View Full Version : Team 17 - Where Are They Now

3 Aug 2010, 00:07
a look back at the lives of various denizens of the team 17 fora

Supsuper: Now an active LPer on the Something Awful forum's Let's Play forum, covering such PC classics as Jazz Jackrabbit (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMy-66UNdq8)

Squirminator 2k: Writer of Games Journalists are Incompetent ****wits (http://gamejournos.tumblr.com/) and Jump Leads, an entirely British web comic with a Russian artist (http://www.jump-leads.com/)

Lawd: Recently spotted having a jolly time with some young ones (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRk9oYGcR78)

Paul.Power: Deviant Art regular, a truly deviant artist, one might say. (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/055/5/0/Eve__s_Philosophy_by_PaulPower.png)

3 Aug 2010, 00:25
I wonder what Iguana's up to these days.

3 Aug 2010, 05:41
I wonder what Iguana's up to these days.:cool::cool:

3 Aug 2010, 12:52
Yesterday I met someone playing WA called "Iggy". I didn't ask him though (He left the lobby as he said "Map doesn't load for me").

3 Aug 2010, 14:48
I wouldn't really call Paul a DeviantArt regular. Like, at all.

I haven't kept in contact much with any of the old members. The only stuff I know is that Slick got married, Zero is still a pretty cool guy, Cosmico hasn't changed in the slightest, and MonkeyForAHead... err... let's not talk about MFAH.

3 Aug 2010, 14:58
Yesterday I met someone playing WA called "Iggy". I didn't ask him though (He left the lobby as he said "Map doesn't load for me").

Yeah i have played with him :-/ he isn't iguana

3 Aug 2010, 16:12
Paul.Power: Deviant Art regular, a truly deviant artist, one might say. (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/055/5/0/Eve__s_Philosophy_by_PaulPower.png)

oh my god lmao

3 Aug 2010, 16:42
You're a real stalker aren't you? :p

3 Aug 2010, 17:31
Are there sarcastic overtones to this thread that I'm just missing?

3 Aug 2010, 18:21
Yesterday I met someone playing WA called "Iggy". I didn't ask him though (He left the lobby as he said "Map doesn't load for me").
i played w:a w/ simon with the name "diebuster" yesterday funnily enough!

3 Aug 2010, 19:39
Are there sarcastic overtones to this thread that I'm just missing?More like meta humor. it's mocking in such a way that's intentionally bad. presumably he finds it amusing.

3 Aug 2010, 23:36
MonkeyForAHead... err... let's not talk about MFAH.
Well now you can't say something like this then leave us hanging.

Swed Simon
4 Aug 2010, 13:19
Browsing this forum is like watching a married couple who hate each other.

4 Aug 2010, 19:16
team 17 is my personal harem and abusing it is how I show my love~

4 Aug 2010, 23:37
team 17 is my personal harem and abusing it is how I show my love~
You wish!
You couldn't even make a harem out of your plush toys.
And I bet they are already accustomed to the constant abuse.

4 Aug 2010, 23:46
You wish!
You couldn't even make a harem out of your plush toys.
And I bet they are already accustomed to the constant abuse.
oh yeah well

you fight like a cow

5 Aug 2010, 16:38
there are probably continuing on there new games, like worms 2 armageddon, all these new games n that.

sorry i only read the subject :P

5 Aug 2010, 19:55
there are probably continuing on there new games, like worms 2 armageddon, all these new games n that.

sorry i only read the subject :Pwell thank you for wasting our time and yours.

5 Aug 2010, 21:59
^ i wondered that too

hey it's this place againn, sup

and properly rofl'd when i heard cosmico hasn't changed any

5 Aug 2010, 22:08
Aku's like a million-year-old entity.

Of sarcasm.

Think of him like the monolith in "2001: A Space Oddity", except it introduces the concept of sarcasm instead of intelligence. And, in a good light, sarcasm can pass quite well for intelligence.

6 Aug 2010, 00:16
"2001: A Space Oddity"


Oddity was the Bowie album (and the rubbish worms game on the wii, but if you thought of that first you are terrible).

6 Aug 2010, 00:24

Oddity was the Bowie album (and the rubbish worms game on the wii, but if you thought of that first you are terrible).
Odyssey http://i.imgur.com/amOvk.gif

6 Aug 2010, 02:45
I was wondering if I was missing something. You had me looking at youtube to see if there was a film called A Space Oddity.

6 Aug 2010, 04:49
you fight like a cow

How appropriate, you fight like a dairy farmer.

Although for that quote to work correctly, cow and dairy farmer should be reversed. Good enough I suppose...

6 Aug 2010, 16:27
For it to work, it has to not be the exact same reference he just made.

6 Aug 2010, 17:43
For it to work, it has to not be the exact same reference he just made.

You realize that its the second half of the quote? It should follow the first, but he would look like an idiot if he said both?

Also if he referenced MI1, why on earth would l respond to his comment by reference anything else? Your poor attempt at making me look stupid has really backfired.

-1 logic

6 Aug 2010, 20:19
I should've probably thought twice before using the most over-quoted insult sword fighting line ever

Swed Simon
6 Aug 2010, 20:45
You realize that its the second half of the quote? It should follow the first, but he would look like an idiot if he said both?

Also if he referenced MI1, why on earth would l respond to his comment by reference anything else? Your poor attempt at making me look stupid has really backfired.

-1 logic
Insanely trivial internet battle is on.

7 Aug 2010, 04:53
Ding Ding, round 2!

Just kidding, I'm done, unless hes not done acting like an a**.

I mostly called him out on it, because it seems like a bunch of posts his I read recently have been filled with unnecessary amounts of ridicule or sarcasm, so why not some for him.

8 Aug 2010, 04:49
hey iguaua, thanks for letting me know i'm internet famous now, mom will be so proud :cool:

8 Aug 2010, 14:26
My god, I didn't even realise that huge, huge typo.
Odyssey. I never even liked Oddity. I guess I'd just read it as I scrolled through the forums, and it temporarily stuck in my hindbrain.

8 Aug 2010, 19:40
a look back at the lives of various denizens of the team 17 fora


Paul.Power: Deviant Art regular, a truly deviant artist, one might say. (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/055/5/0/Eve__s_Philosophy_by_PaulPower.png)

Timing, I just deleted all my dA bookmarks because I was fed up with the place (PS something from 2008 doesn't work so well for a "where are they now" :p).

Now I'm going to have to go back there and shove all the worst stuff into storage :p

8 Aug 2010, 21:29
i'd prefer to see a similar expos� on banned team17 users

9 Aug 2010, 02:43
iguana - still making dumb fakeposts on team 17 instead of doing something worthwhile