View Full Version : Minecraft Server

7 Jan 2012, 17:31
I started renting a Minecraft 1.0 server for my family to play on, but it's a bit lonely now that only me and my brother still play, so I'm opening it up to any of you guys.

It's running the latest Bukkit RB with Essentials, World Edit and a plugin that shortens the /gamemode command to /g.

I've just started a fresh world, so come and build!

It's suposed to suport up to 16 players. There's a whitelist so I might need to add you to that. is the address.

8 Jan 2012, 16:02
I've only played Minecraft in singleplayer so far, so this could be fun. You'll need to add optagon to your whitelist. I have no idea what those modes or mods are though, do I need to download anything?

8 Jan 2012, 17:12
I've only played Minecraft in singleplayer so far, so this could be fun. You'll need to add optagon to your whitelist. I have no idea what those modes or mods are though, do I need to download anything?
I've added you and OPed you.

Also with Bukkit, everything is client side.

Essentials just adds a bunch of useful comands for teleporting, giving items, seting spawn and warp points etc.

World edit is a very powerful plugin that lets you copy and paste structures, generate shape, replace blocks with other blocks etc. It's very hard to use, but very handy if you want to build massive structures.

The /g 1 and /g 0 comands let you change from creative mode (unlimited blocks, flight, no heath bar) to plain old survival mode relatively quickly. The full comand is /[username] gamemode [1/0]:p I like to switch often!

As you may have guessed, we're more focused on just messing around and building stuff than mining and survial. We've turned hostile mobs off for the moment, but I'm happy to turn them back on if you fancy some proper spelunking!

8 Jan 2012, 19:21
Sounds interesting. I don't get into Minecraft much anymore but you can whitelist SupSuper if I happen to drop box.

8 Jan 2012, 19:37
Sure, may as well. Add paulpower to the whitelist, please.

8 Jan 2012, 23:24
Both added.

9 Jan 2012, 14:14
Go ahead and whitelist Zeor, if you please, though I haven't played in months. Might just have to hop in and scout around for a spot for another one of my big ol' glass house (http://imgur.com/a/33gSa#14)s.

e: I'd like to state for the record that I'm personally very opposed to playing in Creepers Exist And Blast The Living Tits Off Of Everything All The Time Mode.

9 Jan 2012, 14:56

Thinking about it, a seperate survival world with Monsters would work better than just turning them back on. Not that theere seems to be any demand for them.

9 Jan 2012, 18:21
Tried connecting just now, says I'm not yet whitelisted.

9 Jan 2012, 20:46
Tried connecting just now, says I'm not yet whitelisted.

Same here.

9 Jan 2012, 22:52
That's odd, you're definitely on the list.

The user names are 'optagon' and 'zeor' correct?

Edit: d'oh, I didn't reset the server after editing the whitelist. It should work now!

10 Jan 2012, 01:36
There we go. Man alive, this server is built up with all kinds of crazy elaborate ostentatious awesome crap I could never possibly hold a candle to, isn't it? Makes my best glass house look like transparent tinker toys.

I did take a moment to make myself a little more recognizable, at least.

10 Jan 2012, 04:51
There we go. Man alive, this server is built up with all kinds of crazy elaborate ostentatious awesome crap I could never possibly hold a candle to, isn't it? Makes my best glass house look like transparent tinker toys.

I did take a moment to make myself a little more recognizable, at least.
Nice skin! :)

Also cool, my Dad actually finished his diamond and gold house.

It's easy to be intimidated when all the buildings are on top of mountains! Find a comanding enough position and even a shed would look magnificent.:cool:

10 Jan 2012, 05:30
Best place for a glass house is down on the water line, though, unless I wanted to hollow out a mountain or some crap, which would pretty much just invite miscellaneous disaster and be a huge pain in the yoohoo. I might actually consider seeing if I could put the whole thing totally underwater. Maybe, I dunno. I'm still seriously creeped out by those frickin' squid.

e: I almost always build a tower of some sort somewhere, too. Maybe I could do both, and make a subaquatic glass house with an enclosed tower that extends up out of the water. Hmmm.

Also, I've now already done that thing with my skin where I made a few microscopic changes that nobody will ever notice or care about and are too minor to update the screenshots I took, because I'm wacky like that. Still, hard to believe I didn't try this design before now. It's not bad for how long it took.

10 Jan 2012, 08:19
I'll join in occasionally.
Add globefish23, please.

Also, you definitely have to enable hostile mobs again and disable item commands.
What makes Minecraft such a wonderful game is the community and sharing aspect in multiplayer.

"Hey, I need a bunch of stone. Anyone got some?"
"Sure, let's meet at my house."

"Can anyone spare some rails for my extended railway line?"
"Sure, grab them from the chest."

Once everyone has diamond armor, regular mobs are not dangerous anymore anyway.

Also, I have never been to the End to see the dragon.
We could organize an expedition.

10 Jan 2012, 13:43
Added (and reset:p)

There's no reason we can't have a crazy fun time creative mode world, and a survial world!

I'll just need to install some plugins.

10 Jan 2012, 16:49
Okay, Survial world is go!

To get there, head over to the Squidward village and enter the mysterious obsidian doorway.

Here's the ancient portal.

Another view, showing the postion relative to the village and that one huge mountain.

And here's the other side! dark, monster filled forests await you in this wilderness. Come, let's tame it together!

The difficulty is set to easy, monsters abound and although the gate sets your mode to Survival, there's nothing to stop yopu changing it back, or indeed using the /give comand. I am awful a permisions, so it's up to you not to cheat! :)

11 Jan 2012, 17:38
Work on my subaquatic glass house has more or less begun, but I'm starting to realize what an absolute ***** it might be to make sure there's enough space for it under the surface. Excavating a big rectangular space sounds like the sort of thing that might be doable with the server commands, but I'll be damned if I have any idea how to use that.

I have discovered in the process that bows are usable underwater, though, even if it's a little hard to tell if you're hitting the squid until it goes to hell where it belongs. :p

e: Also, at least there's god mode so I need not fear drowning.

11 Jan 2012, 20:39
Work on my subaquatic glass house has more or less begun, but I'm starting to realize what an absolute ***** it might be to make sure there's enough space for it under the surface. Excavating a big rectangular space sounds like the sort of thing that might be doable with the server commands, but I'll be damned if I have any idea how to use that.

I have discovered in the process that bows are usable underwater, though, even if it's a little hard to tell if you're hitting the squid until it goes to hell where it belongs. :p

e: Also, at least there's god mode so I need not fear drowning.

World edit is hella useful for this sort of thing: although I'm completely lost without this handy cheatsheet to hand. (http://cloud.github.com/downloads/sk89q/worldedit/worldedit_ref_rev6.pdf)

I think //drain <radius> might be what you're after. And //fill water <radius> [depth] and /fixwater <radius> once you're done. The //undo comand is the most important one however!

We used to have a plugin that made sponge blocks remove water, but it conflicted with World Edit in some very strange ways.:p

Also I played a little bit in the survival world. I mined a bunch of iron. Feel free to raid the chest in the waterfall cave (the door's pretty obvious) and under my hill-top house for suplies.

World edit uses the wooden axe for selections, so it sort of spazzes out when you try to use it for chopping trees. So don't waste your wood and just punch the trees untill you move on to stone tools.:p

11 Jan 2012, 21:53
Also I played a little bit in the survival world. I was in there for a little while. I probably would have survived the second night if the game had let me cut down some trees instead of treating all of them like they were in spawn territory all of a sudden, and if I hadn't accidentally gone for a lava swim. I had started on a basic little shelter cave somewhere not far from the entrance, but didn't get a door or any lighting in it.

World edit uses the wooden axe for selections
...Ah, that'd be it.

12 Jan 2012, 17:09
Minecraft 1.1 is out!

It'll probably be a week or so untill there's a new Bukkit Recomended Build, so untill then If you want to connect to the server, don't update.:p