View Full Version : Does the ai use rope now for shoppa modes?

25 Aug 2010, 12:17
This is one massive thing i wanted in a new 2d worms game for pc which is when i practice shoppa on my own i hated how the ai used only certain weapons (lazy team17 lol) so now with WR coming out have T17 fixed this (not being so lazy) and made the ai use the rope and knows the rules for shoppa i.e AFK, CBA and will actually be decent to play shoppa on my own with an ai that can play the shoppa mode?

If they cant and cant even use rope i will be very disappointed.

25 Aug 2010, 12:21
I can't confirm either way, but let's be fair to Team17, when WA came out Rope Races and Shoppas weren't as popular as they are now. The game wasn't designed to be played like that so not implementing AI knowledge for that is understandable. As for the AI not being able to use the rope at all, I imagine that's just much harder to code than anyone would think.

If they've got even simple AI roping code in WR, I'll be impressed :)

Edit: Ok, so according to this post: http://forum.team17.co.uk/showpost.php?p=727376&postcount=20 They can use the rope, albeit rarely. Nice job T17!

25 Aug 2010, 15:07
Yes they can use the rope but not really effectively.
1st, they're only able to use it in caves,
2nd, usually only to get to crates (good for shoppa I guess, though :p)
3rd, it happens very rarely. I tested it by creating a crazy crates mode in OW2 and AI players only used the rope every third turn or so... not sure how much the AI changed now but we'll have to see.