View Full Version : WARNING: No default Soundbank Found Check

27 Jun 2010, 11:01

I know this has been asked and all that, but I still haven't found a solution... Yes, that "WARNING: No default Soundbank Found Check" error.
When I try to run the game, it gives me the said error, and then I can go around the menus and all that, but I can't play. After the loading screen, it crashes and Windows tells me that the application crashed because of an error and stuff like that. The only sounds I can hear are the menu sounds...

I've tried reinstalling the game and I have applied the patch, but still no success.

The computer I'm using has Windows XP Home Edition as it's operating system... And that's pretty much all I know about it (yes, I'm a computer n00b). ^^;

Help a computer n00b? =)

27 Jun 2010, 20:11
Try copying the "DATA" folder from CD in your installation folder of worms.

27 Jun 2010, 23:42
Try copying the "DATA" folder from CD in your installation folder of worms.

Why, thank you! It worked! =)

13 Sep 2010, 02:45
Try copying the "DATA" folder from CD in your installation folder of worms.

Does this process allow you to play the game without the CD in your drive as well?