View Full Version : Wormsfan's Improved Art!

5 Sep 2005, 13:07
I've improved my art a bit and I decided to make a new Art thread.
I may take requests.
OK. Here is the link to my first picture.

Imageshack link:

Sorry about the quality.

5 Sep 2005, 13:19
Pretty good, you need to work on the hands though

5 Sep 2005, 13:21
I know, hands were ever been a problem to me.

5 Sep 2005, 13:23
Drawing skills: 7/10
Facial expressions: 9/10

You need some coulouring and removing the not used lines. example, at the worms left hand you can see the bandana lines.
Work on the hands and the worms "stomach".. I think its very sharp

5 Sep 2005, 13:25
Drawing skills: 7/10
Facial expressions: 9/10

You need some coulouring and removing the not used lines. example, at the worms left hand you can see the bandana lines.
Work on the hands and the worms "stomach".. I think its very sharp

You're judging like me! Thanks for that!

I know that, and about the sharp lines: That's my style.

Let's see if the next picture is better...

5 Sep 2005, 16:15
Drawing skills: 7/10
Facial expressions: 9/10
Its not bad, but I wouldn't rate it that high myself.

5 Sep 2005, 17:01
MM yes, it's very good, keep it up!

5 Sep 2005, 17:39
good art...

and ya know what im gonna say? yep, thats right......DRAW ME!!!

6 Sep 2005, 02:42
Very nice improvements :eek: ! It looks a lot better and the eyes and mouth are great. But you should (must) improve the hands. One of them look like a W :p .

6 Sep 2005, 08:27
MM yes, it's very good, keep it up!

Thanks. Thanks for teh support!

good art...

and ya know what im gonna say? yep, thats right......DRAW ME!!!

Yes, I've already drawn you, I'm gonna scan the picture in one hour.

Very nice improvements ! It looks a lot better and the eyes and mouth are great. But you should (must) improve the hands. One of them look like a W .

I've worked on my next picture(s).

OK, I going to scan the next picture in one hour or so.

6 Sep 2005, 09:01
Keep up de good work... oh yes you do need to work on the hands... (So do I)

6 Sep 2005, 09:16
Keep up de good work... oh yes you do need to work on the hands... (So do I)


I've worked on the hands on my next picture.

6 Sep 2005, 09:36
the hands arent to bad actualy, but yes, i agree, they can improve.....Remember: dont always put a space between each finger, infact, never - unless the worm is doing a wave or a hand movement that requires him to open his fingers....

6 Sep 2005, 09:37
OK. Scanned.

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)

6 Sep 2005, 09:39
good.....exept for the hair....why is every single hair pointing upwards? and have you read my above post about the hands?

double post edit

the hands are much better though....keep those pics coming....and try colouring...

6 Sep 2005, 09:41
good.....exept for the hair....why is every single hair pointing upwards? and have you read my above post about the hands?

Sorry for the hair. I've worked on the hair... like an idiot. I just tried it so.

6 Sep 2005, 09:42
nothing....its good

6 Sep 2005, 09:44
the hands are much better though....keep those pics coming....and try colouring...

OK. I color the next picture.

I think I should really use a bigger piece of paper...

6 Sep 2005, 10:02

I'm an invisible worm (just outline) with no eyes, and sunnies.

18 Sep 2005, 10:53
Ok here's my Mayhem FanArt-Entry picture.

Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)

18 Sep 2005, 10:56
Ok here's my Mayhem FanArt-Entry picture.

Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)
Wow, that's great keep it up.

18 Sep 2005, 10:58
Wow, that's great keep it up.

Thank you.

I can't draw very much pictures in the next time, cuz school is pretty important for me now and and I have to learn more. But I think I'll can draw pics at the weekend...

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)

-Other Stuff-
Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)

18 Sep 2005, 16:37
WOW, that's very good! *drwm* ;)

18 Sep 2005, 20:23
Very good weapon details there :) . Draw more!

18 Sep 2005, 20:24
im going to say:


20 Sep 2005, 15:16
WOW, that's very good! *drwm* ;)

Thanks. I worked approxametly 2 1/2 hours on that.

Very good weapon details there :). Draw more!

Yes. The weapons took the most time.
As I said before, I have to learn much now and don't have so much time yet. But - I think so - I'll probably draw these picture of Krazy, jerms and another big picture.

im going to say: DRAW MEEEEEEEEEEE!

OK. I think I can do that :rolleyes:.

double post edit

Ok, this picture took me one hour, but sorry about your hair Krazy and it may not look like an one-hour-picture.
Anyway, four members and a not funny joke in one.

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)

-Other Stuff-
Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)
Invisible (http://img277.imageshack.us/img277/9462/invisible6dy.png)

20 Sep 2005, 15:41
good stuff, but I think your worms are a bit too long (especially superfrea in the invisible-pic)

20 Sep 2005, 15:47
good stuff, but I think your worms are a bit too long (especially superfrea in the invisible-pic)

Yeah, that was a mistake.

I'll try to improve that...

20 Sep 2005, 19:16
nice :D but you should try drawing more hair :p

21 Sep 2005, 12:49
nice :D but you should try drawing more hair :p

How do you mean that? I thought it were too much hair!

21 Sep 2005, 13:46
I think theres enough hair, but theyre all too long :)

Edit: The Worms :)

21 Sep 2005, 17:16
I think theres enough hair, but theyre all too long :)

Edit: The Worms :)

OK, I work on that.

21 Sep 2005, 18:41
The worms and the hair are too long (and the speech bubble look hairy too :P), but everything else its perfect :) . Very nice work.

22 Sep 2005, 06:53
lol @ me :D

I like it

22 Sep 2005, 13:00
and the speech bubble looks hairy too :P)


, but everything else its perfect :) . Very nice work.


I'm currently working on a new picture. It contains me and two another sigworms. I improved my mistakes :rolleyes: and I think it will be a good picture.

22 Sep 2005, 17:11
How do you mean that? I thought it were too much hair!
i mean.. practice it :p

22 Sep 2005, 17:14
i mean.. practice it :p


I'm going to scan my new picture at the weekend.

30 Oct 2005, 14:22
Sorry guys, it was a long delay.
But I resurrect this thread, because I have now a new picture...

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)

-Other Stuff-
Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)
Invisible (http://img277.imageshack.us/img277/9462/invisible6dy.png)
Heavy armed (http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/6668/wormsfan1eu.png)

30 Oct 2005, 14:41
Sorry guys, it was a long delay.
But I resurrect this thread, because I have now a new picture...

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)

-Other Stuff-
Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)
Invisible (http://img277.imageshack.us/img277/9462/invisible6dy.png)
Heavy armed (http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/6668/wormsfan1eu.png)

Nice! draw me!:)

30 Oct 2005, 14:44
Nice! draw me!:)

I'll think about that.

30 Oct 2005, 14:47
I'll think about that.

Britty pleease! :o :rolleyes:
*almost crye�s*

30 Oct 2005, 14:49
I may take requests.

As I said before. I MAY. I don't have to.

31 Oct 2005, 18:51

only 2 letter from 10 char limit

31 Oct 2005, 18:54
OOOOH! Niceness!

31 Oct 2005, 20:51
Very good pose! And the weapons are well drawn :D. Lol to the aim in the zook.

1 Nov 2005, 10:11
Thanks for these comments, guys. I took my time really (2 hours for the worm, half an our for the weaponry, makes 2 1/2 hours). I'm sure I'll finish & scan the next picture soon.


Thank you.

OOOOH! Niceness!

I think the picture was worth to scan it

Very good pose! And the weapons are well drawn . Lol to the aim in the zook.

Oh, the pose is simple. But thanks anyway!

Gardy Looo
1 Nov 2005, 10:50
LOL nice art. almost as good as mine DO MEH

1 Nov 2005, 12:33
LOL nice art. almost as good as mine DO MEH

I might do you.

2 Nov 2005, 10:11
Good. I did something new, an imaginary cover of a new Worms-Game, called Worms: The last battle. I don't know if it is bad or good; I think it looks a bit rushed. But you have to rate now.

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)

-Other Stuff-
Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)
Invisible (http://img277.imageshack.us/img277/9462/invisible6dy.png)
Heavy armed (http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/6668/wormsfan1eu.png)

-Imaginous Game Covers-
Worms: The final battle (http://img472.imageshack.us/img472/1377/wtfb2wy.png)

2 Nov 2005, 13:13
Kinda good. Except too many wapons coming out of nowhere.
And a cloud is not a weapon.

2 Nov 2005, 13:47
Kinda good. Except too many wapons coming out of nowhere.
And a cloud is not a weapon.

Yes, that's what I thought, too.

And...That cloud should be the flood.

2 Nov 2005, 15:13
Good. I did something new, an imaginary cover of a new Worms-Game, called Worms: The last battle. I don't know if it is bad or good; I think it looks a bit rushed. But you have to rate now.

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)

-Other Stuff-
Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)
Invisible (http://img277.imageshack.us/img277/9462/invisible6dy.png)
Heavy armed (http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/6668/wormsfan1eu.png)

-Imaginary Game Covers-
Worms: The final battle (http://img472.imageshack.us/img472/1377/wtfb2wy.png)
OOH!! cool!!:D but i agree with plasma

2 Nov 2005, 15:23
OOH!! cool!!:D but i agree with plasma

Yes, there were too much weapons...

3 Nov 2005, 00:50
Thats very cool. Good work! But I dont like the sheep. It looks wrong.

3 Nov 2005, 07:02
Thats very cool. Good work! But I dont like the sheep. It looks wrong.

Ooh, my biggest problem in drawing animals.

Thanks for the comments!

21 Dec 2005, 14:52
Ok, guys. I know this is resurrecting, but I worked on my new picture like an idiot (I think 2 months) and I think it is worth to be scanned & posted.
It hasn't something to do with worms. But... As I said, I think it's worth that I show it to ya' guys.
Ok, enough talking. Now look at that picture. Look at it now.

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)

-Other Stuff-
Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)
Invisible (http://img277.imageshack.us/img277/9462/invisible6dy.png)
Heavy armed (http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/6668/wormsfan1eu.png)
Teh Car (http://img466.imageshack.us/img466/8206/bmw6zc.png)

-Imaginous Game Covers-
Worms: The final battle (http://img472.imageshack.us/img472/1377/wtfb2wy.png)

21 Dec 2005, 16:57
its ok to resurect the thread at any time if your the thread starter....and nice pic

psyke o_0
21 Dec 2005, 16:58
oh my so worms related ! :rolleyes:

21 Dec 2005, 17:00
its ok to resurect the thread at any time if your the thread starter...
I didn't knew that.

nice pic

21 Dec 2005, 17:00
oh my so worms related ! :rolleyes:

Did I say it's worms related?

psyke o_0
21 Dec 2005, 17:02
hmmm no but considering this is the fan art section on a team17 forum

21 Dec 2005, 17:02
hmmm no but considering this is the fan art section on a team17 forum

Shall I delete the link now? :rolleyes:

21 Dec 2005, 21:25
oh my so worms related ! :rolleyes:
That never stopped other great artists, like Slick and (I think) HK :rolleyes:
And VERY VERY nice car you've drawn there!

21 Dec 2005, 21:57
That never stopped other great artists, like Slick and (I think) HK :rolleyes:
And VERY VERY nice car you've drawn there!

Oh, thank god that even one person understands me...

And, thanks for the comment.

Gardy Looo
22 Dec 2005, 08:08
LOL! That car pic is actually very good! NICE!

22 Dec 2005, 08:34
LOL! That car pic is actually very good! NICE!

I knew, it was worth to scan it!

31 May 2006, 14:17
Oh...I know, it's a long delay, but I've drawn again a pic.
So here's Snoozy. I've coloured the picture and I hope the colouring is not too bad.
Here's the link:

-Member Pics-
Wormsfan (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/4986/me0tz.png)
Oft99 (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/546/oft3id.png)
Snoozy (http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/9463/snoozy7zs.png)

-Other Stuff-
Destruction! (http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/9266/destruction8op.png)
Invisible (http://img277.imageshack.us/img277/9462/invisible6dy.png)
Heavy armed (http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/6668/wormsfan1eu.png)
Teh Car (http://img466.imageshack.us/img466/8206/bmw6zc.png)

-Imaginous Game Covers-
Worms: The final battle (http://img472.imageshack.us/img472/1377/wtfb2wy.png)

31 May 2006, 14:20
It'd be better if it wasn't green :p

31 May 2006, 14:22
It'd be better if it wasn't green :p

What do you mean? His eye thingy?

31 May 2006, 14:35
No, him :p

31 May 2006, 14:39
Green? Is he green?

31 May 2006, 14:43
Yes, a very browny-green

31 May 2006, 15:10
Oh - You mean that. yes, I know the colouring is not the best.

31 May 2006, 16:27
I think you kinda mess it up while colouring... or maybe you were using plastic inks (is that right in english?) on a canvas...

Have you even considered digital coloring? :rolleyes:

31 May 2006, 17:05
I like that picture, but i agree, he looks more like Poo then a Worm :P i dont mind when i was young i always drew poo :P

31 May 2006, 17:12
I think you kinda mess it up while colouring... or maybe you were using plastic inks (is that right in english?) on a canvas...

Have you even considered digital coloring?

I used watercoloures.
Yes, messed it up, too

I like that picture, but i agree, he looks more like Poo then a Worm :P i dont mind when i was young i always drew poo :P

Ok. I work on my colouring :D

After all that, I think, I'll draw rather B&W pictures...

31 May 2006, 19:39
If it serves any good, the lineart looks very cool... somehow a mix between my and slick's style... (not that you ripped anything off from anybody though)... ;)

1 Jun 2006, 09:13
If it serves any good, the lineart looks very cool... somehow a mix between my and slick's style... (not that you ripped anything off from anybody though)... ;)

I've got a mixed style. My last art was REALLY crap I had to improve... I looked at Slicks tutorial, it helped me a lot to find my own style. I drew very much pictures and I found my current style.

1 Jun 2006, 13:37
Hey, 'tis me! Woozah! The lineart is very nice, as mentioned before, but the colouring... try with digital colouring or B&W-pictures :p

1 Jun 2006, 13:41
Hey, 'tis me! Woozah! The lineart is very nice, as mentioned before, but the colouring... try with digital colouring or B&W-pictures :p

Yeah 'tis you!!
Yes, I try in B&W and I try shading.