View Full Version : (in game wa) Another guy thought my clan leader was a pedo (chat log)

9 Sep 2006, 04:10
This made my day xD

[00:16:31.34] [AF1xDUDExTm] if u r seriously interested in joining us i'll give u my msn addy
[00:16:35.08] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) starts turn
[00:16:40.74] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:16:51.86] [``WU``Blitza] ****
[00:16:51.86] [AF1xDUDExTm] bl
[00:16:51.86] [AF1x`Joc`] lol silk is bad
[00:16:56.84] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) starts turn
[00:16:57.40] [AF1x`Joc`] for speed
[00:16:57.90] [AF1x`Joc`] lol
[00:16:59.02] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:17:00.22] [``WU``Blitza] ok ill think about it
[00:17:02.74] [``WU``Blitza] so whats ur addy
[00:17:07.62] [``WU``Blitza] how old are u?
[00:17:11.40] [AF1x`Joc`] hehehe
[00:17:17.60] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) starts turn
[00:17:18.88] [AF1xDUDExTm] me 35
[00:17:19.08] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:17:25.38] [AF1xDUDExTm] WN Elder
[00:17:27.66] [``WU``Blitza] are u joking
[00:17:28.14] [AF1xDUDExTm] lol
[00:17:30.70] [AF1xDUDExTm] nope
[00:17:34.80] [``WU``Blitza] well **** that
[00:17:34.80] [AF1xDUDExTm] huh ?
[00:17:34.80] [``WU``Blitza] i hate oldies
[00:17:34.80] [AF1x`Joc`] lol
[00:17:42.50] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) starts turn
[00:17:43.14] [AF1x`Joc`] why ?
[00:17:44.40] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:18:09.32] [AF1xDUDExTm] old @ 35 lol
[00:18:13.14] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Bazooka
[00:18:13.74] [``WU``Blitza] ****
[00:18:13.74] [AF1x`Joc`] xD
[00:18:13.74] [AF1x`Joc`] nah
[00:18:20.86] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) starts turn
[00:18:25.70] [AF1xDUDExTm] hf with WU then
[00:18:26.12] [AF1x`Joc`] old is past 45
[00:18:27.98] [``WU``Blitza] ye but i dont like players that are over 25 years of age
[00:18:28.02] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:18:36.44] [AF1x`Joc`] why not?
[00:18:36.44] [``WU``Blitza] i just think that this more of a kids game
[00:18:44.10] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) starts turn
[00:18:46.48] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:18:52.84] [``WU``Blitza] i dno
[00:18:53.56] [AF1xDUDExTm] and u are how old ?
[00:19:00.44] [``WU``Blitza] its a personal thing
[00:19:03.58] [``WU``Blitza] 14
[00:19:15.92] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Homing Pigeon
[00:19:21.10] [``WU``Blitza] lol @ personal thing nah i just dont like it
[00:19:25.36] [AF1xDUDExTm] so u'll give up worms or any game at 25 huh ?
[00:19:25.96] [``WU``Blitza] ye
[00:19:25.96] [``WU``Blitza] pretty much
[00:19:25.96] [AF1x`Joc`] hehe
[00:19:25.96] [AF1xDUDExTm] sad
[00:19:39.22] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) starts turn
[00:19:40.08] [``WU``Blitza] im sure id have better things to do
[00:19:41.16] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:19:45.38] [AF1x`Joc`] nah i dont think like that
[00:19:47.70] [``WU``Blitza] ****
[00:19:47.70] [AF1xDUDExTm] like what ?
[00:19:47.70] [``WU``Blitza] i dno
[00:19:54.60] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) starts turn
[00:19:56.52] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:20:01.04] [``WU``Blitza] but i dont want u to be my enemy
[00:20:09.92] [AF1x`Joc`] xD
[00:20:10.04] [``WU``Blitza] just cause i dont like 35 year olds playing
[00:20:17.32] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) starts turn
[00:20:18.64] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:20:33.06] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:20:34.86] [AF1xDUDExTm] well u got a funny way of wanting to be friend ffs
[00:20:46.48] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Bazooka
[00:20:53.16] [``WU``Blitza] ye ok
[00:20:55.02] [``WU``Blitza] hate me then
[00:20:56.52] [``WU``Blitza] ns
[00:20:56.52] [AF1x`Joc`] ty
[00:21:04.78] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) starts turn
[00:21:06.76] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:21:08.20] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:21:12.56] [AF1x`Joc`] omg
[00:21:21.56] [AF1xDUDExTm] i dont hate anyone on here, i'm just stunned thats all
[00:21:29.72] [AF1x`Joc`] im not
[00:21:34.60] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Salvation Army
[00:21:44.30] [AF1x`Joc`] i dont really worry about ages
[00:21:55.02] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) starts turn
[00:21:55.28] [``WU``Blitza] why someone could be a pedofile
[00:21:56.64] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:22:09.16] [AF1x`Joc`] thats diferent
[00:22:16.78] [``WU``Blitza] ye but how do u know
[00:22:25.96] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Holy Hand-Grenade
[00:22:31.14] [``WU``Blitza] aww so close
[00:22:31.64] [AF1x`Joc`] lol i dont but i guess im not metting woth him
[00:22:33.16] [``WU``Blitza] nt
[00:22:40.00] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) starts turn
[00:22:44.18] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:22:44.82] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:22:56.26] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) starts turn
[00:22:57.88] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:23:03.68] [``WU``Blitza] oof
[00:23:11.34] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) starts turn
[00:23:12.08] [AF1xDUDExTm] where u from blitz
[00:23:14.30] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:23:20.20] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:23:24.84] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:23:57.24] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) starts turn
[00:23:59.20] [``WU``Blitza] Australia
[00:23:59.80] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:24:15.50] [``WU``Blitza] oof
[00:24:15.50] [``WU``Blitza] n crate collections
[00:24:15.50] [AF1x`Joc`] ty
[00:24:23.26] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) starts turn
[00:24:24.94] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:24:25.48] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:24:26.18] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:24:31.74] [``WU``Blitza] shhhhhhit
[00:24:31.74] [``WU``Blitza] np
[00:24:36.78] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) starts turn
[00:24:37.76] [AF1xDUDExTm] highly unlikely that u'd meet me even if i WAS a paedo
[00:24:45.76] [AF1x`Joc`] hehe
[00:24:46.08] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:24:46.94] [``WU``Blitza] why
[00:24:51.14] [``WU``Blitza] if i gave u my msn
[00:24:56.18] [AF1x`Joc`] lol
[00:24:58.50] [``WU``Blitza] then u can find out my last name
[00:25:00.22] [AF1x`Joc`] ?
[00:25:04.26] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) starts turn
[00:25:09.68] [``WU``Blitza] and ive looked in all the phone books across australia
[00:25:10.76] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:25:16.08] [``WU``Blitza] and im the only one with my last name
[00:25:17.00] [AF1x`Joc`] he can?rofl
[00:25:17.00] [AF1xDUDExTm] i live in the UK
[00:25:21.64] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) starts turn
[00:25:22.90] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:25:24.72] [AF1x`Joc`] omg
[00:25:38.88] [AF1xDUDExTm] other side of the world ffs
[00:25:51.18] [AF1x`Joc`] lo make a msn for worms only
[00:25:52.84] [``WU``Blitza] nooo
[00:25:52.84] [AF1xDUDExTm] u really think i'm that ****in desperate
[00:25:52.84] [AF1x`Joc`] omg
[00:26:01.46] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) starts turn
[00:26:01.98] [AF1x`Joc`] lol
[00:26:04.60] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:26:10.08] [AF1x`Joc`] i am lmao
[00:26:14.76] [AF1x`Joc`] hahaha
[00:26:27.26] [``WU``Blitza] ye u could fly over to australia look in sydneys phone book and find my name cause its the only one there and then it tells u where they live
[00:26:33.98] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Super Sheep
[00:26:44.02] [``WU``Blitza] gj
[00:26:59.54] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) starts turn
[00:27:07.56] [AF1x`Joc`] hey dude im gettinhg scared! ^^
[00:27:08.82] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:27:15.48] ��� Johnny (AF1x`Joc`) fires Ninja Rope
[00:27:17.20] [``WU``Blitza] lol
[00:27:32.70] [``WU``Blitza] oof
[00:27:41.10] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) starts turn
[00:27:43.64] [AF1xDUDExTm] u sad individual, if u werent a kid i'd be seriously worried about your state of health
[00:27:46.90] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:28:00.84] [AF1x`Joc`] Portugal is small! maybe u come on purpose just to get me!!!
[00:28:02.74] [AF1x`Joc`] haaaa
[00:28:03.90] [AF1x`Joc`] help
[00:28:04.86] [AF1x`Joc`] xD
[00:28:07.14] [AF1x`Joc`] hehehe
[00:28:07.56] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:28:09.62] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Ninja Rope
[00:28:16.20] ��� 5-UP (``WU``Blitza) fires Old Woman
[00:28:18.84] [``WU``Blitza] dam
[00:28:18.84] [``WU``Blitza] gg
[00:28:18.84] [AF1x`Joc`] blitz im shure in englnad there are more kids and cheapest in trips for dude to grab xD
[00:28:18.84] [AF1x`Joc`] gg
[00:28:38.84] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) starts turn
[00:28:45.98] [AF1x`Joc`] hahaha
[00:28:49.66] [AF1x`Joc`] crazy tlaking
[00:28:49.72] ��� Dude's Dossers (AF1xDUDExTm) fires Ninja Rope
[00:28:51.60] [``WU``Blitza] ye well
[00:28:53.48] [``WU``Blitza] i dont care
[00:28:57.02] [AF1x`Joc`] talking!
[00:29:00.52] [AF1x`Joc`] np m8
[00:29:04.16] [``WU``Blitza] my parents told me never to give anyone my name or email
[00:29:04.16] [AF1xDUDExTm] ****in keys
[00:29:04.16] [``WU``Blitza] gg
[00:29:04.16] [AF1xDUDExTm] gg
[00:29:16.52] ��� Game Ends - Round Finished

9 Sep 2006, 08:05
heh, looks pretty awkward

9 Sep 2006, 09:43
Bleh, what an annoying person Blitza is..

Alien King
9 Sep 2006, 11:25
Heh. That's funny.

What I think is really strange is that he thinks you shouldn't really play games when you're over 25.
My Dad's 51 and he still plays games.

Not too sure what made him worried about him finding him.
Anyone want to know where I live?

9 Sep 2006, 12:55
Fantastic... just.. wow. I would have to say half of people playing WA are now over 25. Those who aren't are the kids of people who play that are :p

9 Sep 2006, 19:10
wewt go young wormers, we can fend off all u pedos

9 Sep 2006, 20:11
Fantastic... just.. wow. I would have to say half of people playing WA are now over 25. Those who aren't are the kids of people who play that are :pNo I'm not. :p

9 Sep 2006, 22:45
Well, thats a bit pathetic... i mean, if someone asks to meet you. then ill would say no. of course, but what the hell was he thinking that someone would search whole australia just to get him...!?

13 Sep 2006, 00:14
No I'm not. :p

Well, neither am I.... but shuuuuush

13 Sep 2006, 05:39
Pedophiles don't really search down people, anyway.

They chat to them in MSN or such and steer the topic toward getting together, and THAT'S where they get the address.
Wow. I made 2 posts in a row about pedophiles.

13 Sep 2006, 11:18
Pedophiles don't really search down people, anyway.

They chat to them in MSN or such and steer the topic toward getting together, and THAT'S where they get the address.
Wow. I made 2 posts in a row about pedophiles.

Your knowledge is going to turn everybody against you!

14 Sep 2006, 15:05
[00:29:04.16] [``WU``Blitza] my parents told me never to give anyone my name or email

He's homeschooled with protective parents, maybe a cultist. Scientology n e 1?

I could make money from this.

15 Sep 2006, 16:13
[00:29:04.16] [``WU``Blitza] my parents told me never to give anyone my name or email

He's homeschooled with protective parents,
Yes, but he's 14. He should've known well by now that the entire 'fear the stranger' thing is bogus.

15 Sep 2006, 23:30
I could make money from this.

I guess lots of people have made money from slander before.

That's a really funny chat log, though. I'm still playing and I'm 24 and I can't see myself giving up WA unless Team17 bring out a superior Worms game and I switch to that. Even then I'll still be playing Worms.