View Full Version : Preasure's Caption Competition
3 May 2005, 21:00
"The World's first worm attempt to swim the English channel failed just off the cliffs of Dover"
"Worms break world record for skimming stones"
3 May 2005, 21:33
Ah, I found zoom out, now, where's zoom in...
3 May 2005, 22:37
"You go get it. You hit it last!"
*clears throath*
Little did the worms know their war was about to end with this upcoming tsunami!
E-102 Worm
4 May 2005, 01:31
Was it really the Loch Ness Monster? Or was it a bunch of large piranhas?
4 May 2005, 06:20
"Even Oxbrige Scientists couldn't explain the strange animals poping up all over Wormopia"
"Maybe shrinking the island wasnt the best idea, it sure shortenes commute time but you CANT play baseball anymore" whinged sheepy.
*plunk* *plunk* "Don't disturb the water."
^qoute from the Fellowship of the Ring movie^
4 May 2005, 12:54
4 May 2005, 14:22
"Whoever designed this golf course should be shot!"
4 May 2005, 14:28
"Who left his rod and line in the boat?"
"Sir, were 3 miles under the the sea, our trainee has cought a fish."
You kicked it, you fetch it!
my phone oh dear my phone :(
4 May 2005, 20:00
It's too late for billy.
4 May 2005, 20:04
..."Damn, not more rain"...
Fwd. Adm.
4 May 2005, 20:26
Zero now has to take a break before he ***s you all again at this.
Lets have someone else winning this time, eh?'I TOLD you that the Super Sheep had a limited range, but had to try to prove me wrong!'
'Did a whale just fart?'
4 May 2005, 20:41
"Not even with the aid of scuba gear, could they fetch back poor Sid's car keys"
5 May 2005, 20:12
And the winner of this point, the 05/05/05 point, is Mr Bunsy!
You kicked it, you fetch it!
Thanks to MFAH for this one.
5 May 2005, 20:16
"I wish they'd get around to putting in that elevator."
woo, point! I've run out of charactores in my sig though.
"I'm sure you can use this thing to fly"
5 May 2005, 20:33
''Is this working? *KABOOM*"
now, were is that handel?
5 May 2005, 20:58
...''Dam, these thing are heavy, I wish I had arms''...
5 May 2005, 21:13
HIdden in the shadows, Munkee practiced his disco moves... " Monkey, monkey man... I wanna be, a monkey man..."
5 May 2005, 21:37
"Considering that I'm standing on a floating lump of land, I realy have no right to be suprized by that gravity defying mine..."
5 May 2005, 22:47
And the winner of this point, the 05/05/05 point, is Mr Bunsy!
******* stole my quote and modified it. Didn't you, Bunsy. DIDN'T YOU?!!!?!?!?!??!?! :mad:
Oh well. I do find it rather amusing that Philby appears to be the only one who has noticed the vertical mine so far. :p Am I allowed to make an entry for my own pic? Whatever.
"Okay, who's been screwing around with the super glue again?!"
"UURGH! Bazooka... have you farted?"
6 May 2005, 01:40
My bazooka needs a paint job
"Please do not put in mouth or operate with teeth, tail, eyebrows, etc. Keep away from children"
"I wonder if this bazooka has opened up a wormhole..."
6 May 2005, 07:34
Where comes the missle out...?
6 May 2005, 07:38
"Ohh someone has left a Bazooka out in the open!"
"why do they call me monkey man again?"
6 May 2005, 20:53
Wheres that damn jaffacake gone?
7 May 2005, 14:54
...Noticing the alarm (which was, for some strange reason, built into the side of a hill,) suddenly went off. "Why did I have to ignore the no weapons sign?"...
7 May 2005, 20:53
Tought choice today, but the winner is Cisken.
"Please do not put in mouth or operate with teeth, tail, eyebrows, etc. Keep away from children"
7 May 2005, 21:01
Where's a lifeguard when you need one?
7 May 2005, 21:19
The lazy-mans guide to drown worms. Prod them!
7 May 2005, 21:23
"if you don't answer this question right, you're out of the game."
Orange: Jump
Other Worm: Where?
Orange: There
Other Worm: Okay.
Fwd. Adm.
7 May 2005, 21:26
"For the last time, there aren't any piranhas in the pool! It's a pool! So just jump before I prod you!"
7 May 2005, 23:33
"The following clip never made it on to 'you've been framed' because it was so obviously a set up."
"Does Sulfur react with water? Hmmm... let's find out!"
Orange: look, a flying bird!!!
Sulphur: where?
*Orange pushes Sulpher in*
8 May 2005, 09:14
Orange: look, a flying bird!!!
Sulphur: where?
*Orange pushes Sulpher in*
thats more like a what happened next! :p
my entry- Some freinds are evil! mwhahahah! :rolleyes:
thats more like a what happened next! :p
no it's not!!!!!!!1 :mad:
8 May 2005, 09:21
''Sulphur's swimming instructor never was very good.''
Sulphut: "Are you sure worms can swim?"
Orange: "Positive"
8 May 2005, 09:46
no it's not!!!!!!!1 :mad:
do you see the worm pushing the other worm into the pool?
8 May 2005, 20:39
"Does Sulfur react with water? Hmmm... let's find out!"
DAMN! You nicked my idea (before I posted it) I was gonna say:
Today class, we find out what happens when sulphur reacts with water
Im keeping that entry :p
9 May 2005, 16:47
"To prod or not to prod - that is the question."
9 May 2005, 18:48
And: Its a tie! I honestly couldnt decide between these 2 entries, both get a point.
"To prod or not to prod - that is the question."
"Does Sulfur react with water? Hmmm... let's find out!"
'The air is...'
9 May 2005, 19:18
"Yup, the trampoline springs are DEFINATELY over tightened...
...And he flew into the air, the wrong way to the blimb.
9 May 2005, 19:24
"And I Thought BaseBall Hits Were Enough..."
Fwd. Adm.
9 May 2005, 19:39
Assuming you don't hate me, Preasure:
"How'd the balloon get all the way over THERE?!"
9 May 2005, 19:41
I do not hate you, Fwd. And this is not the place to be discussing it. I dont want my thread spammed, either talk in the appropriate thread, or use the PM. Thank you.
"You should use a parachute!"
9 May 2005, 19:48
"The bucket was safe in it's ballon while below it's evil plan came into fruition."
9 May 2005, 20:16
"...And the report from our Eye-In-The-Sky today is..."
He realised that, despite having floating hands, he couldn't infact, float.
Fwd. Adm.
9 May 2005, 20:31
"Quick, Bullseye! Walk right under me to cushion my fall!"
Bullseye: "Duhhhhh, d'okay...."
"Since when could worms swim and blimps go fishing?"
9 May 2005, 20:54
the big balloon project, didnt infact, work.
9 May 2005, 22:52
a fly-by insult
Worm: YOU ARE A DOUCHEBAGGGGGggggg.g.g.g........
10 May 2005, 00:15
To infinity...AND BEYOND!!!!
10 May 2005, 00:57
OMG! Who turn the gravity off!??
Damn! How can a fish pull so much?
Made in
10 May 2005, 01:35
"I already said you to jump just only when you are ABOVE the ground."
10 May 2005, 08:51
"The Icaworm project failed, because the worm forgot his wings..."
I knew that Red Bull lies!
Redbull, I thought he didnt need it,
10 May 2005, 17:43
"Oi Bumbass ya set the teleport co-ordanets wrong, Ass whipe!"
10 May 2005, 18:18
...the worms last thoughts were "At least the catapault works"...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, maybe Icarus was wrong."
10 May 2005, 19:02
Another toughie, but the winner is Phillby!
"The bucket was safe in it's ballon while below it's evil plan came into fruition."
"Oh yeah lets play termites!"
(yeah right :rolleyes: )
"Thank you. These dumb worm a not getting out! They cant move!! Yayayayaa!
Fwd. Adm.
10 May 2005, 19:08
Another toughie, but the winner is Phillby!
Nextagearism!"No one cool, like Fwd. Adm., is coming this way, right?" :rolleyes:
"Is it just me, or does something taste like girder?"
10 May 2005, 19:18
How're we gonna get outa this one?!
10 May 2005, 19:58
"As i was strolling through the girder one day!" (this is singing by the way)
10 May 2005, 20:10
"We need more griders to get out of here!"
10 May 2005, 20:28
"Foam. That explains a lot."
10 May 2005, 20:33
"Ohh Worms in Metals, that's a new!"
10 May 2005, 20:56
Tought choice today, but the winner is Cisken.
My god! I got a point and right now I have to cut on my forum visits! oh well
*adds point to sig*
*edit and entry*
Do you see my dad?
Is he still ****ed because I broke a window
We'll have to stay here for the night I guess
10 May 2005, 21:17
''I thought this was quick dry cement?!?''
10 May 2005, 21:40
The gird will never find us in this birder :rolleyes:
Funnier in my head, I swear :p
11 May 2005, 10:36
..."Got girder?"...
My 700th post, and it was absolute crap :p
11 May 2005, 10:38
"Well, there go the laws of physics"
11 May 2005, 11:25
"I told you NOT to project it THAT high! Now it looks like we're stuck in here..."
"wait a minute... we ARE stuck in here WAAAAA!!!"
11 May 2005, 11:52
Help! We're drowning!!!!!
"I like being the worms in one of those hit the worm with the hammer games"
11 May 2005, 18:27
"I like being the worms in one of those hit the worm with the hammer games"
The newest arcade rage: Whack-a-Worm!!!
Note: Don't count that as an entry, it's definetly stolen from tgworm, I just put it there for fun.
11 May 2005, 19:35
"Team 17 Report - Many worms are annoyed at the lack of blow-torches in W3D"
11 May 2005, 20:11
Soldier 2: "Any fool can operate a teleporter... and then there's you."
You could of said, "wait till its dry" before walking on it!
Fwd. Adm.
11 May 2005, 21:39
I think there have been enough entries, but who cares? :rolleyes:
*wakes up*
"Man, i've got to start remembering my dreams..."
11 May 2005, 22:13
"I told you these cheap gurders aren't worth it."
12 May 2005, 18:56
Todays winner is MFAH!
Soldier 2: "Any fool can operate a teleporter... and then there's you."
12 May 2005, 18:58
Timmy wanted to get the savvages to know him better, little did he know "HI" in their language ment "screw you all you dicks"
12 May 2005, 18:59
"That is going to hurt tomorow!"
12 May 2005, 19:14
I've got the weiner, where's the campfire?
12 May 2005, 19:19
Blingmoronworm 1: WOAH! CHECK THAT 50/50!!! oMG!!!!!!!!! !!!! RES-PECT!
GenericT17forumerworm: Morons *shakes head*
The ***ing hell, No blood on a point! Ha, hows that? Reety cool! And ballancy... ow!
12 May 2005, 19:34
Panis was about to fish, while his worm suddenly was going wild on his stick.
Fwd. Adm.
12 May 2005, 19:35
Moral: Worms are not meant to use Viagra. :p
12 May 2005, 19:42 the worm was inspecting the factory chimney, they accidentally let out a puff of poisinus gas...
12 May 2005, 20:01
"What an inconvnient place to put a church spire..."
12 May 2005, 20:12
Never wet yourself in cold weather.
12 May 2005, 20:54
What a weird way to do piercing!
12 May 2005, 21:05
''Some fishermen, use worms as weather viens.''
12 May 2005, 21:09
"I'll never paradrop again..."
"I woke up in the morning, and the dame was gone... She must've slipped something into my drink, because I didn't know where I was, I had a screaming headache and... oh... oh, CRAP."
12 May 2005, 21:15
Goddam you Zero, why are you so good?
12 May 2005, 21:16
"Not being an expert skateboarder, Panis' 960 Pop Shove-it to Boneless didn't end with quite as sucessful a dismount as he'd have hoped for..."
12 May 2005, 21:42
This is the current smoker test (see the smoke? smoker? get it? no? you *******? omfg?)
13 May 2005, 07:02
"I knew I shouldn't have had a magnet for breakfast."
13 May 2005, 07:36
"Lenny hated life, and found a way to commit suicude.
13 May 2005, 16:16
"Fred liked a hands-on approach to artillery."
13 May 2005, 17:26
David Blains latest attempt.... impaling himself on a spike and living.
I said said spike the Drink not Mr Ink.
"ummm........mummy?........somebody?.......ANYBODY? ???"
14 May 2005, 10:31
Todays winner is phillby!
"What an inconvnient place to put a church spire..."
Next pic. Thanks to wormsfan77 for sending me this. If anyone else has any funny screenshots, send them in!
14 May 2005, 11:26
It's funnier if you know what I'm on about :p
Native North americans: Its General Cluckster!
My parents are trying to get me to discuss humanties with other people *hiss*
14 May 2005, 13:12
Does this pose make my butt look fat?
14 May 2005, 15:09
Sadly, fowl play stopped the game.
14 May 2005, 15:13
"Make sure you get my good side"
14 May 2005, 16:24
"Unfortunately, blowing it's head off only made things worse"
14 May 2005, 16:48
Next pic. Thanks to wormsfan77 for sending me this. If anyone else has any funny screenshots, send them in!
I got many good pics, Preasure. I�ll send you them in the next time.
14 May 2005, 17:39
...there always were 2 sides to the argument about christmas dinner...
14 May 2005, 19:12
"Shoot the damn bird...or are you chickening out?"
I got many good pics, Preasure. I�ll send you them in the next time.
can u send some for my comp please wormsfan?
my entry-cockledoo do spojgprdjfpsdoj"cockeral gets shot
14 May 2005, 21:28
"I am the angel of death. The time of purification is at hand."
Thanksgiving dinner was already prepared for the next 3 generations.
15 May 2005, 01:58
YOu ate my mother!
"The worm on the cliff was arrested swiftly for getting his cock out during the match."
15 May 2005, 13:13
"Blat Blat Blat Blat!"
"Ok stop pretending and shoot the damn chicken!"
"But he's me only freind"
15 May 2005, 14:23
Why did the worm cross the road?
To shoot the chicken!
16 May 2005, 16:03
And its areturn to form for Splapp, winning this weeks compo with this beauty.
"The worm on the cliff was arrested swiftly for getting his cock out during the match."
As usualy, he gets a point, but I'm throwing in a small chicken this week as well.
16 May 2005, 16:07
''In space, no one can hear your screams of confusion.''
16 May 2005, 16:19
"If I don't actually notice I'm standing in mid-air, maybe the universe won't either..."
16 May 2005, 16:32
"Deathbreather, you're turning into a worm. Stop it."
*Two to the power of seventy-five thousand to one against and falling*
I read that bit just yesterday...
16 May 2005, 16:33
Deathbreaver put the "Landscape Effects" to 101%.
16 May 2005, 16:44
"Shouldnt i be falling right about now?"
16 May 2005, 17:24
"Wingardium Leviosa" had always worked for Harry Potter, but he'd never carried a Bazooka up too...
16 May 2005, 17:35
As T17 got hacked by some weirdo, he actually move land there!
16 May 2005, 17:49
Try as he might, it was clear Deathbreaver wasn't going to pull the 'zook of his head before impact
Deathbreaver realized to his horror that he had fallen into a parallel universe designed by Salvador Dali!
16 May 2005, 19:25
"Deathbreaver suddenly found himself wishing that he had hired a less competent company to clean his giant glass floor."
16 May 2005, 19:35
"...Something's wrong here...oh, right,my bazooka's the wrong way round!"
16 May 2005, 20:59
Puff! Im lucky that I have a pidgeon on my pocket!
17 May 2005, 01:38
"Must...not..look down!!!"
"im flying...oh no wait...AAAAAAGH!!"
17 May 2005, 19:53
im guessing that u changed urs tg? might be helpful if u told us or else it looks like ur cheating to get a point of preasure...
17 May 2005, 20:06
Don Sallieri: Mmmm, ice cream...
17 May 2005, 20:10
im guessing that u changed urs tg? might be helpful if u told us or else it looks like ur cheating to get a point of preasure...
Its fine, I dont decide on a winner until about a few minuites before I post. Though the quality of entries today is very high. I may end up giving out lots of points.
17 May 2005, 20:22
"So, this is what they implimented into the new 'Worms 3D'."
17 May 2005, 20:30
Reminds me about hitchhikers, where on can throw himself at the ground and miss and begin to fly, but then if they think about they begin to fall again.
"Whoa... Invisible ground? Floating Sunbed? Bazooka for my head? MINE humping a BARREL? That's it. No more cheese for me before I go to bed."
18 May 2005, 13:13
he awoke, and found himself being zapped up to a alien spaceship, good thing he brought his pop-gun aalong.
Star Worms
18 May 2005, 15:46
"I believe I can fly..."
im guessing that u changed urs tg? might be helpful if u told us or else it looks like ur cheating to get a point of preasure...
WAAAA didn't realise about that, oh well preasure can you consider both of them? :-/
18 May 2005, 18:38
that would be unfair... mabye u should just choose your best one to put through
18 May 2005, 20:25
"Whoa... Invisible ground? Floating Sunbed? Bazooka for my head? MINE humping a BARREL? That's it. No more cheese for me before I go to bed."
okay okay okay here's mine
*seems that his meditation took effect on some of the objects around him too!*
19 May 2005, 18:47
Woah. This week, in honour of my birthday and the 20th pic of the new competition, I'll be giving away not one, not two, but four points, to these lucky winners!
"Deathbreather, you're turning into a worm. Stop it."
*Two to the power of seventy-five thousand to one against and falling* "Deathbreaver suddenly found himself wishing that he had hired a less competent company to clean his giant glass floor."
"Whoa... Invisible ground? Floating Sunbed? Bazooka for my head? MINE humping a BARREL? That's it. No more cheese for me before I go to bed."
''In space, no one can hear your screams of confusion.''
"Hey, honey. Wanna surf?"
"Since when was I your 'honey'?"
19 May 2005, 18:54
"Want to watch me swim?"
19 May 2005, 19:02
dark sage was actually flushed with fear... but he didnt want to show it, he was trying to impress someone with his swimming...
19 May 2005, 19:44
"Hey ladies! Watch darksage dive!"
19 May 2005, 19:54
Woah. This week, in honour of my birthday and the 20th pic of the new competition, I'll be giving away not one, not two, but four points, to these lucky winners!
I'm really low on ideas lately...
19 May 2005, 19:56
Hey! Your right! You really CAN fly!!!
"can worms swim?"
"well there's only one way to find out..."
19 May 2005, 20:50
"Sage, you really want to do this?"
"Sure baby, if I can't swim, no-one can"
Fwd. Adm.
19 May 2005, 20:53
Dark Sage: This new Mind Control weapon is +3|-| R0X0RZ!
19 May 2005, 20:54
dark sage was wathing his buddies, waiting, till thy wernt watching, so he could make his quick get away
Its one of those action thriller movies, he has to look at his enemy before he jumps of the cliff.
"That sneaky fart that Dark Sage blew off was beginning to register with the enemy worm - he was slowly losing conciousness..."
21 May 2005, 09:41
"I thought you sages were supposed to be intelligent. Oh well..." *prod*
21 May 2005, 09:57
Narrator (What? A narrator?): You may not believe, but DarkSage's plan is doing a backflip then attacking the enemy Worm in the back... So prepare yourselves for a kung-fu Worms-style scene!
The worm prods DarkSage, that falls on the water.
Well, I think we've got some technical problems... er... (dammit!)
double post edit
WHAT??? Preasure, how could you have not give a point to Zeor in the last one??? His entry was the funniest IMO.
21 May 2005, 12:25
Todays winner is Splapp!
"That sneaky fart that Dark Sage blew off was beginning to register with the enemy worm - he was slowly losing conciousness..."
Preasure, how could you have not give a point to Zeor in the last one??? His entry was the funniest IMO. Sorry Supid, I just thought the other 4 were funnier.
Worm with Uzi: No crossin' the bridge!
Yzgzat: Why are you on it then?
Worm with Uzi: Damn, now I have to pay myself 10p.
Yzgzat: You're weird.
21 May 2005, 16:02
"Now this is what you get for having a stupid name..."
21 May 2005, 16:06
Todays winner is Splapp!
Sorry Supid, I just thought the other 4 were funnier.
"Can I see your invitation to the *secret military base in the middle of the forrest party that won't last long cause we'll take over the world tommorrow* please?"
"OH NO! it's in my other jacket!!!"
"that's what they all say, get lost!!!"
"crap *walks away sobbing*"
21 May 2005, 16:57
"All your base are belong to us!"
21 May 2005, 17:06
"Yzgzat knew he only had to stall the guy, for the bunnies where coming..."
"to shoot or not to shoot"
21 May 2005, 19:30
"But before I kill you, Mr. Yzgzat, could you tell me the secret to your mad Scrabble skillz?"
Fwd. Adm.
21 May 2005, 19:35
Destroyer (worm in foreground) - Whoa! Two barrels on a bridge...if this game is anywhere NEAR realistic, it'll blow sky-high!
*Yzgzat gets shot and killed*
*Destroyer shoots barrels*
*Bridge dosen't explode*
*Destroyer commits suicide*
22 May 2005, 00:53
Background worm: Dont do it jack!
Jack (worm with uzi): I must be solidary. He must be suffering with such a name!
22 May 2005, 05:18
Yzgzat is just waiting for Destroyer to come and rescue him... But wait, Destroy is from the enemy Team!
22 May 2005, 11:45
"dont shoot! or else i will use my name calling arts, mwhahahaha! oh and no funnies about my name either, ok?"
Star Worms
22 May 2005, 16:23
Yzgzat: Take me to your leader
Uzi guy: If you'd just like to stand between the oi...i mean...pretty green boxes...
22 May 2005, 19:52
The secret arms deal would have gone off without a hitch, had it not been for the rogue assassin. Cue: GTA3 style adventrure to return money to the bad guys and etc and stuff :rolleyes:
23 May 2005, 19:40
Todays winner is PP!
"But before I kill you, Mr. Yzgzat, could you tell me the secret to your mad Scrabble skillz?"
23 May 2005, 19:47
a blue worm: "How long untill we get there?"
a red worm: "Where are we going again?"
"I dunno"
Supplies had run low, as had their morale; It was beginning to look like they would never reach the North Pole.
23 May 2005, 19:53
"They'll never think to look here, on the GIANT METAL BRIDGE TO NOWHERE."
23 May 2005, 19:53
"Comeon! We've got to reach the treasure before the rainbow vanishes!"
23 May 2005, 20:07
DAMNIT guys! I told you ladders go UP!
23 May 2005, 20:16
Ahem... I thought worms used to DESTROY stuff... not BUILD them..
23 May 2005, 20:16
"Great, the ladder's tipped downwards."
"It's a long way to Tipperary..."
"Shut up."
23 May 2005, 20:24
"Are we nearly there yet?"
Alien King
23 May 2005, 20:33
if only they new what lay at the end
23 May 2005, 20:35
And this should be really a pipeline?!?
23 May 2005, 20:55
This is a photo that shows the first days of the grea-great-great bridge to the sea. Today you can walk from the adventure island to... the sea
23 May 2005, 21:08
...''Despite all plans the millennium bridge was never finished on time''...
23 May 2005, 22:01
It was only until they were halfway done with the bridge did they realize that it probably wasn't such a good idea to bring a gas pipe along.
Fwd. Adm.
23 May 2005, 22:07
Fluffles: Hey, anyone got a match? I wanna toast some of my toe for lunch.
Springy: Sure, here's one.
Gas Pipe: Noooo!
Springy: What are you on about? *lights match*
23 May 2005, 23:45
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
Star Worms
24 May 2005, 11:17
Little did they know, the end of the bridge was breaking away from the land.
24 May 2005, 12:56
...Noez! The worms have seized the Forth Road Bridge!...
24 May 2005, 17:42
"Hey! this thing looks like a giant gas pipe!"
"yeh but i wish it was springy."
"oh flufalot! i dropped my keys!"
"Hey mr wiggles, i can see you house from here!"
24 May 2005, 20:26
"You have too much time on your hands"
25 May 2005, 05:53
Mr. Wiggly: "Poor little worm in the south! He has no name..."
Fluffaot: "It's his turn, idiot."
Mr. Wiggly: "Oh."
Fluffalot: "Uhm, why are we building this bridge to the north?"
Mr. Wiggly: "Simple, you CRETIN. All the birds fly south for the winter, and i'll be damned if i'm getting eaten."
26 May 2005, 19:34
Todays winner is PP! He gets a pint. Oh, and a Point as well. :p
"You have too much time on your hands"
Btw, I'm fast approaching the 100th point I've given away. I have no ideas for a milestone compo, but if anyone has an original idea you wouldnt mind me using, PM me. Cheers.
26 May 2005, 19:40
"hey! gimmie back me dart!"
26 May 2005, 19:45
Bullseye: "nope, no hairs"
Othe worm: "SEE! my baldness-tonic works!!!"
Fwd. Adm.
26 May 2005, 19:56
Worm: Yes! I finally climbed Mt. Wannahockaloogie! I'm the talles worm in the universe!
Bullseye: Not anymore.
26 May 2005, 20:12
Man, you need to get rid of that dandruff.
26 May 2005, 20:29
Worm underneath: Oo, Im nervous... are you sure no on can see us... [INSERT CROSS BETWEEN :o AND :( HERE]
Bullseye: Dont worry, Im sure were hidden by those cameras...
Worm underneath: AH! SH*T! IT WAS RAPE I SWEAR!!! *cries*
"Yeah, you're right... there are enemy aircraft coming in fast, and... Whoa, dude, you should know about this."
26 May 2005, 21:23
"No more nails- sticks virtualy anything to anything."
26 May 2005, 22:01
"Oh, hello."
27 May 2005, 04:25
Worm in Bottom: "Do you REALLY think we look scary?"
Worm in top: "Trust me, everyone will run away from T3h Gi4nT WurM!"
Worm in bottom: "But why does this giant worm has a face in his belly and two tails?"
Worm in top: "That's just details, now shaddup!"
27 May 2005, 18:23
You've heard of piggy-backing; this is the latest craze of "Wormy-backing"!
27 May 2005, 19:07
"Bullseye's stealth ninja skills, though somewhat unorthodox, were surprisingly effective."
27 May 2005, 23:40
"As I suspected: empty"
"hey i can see my house from here"
Alien King
28 May 2005, 08:56
Todays winner is PP! He gets a pint. Oh, and a Point as well. :p
Btw, I'm fast approaching the 100th point I've given away. I have no ideas for a milestone compo, but if anyone has an original idea you wouldnt mind me using, PM me. Cheers.
and now.... thanks to our new weather moniter, we can predict when it will rain, half a second before the drops hit the ground!
28 May 2005, 10:37
And the winner is Phillby! I'm seriously suprised theyre wernt any dirty entries for that. :p
"No more nails- sticks virtualy anything to anything."
28 May 2005, 11:05
Who calibrated that catapult?! I'm gonna kill 'em!!!!
28 May 2005, 11:06
...Parachutes are not this, what they were.
28 May 2005, 11:06
The poor worm, while getting quite the head-ache, still landed closer to the target than his comrades.
28 May 2005, 11:16
Bob knew he looked stupid, but he was still determined to keep up with the Yoga...
28 May 2005, 11:30
The day of the almighty gathering of ostrich (s/p?) worms had come!
28 May 2005, 11:44
"Wow! i never knew that the gider acted like an earthquake!"
(note the weapon he is using and the other worms on the map as well as him)
Alien King
28 May 2005, 12:43
and the poor worm realized that his hole was too big to hide in
28 May 2005, 15:03
..."Damn, the rest of my mates must have caught the virus too"...
28 May 2005, 16:51
Ok buddys. Now relax and put yourselve in the most unconfortable position that you can go. Like this.
28 May 2005, 17:00
This is what happens when you become obsessed with Splinter Cell
"This better be the way to Amarillo"
When back-flips go wrong!'
28 May 2005, 18:33
"Hhm, a hole leading to China where everyone walks upside-down. Marvellous."
"Ching-chong wausi!"
28 May 2005, 20:26
The hurricane blew poor Paul straight into the concrete...
28 May 2005, 22:21
"So, this is what it feels like to be an ostrich. Very peculiar..."
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