View Full Version : Inventory - default tab

13 Mar 2013, 19:09
It would be nice and useful if the Inventory would open the Achievements tab, I don't need to see which hats I've got, I need to check the status of the achievements.

14 Mar 2013, 09:07
Dreamer, I have to say you don't have a good point. Some people do want to see this. Maybe when you want to buy a hat, you want to see how many hats you have of each kind.

Happy Worming!

14 Mar 2013, 15:24
I disagree, there's no motivation to buy new hats but style - no bonus XP, coins. Even if I'd buy the hat every day, I'd use the Customize button to choose and use it, not the inventory.

14 Mar 2013, 15:55
Ok, let's agree to dissagree, then.

14 Mar 2013, 20:41
It's a good point. In fact maybe the Achievements should have their own section outside of the inventory anyway, for quicker access. Thanks for the note :)

15 Mar 2013, 07:47
Yes, believe the new ones again :P

23 Mar 2013, 14:57
The default tab should be whatever tab was last opened, I say. That solves everyone's preferences!

27 Mar 2013, 15:06
Good idea :)