View Full Version : Kickstarter project for WA 4.0?

20 Mar 2013, 23:20
Hello guys!
I've heard around that CyberShadow and Deadcode are volunteers only and don't get any money from T17 for a GREAT work that they've done for us. What you think about starting a kickstarter project for faster delivery of WA 4.0 and also donate CyberShadow and Deadcode?

21 Mar 2013, 08:23
Any sort of Kickstarter would have to be started by either Team17, CyberShadow or Deadcode (with Team17's blessing). Fans of a project cannot start a Kickstarter on their behalf.

This sort of thing has been discussed before (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=57388&highlight=kickstarter).

22 Mar 2013, 18:19
I thought of this too.

I wish I could do something to help.

22 Mar 2013, 19:36
Well, I should have used search before start a thread ;). Anyway, I still think that Deadcode and CyberShadow should receive money for what they do, especially that W:A is offered at 14 euros on steam(that is more than on launch in my country ;)).