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Star Worms
12 Mar 2006, 09:13
This forum seems to be loading slower than usual...

12 Mar 2006, 17:46
This forum seems to be loading slower than usual...Well, it wouldn'y even load for most of today for me.

The backs of my ankles are completely ruined after going to Girton Spring Ball in some rather "rubby" shoes. Although other than that, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

Star Worms
12 Mar 2006, 17:49
Me neither, that was my last post. It was going slow yesterday too. I took a screenshot when a page actually loaded, it looked weird.


12 Mar 2006, 19:04
Looks like it's just missing some images to me.

Star Worms
12 Mar 2006, 19:08
I know, which is why it looked weird.

12 Mar 2006, 19:27
It loaded slowly for me, too.
Back to normal now, though.

15 Mar 2006, 08:52
My monitor seems to be damaged.

Bump edit: I'm taking Munkee's absence at this particular moment as a sign that his ISP finally got around to cutting him off.

15 Mar 2006, 09:11
I saw MFAH post in the W4 forum yesterday (or early this morning), about StarForce.

15 Mar 2006, 18:09
I saw MFAH post in the W4 forum yesterday (or early this morning), about StarForce.
I think you're confusing MadEwokHerd with MonkeyForAHead.

15 Mar 2006, 18:15
I think you're confusing MadEwokHerd with MonkeyForAHead.
So I am.

Sorry, brain wasn't really functioning at the time of making that post.

17 Mar 2006, 19:43
Well, this is fun.

A couple of days ago I decided that I wanted to stay another week at Uni beyond the date I originally told Accomodation I was going home, in order to try and sort a "few" things out. So I told my parents this, and my Director of Studies, and they said okay. But when I told Accomodation about it, it turns out that someone's booked into my room from next week onwards (they're reflooring Staircase 48, and one of the people in there who's staying over the hols has been booked into my room as from Monday). So now I have to try and persuade them that it's not impossible to stick this guy in a different room, but it's the weekend so they won't be around, but I need an answer quick because I need to be able to call my parents and tell them of this horrible reversion to the original plan by tomorrow, if necessary.

On top of that, the backs of my ankles haven't healed over yet, and to make things worse they've been joined by some nice rashes that appeared in the areas where the sticky bits of the sticking plasters were.

Oh yeah, and my room light just went out.

All in all, :(.

17 Mar 2006, 22:32
Ouch. That's what I like to call "One of those days."

18 Mar 2006, 09:23
Do we really care about double posting in OD anymore?

Man, that big space station I built in Blockland... I put all that time and effort into it, hoping to really impress my friends and all, you know, something we could all enjoy, if not for a little while, at least. Nobody came to see it. :( And now, with the game updated, all of the movers are broken, so the carefully programmed doors don't work, either. What a waste... I'm bummed.

18 Mar 2006, 10:40
Do we really care about double posting in OD anymore?

Absolutely not. Too much like hard work to merge all the double posts done in this forum :D

Star Worms
19 Mar 2006, 15:20
My back is killing me.

19 Mar 2006, 16:27
I have a nasty cold type thing, and I have to take pills to get rid of it. However, these are really big pills, and my body has a very good gag reflex, so my brain makes it impossible to swallow with such a big thing in my mouth. The only way to take the medicine is to cut the pill up and drink the powder down... but the reason it's in pill form is so the patient doesn't have to taste the stuff... which is like eating a lump of sulfur. Ugh.

Star Worms
19 Mar 2006, 17:34
Just about the worse thing is having a cold during an exam....

Which is why they choose to do them in the summer so I have hayfever:mad:

*Puts on pedantic hat* (geez this hasn't been brought out for ages)
*Takes hat off*
*Blows the dust off*
*Puts hat back on*

Sorry to be so pedantic but they just mask the symptoms, they don't get rid of the cold.

19 Mar 2006, 21:49
blah blah blah Blockland blah blah blah
Well, I came to see it. Briefly. But the movers being broken does indeed suck incredibly. I guess that renders a couple of my saved maps utterly useless.

19 Mar 2006, 23:38
Yeah, all the doors in the thing are broken now. I'll get around to fixing them eventually.

I've actually found a couple of neat public servers, so I guess I'm good now. :p

19 Mar 2006, 23:41
I have lost all but little interest in this forum as a whole.

20 Mar 2006, 01:16
Shame, that.

20 Mar 2006, 05:19
It happens to everyone.

20 Mar 2006, 07:45
My mouse wheel is going.

20 Mar 2006, 16:02
Alas, alack.

20 Mar 2006, 21:41
That happens with the mighty mouse's scroll ball all the time.
I need to go get some static pads. Those are supposed to help.

21 Mar 2006, 09:48
The best cure for a jammed mouse ball is an optical mouse. :p

Anyway, here's something I haven't been spreading around a lot: There's this girl at work I've kind of had my eye on for the past couple of weeks. I barely ever spend any time near her, but I've made her laugh once or twice, and she's smiled at me a couple-few times. So that's really something in my book.

Today, I was disturbed to learn that she smokes. :-/

Smoking is a big problem for me. I have a serious vendetta with tobacco. And not only is the smoking a problem in and of itself, to me, it seems to say a lot about what the rest of the person is probably like.

So, yeah.

21 Mar 2006, 16:20
Don't be too quick to make judgements. I generally tend to agree with you on the whole tobacco use thing, but it's a stretch to say that it is also a reflection of who she is as a person.

21 Mar 2006, 22:29
The best cure for a jammed mouse ball is an optical mouse. :p

Anyway, here's something I haven't been spreading around a lot: There's this girl at work I've kind of had my eye on for the past couple of weeks. I barely ever spend any time near her, but I've made her laugh once or twice, and she's smiled at me a couple-few times. So that's really something in my book.

Today, I was disturbed to learn that she smokes. :-/

Smoking is a big problem for me. I have a serious vendetta with tobacco. And not only is the smoking a problem in and of itself, to me, it seems to say a lot about what the rest of the person is probably like.

So, yeah.
It IS an optical mouse. I'm talking about the ball on top that's used like a scroll wheel, except side to side.
There are a lot of reasons for someone to smoke, I think. Trying to get into someones personality because of it would be rather difficult.
I'm not exactly the type of person to direct these kinds of questions to, though.

22 Mar 2006, 01:12
Personally, that's the point where I'd drop it entirely. Like a brick.

While smoking may not always be an indication of the person taking part in it, I'd be more likely to get along with a criminally insane 6'8" woman called Tony than one who smokes. If the person smokes enough, I can tell, even if they're not smoking at the time, just by the fact that they reek of stale cig smoke.

So... one way or the other, good luck with that.

22 Mar 2006, 08:56
I might sound like I was taking it a little too far and all that, but I mean, it seems to me like there are certain mind-sets that smoke, and certain that don't. The kind of mind-set I have in mind doesn't.

I dunno, though. We'll see.

In an unspeakable twist of fate, she was moved just today onto the line where I work, so things are likely to be at least slightly different.

I'll test the waters extremely cautiously.

Edit: Having thought about this a little more, I'm even more reluctant to pursue this. I mean, like I said, cigarettes are a terminal, drop-dead problem for me. Put me on one side of a football-field-length room and put somebody smoking a cigarette on the other side, and I'll still be offended at having to share the room with the smoker polluting the air. I mean, yesterday when I found out, it was during a break. The first opportunity I really had to maybe speak with her for a few minutes. And I might have, until she went outside for 5 minutes or so, then returned and sat at the table behind me. Even more so than usual, there was nothing that could get me to engage in any form of conversation with her while she sat there and stank like a massive cigarette.

And since this is highly unlikely to change, and since I never really had anything else going for me here anyway, maybe this is best off dropped like a brick. Less friction that way anyway. Not like I had my hopes up.

23 Mar 2006, 00:15
My advice (and you can take this from a guy who's never had a long-term relationship) would be that if you just ignore the fact she smokes, but avoid the cigarettes themselves, that will put her at a fair disadvantage against non-smoking girls without you having to actively discriminate.

Personally, my limited experince is that girls don't act rationally, and it's foolish to suppose that they do. Just because she smokes there's no reason to assume she thinks smoking should be legal or even believes cigarettes exist.

23 Mar 2006, 09:30
There's no competition anyway. :p

And/or I'm too zoned out from work to really soak in your entire post.

I'm still thinking that the best course of action is forfeiture. For several very good reasons.

Star Worms
4 Apr 2006, 16:28
Car needs a new battery:(

6 Apr 2006, 00:40
Went down to McD's for my orientation today, and it turns out that the person who was supposed to be doing it is sick and they didn't bother to call me to let me know they needed to reschedule. They just waited until I showed up.


6 Apr 2006, 20:47
Ttttttttthhhhhat's pretty dumb.

6 Apr 2006, 20:48
Funtastic. Still, that's what happens when you work for a company run by a clown.

Star Worms
7 Apr 2006, 14:15
Brother's coming back from uni today. That means all the food in this house will be gone by the end of today.

7 Apr 2006, 16:27
Zero, most people I've known who smoke say they want to give up anyway.

7 Apr 2006, 21:36
She no longer works there anyway. I presume she got canned for missing too many days.

8 Apr 2006, 14:31
Ah that'll be failing health, then.

9 Apr 2006, 02:40
Second-hand smoke is worse, anyway. My lungs are bad enough. :p

14 Apr 2006, 22:37
My girlfriend just dumped me... :(

14 Apr 2006, 22:53
My girlfriend just dumped me... :(
That sucks...

My cat has something really wrong with his back paws. He's lost a claw and they keep on bleeding.
We're leaving him overnight at the vet so they can analyze I tissue sample.
Jesus I hope it isn't serious...

15 Apr 2006, 02:52
My girlfriend just dumped me... :(
Damn. I'm sorry to hear that. I know you had really high hopes.My cat has something really wrong with his back paws. He's lost a claw and they keep on bleeding.That doesn't sound too horribly serious to me. Still probably isn't altogether very pleasant for the cat, though...

15 Apr 2006, 04:41
I hope not.
It's probably just an infection.

15 Apr 2006, 15:37
Damn. I'm sorry to hear that. I know you had really high hopes.Yeah, but apparently she can't take the whole long-distance thing. *sigh* I'll get over it...

15 Apr 2006, 16:56
Apparently his back paws are pretty much dead. Now he's going to have a collar so he won't chew on them...
They still don't know what's wrong, either.

24 Apr 2006, 03:47

Star Worms
24 Apr 2006, 17:39
Every pet has to die, but the love you give to and recieve from your pet far exceeds the pain when they go.

28 Apr 2006, 02:12
McD's is driving me around the ****ing twist. Largely because of the absolutely godawful administration. I've discovered that putting myself down as available up to 40 hours a week was an incredibly stupid idea, and I do need to ease into it. Okay, so all I need to do is access my account on the website and change my hours of availability.

I have been trying for nearly TWO WEEKS to get my account details. In the meantime, my spine is about to telescope and my feet are going to look pretty mutated by the time I get things straightened out.


Star Worms
7 May 2006, 21:27
Yay, depression sets in again. They say life is a roller coaster but the one I'm on has been going downhill for most of my life.

7 May 2006, 22:01
Sooner or later it'll go up massively to make up for that, then.

8 May 2006, 15:07
Mine works the other way around. It goes down massively to make up for whenever it goes up.

9 May 2006, 12:12
That's not the other way around. That's the same exact thing 180 degrees out of phase.

12 May 2006, 02:44
I am getting EXCEEDINGLY CHEESED OFF with the management at McDonald's. They've somehow screwed up my last paycheck ($50-$60 less than it should be), and I won't know how until I manage to get my hands on a pay slip. In addition to this, I finally got my hours very clearly cleared up; maximum of 23 hours a week, minimum of 20. They've arranged a schedule for me to work 27 hours next week, and that's not even including the possibility of me being called in unexpectedly if someone else reschedules. The possibility of just quitting on the spot has very seriously occurred to me more than once now, only it would certainly not look good on my permanent record. I'm just in a no-win situation, here.

12 May 2006, 12:14
The possibility of just quitting on the spot has very seriously occurred to me more than once now, only it would certainly not look good on my permanent record.
Would your permanant record state from where you quit on the spot?

12 May 2006, 15:39
I am getting EXCEEDINGLY CHEESED OFF with the management at McDonald's. They've somehow screwed up my last paycheck ($50-$60 less than it should be), and I won't know how until I manage to get my hands on a pay slip. In addition to this, I finally got my hours very clearly cleared up; maximum of 23 hours a week, minimum of 20. They've arranged a schedule for me to work 27 hours next week, and that's not even including the possibility of me being called in unexpectedly if someone else reschedules. The possibility of just quitting on the spot has very seriously occurred to me more than once now, only it would certainly not look good on my permanent record. I'm just in a no-win situation, here.
Report 'em to the BBB. Or don't they have that in Canada?

Star Worms
13 May 2006, 13:44
There was something on my desk that looked like that sort of glue that is used to stick things together on things like boxes. It was underneath a giftcard holder thing and it had a hole where it would be put on a rack in the shop and I tried to pick it up through there. Then it sliced through the end of my finger and the plaster is soaked with blood and it bloody well hurts (excuse the pun).

Actually now that I think about it, I knocked over my lamp and it chipped a bit off the glass so it must've been that.

17 May 2006, 20:39
Seems like my mood wants to decline as we get closer to May 31st, even when I'm not really thinking about it...

17 May 2006, 22:08
It's probably still on your mind, though. Just try to make the day as fun as it can be.

I've no idea what's up with May 31st BTW.

17 May 2006, 22:30
My close friend's dad just died.

17 May 2006, 22:47
Sorry to hear that. How?

17 May 2006, 23:34
He was getting sicker and sicker over time. Eventually he just gave up.

If that's not exciting enough, I can make up a gratuitous, Fwd. Adm-style description of being bloodily crushed to death by a steamroller. :p

Star Worms
17 May 2006, 23:47
My friends all signed a card when that happened to me, and it was good to know they cared/knew/were there for me. You could do the same, I'm sure he/she'll appreciate it.

18 May 2006, 09:10
I've no idea what's up with May 31st BTW.Really horrible emo stuff. I suppose I'll share to the newcomers when the day comes around.

Two years, and I'm still reeling.

18 May 2006, 13:25
It's probably still on your mind, though. Just try to make the day as fun as it can be.

I've no idea what's up with May 31st BTW.I'd explain, but it's probably best to let Zeor explain in his own words. Suffice to say, it was possibly one of the most shocking experiences one could undergo.

18 May 2006, 14:33
This should explain it some: http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18619

18 May 2006, 21:12
Or, yeah, you can go ahead to that link ahead of time. That was just what I was gonna post, anyway.

18 May 2006, 22:24
Ah yes, I remember that thread. I thought the subject seemed a little farfetched but that was probably because I didn't understand what had been going on. Still it's very good you're able to talk about it so openly.

19 May 2006, 10:17
It's about 80% of why I'm such a deeply and thoroughly messed-up person yet today.

19 May 2006, 15:07
Funeral today. In fact, I'm headed out the door right now.

Star Worms
19 May 2006, 20:29
Wisdom tooth coming through. The bit which has just come through is right next to my back tooth so I hope it's beside it and not underneath it.

19 May 2006, 21:33
Funeral today. In fact, I'm headed out the door right now.

You're taking your laptop?!?

Though that would be humorous. In a morbid way.

"We are gathered here toda---"

*tap tap tappity tap*

19 May 2006, 23:56
That's the start of a wedding, Run.

20 May 2006, 00:41
They're both the same.

Star Worms
20 May 2006, 01:23
That reminds me of a joke I read somewhere. It was something like:

"I hated having to go to weddings. All the old people would poke me and say 'you're next'. They stopped doing that when I said the same to them at funerals."

20 May 2006, 08:36
In either case, someone wearing fancy clothes gets a lot of attention and there's a party afterwards. I think I prefer a good Funeral, though. The only Funeral I've ever been to was a bit of a strange one but there was Fudge afterwards, so that made up for it.

20 May 2006, 10:48
In either case, someone wearing fancy clothes gets a lot of attention and there's a party afterwards. I think I prefer a good Funeral, though. The only Funeral I've ever been to was a bit of a strange one but there was Fudge afterwards, so that made up for it.
No, give me a wedding any day. The last funeral I went to made me more angry than anything else. Here, I thought, is a room full of people who have lost a loved one, and this man is standing in front of them explaining that it's quite alright because God will ressurect her anyway and she'll be allowed to live forever in paradise, so really, you see, she's not properly dead at all, well, not forever anyway, and if you're not dead forever then you're basically only asleep, aren't you, so if you'd all like to stop crying now and read that poem that always gets read at funerals about footprints in the sand, that'd be much appreciated, and I was just amazed that nobody had noticed in the last millenium of Christianity that this was probably the single most spectacularly emotionally unhealthy way of dealing with loss that mankind has ever concocted. I mean, even going on a Kill Bill style bloodthirsty rampage gets you closure.

Star Worms
20 May 2006, 11:01
Weddings are happy funerals are not. I know which I'd prefer.

20 May 2006, 11:38
You seem to both be missing out on a fundimental point, and that's fudge.

I've never had fudge at a wedding.

20 May 2006, 13:51
In either case, someone wearing fancy clothes gets a lot of attention and there's a party afterwards. I think I prefer a good Funeral, though. The only Funeral I've ever been to was a bit of a strange one but there was Fudge afterwards, so that made up for it.
No fudge at this funeral, sadly. I'll have to serve fudge at mine.

...Wait a minute...

20 May 2006, 13:57
No fudge at this funeral, sadly. I'll have to serve fudge at mine.

...Wait a minute...
I think I'll invite Ben to my wedding on the condition he brings fudge.

And also on the condition that I ever get married, which brings me to back to the topic of Negative Events & Occurences, and although it has to be said that Monday night was in every possible sense a Positive Event & Occurence, the subsequent days of total radio silence are most definitely a Negative Event & Occurence.

I think. Hmm. She was attractive when I was drunk, anyway.

20 May 2006, 14:11
She was attractive when I was drunk, anyway.
Uh oh.

20 May 2006, 14:36
Uh oh.
Nah, it's alright. It's not like I spent the next day kicking myself and regretting the whole thing. I just hate not knowing what's going on, and I can't call her because she has my number and not vice versa (on account of her vanishing somewhere the following morning and my having to go to work, which is difficult when you don't know where you are, exactly). Of course, I could track her down along the chain, but that could take weeks.

Edit: Honestly, I'm really not in a position to be choosy right now. She seems nice, so I see no reason not to give it a chance.

20 May 2006, 23:07
I didn't have you down as a 'next morning' person, Andrew.

20 May 2006, 23:12
I didn't have you down as a 'next morning' person, Andrew.
Neither did I!

21 May 2006, 15:34
And with this off-topic post, the Negatives thread overtakes the Positives.


21 May 2006, 19:44
So my mom was using the pc last night when she heard a sound, kinda like a coin being dropped, inside the pc tower, and the thing crashes. After that it would just refuse to start again. Oh joy!
I'm currently in a borrowed laptop. Eek, Windows 2000!

21 May 2006, 22:02
Windows 2000!

21 May 2006, 23:49
she heard a sound, kinda like a coin being dropped, inside the pc tower, and the thing crashes. After that it would just refuse to start again.
Have you opened the case and looked for metallic parts like screws?

I know someone who had a very unstable system, crashing on random & unrelated occurances, until someday everything went fine again.
He checked the insides of his case again and found a loose screw at the very bottom, that had been travelling down from the top somewhere, causing mayhem.
Eek, Windows 2000!
Or install WinXP.

22 May 2006, 00:50
Yes I opened it, and it was some rather large funny/shaped piece of metal that somehow fell right on top of the motherboard, which pretty much f**ked it up, leaving us with no computer again.

I can't install Win XP on this thing, because a) It's not mine. And b) I'll be damned if this thing can support it properly.

23 May 2006, 03:16
Good friend of mine died the other day. And guess who has to work during his services? Me.
Also women in general are being a real pain in the ass more than usual.
My senior year is comming to an end, and I yet to choose a good collage to go to and how the hell I'm going to be able to afford it. I still have to take freaking finial exams despite the fact that I should be able to be exempt with a B or better adverage. Sleep deprivation is kicking in. My so called "friends" seem to be ignoring me just a little bit. I'm starting to get really bad back pains. And I fear I might start going through and emo stage. Again. Bleh...

23 May 2006, 22:14
I have a really bad canker sore on my lower gum, and in the process of applying an oral anesthetic I spilled and now my entire tongue is numb. Perfect.

23 May 2006, 22:17
Chili eating contest here you come!

23 May 2006, 22:18
Chili eating contest here you come!

23 May 2006, 23:07
<insert posts here>

*Dies laughing*

23 May 2006, 23:11
Sorry to hear that, thomas :(

23 May 2006, 23:44
Sorry to hear that, thomas :(
Yeah, stuff like that is a real downer.

24 May 2006, 02:06
Mister, you're drinking a candle!

24 May 2006, 02:21
Mister, you're drinking a candle!
lol, the effect wore off a while ago. Although I will probably be re-applying the stuff some time soon, so wish me luck.

27 May 2006, 10:33
In other news, waking up early in the morning to the pain of being bit by a squeaking bat is one of the most terrifying things that has ever happened to me.

27 May 2006, 10:34
Why is it that whenever I ask somebody out they leave the country?

28 May 2006, 00:44
Maybe they greatly exaggerate 'going out'.

28 May 2006, 00:45
Try asking out someone who can't afford leaving the country.

29 May 2006, 23:56
That could potentially backfire.

31 May 2006, 06:55
Sorry to hear of that, Slick. My deepest condolences to you and the victim's family.

31 May 2006, 07:50
Ack. I never saw that thread before, Zero.
That sucks so much... I'm sorry to hear about all that, man.

It's odd when I hear about these things. I didn't feel any sort of malice toward Avry or anyone all through reading that thread.
It makes me remember when Fwd. Adm. was telling that story about his mom dying. Every single fact went against him, but I still wanted to believe his story. Now, one side of my mind knows that it's a lie and one knows that it's true.

It amazed me to realize it, but I can't actually recall hating a single person. I don't even hate terrorists, I feel sorry for them, since their mind has been corrupted into thinking that their religion says that murdering will get them into the afterlife (And it says the opposite...)
I'm not even sure that there's anything that would EVER make me really wish significant harm on someone. I want the terrorists to be stopped, but I'd want it to be done without bloodshed.

Holy crap, I have more in common with my sigworm than I thought! I made his whole "loves everyone" trait up, but it turns out that it's right in tune with me!

Okay, that was way longer than I intended. :p
Wait, is today Zero condolences day, then?

31 May 2006, 09:39
Yes, today, the 31st of May, is the 3rd ever Zeor is Emo day.

Thanks for your words, by the way.

Since I'm talking about it now, I guess I'll specify where I am on my road to nowhere... Yeah, my emotions still aren't working properly, and haven't been since. Like a broken sensor or something, making me believe things that aren't true and all that stuff. Still as confused and doubtful and hateful of everything as ever. Getting used to it, though.

Yeah, there you go. Yeah.


31 May 2006, 09:41
Yeah, there you go. Yeah.

Totally. For certain.

31 May 2006, 11:53
A lot of this is what I just got done saying, but my full feelings as of the moment are now chronicled in my emo-heavy deviantART journal (http://my.deviantart.com/journal/).

31 May 2006, 12:21
You probably meant to link here: http://zero72.deviantart.com/journal/

But yeah, as I'm no good at huge writing (unlike Pigbuster :p): Condolescences for Zero.

31 May 2006, 20:46
Yes, today, the 31st of May, is the 3rd ever Zeor is Emo day.

Thanks for your words, by the way.

Since I'm talking about it now, I guess I'll specify where I am on my road to nowhere... Yeah, my emotions still aren't working properly, and haven't been since. Like a broken sensor or something, making me believe things that aren't true and all that stuff. Still as confused and doubtful and hateful of everything as ever. Getting used to it, though.

Yeah, there you go. Yeah.

I would like to say, once again, something to the effect of AUGH THAT BÍTCH.

It's still one of the most horrific things I can imagine happening to anyone, and I can't say much except that I'm really really sorry.

31 May 2006, 21:08
Don't worry, Zeor, you will be sorted out during the course of your mental development anyway. Just wait for it to happen, which inevitably will, and go about your life as usual but remember to keep some time for yourself. Your well-being is just as important as everyone else's.

31 May 2006, 21:11
Thanks, guys.Don't worry, Zeor, you will be sorted out during the course of your mental development anyway. Just wait for it to happen, which inevitably will, and go about your life as usual but remember to keep some time for yourself.That's kind of what I figured. Glad to have it confirmed. :p I doubt there's much else I can do but ride it out.

UnKnown X
2 Jun 2006, 12:08
What happened between you and Kiara, though?

2 Jun 2006, 12:11
She fell for some real life guy she met at school. She hovered, but I let her go. She deserves more than to sit and stare at a computer screen for an hour a night.

...I've barely spoken with her since, which I wish hadn't happened...

Edit: And I'm still not completely sure she was real. Not completely. Mostly? Not quite... Somewhat? I guess. I don't know. About anything anymore.

2 Jun 2006, 16:55
Webcams are useful to make sure people are who they say. At least I've never heard of anyone faking a live webcam feed.

2 Jun 2006, 18:31
At least I've never heard of anyone faking a live webcam feed.
I've seen it done.

2 Jun 2006, 21:47
Please elaborate.

2 Jun 2006, 23:56
Please elaborate.
Er, well...

There exists software that can turn any old video file or part of your screen into a video feed you can feed into a webcam programme, so all you'd need then is a 3D fake person, and they're easy enough to come by, but far more interestingly there are videos floating around the web of men simply pretending to be girls, stringing someone along for a while, and eventually, just as the other person is... embarrasing themselves, taking two scrunched up newspaper pages or whatever out of their shirt and revealing that in fact the victim had been giving some random guy a good laugh and not in fact turning anybody on at all.

I expect I can dig up one of the videos somewhere if you want, but I really don't think you do want that. And damn sure I'm not posting it here.

Edit: I suppose you could probably do that in real life for a couple of weeks if you were suitably disturbed. Not sure what you'd achieve by that, but in principle it's possible.

2 Jun 2006, 23:58
Not sure what you'd achieve by that...
I can think of something.

3 Jun 2006, 00:06
There exists software that can turn any old video file or part of your screen into a video feed you can feed into a webcam programme, so all you'd need then is a 3D fake person, and they're easy enough to come by, but far more interestingly there are videos floating around the web of men simply pretending to be girls, stringing someone along for a while, and eventually, just as the other person is... embarrasing themselves, taking two scrunched up newspaper pages or whatever out of their shirt and revealing that in fact the victim had been giving some random guy a good laugh and not in fact turning anybody on at all.I've seen that happen here, only without a fake webcam feed, and with a portuguese talkshow host. It made the news. Obviously the host denied everything and claimed someone hacked his computer, even though you can't really fake a video of a talkshow host... embarassing themselves.

3 Jun 2006, 00:18
You can if you have a lookalike and a really crappy webcam. That is to say, any webcam.

3 Jun 2006, 01:20
You can if you have a lookalike and a really crappy webcam. That is to say, any webcam.I doubt anyone would go to that much trouble just to fool a talkshow host. Besides, said host had tattoos.

3 Jun 2006, 22:47
It seems that the bat which bit me was rabid. Now I have to get rabies vaccines. The vaccine is a narcotic, which means that I have been incredibly tripped out over the past few days.

4 Jun 2006, 04:34
I have been incredibly tripped out over the past few days.
That might explain the avatar.

4 Jun 2006, 12:09
That might explain the avatar.
Or vice versa.

Star Worms
4 Jun 2006, 16:41
My computer has suddenly decided not to recognise the dvd drive. As such, I can't play any games which require a cd. Maybe it's trying to tell me to do more revision?

4 Jun 2006, 20:36
My computer has suddenly decided not to recognise the dvd drive. As such, I can't play any games which require a cd. Maybe it's trying to tell me to do more revision?
Check if the power connector and the IDE cable are plugged in correctly.
Maybe try different IDE port or change the IDE cable itself.

4 Jun 2006, 21:01
I graduated high school the other day. Now I get to work untill I die! :D ...I mean...:(

4 Jun 2006, 21:29
Haha clone post duality fun.

5 Jun 2006, 00:24
I graduated high school the other day. Now I get to work untill I die! :D ...I mean...:(
You know enter the life of an adult.
Which will never be as fun as before in school. :p
I suggest you go to college and/or university to have fun another 6-10 years. ;)

5 Jun 2006, 00:54
To prolong the inevitable ;D

5 Jun 2006, 01:07
I graduated high school the other day. Now I get to work untill I die! :D ...I mean...:(
You're not that far behind me, then. Welcome to the world of degradation and minimum wage.

5 Jun 2006, 01:11
Yeah, I've been in this so-called adult world for 2 years, and it sucks.

5 Jun 2006, 04:00
Thanks for the encouragement everyone.:p

5 Jun 2006, 05:04
Flying Coakroaches! :eek:

5 Jun 2006, 17:14
My first exam was today. Not quite sure if counts as negative, but it certainly wasn't positive. I did my best and scrapped out some stuff, but all the questions seemed to be designed to find irritating little gaps in my knowledge. Let's hope the other three go better.

5 Jun 2006, 18:11
but all the questions seemed to be designed to find irritating little gaps in my knowledge.
Don't you know that professors use e-paper that contains EEG sensors that can scan your brain from knowledge gaps and then rewrite the questions?
Why do you think they insist in not turning around the sheets immediately at the beginning?

Star Worms
5 Jun 2006, 18:32
Don't you know that professors use e-paper that contains EEG sensors that can scan your brain from knowledge gaps and then rewrite the questions?
Why do you think they insist in not turning around the sheets immediately at the beginning?
Even though you can read the question on the first page before you open the paper?:p

5 Jun 2006, 18:43
Even though you can read the question on the first page before you open the paper?:p
Perhaps then the professor or the people watching get a secret signal and then observe you.

UnKnown X
5 Jun 2006, 18:47
You only THINK you saw the question before you opened the paper!
They mess with your memory!

7 Jun 2006, 04:45
Ahh rejection.....



7 Jun 2006, 05:44
From what?

7 Jun 2006, 10:05
College, mayhaps?

7 Jun 2006, 12:45
Brief summary of my second exam

"Ah, a question on shocks, something I've actually revised! Right, these are the Rankine-Hugoniot relations... da da da... and this is the ratio of the densities! Wait... they want the ratio of the pressures as well? Okay, let's have a go..."

One sea of algebra later:

"Dammit, I still haven't got it out. And I've just used up 2/3 of my exam time on one question. Oh dear."

7 Jun 2006, 14:18
Last year of high school becomes a lot more fun when the Ministry of Education decides to make it even harder to finish by sticking Quantum Physics / Mechanics in it. :mad:

Star Worms
7 Jun 2006, 16:09
C4 has an appropriate element code... 6666

7 Jun 2006, 18:50
Last year of high school becomes a lot more fun when the Ministry of Education decides to make it even harder to finish by sticking Quantum Physics / Mechanics in it. :mad:
Quantum physics in high school? Hell, I never did that until university.

And it was pretty easy, truth be told. There's only one equation in it. The advanced quantum course was pretty tough, but nobody would inflict that on high schoolers.

7 Jun 2006, 19:05
Quantum physics in high school? Hell, I never did that until university.

And it was pretty easy, truth be told. There's only one equation in it. The advanced quantum course was pretty tough, but nobody would inflict that on high schoolers.
We did quantum physics (the basics) in A2 physics.... Right after being told that liight was a wave...


7 Jun 2006, 22:02
We did quantum physics (the basics) in A2 physics.... Right after being told that liight was a wave...

I suspect, to be honest, that if you taught someone quantum physics when they were as young as possible it might just click. You know, like languages.

9 Jun 2006, 12:52
Last exam wasn't very good either. They kept asking me things that I didn't know, so I spent most of the exam just trying to do the mathsy bits.

Oh, well. The exams are over, at least. Although I may have to do a viva on Friday, so I should prepare a bit for that.

10 Jun 2006, 19:25
I and three friends got locked inside the public access stacks at the UL today. Even the fire doors got locked. Luckily two of my friends had their mobiles with them and we got out without having to resort to extreme measures like kicking the door down.

11 Jun 2006, 17:04
My dad chose the hottest weekend in the year to instal our new bathroom, and has just punctured some pipework.


15 Jun 2006, 03:56
Today I revieved a letter with the message that I have to get out of my student's dormitory room by August 31st (with the room being clean and painted or I won't get my €360,- caution money back).

Pfff... living the good live of a university student for the past 6 years finally strikes back. :p
(The cut of my scholarship money this spring obviously didn't warn me...)

Guess I have to change the hobbies & interests in my user CP from "sleeping, eating, doing something, then again sleeping, eating..the university student's way of life" to "looking for a new domicile if I don't want to live under a bridge (without an internet connection)".

15 Jun 2006, 17:26
Eek. That sounds very much the opposite of Good Times. Still, now's the time to mooch off of relatives. Eh? Eh?

Star Worms
15 Jun 2006, 18:40
That C4 exam was hell, although I think I got enough marks in it to get an A (fingers crossed). The practice papers were far easier.

15 Jun 2006, 20:58
Alright, it's summer, which means it's time for all the roads to be flipped over! Christ, traffic in Williamsport was bad enough as it is. I had to do a freakin' lap around downtown to get to a spot 50 yards away.

15 Jun 2006, 21:53
Alright, it's summer, which means it's time for all the roads to be flipped over!
Er... what?

Do you live inside a Scalextric set?

15 Jun 2006, 22:19
That C4 exam was hell, although I think I got enough marks in it to get an A (fingers crossed). The practice papers were far easier.
I'll be lucky to get half marks.

That vector question was an abomination.

16 Jun 2006, 08:55
Er... what?

Do you live inside a Scalextric set?
Road work + hyperbole.

16 Jun 2006, 12:19
Road work + hyperbole.
I thought perhaps there was a one-way loop that was hilariously reversed when summer roller round.

UnKnown X
16 Jun 2006, 14:48
Apparently, I have extreme clinical depression. I scored 47 out of 63 on the BDI test (albeit the old-ish one). It says that with a score > 17 I should see to a doctor (or psychiatrist or something). Unfortunately, I'm too clinically depressed to give a damn.

Star Worms
16 Jun 2006, 19:58
I'll be lucky to get half marks.

That vector question was an abomination.I couldn't do the vector question at all, I just guessed. I seem to remember only completing about 3 of the questions and I couldn't do the last one. Quite a few friends are upset because they've probably missed out on the grade they needed to get for university.

I probably got about half marks too but my good results in the other maths exams should hopefully keep me at an A. If not then there's always Biology to fall back on (I need ABB).

17 Jun 2006, 00:16
I thought perhaps there was a one-way loop that was hilariously reversed when summer roller round.I imagined some sort of axis-based road which would flip around it according to the season.

17 Jun 2006, 01:19
I imagined a massive summery festival of sillyness which involved changing the direction of traffic in an honourary nod to the English and eventful runs around town to encourage disusing cars to take routine trips to school and work. Our overanalysing isn't out of place in the negative occurrence thread.

17 Jun 2006, 05:03
Apparently, I have extreme clinical depression. I scored 47 out of 63 on the BDI test (albeit the old-ish one). It says that with a score > 17 I should see to a doctor (or psychiatrist or something). Unfortunately, I'm too clinically depressed to give a damn.
You had me fooled. You can't be too bad. :p

UnKnown X
17 Jun 2006, 12:25
Meh, it's not really quite hard to hide depression, especially on forums.

17 Jun 2006, 13:18
I got a third.

Oh well, there are worse things in the world than a third from Cambridge.

And my DoS reckons it's probably worth applying for that course still, on the basis that a Cambridge third might be worth a 2-2 from somewhere else.

17 Jun 2006, 13:20
with a score > 17 I should see to a doctor (or psychiatrist or something).
With that avatar, you should see to a doctor (or psychiatrist or something).

UnKnown X
17 Jun 2006, 14:52
Hey, Splapp is the one who made it!

17 Jun 2006, 19:52
Hey, Splapp is the one who made it!
Yes, he definitely needs professional help.

On the other hand, so does John Kricfalusi. And look where it's gotten him.

17 Jun 2006, 20:47
School is over, and now I don't get to see Katie for 5 weeks because she's taking a trip to Spain...

17 Jun 2006, 20:49
What is it with everyone travelling to Spain these days? Come to Portugal, we got more beaches and touristical crap!

17 Jun 2006, 20:56
Well, we learn Spanish here because we're so close to Mexico and all, and she's going as part of a language-emersion program.

UnKnown X
17 Jun 2006, 21:12
The least they could do was to send her to the Canary Islands. At least it's warm-ish there.

19 Jun 2006, 06:21
Yes, he definitely needs professional help.

On the other hand, so does John Kricfalusi. And look where it's gotten him.
And this guy too http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/318769

19 Jun 2006, 15:37
And this guy too http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/318769Front Page?!?!?

Ok, I have OFFICIALY lost hope on the Flash world.

20 Jun 2006, 05:55
And this guy too http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/318769
Hey, he's the same guy who did (the unofficial) Hyakugojyuuichi 3. Wasn't horrible. This, on the other hand...

Well, the Excitebike music was unexpected and slightly amusing anyway.

20 Jun 2006, 15:11
I actually did like it. :p

28 Jun 2006, 08:44
This is a broadcast of the Emergency Zeor Broadcast System. It is not a test.

The ZBS has learned from the actual weather service that a flood / flash flood warning is in effect for Zeor's area and anything even remotely near it for another 6+ hours.

On the Zeor Scale of Severity, the threat level is: Severe.

Yeah, seriously, I was just at the bridge, and there can't be four vertical feet between the river and the roads near my house. Thank crud I live on the second floor, at least, but I don't exactly want both of my cars totalled.

The list of areas under the warning was so long that the EBS on the radio ran out of time to list them all.

28 Jun 2006, 09:17
...blame it on the sun...

28 Jun 2006, 10:27

I hope this solves all of your problems.

In all seriousness though, that's pretty crap. Hope this doesn't impact you too much. Are your cars insured at all?

28 Jun 2006, 10:28
Zeor Threat Level downgraded to: Mild.

It's mostly stopped raining. Still, that was a scare.

Edit: Thanks anyway.

28 Jun 2006, 14:27
Thank God you don't live in Maryland.

28 Jun 2006, 22:39
Or Wales (Floods and storms being just about the only natural disasters you can pick up round here ;)).

Although at least we get lots of hills on which we can avoid floods.

29 Jun 2006, 05:29
"In case of flood, proceed uphill.
In case of flash flood, proceed uphill quickly."

29 Jun 2006, 08:55
I get to live in a big ol' valley.

29 Jun 2006, 14:38
But don't get to high up the hills.
Or you might end up in the mountains where you're threatened by avalanches and mudslides.

29 Jun 2006, 19:09
I live in a 4th floor so I suspect I'm safe enough, never heard of any floods nearby anyways. And these days our popular disaster seem to be fires... big ol' fires. Or minor earthquakes that just make stuff shake and scare people.

29 Jun 2006, 21:25
It doesn't matter where you go on the Earth, no-one is safe. Mountains, valleys, the coast, the sea, underground, the Earth's core, there's something out of your control that could go wrong and make you become dead. That's the shocking truth that I just realised. An efficient human extinction plan.

29 Jun 2006, 23:02
It doesn't matter where you go on the Earth, no-one is safe. Mountains, valleys, the coast, the sea, underground, the Earth's core, there's something out of your control that could go wrong and make you become dead. That's the shocking truth that I just realised. An efficient human extinction plan.Of course it's more likely to happen in some places than others.

The worst I'm likely to get here (living on a hill in Wales) is gale force winds or at worst lightning.

UnKnown X
29 Jun 2006, 23:46
The worst we get here is rain, really. We don't have to worry about floods, since Norway is really one huge mountain consisting of other mountains. Think New Zealand.

2 Jul 2006, 15:22
I have returned.

2 Jul 2006, 16:17
I have returned.
From the Oort cloud?

2 Jul 2006, 23:53

3 Jul 2006, 18:41
I failed my end-of-year exams in one subject. As such, I have to do a supplemental exam in September. Which means studying over the summer.

The family weren't too pleased. In effect, I have been placed under house arrest.


3 Jul 2006, 19:04
Been there, done that. Bad stuff.

K, I've decided to not only destroy the sun, but to destroy History too.

3 Jul 2006, 19:06
I'll help with History. But the sun...

Man, reaching too high's gonna get you BURRRRRNED.

4 Jul 2006, 07:45
K, I've decided to not only destroy the sun, but to destroy History too.Be realistic, man. There's no way to destroy history.

4 Jul 2006, 07:47
Be realistic, man. There's no way to destroy history.

10 Jul 2006, 03:55
My PC broke about a month or so ago. Then, a couple of weeks ago, the microwave stopped working. A week or so ago, our scanner started malfunctioning. 4 days ago, the washing machine started leaking water. If this keeps up... I don't even want to know what would happen if this keeps up...

I also got a job 5 weeks ago, not entirely a bad one, but everytime I get paid, fwooosh the money goes away. And it'll be like that for the next couple of years it seems...

11 Jul 2006, 22:46
but everytime I get paid, fwooosh the money goes away.
That's how it is.
Did you think you could actually get rich by normal, honest work?
You'd need a job in politics or in the drug mafia.

Or you could buy these wonderful water filter bottles from me and also obtain the right to resell them to others.

12 Jul 2006, 02:39
That's how it is.
Did you think you could actually get rich by normal, honest work?
You'd need a job in politics or in the drug mafia.

Or you could buy these wonderful water filter bottles from me and also obtain the right to resell them to others.
Hi, I'm selling these fine leather jackets...

12 Jul 2006, 04:50
Well, I'll do it in the morning because it's not really visible right now... yes.

edit: well well mr. sun is lucky, I have class tomorrow morning. And in the afternoon I have work, so... sunday it is!

I also forgot to mention, my wrist watch just broke too...

12 Jul 2006, 21:35
I also forgot to mention, my wrist watch just broke too...
Better than your wrist.

12 Jul 2006, 21:48
Hi, I'm selling these fine leather jackets...
Oh, the joy! :D
I need to play through all 4 of them again.
I also forgot to mention, my wrist watch just broke too...
Isn't there the cliche of the superstitious Mexican wearing lots of lucky charms?
Maybe you need a few lot of those. ;)

13 Jul 2006, 04:31
Isn't there the cliche of the superstitious Mexican wearing lots of lucky charms?
Maybe you need a few lot of those. ;)
I know about the sombrero cliche, the greedy cliche, the lazy cliche, the needy cliche, the moustache cliche, and the combination of all this, but I've never heard of the lucky charm one. Oo

17 Jul 2006, 07:31
It is insanely hot right now.
And when it's hot, I'm irritable, I'm prone to anger, and can't do anything too physical, and I can't sleep.
And I'm going to have to try to sleep soon.
And both air conditioners are going full blast, by the way. They aren't doing crap.


17 Jul 2006, 13:15
Pfft, you should be here, all I got to cool me off is a fan. And I just stood outside for 4 hours in the blazing sun just to sign up for one last exam since the school is flooded with people signing up for exams all at once and they can only manage to take care of it real slowly since the power also went out so no computers or air conditioning for anyone.

UnKnown X
18 Jul 2006, 17:31
I dig warm weather.

It's only 23C here (29 in my room), and it should've been warmer. Bleh.

Star Worms
18 Jul 2006, 17:44
Well it's 29 in my room and about 32 outside. It's too hot!

18 Jul 2006, 18:36
I think I'm beggining to understand why people hate latins on US... in this case, Puerto Ricans... and those that live in Miami too...

18 Jul 2006, 18:45
Katie, in an e-mail from Spain, said that "life is sh*t right now" and I don't know why...:( And now I'm like freaking out...

18 Jul 2006, 22:17
If you were part of the cause she wouldn't be telling you about it.

19 Jul 2006, 06:49
let me make a list:
My father has a brain injury, wears dipers I have to change, can hardly walk now, just had a mini stroke about 10 minutes ago, my moms friend at work was tricked into her neighbors house and had a gun put to her head, she somehow gets away and the man calls her and says "Hey (name left out) listen to this" and blows his head off, I have to find a way to get to college if I go, if I don't go to college I have to find a full time job and get used to doing labor all the time, my fathers side of the family thinks I don't do **** with my life: which is because Im always watching my father: and when I do somthing with my time they get all ****ed off that Im NOT watching him, my current job sucks ass, the most I work is two times a week which does not pay for the bills, all the jobs in my area are not hireing because Bush is a an idoit that f**ked up the economy, my car is about to break down any day now, I don't have enough to fix it, fixing it is more than the car is worth, I have a **** load of yard work that always needs to be done, my knees hurt like hell as does my back, i've been having major chest pains lately with shortness of breath and a pressing feeling on my chest, Im not over weight and Im "healthy" since my latest check up, for the past 3 years girls have been using and playing me, my friends are not around to do anything anymore.

This mostly has taken place with in the past couple weeks, not to mention the stuff thats been going on for years. I could keep going, but this is plunty of crap to deal with now. Don't want to go and discover more crap that I havent noticed YET.

Well, dispite this being personal crap, I don't care. I NEEDED to VENT somehow.

19 Jul 2006, 09:08
...I guess I'll never complain again.

19 Jul 2006, 14:05
Holy sh!t :eek:

19 Jul 2006, 15:51
Not much I can say, really :(. Er... good luck sorting that lot out.

All I can say is that the entire Internet except the Team 17 Forums seems to be malfunctioning at the mo, from my perspective.

EDIT: Restarting Firefox fixed it, for some reason.

20 Jul 2006, 11:46
Good lord.:eek:

Actualy, based on the evidence, probably not.:-/

21 Jul 2006, 06:24
Dear god. :eek:
*Insert comment on life here*
I really dislike you.
There's that explained...

I'm really sorry for you, man. :(

22 Jul 2006, 08:49
My girlfriend is going away for three weeks. :(

22 Jul 2006, 23:05
It's 110 ºF (43.3 ºC) in the SHADE!...

And there's no air conditioning.

22 Jul 2006, 23:23
Wot, no air conditioning? You poor sod.

23 Jul 2006, 02:06
It's 110 ºF (43.3 ºC) in the SHADE!...
And there's no air conditioning.
It's 302,15°K in my room.
I only have a 0,3 m cooling fan (enough for a 13 m² room).

Star Worms
23 Jul 2006, 12:13
Well 29°C is nowhere near as hot as 43°C

23 Jul 2006, 22:05
One of my dogs died this last week. I don't want your condolences, I've acknowledged it, done my grieving, and I just want to move on now. Only posted it here for archival purposes, or just for the sake of making a post.

25 Jul 2006, 03:12
Father went to the doctors today, due to the fact he can hardly walk. They say that he needs 24 hour care. So that means whatever life I had, or time to do what I wanted....is pretty much gone. That is unless I want a major guilt trip.
Really...I need to get out of here...because...this place is f***ed up.
Yet it is extremely hard to leave somthing you resent, when you love it at the same time.
Blah blah blah.........;alsjdflasdf

25 Jul 2006, 20:35
What sort of a life is he living and will he get better?

25 Jul 2006, 20:41
The kind of life where he is stuck at home all the time because its beyond difficult to take him anywhere. Not only because he is handycaped, but because he is extremely rude to people and gets anxiaty attacks, and starts acting crazy...like making sound effects and other stuff.
He can only get worse.

25 Jul 2006, 20:46
Wow. I am so sorry to hear that.

25 Jul 2006, 20:47
Wonderful. I hope you aren't tied down by him. Afterall you have a life of your own to live.

26 Jul 2006, 15:08
I'm not sure if I mentioned this here yet, but my love, my perfect love (this is where you all say "you'll find better" and I don't believe you), broke up with me. She gave me plenty of reasons of why she didn't want to.

However, to rub salt on the wound, I ended up finding out they were all lies. The truth is, she found someone else. Or someone else found her, not sure. So just so she wouldn't have to feel bad about turning me down (or the other guy, who knows), she pretty much came with all sorts of reasons just to get me mad at her and get me to break up. Though since that obviously failed, she eventually did it herself.

Geez, you'd think someone you've been with a whole year would at least trust you to say what's really happening. Then again you'd also trust them to really love you and not trade you for someone else (as they kept telling you they wouldn't) after wasting one whole year with them.


Due to all of this, I've been feeling ill for the past days, and I suspect it'll go on for a long, long time. F***.

26 Jul 2006, 15:44
"you'll find better"
Perhaps that was what someone told her.

26 Jul 2006, 18:54
Thats too bad Sup. but you're not alone on that. Somthing similar happend to me not that long ago. But now I suspect the girl I liked is a skank.
Anyways, sorry to hear that...I'll go get the beer. :/

Star Worms
26 Jul 2006, 21:17
The girl I like(d) is still my friend and she's written an ultimatum to her boyfriend - he said he had DIY to do when infact he had a gaming tournament. Hopefully she'll give him the letter.

Hopefully good things will come to those who wait.

26 Jul 2006, 21:25
It's a shame that people have to experience the painful end of an internet relationship before they learn that, 95% of the time, they simply don't work. I am sorry to hear that yours ended the same way.

26 Jul 2006, 21:44
It's a shame that people have to experience the painful end of an internet relationship before they learn that, 95% of the time, they simply don't work. I am sorry to hear that yours ended the same way.
That's broadly true of real life relationships too, though, isn't it?

Although since I met my last (real-life) girlfriend on the internet, and she dumped me by MSN, I suppose the lines are a little blurred to me.

Also, since I haven't posted here in a while, largely because I don't want to give the impression that I consider my trivial and slight problems to be comparable with some of the stuff in this thread, I will simply offer my general condolences to everyone here on the last page (which is as far back as I've read lately).

26 Jul 2006, 21:48
It's a shame that people have to experience the painful end of an internet relationship before they learn that, 95% of the time, they simply don't work. I am sorry to hear that yours ended the same way.If only the problem was that it was an internet relationship. Because the other guy she found also lives miles away from her.

Oh well, live and learn. Frankly I wouldn't regret it so much if the fact of finding a girl that was "turned on by geekiness" wasn't damn near impossible. That and... other stuff. >>

27 Jul 2006, 08:55
...As long as we're talking about relationships with ex-girlfriends, I've remembered that there's no real official record as to what my current relationship is with Avry. Well... ugh. Where to start.

Not only do I still speak with her regularly, as in, like, all the time, but... we're kinda trying to date again. We're kicking around the idea of actually meeting in person in the very near future, but since it really is very near and there hasn't been a whole lot of actual planning happening, it's hard to say if it is going to actually happen.

Needless to say, I've been questioning the whole thing constantly. I still cannot tell her "I forgive you" in good conscience, because I don't, and can't, mean it. I don't quite think my heart is really in the relationship. Certainly not anywhere near like it was with "Kyira." I'm thinking maybe things will change if I meet her in person... I don't know.

To change the subject: Slick, no matter what you think about yourself, you're an inspiration. I mean it. Your situation makes the whole Avry thing seem like piddle, and you wave it off saying "it's life." I wish I were half as strong-minded as you.

I forgot: Super, condolences. I can imagine how you feel.

27 Jul 2006, 13:53
You should meet her. If nothing else, it has to clarify things.

If you do start dating, and enjoying it, it might be easier to forgive her. If it's not, well, you two have to decide what to do about that. But forgiveness, dating, then meeting in person can't possibly be the right order to do it in. She's a package -- you can't date her and not face up to what she did -- so try the whole package, and if it's not the right package for you, then I suppose you'll have to find a different package.

(See, I don't think of women as objects. I think of them as packages of objects.)

28 Jul 2006, 09:06
You should meet her. If nothing else, it has to clarify things.

If you do start dating, and enjoying it, it might be easier to forgive her. If it's not, well, you two have to decide what to do about that. But forgiveness, dating, then meeting in person can't possibly be the right order to do it in. She's a package -- you can't date her and not face up to what she did -- so try the whole package, and if it's not the right package for you, then I suppose you'll have to find a different package.

(See, I don't think of women as objects. I think of them as packages of objects.)
Yeah, you've more or less confirmed my line of thinking.

We've already talked rather frankly about the whole thing, and she knows that I don't quite forgive her yet...

29 Jul 2006, 07:12
Well after working my butt off for 4 hours at work, someone decided to just walk out on the job. Noone else would fill in for him, and I was the only on there that was able to do it. So I had to close, and I got my ass whooped. Why is this even worse? Because I have to be BACK at work now in about *looks at clock* 5 hours. -_-
It's never a good thing to close, and then open.

2 Aug 2006, 01:37
...As long as we're talking about relationships with ex-girlfriends, I've remembered that there's no real official record as to what my current relationship is with Avry. Well... ugh. Where to start.

Not only do I still speak with her regularly, as in, like, all the time, but... we're kinda trying to date again. We're kicking around the idea of actually meeting in person in the very near future, but since it really is very near and there hasn't been a whole lot of actual planning happening, it's hard to say if it is going to actually happen.

Needless to say, I've been questioning the whole thing constantly. I still cannot tell her "I forgive you" in good conscience, because I don't, and can't, mean it. I don't quite think my heart is really in the relationship. Certainly not anywhere near like it was with "Kyira." I'm thinking maybe things will change if I meet her in person... I don't know.
I understand that situations change, as well as people. However, this is a person who has manipulated you, broken your heart, stomped the remains to bits, and you're still considering an intimate relationship with her? I cannot figure this out for the life of me.

Please enlighten me if I'm wrong, but we are talking about a girl who pretended to be someone else not only to you but also to many other guys, correct? Who's to say she isn't capable of countless other internet relationships while you are in e-love with her? From what I've seen and heard, Avry strikes me as the highly manipulative type. I can't see why you would want to be battered around for this girl's sick pleasure, while you just sit around with a big grin on your face. You're too good for that.

As I see it, this can only end in even more hurt feelings, even if it is somewhat nice in the short term. If I were you, I'd get out as soon as possible.

note: if my view of this girl is too cynical, please enlighten me so that I stop making stupid comments.

2 Aug 2006, 04:11
Love is illogical.

'nuff said.

2 Aug 2006, 05:28
Being manipulated, or manipulating someone else, isn't "love".

2 Aug 2006, 05:52
You can be in love with someone who's manipulating you. Isn't that kinda the point of manipulating them in the first place?

What I meant is that if you feel the emotion which we put under the title "love", then you don't necessarily care that's it's a potentially disastrous relationship, and you'll convince yourself otherwise.

Or something like that.

2 Aug 2006, 05:59
What I meant is that if you feel the emotion which we put under the title "love", then you don't necessarily care that's it's a potentially disastrous relationship, and you'll convince yourself otherwise.
That's exactly what I'm worried about. Just because it's "love" doesn't mean that it's a good thing.

2 Aug 2006, 11:41
FutureWorm, if I wanted your opinion or even a fragment of it, I would ask. kthx.

2 Aug 2006, 11:54
I understand that situations change, as well as people. However, this is a person who has manipulated you, broken your heart, stomped the remains to bits, and you're still considering an intimate relationship with her? I cannot figure this out for the life of me.
Well what else can you do? If he doesn't, then sooner or later someone else will, and she'll still be the same person then. At least Zero knows her already. As weird as it sounds, this could be a sensible move. The problem really is trust -- if the new relationship does go well, even if it doesn't work out in the long term, it will be a great thing for Zero and a very positive step from Avry. If it doesn't, then we can just hope that Zero manages to stay focussed and realise that it's only her who's hurt him and not take it out on future relationships and sabotage those too.

I think. I realise I'm not the guy to ask for relationship advice.