alone, and forsaken.
Johnny spent the cold winter night arbitrarily wandering and occasionally passing out from the pain. Getting the wind back into his sails after a while, he decided to return to Braveloaf, half the world's width away. His travels took him to a wide river -- he was fairly certain that it was the same river where he turned on suddenly-defiant-and-useless Dangercrew, but was farther north than where said incident happened.
He recalled the sound of countless carp colliding with each other and the terrain and dying horrible explosive deaths for mysterious reasons. It almost conjured bad memories, but it was just way too hilarious.
He found an elven forest retreat and found their gentle, peaceful way of life -- and politeness towards him -- a nice change from his dark and bloodied past, and decided to abandon for the moment his plan to return to Braveloaf, and instead meet the leader of this elven society, a druid. His crushing loss in the previous cave had left him with little sense of direction, and he thought he might seek employment under this druid. He continued following the river, which he was told would lead him to the capital.
Johnny stood at the top of a cliff 5 layers above the water level, and did something he always wanted to do.
Suffering a wide array of bruises but not being significantly injured, he dove into the wide river and swam to the opposite bank (keeping a close eye out for carp).
The riverbank soon disappeared as Johnny continued upstream, the river now lying at the bottom of a 7-layer-deep ravine. Finding that this portion of the river was uninhabited by aquatic carnivores, he kept following the river anyway, the river itself being his only road.
He came to a fork in the river, and on the western side, the hugest waterfall he had ever seen, 7 layers high and with width to match! Thrilled by the discovery and the beauty, he tried to swim up it, but couldn't quite make it work. The waterfall in his path did mean he would have to take the other fork of the river, lengthening the time of his trip, but he didn't care. The loss of his friends was water under the bridge, and the loss of an eye only meant that he was no longer a thrower -- well, and that he'd keep getting those occasional stabs of lingering pain. No matter. His zeal for adventure was indomitable!
And now for the completely epic conclusion to the enthralling chronicles of Johnny Dangerpants.
The river thawed from under his feet, and he drowned mere inches from the land that almost saved him.
The end!
There couldn't possibly have been a more heroic or suitable death for such a legend.
It helps to think about it from the perspective of anybody else in the world: He shows up briefly at an elven forest retreat, having recently suffered horrific battle injuries and saying something about a lost comrade, and then walked off alone into the wintery mist and was never seen again. It's way more dramatic that way.
And less likely to make me, you know, really angry about my best adventurer ever being killed in such a Nethack kind of way.
Edit: Enter the elf who was not meant to be one. Omo Atheila Adi Sanera: Omo Rockstar, the Ace of Music.
Tasked with finding the missing Dangerpants, it is Rockstar's unfortunate duty to announce that the body cannot be recovered.
More edit: Mr. Rockstar does at least keep the spirit of adventure alive.
He arrived at the most badass weapon shop ever and traded a bunch of his stupid wooden and rope reed junk for a bismuth bronze two-handed sword.
With it, he found on the world map a volcano surrounded on all 8 adjacent tiles by mountains, all of which stood together as 9 oddball tiles in the middle of a swamp, and decided to become the first elf to bother himself with exploring such rugged terrain.
There, he found that chasms end in a way very similar to how rivers begin.
19 Aug 2008, 17:10
Holy crap bigger windows:
Finally, an use for absurd resolutions besides squinting!
New Adventure Game:
I still love goblins, and I still love hammers!
Things started off... a little funny.
I never did find out what that was about.
Or, for that matter, this:
Yes. An elf kid outside a goblin fortress. I can only guess that it's a snatched kid.
First random encounter! Woo!
Wolves suck!
Wolves SUCK! They couldn't even hit me, and collapsed in a nice neat line.
A few more one-hit kills go pass. Nothing worth noting, other than that bears suck.
But here's something interesting.
...hello? How did I not notice that cougar until it got up right beside me?
Heck, even worse, it wasn't even standing! What, did I just walk straight into a cougar or something?
Owch! And my maul!
Also note that it got bashed several squares away before that happened.
Cougars SUUUCK! Also, so do mauls, no wonder I died so easily.
Oh well. Also, never asked. Sup: how do you change window size like that?
23 Dec 2008, 13:41
Looks like the next version of DF will get a significant FPS boost and a Linux port. Help get this integrated by testing this thing here!
Oh well. Also, never asked. Sup: how do you change window size like that?The new version will allow you to set your own grid size on the init.txt, it's not out yet, that's just a screenie from Toady.
FRICK! I forgot to upload the images for the other thread!
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