View Full Version : How could you Team17?

14 Oct 2011, 09:42
Disclaimer: Purchaser of Worms, and Worms Armageddon for PS3.

I had so much enjoyment playing Worms World Party during my college years. Amazing game, and I was much more of an FPS guy at the time.

Imagine excitement, many years later, when my roommate has a PS3 and I can buy multiple worms games! And I can play online!

Except the entire experience seems to have been half assed. Has there been so much developer turnover there that no one has any more pride?

Biggest gripes? Well, glitches, for starters. ESPECIALLY the damned background problem. Blow up the foreground and replace it with something that ISN'T the normal background? WTF. How did that get past basic QA?

But biggest problem? Look - I don't care if I lose online. Seriously. But your starting placements are effing atrocious. Oh hey, two of my worms on top of a barrel next to the water? Sweet. 3 people next to each other and a mine? Awesome. But it's cool, we can teleport in. Oh wait.

And if I did care about my stats? Wow, letting people quit right after you've won? Seriously? Glad I don't take that side of things seriously, but I'd be furious.

Why no basic chat system? This is one of the slowest online games I can think of. So much time for chat. But I have no way of saying, "nice shot", or "way to take advantage of my 3 dudes that got boned by the worms gods and placed next to the water" without resorting to a headset (which XBOX live has learned me to avoid like the plague. Glad to see faggot is alive and well among 15 year old gamers' vocabularies everywhere though. Sigh.)

I dunno, as a coder, it just really gets to me that if you're not going to allow teleporting in, no one could take the time to write a half decent starting location algorithm. Feels like you guys phoned it in. Really ruins a lot of the fun though. I'd say 75% of my games start off with a huge handicap for me or the other player because of it.

Hope the cash cow's treatin ya well.

16 Oct 2011, 02:40
Biggest gripes? Well, glitches, for starters. ESPECIALLY the damned background problem. Blow up the foreground and replace it with something that ISN'T the normal background? WTF. How did that get past basic QA?

There is a brown background like there always has been (unless you use some like the holy hand grenade which will blow right through). But there is a glitch that needs fixing where if you're playing online, the brown background will randomly disappear.

And if I did care about my stats? Wow, letting people quit right after you've won? Seriously? Glad I don't take that side of things seriously, but I'd be furious.

Easily the biggest problem with the game for me. There needs to be a system where the last player left or whatever gets the win (regardless of whether the other player quit or disconnected), even though I personally would also put a 10 minute ban in there like Uncharted 2 did but whatever.

Why no basic chat system? This is one of the slowest online games I can think of. So much time for chat. But I have no way of saying, "nice shot", or "way to take advantage of my 3 dudes that got boned by the worms gods and placed next to the water" without resorting to a headset (which XBOX live has learned me to avoid like the plague. Glad to see faggot is alive and well among 15 year old gamers' vocabularies everywhere though. Sigh.)

Dunno if I'm reading this right but I think there needs to be a mute system, I was in a game the other day with 2 annoying guys shouting down the mics trying to put me and another player off.

BTW, you can use the PS Eye if you have one, no need for a headset.

20 Oct 2011, 08:09
After further reflection, I have to point out that it's the worm placement that's my #1 issue. I don't know how many online games I've started out by losing 2 worms instantly due to a ridiculous spawn. This can be even more of a problem in forts matches, although I don't play forts often.

Honestly, I just play for fun, and don't mind losing, but the huge handicap really sucks.

20 Oct 2011, 09:58
I had so much enjoyment playing Worms World Party during my college years. Amazing game, and I was much more of an FPS guy at the time.


But biggest problem? Look - I don't care if I lose online. Seriously. But your starting placements are effing atrocious. Oh hey, two of my worms on top of a barrel next to the water? Sweet. 3 people next to each other and a mine? Awesome. But it's cool, we can teleport in. Oh wait.

Why no basic chat system? This is one of the slowest online games I can think of. So much time for chat. But I have no way of saying, "nice shot", or "way to take advantage of my 3 dudes that got boned by the worms gods and placed next to the water"...

...without resorting to a headset (which XBOX live has learned me to avoid like the plague. Glad to see faggot is alive and well among 15 year old gamers' vocabularies everywhere though. Sigh.)

Is it just me, or are your complaints kind of... hypocritical contradictory?

Horror Sco
22 Oct 2011, 20:35
Yeah it sucks, you should just go back to World Party or Armageddon (which I recommend because it's still getting updated) until Team17 decide to put their asses in gear again.

23 Oct 2011, 15:12
I wish you could play custom games online, like grenades only etc. Would be really fun.

25 Oct 2011, 21:10
Yeah it sucks, you should just go back to World Party or Armageddon (which I recommend because it's still getting updated) until Team17 decide to put their asses in gear again.

Worms Armageddon. Unfortunately, they've killed World Party.

25 Oct 2011, 22:09
Fortunately they did, so players are summed up in one WormNET.
And all the Wormpot stuff is available in W:A now too with addons.

26 Oct 2011, 00:16
World Party is sorta different. Different rope physics, for example, but what I miss most are online multiplayer missions :(

Also, I haven't got these addons. If you are talking about Wormkit, it's not working for me.

26 Oct 2011, 07:17
TBH "it's not working for me" either means "I didn't try hard enough" or "I don't want to post a troubleshooting thread in the W:A section of this board" ;)

Yeah the rope physics are different - but better. The real rope physics can only be found in W:A and WWP and also in W2 but the rope is a bit bouncier there.

26 Oct 2011, 13:46
The Ninja Rope physics on WWP are exactly the same as the ones on WA.

Good day.