View Full Version : Calling all Codebreakers

26 Jul 2006, 12:31
The release date of the Wii has been announced... or has it? Nintendo released a press release yesterday that hints at it. Here's the text:

The fourth quarter of 2006 will herald a new era for Nintendo with the launch of its remarkable new Wii home video game system. But that's not what this news item is about! How could that be, you ask? Perhaps the secret to the launch information for Wii is somehow encoded in the text of this news item. You might want to pore over it for a few hours before staying up all night to debate phraseology and comma placement with your friends online. Or maybe it's all just a scam to get you to read the other games we have launching this fall. One of the two.

As the weather cools down, the Nintendo portable game offerings heat up. FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE makes its way to Game Boy Advance SP on Nov. 6. As series go, FINAL FANTASY is to video games what James Bond is to movies. FINAL FANTASY loyalists will enjoy an opportunity to debate which installment was best.

Nintendo DS owners are the big winners. Every week or so, another huge DS title hits, from the Touch Generations title Clubhouse Games to fan favorites like Elite Beat Agents and Yoshi's Island 2. Clearly a gamer's idea of paradise, here is Nintendo's upcoming DS lineup:

Oct. 9: Clubhouse Games
Oct. 16: Nintendogs (Dalmatian)
Oct. 23: Magical Starsign
Oct. 30: Pok�mon Ranger
Oct. 30: Children of Mana
Nov. 6: Elite Beat Agents
Nov. 13: Yoshi's Island 2
Dec. 4: Custom Robo Arena
Dec. 4: Kirby Squeak Squad

And, for Nintendo GameCube owners, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be available for you this fall. An enhanced version also will be a launch title for Wii. That will all happen on... Oh look, we're out of space.

For more information about all of Nintendo's upcoming titles, please visit www.nintendo.com.

I don't know the first thing about code-breaking, but I thought some of you guys might enjoy taking a crack at it.

26 Jul 2006, 12:47
December 11th, just before the Xmas rush.... at least i recon so.

26 Jul 2006, 13:01
I say they're just messing with us.

26 Jul 2006, 13:15
I'm with those on the sites I saw linked from there. Nov 6th looks like the most logical.

edit: although, I do say Sup has some logic behind him. chances are good that there ISN'T a hidden message in there.

26 Jul 2006, 13:31
It has never been a secret that the Wii would be released this year. So no news.

26 Jul 2006, 13:41
It has never been a secret that the Wii would be released this year. So no news.lol, it's the fact that nintendo has supposedly told us what date it's going to be released on, specifically. the paranoid conspiracy theorists are going wacko, and those of us foolish enough to believe them are listening :p

26 Jul 2006, 15:05
mmm, I'm still going with December 11th...

26 Jul 2006, 16:05
I saw something that said Nov. 2, but meh. It's not like I'll be getting one any time soon (I'd just like to say that if I do get a next-gen console, it will likely be the Wii. But getting one's not really high on my list right now).

26 Jul 2006, 16:21
I'm with those on the sites I saw linked from there. Nov 6th looks like the most logical.

...because it has Nov 6 twice? :p

26 Jul 2006, 20:15
I'll say September 29'th to October 1'st then.

26 Jul 2006, 20:49
Meh, they're just poking fun at all those "conspiracy theories" that have been hanging around for a while.

27 Jul 2006, 04:43
...because it has Nov 6 twice? :pno, because of the whole james bond/final fantasy thing. it makes sense to me :p

27 Jul 2006, 05:11
Actually, I'm pretty sure it was just a joke. As Angelus said, probably refering to the crazy Wii conspiracy theories that have been floating around on forums last year. Also, 'Kirby Squeak Squad' is the silliest name ever. As for 1337 beat agents I'd rather have the original Ouendan, which I've just ordered a while ago. :p

27 Jul 2006, 13:34
'Kirby Squeak Squad' is the silliest name ever.
I submit the following:
crazy Wii conspiracy theories
***t :p

27 Jul 2006, 15:47
ign says october 2 (http://wii.ign.com/articles/720/720864p1.html)

Star Worms
27 Jul 2006, 18:08
I say they don't have a clue yet and whatever it is now, it is bound to be put off by at least another week or two.