View Full Version : Toggle Background without Insert key

9 Apr 2013, 20:16
Hey guys,

how can I toggle the background without using the insert key? I want the background to be black, but it's the fully colored one by default.

Why don't I use the insert key? - I've managed to get Worms Armageddon running on a Mac using Wine (click here (http://worms2d.info/Installing_WA_on_Mac_OS_X#Compatibility.2Fexperien ces) for more). There's no insert key on Apple's keyboard. According to what I read there are shortcuts on Mac for the insert key, but they don't work in-game. I've also tried to use a usual keyboard, but its insert key is with no effect.


10 Apr 2013, 05:57
Start Wine's regedit (registry editor), then navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\Worms Armageddon\Options. There, set the value of DetailLevel to 0 (the default should be 5).

10 Apr 2013, 16:46
Superb. Thank you!