View Full Version : Worms Armageddon on Steam: Why Nobody Seems to Care

9 Apr 2013, 23:01
After being harangued by fans for months since it was added as a preorder bonus for Worms Revolution, Team17 finally made Worms Armageddon a purchasable game on the service last month. It sat in the bottom-end of the Top 100 Games on Steam list for less than a week before dropping off and vanishing entirely. The only way someone would know the game is even purchasable on the service is if they actively went looking for it. And why would they go looking for a 14 year-old game on the service?

It also doesn't help that the system specs are woefully inaccurate, reflecting the requirements for Worms Revolution and not Worms Armageddon. The price point isn't exactly great either, and t's been pointed out that the game can be purchased brand-new for significantly less elsewhere - Amazon, for instance.

Releasing Worms Armageddon on Steam could have been a nice little earner for Team17, but they compeltely mishandled the release. By comparison the release of Worms 2 on GOG.com was far better - it was actually promoted, for a start, and the pricepoint is far more reasonable. How long until Worms Armageddon ends up on GOG.com, I wonder?

But back to Steam. Team17 could do three very simple, very effective things to increase sales of WA on the service:


Worms Armageddon was released on the service to no fanfare, no celebration, no nothing besides a couple of tweets and a Facebook post. Meanwhile Age of Empires II HD Edition has a nice splash banner on Steam's front page and is predictably the top-selling game on the service right now. Considering AoE2 and WA are both fairly successful PC titles that hail from the same era of PC gaming, Team17 should be embarrassed that they didn't consider spending some money promoting the game.

So promote it. Get the game featured on the front page. Don't wait for a sale to happen for people to realize the game is available to buy on Steam - actually invest in the game now so you can make some money sooner rather than later.

And while we're on the subject...


$15! �11.99! �13.99! How are these prices anything other than madness? $15 for a game over a decade old. �11.99 for a game you can buy from Amazon.co.uk bundled with Worms 2 for less than a third of that asking price. �13.99 for a game that has been notoriously pirated and copied and shared and spread across Europe.

For comparison's sake, let's see what else $15 can buy you on Steam:

The entire classic range of Doom games.
Any one of the three PS2-era Grand Theft Auto games.
Dark Forces, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, and the Mystery of the Sith expansion, with change left over.
The Monkey Island Special Edition bundle.
If Monkey Island isn't your thing, $9.99 gets you The Dig, LOOM, and both Indiana Jones adventure games, with $5 left over to buy an old Star Wars game.
Half-Life. Or Half-Life 2. Or Portal. Or Any number of other Valve titles, with change left over.
If you're after a "child in peril" theme, you could buy both Limbo and The Binding of Isaac.
Like Strategy? Introversion's DEFCON and Darwinia are both $9.99 each.
Sonic CD is a mere $5, which leaves you $10 to buy either Sonic Adventure or Sonic Adventure 2, depending on how much you hate yourself.
$13.99 gets you three games from Worms Open Warfare 2 DS developers Two Tribes - Toki Tori, EDGE and RUSH.
A selection of Genesis/Mega Drive games from SEGA.
A stack of Oddworld games: Abe's Oddysee, Abe's Exoddus, Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath HD.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point - $15 gets you far more bang for your buck from the same era of gaming. From after the same era of gaming. It really isn't a fair asking price.

Arguably more importantly, though, it actively devalues Worms Revolution. In terms of content, WA offers much more value for money - more weapons, more missions, more gameplay modes and better customization, all for the same asking price. Why would anybody choose Revolution when Armageddon can be had for the same price? At a cheaper asking price, it doesn't become an either-or proposition anymore. They can have both. Don't wait for a sale for people to buy this game, when they could easily be buying it now.


People who do somehow find WA have to be asking themselves exactly why a 14 year-old game needs such state-of-the-art computing tech. WA runs on most computers and laptops these days, and the game should be proudly displaying that fact.

Of course, this may be easier said than done - with the changes made thanks to the updates and patches courtesy of Deadcode and CyberShadow, the launch specs may no longer be valid, so may have to benchmark again. But it's worth it, I think.

WA is a great game. It's also a game that, these days, people tend to remember fondly. "Oh yeah!" they'll say, "I used to play that all the time." They can be playing it again, now, but you have to remind them that the game exists. And importantly, you have to make it worth their while.

Thanks for your time.

9 Apr 2013, 23:47
I personally believe that $15 is a good price (that's what I paid for my disc version back in '04), but I do agree with the other points.

However, you're preaching to the choir here. The Powers That Be are the ones that should be seeing this.

10 Apr 2013, 02:07
For system specs, WA will still run on more systems than Steam will. I reckon Steam's minimum specs will do nicely (considering you need the Steam client to use the Steam version of WA).

10 Apr 2013, 07:53
I agree. I also concur.

10 Apr 2013, 10:45
#4: Mention the most important features that were included in the updates after the release in '98.

10 Apr 2013, 11:32
I personally believe that $15 is a good price (that's what I paid for my disc version back in '04), but I do agree with the other points.

In 2008 I bought the CD version for about $6-7 (or �5). Just sayin'.

10 Apr 2013, 11:34
Yeah, it's substantially cheaper elsewhere. Even with shipping, buying WA from Amazon.co.uk is less than half the price of the Steam version.

10 Apr 2013, 11:42
dat price

this world needs to be fixed
- worms armageddon: works perfectly, not advertised at all
- aoe2 hd: close to not working for many at all, overadvertised

10 Apr 2013, 18:28
In 2008 I bought the CD version for about $6-7 (or �5). Just sayin'.

For 3 pound + shipment in 2010 I got a big box version... Just saying :rolleyes:

10 Apr 2013, 21:04
For 3 pound + shipment in 2010 I got a big box version... Just saying :rolleyes:

For about $70 to 80$ I got a big boxed version of worms 2 around 1997 and it was worth it. The game has decent customization functionality unlike the stuff T17 is making these days -.-

10 Apr 2013, 21:05
For about $70 to 80$ I got a big boxed version of worms 2 around 1997 and it was worth it. The game has decent customization functionality unlike the stuff T17 is making these days -.-


10 Apr 2013, 21:12
I nerver expected T17 to actually release WA on Steam...
In my head, T17 wants WA to die since years ago...why?, because the game has a quality that they cannot provide nowadays....oldies (like me) will keep comparing WA to newer titles and point out that the franchise dropped its quality at some point...

If it wasnt for the graphics WA would surpass every worms game in the franchise till now in every aspect possible...including community wise (a 10yo game has more players than a 2 yo one)

tl;dr: WA is the peak of the worms franchise....its better for the business if it stays in the shadow, so new players stay ignorant on the issue...

T17, just do like Microsoft did with Age of empires...hire Cybershadow and Deadcode officially....and make a "Worms Armageddon 4.0 HD"...I would pay 150 bucks for that...

10 Apr 2013, 21:13
If Team17 wanted the game to die they could have very easily pulled the plug on the beta updates years ago.

10 Apr 2013, 23:30
It's the price that really ruins it for me. It's so ridiculous that I actually look down on the die-hard fans who just want a Steam key, it's that bad!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "Oh it's old so it should be cheaper" - Massive Assault is around the same price (http://store.steampowered.com/app/34640), and I simply can't recommend it enough! The actual problem is that Worms Armageddon already has a price, and that price is 1/3 the Steam one. It's a complete rip-off for two very tiny features (specifically, being able to download it instead of installing via disc, and automatic updates)!

10 Apr 2013, 23:31
For the same asking price you can buy Worms 2, Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party from Sold-Out, and still have enough change to go to the shops and buy a couple of Curly Wurlies afterwards.

11 Apr 2013, 09:51
I have to say I agree that they need to drop the price. I got it in 2004 for US $9.99, and $6 of that was shipping costs.

12 Apr 2013, 14:54
WA still isn't even on this list.


12 Apr 2013, 15:39
That would be because Valve are phasing those forums out and replacing them with these:


Only new games whose developer/publisher explicitly requests an old forum section get it. And considering T17 decided to only have the discussion forum things for all the rest of their games, opening one just for WA on the old forums doesn't seem likely or make too much sense.

12 Apr 2013, 17:46
Sadly their new discussion thing is both horrid and vomit-inducing.

20 Apr 2013, 23:33
I just found out that WA is still available, I would LOVE to purchase & play it again (I used to play it all the time back on the N64) but I have a few concerns.

1: Is there online multiplayer? Steam only mentions co-op play

2: Controller Support? although It wouldn't be the worst game for me to adjust to with KB/M I would still much rather use my 360 pad.

The price does seem a little high, but if considering the amount of worms games I have bought since 1995 that doesn't really bother me if the above conditions are met & I can FINALLY play the best version of worms since 1999

(Worms 2: armageddon on xbla came close but feels more like a tease at what armageddon should be & Revolution just feels horrible to me)



21 Apr 2013, 08:06
1. Online play is still alive and kicking after 14 years!

2. WA for PC does not support a controller natively, however there are options such as JoyToKey.

21 Apr 2013, 16:09

& I just picked up Xpadder so now life is complete :)

21 Apr 2013, 20:22
I totally agree with the fact that the bloody price is high. I do however like the fact that I can say "I told you so" to people who didn't pre-order Revolution. :joke:

23 Apr 2013, 11:36
Out of curiosity, does Team17 get to set the price of W:A on Steam?

By the way, I just looked on several sites to find out what the price of W:A would be on those sites and my findings were:
less than �5 (inc. postage) on amazon.co.uk
less than �5 (inc. postage) on ebay.co.uk
less than US $15 (inc. postage) on amazon.com, and the price was only that high because a lot of them were shipping from England

At least half of the items I looked at were Worms 2 + Worms: Armageddon packs. All of the items I looked at were new.

So yeah, the price definitely needs to be dropped.

23 Apr 2013, 11:44
Out of curiosity, does Team17 get to set the price of W:A on Steam?
AFAIK, it's always the publisher who defines the prices, including whether to use the idiotically wrong 1$ = 1� pricing scheme, and whether to use different price tiers for different EU regions, based on different purchasing power apparently.

Valve only gets a percentage cut from all sales.

This was the reason why EA is done with Steam and now sells everything through their own Origin. It was rumored to be a 30% cut in this case.

23 Apr 2013, 13:45
I thought EA ditched Steam because Valve didn't like how EA was handling DLC purchases (In-game purchases iirc that evade paying through Steam).

23 Apr 2013, 14:36
AFAIK, it's always the publisher who defines the prices, including whether to use the idiotically wrong 1$ = 1� pricing scheme, and whether to use different price tiers for different EU regions, based on different purchasing power apparently.

That's correct, but it doesn't necessarily mean that by default, Valve doesn't "recommend" the $1 = �1 and other assorted evil to the publisher as the terms of release are negotiated. There's solid evidence to suggest that this is precisely what they do, and most publishers simply comply.

26 Apr 2013, 11:10
I thought EA ditched Steam because Valve didn't like how EA was handling DLC purchases (In-game purchases iirc that evade paying through Steam).
Yes, because Valve apparently enforce a publisher to have separate versions of the DLC keys that only work with a Steam-purchased copy, but not with retail or Origin keys.

EA apparently wanted to negotiate better conditions for them, but then simply stopped using Steam since then - or at least for Battlefield 3 and its DLCs - and moved it to their own Origin.

Quite a reasonable step, since EA have had their own digital distribution platform for several years (since Battlefield 2 at least) anyway and also have their server/account/registering infrastructure up and running.
Now they've consolidated all of that into one system and essentially cut out the middle man who wants to leech 30%.
That's correct, but it doesn't necessarily mean that by default, Valve doesn't "recommend" the $1 = �1 and other assorted evil to the publisher as the terms of release are negotiated. There's solid evidence to suggest that this is precisely what they do, and most publishers simply comply.
Of course they'd encourage that stupid pricing scheme.
The difference between the Dollar and the Euro means an inherent 30% more revenue at current exchange rates of ~1.30 (http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=EUR&To=USD).
And that was even more a few years back when the Euro climbed to around 1.50$.

Really, a crazy world, when I can pre-order a retail copy of the same game from the UK and it's much cheaper (including shipping) than the digital download version in my Steam region. :rolleyes:

26 Apr 2013, 11:13
That doesn't explain how a) EA still sell titles on Steam, b) still add titles on Steam such as The Sims 3: University Life, and c) why the keys given for Steam-purchased EA titles work in Origin (and they do, trust me).

26 Apr 2013, 12:40
As someone who's already purchased WA twice in the past (3 times counting WWP) I'm in a pretty staunch "sale only" mode for the Steam release. As is everyone I know.

It's too bad really, since it's a phenomenal game, and for $10 I think I probably would've picked it up Day 1 of release proper.

26 Apr 2013, 21:28
Sonic CD is a mere $5, which leaves you $10 to buy either Sonic Adventure or Sonic Adventure 2, depending on how much you hate yourself.

I laughed so hard here.

27 Apr 2013, 22:52
That doesn't explain how a) EA still sell titles on Steam
b) still add titles on Steam such as The Sims 3: University Life
No idea really.
But those were surely not as popular as the hyped, long-anticipated BF3 was back then.
Also, starting to not release DLCs after some time would annoy off the many Sims kiddies.

I could well imagine that Sims 4 won't appear on Steam anymore, now that EA have strenghtened their Origin platform, and in times where DLCs, season passes and micro purchases are the current trend.
All of those would basically mean potential revenue losses if distributed via a 3rd party like Steam, while not given any advantages for themselves.
and c) why the keys given for Steam-purchased EA titles work in Origin (and they do, trust me).
Yes, that allows them to lure people to Origin.
But it's the other way round, buying a (DLC) key on Origin or another source and using it with the Steam base game that Valve didn't like, since it circumvented their share.

8 May 2013, 18:43
I am going to buy a copy tonight. Haven't played worms in years. Glad they put it on Steam.

- Squiffel

9 May 2013, 05:25
Squiffel! Maker of the finest CTF maps and other assorted creations. Welcome back sir!

I've lost your map pack over the years after many viruses and hdd failures.. could you repost it? I found some of them on TUS (linked below) but my favourite, your chicken map, is sadly missing..

Squiffel (Incomplete) Map Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?uivyf78g0ffz3gy

10 May 2013, 03:03
Squiffel! Maker of the finest CTF maps and other assorted creations. Welcome back sir!

I've lost your map pack over the years after many viruses and hdd failures.. could you repost it? I found some of them on TUS (linked below) but my favourite, your chicken map, is sadly missing..

Squiffel (Incomplete) Map Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?uivyf78g0ffz3gy

lol thanks man, you have more of my maps then I do! I am downloading your zip haha. I dont have any of them anymore. I am downloading W:A right now, we should defintely CTF

My steam name is "Kermie" add me!