Posted On Monday 26 March 2012 by Freddie Nash (FredFace)

(We [have]thought &null;)

peceheekaht setuh /!peve!/

'peve', that nice prefix that isn't nice and made sense, turns out to be effectivly the same as that even nicer prefix that definatly makes sense, 'rela/relo'! (The subject/object returning relative clauses prefixs for ye unenlightend).

Here is how to use 'prepositions' (for some not very good reason I decided they should have their own catagory (yes, catagory) in the DB):

OK, SO - a quick intro to relativeness

Think of a BINARY TREE (like a Timlan Sentence). IT IS A TIMLAN SENTENCE.

The thing that is at the very top of the tree is the main phrase. When you use relative clauses, it is like passing the sbj/obj up the tree instead of the phrase itself, so...

iqeht ripeli relataropeht hat~s seluxeta cute

(this cat (that likes pasta) is epic)

this looks like this:

         |                |
       relataropeht     ripeli
    |             |
seluxeta cute    hat~s

(Sorry, no FTP client here to upload pretty pictures)

The main clause would have to be at the very top, and it is, but what is exactly?

Spolier: iqeht ripeli seluxeta cute

The sub clause relataropeht hat~s seluxeta cute retursn the sbj, due to 'rela'. This means that you can essentially omit all the clause ness and replace it with just the sbj (would be obj with relo): seluxeta cute! (Remember supplements (determiners (selux (eta))))

Hopefully you understand now! If not, learn to code, and it will ALL make sense (and we will not have had to put any effort into said revelation).

Now, for when the relative clause is ABOVE the main clause. This is bascilly the same, it just returns the main clause.

Consider: relaiqeht kel eatoht hat~s sui

((it is good that) you ate pasta)

         |                |
       eatoht            kel
    |             |
   sui          hat~s

Here, the eatoht hat~s sui is the main clause, and it is passed up to the top by the relative clause.

See? How much fun is that!

Anyway, prepositions are just scary verbs (which arn't scary), so you can just use rela to state the something occurs, and that it takes place somewhere.

Regarding tenses... prepositions are funny and tend to take their tense from another verb. When outside the main clause (passes it up) the main clause provides this tense, and the preposition (verb) will take the generic tense, effectivly inheriting the frame of reference.

Now, for when not to use rela.

I am in France.

This is only one clause, and it needs a tense. 'am' is a non word, 'in' is a preposition (verb).

inafeht /!France!/ ei

Job done!

This is the same as ever, but without 'peve' glued on the front.

None of this is nearly as hard as it seems, its just lush binary logic goodness.

Some sample sentences:

inafelem /!France!/ eateht hat~s ei
((I eat pasta) in "France")

taropeht relainafeht /!Bristol!/ ayiketa lapopis ei
(I like (all houses in "Bristol"))

iqeht ripeli relaaqeht ripeli timlan
(tautology :D)