View Full Version : Submit your ideas for new weapons here. (PX)

27 Apr 2010, 17:13
First of all, if you don't know what Project X is, or want to know more about it, check out these links:



Ok, very often in discussion between the PX guys, we're brainstorming over a scheme and eventually we decide "That's not interesting or unique enough, we'll get back to it later when we have more ideas."

So, this thread will hopefully help to build a collection of weapon ideas for us to think about. Just explain what your idea is; be creative, PX opens up a big field of possibility. I'll start the ball rolling with a couple of my own ideas.

The first is an attack that requires two weapons to complete.

1) Perfume Strike - A cloud of pink perfume descends on your target. No damage dealt. Affected worms turn a glowing pink. Message reads "BoggyB smells like a meadow" etc.

2) Killer Bee - A bumble bee, fired like a pigeon. It homes in on worms wearing the flowery perfume, and stings them. Each sting deals 30 damage + the worm flies off as if Fire Punched. The bee stings five times maximum, randomly distributed between all perfumed worms, regardless of team. Then, it falls from the air, dead, and makes a skunk-sized explosion on impact.

My second idea is a trip-bomb. Vaguely similar to a mine. When thrown onto a surface, it projects a beam perpendicular to that surface. The beam goes forever, in theory. If anything touches the beam (Including weapons) the bomb explodes. Mine-sized explosion. Endless tactical uses!

Here are a couple of ideas from Cammy, in case you need more inspiration:

Phoenix - a red pigeon that leaves a trail of fire as it flies, and explodes in flames too.

Super-mole - A mole that can fly and be controlled, same as a SuperSheep (With a little red cape, too). The mole can dig through terrain while flying (It slows to digging pace, obviously). Explodes when you press space; mole-sized explosion. Flight only lasts 15 seconds. Dies in water.

Ok, your turn. If your idea is awesome, you might see it soon!

27 Apr 2010, 17:33
Worms 2D.info - Worms Unlimited weapons section (http://worms2d.info/Weapons_%28Worms_Unlimited%29)

28 Apr 2010, 00:05
maybe he wants weapons that dont appear there...
My ideas:

* Clean it up(weap): all the mines and barrels explode
* Ghost(util): all your worms turns into ghosts, they can walk trough other worms, they cant be rope knocked and mines dont detect them for X turns.
* Overheated Girder(util): a rly hot girder which burns whoever steps on it (like fire)
* Ice Age(weap): all the enemy worms will be frozen next turn
* Parkinson(weap): the enemies aim X will be fc***ked up next turn
* Blind(weap): nothing to explain
* Dolphin Scuadron(weap): an upside down molestrike (from underwater)
* Secret Agent(util): you can see the weapons of one of your enemies and steal 1 of your choice
* Oops I did it again!(weap): ur enemies can only use the weapon they used in last turn
* Jump!(weap): all the enemy worms do a backflip
* Magma worm(weap): its like a kamikazee but leaving fire behind and without sacrifising ur worm (the final explosion occurs and the user worm gets hit, but no necessary dies)
* Wip it!(weap): a rope that limits the movement a enemy worm to a certain area

Some of them are a bit random, I know.....i was just killing time xD

28 Apr 2010, 07:43
ITT, new/unlisted ideas. But thanks for the thought, Drury.

jsg, 2 or 3 of your ideas are cool, and will probably be made soon. Congrats ;)
I won't tell you which ones, though; You'll have to wait and see ;D

28 Apr 2010, 14:56
Nice, I m happy with just with one.....most of them were pure randomness :P

28 Apr 2010, 15:44
Hey all
Gotta post this while i remember it

Weapon idea..

Ok so when you shoot a rope it goes out um approx 15 worm lengths in distance to wherever your pointing..

How about a weapon that you can use once (in your turn not in game) that you can aim like lazer site (without the dots) at someone and then shoot ..

so it goes out.. and if the point hits someone it does the same effect as say firepunch.. and then returns to the worm.. ( like a ninjarope that misses a roof)

I guess this idea isnt trully mine as i got it off this stupid Mortal combat movie with the character Scorpion.. ( dont ask me q;s about the movie i wasnt paying attention)

But yeah.. how does that sound??

rA`xKatiex <3<3 Peace And Onespace (Soz Meta)

28 Apr 2010, 19:27
Im bored so.....im posting some more :P

* Mad Shark(superweap): A shrk that bites All the terrain near water,something like a Horizontal Donkey
* Grim reaper(superweap): A prod like weap.....the worm which uses the weapon dies but the worm which gets hit will die in 3 turns.
* Imported Flu(weap): you can select a crate (weapon/health), if a worm collects it he will use suicide bomber automatically (dont collect anything from that crate) and the worms infected by the suicide bombe will loose a great amount of health each turn
* Inflatable worm(util): one of your worms will be replaced by a instant land mine for one turn (but it will still look like a worm) after that turn the worm will be placed in the same place (doesnt matter if the fake one exploded)
* Taco bell(weap): your worm eats a Taco (cookie animation can be used for this) and turns red, but the turn doesnt ends....you will be a red worm for the rest of the turn....a red worm is like a walking flame.....when it touches another worm (roping, walking, jetpacking,etc) it burns it, that means you can easily knock other worms above the map, and each burn takes 1 hp from the enemy worm.......when the "taco turn" finishes, the "taco worm" explodes (dies) and leaves a "everlasting fire" on the ground (it only consumes itself while burning a worm too much, to avoid loops)
* Delivery(util): a crate selected will start roaming like a sheep (in the mouse pointer direction)
* Animality(superweap): initially its a supersheep, but when it explodes 2 cows are sumomned (1 left, 1 right) each cow will summon 1 mole after exploding (in excavation mode)
* Arachnophobia(weap): in the next turn if your enemy use ninja rope, his turn will end when he lands again (AFR only) and all his worms will recieve penalty damage

28 Apr 2010, 20:19
* Imported Flu(weap): you can select a crate (weapon/health), if a worm collects it he will use suicide bomber automatically (dont collect anything from that crate) and the worms infected by the suicide bombe will loose a great amount of health each turn

Working on something similar to this, thanks for the idea! :)

29 Apr 2010, 03:11
welll....i want to help with something.....and im bored....so i will keep the randomstorm going till you tell me to stop....

* StubbornWorm(util): hides the remaining Hp from the enemies so they dont know how damaged the worm is, this lasts forever (till the "Stubworm" dies)
* Curse(weap): in next turn, your enemy walks slow, recieve double damage and do half damage
* Goliath(util): all your worms go to 1 hp and the worm which uses the weapon recieve all the hp for him....also Goliath y heavier than a normal worm, walks slower but hits for 125%
* Soul link(weapon): "Soulinks" your worm with a enemy/ally worm, when one of the worms recieve damage the other recieve the same amount, when 1 worm collects a crate both recieve the weapon (if 2 of they are of the same team they recieve 2x), when 1 worm collects a hp crate both recover hp but if one worm dies the soulink is over
* Worminator(util): a worm random teleports in the map....in the same turn you can controll him, he can not use weapons, just rope,jet pack and parachute....but when the turn ends he will explode with the force of a HHG.
* Flower power(util): your enemy cant use weapons next turn, just utilitties.
* Engeneer(util): you can change all the mines fusetime (one by one) or you can plant a mine inside a oildrum
* Kidnap(weapon): a enemy worm disappears for 3 turns
* Marxism(util): all the teams recieve the enemy/ally/self" weapons and loose the weapons that enemy/ally/self didnt have.
* Judge(weap): anti-lucky*******s, you can decide if the next turn is valid or not, if not then the enemy go back to the previous turn and play the turn again.

-------------------------------------------------2nd wave---------------------------------------------------------------------

* Stalker(util): in USERSELECTED(1,2,3,4,5) turns your worm will be teleported near a selected enemy worm at the begining of the turn
* Harden(util): in the next 3 turns your active worm will become hard (lol) that means they dont get knocked out in any possible way(like freezed worms),recieve 25% less damage from guntype weaps and NO damage from fisical weaps (firepunch, baseballbat, dragonball,drill,etc)....the disadvantage is that the harden worms cant jump and, also, moves very slow (but he can move with jetpack,rope,etc normally)
* Copycat(util): in the next turn (enemy turn) if your worms get hit, they will use the same weap as your enemy before your turn starts (kind of "2weaps in one turn") using the same power and the opposite angle (30º/170º;60º/140º;90º/90º;220º/380;etc) [taking this in mind: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e5/Grad_protractor.png/250px-Grad_protractor.png]
* Fake quitter(util): all your worms will "surrender" and your name will go darkgrey in chat (like when you quit) the rest is obvious xD
* Timebomb(weap): your worm eats a bomb (coockia anim), that worm will explode in 1,2,3,4,5 (USERSELECTED) turns.....you can pass the bomb to other worm by hitting him, but then the other worm can keep on passing it.....in the last turn the worms who have the bomb inside expldoes
* Holy grail(weap): you can place is as a girder (its more like a monument but the placing method could be the same) but you can place it inside the terrain if you want....if its get hit it explodes and the Team wich placed it automatically looses the match......it lasts for 5 turns if in the 5th turn the round is still going (that means the team wich placed the grail didnt win), all the worms of the team will explode and the grail will change to a random team (in case more than 2 teams are playing).....while the Holy grail is standing it will drain 20 enemy worms hp (unless the worm have 1 hp) and give it to the team wich placed the Holy grail there
* Satelite interception(weap): you can select a target (like air strike) and a satelite will fall there in 3 turns and deal A LOT of damage (this weapon doesnt end turn and, obviosly, the enemy doesnt know what place you selected)
* Brainwash Injection(weap): first select an enemy worm.....in USERSELECTED (1,2,3,4,5) turns that enemy worm will be under your control (the enemy doesnt know how many turns)
* Alfheim (weap): all your remaining worms will be sacrificed (better without exploding) but all the graves in the map (doesnt matter if its yours or not) will become worms under your control with low hp (1-10)
* Sheep revolution(weap): all the weaponcrates explodes with sheeps jumping from them (it doesnt matter if the crate contained a sheep inside or not)
* PopWalk(weap): in next turn, your enemy cannot walk just "popwalk"....while popwalking you cant w¡control how many steps per second your worm will make(can be 0)....normal walk [step,step,step,step].....pop walk [stepstepstepstep....step.....stepstep....step]
* Roulette(weap): the aim will spin like a roulete for your enemy in next turn (360º or bounce within 180º for limitedrope)
* Stoneout(weap): next turn your worm will be "Stoned".....that means.....ENTER and BACKSPACE jump swap....LEFT and RIGHT swap and UP and Down too.

-------------------------------------------------3rd wave---------------------------------------------------------------------

* Failed Airstrike(weap): its like a horizontal airstrike, you aim it (like a normal airstrike) and the "airstrike plane" comes from left to right or right to left, acording to the cursor, and smashes on the map (it doesnt drop any bombs).....the diference between this failied an normal airstrike is that the failied takes the Y coordinate from the cursor not the X.
* Tack(weap): is placed and have the same weigh as a landmine and damages in the same way as fire......but it never dissapears.
* Rope bridge(util): initially, its a ninja rope but when it attach the ground it becomes solid and another worms can walk on it (like a girder) if the rope doesnt attaches (distance limited) you lost it anyway.
* Assembly(util): all the worms of each team teleports near the "leader worm" (first in the wormlist), if the "leader worm" is dead then they teleport near the "co-leader"
* Party Rave(weap): for NUMBEROFTEAMSx2 turns the worms of different teams will change places randomly (Ex: 3teams: 1st turn: worm1/team1/ <->worm1/team2 // worm2/team1 <-> worm1/team3 // worm2/team2 <-> worm2/team2(samepos).....etc)
* Breathe granade(weap): before exploding it will absorve all the worms in a certain area and the explosion will push them away again
* DonkeyKong(weap): you can launch 1 or more oildrums like a zooka (explode when touches land/worm/oildrum) by collecting them (gravitygun) and them launching them (launched oildrums explode and take the same damage as a common oildrum but they leave a firetrail behind)
* Magical Explosion(weap): it destroys a important amount of terrain but it deals no damage and have no push....that means the worms will fall vertically to the water (it doesnt destroys girders)
* Bullet-proof glass(util): basically, its like a girder.....the difference is that worms can pass by and it cant be destroyed using weapons
* Escape tunel(util): like a voluntary "girder on a worm bug" your worm will fall trough the terrain without destroying it
* Jail battleRing(util): a undestructable Box girder wich can trap the worms near the user, it can be placed trough the land......the unique restriction is that the user worm have to be inside the jail.....it will last USERSELECTED turns or till all the worms of the jail have been killed exept one
* NullGravity(util): your worm will never fall, that means you can walk in the air , but if you jump you, most likely, will never fall.....if the worm exceeds a certain Y coordinate it dies.....it lasts 1 turn and only affects the user worm, when the turn finishes the gravity returns to normal (like "low gravity"util)
* Blame the pixel(util): USERSELECTED darkgrey pixels are randomly placed in the map to annoy your enemy (lol)
* LikeaPro(util): when used AI level hard takes control of the turn

-------------------------------------------------4th wave(last)---------------------------------------------------------------------

* ShooperGod(util): 4 ropes in 4 way (left right up down, based on the aim), the ropes are almost static (since there is 1-4 attached at the same time )
* LandMineRailgun(weap): no gravity/wind affected weap....it destroys the land and only explodes when touches a worm/oildrum....it doesnt take big damage but it pushes a lot (a land mine must be near the worm and if doesnt matter if its about to explode).....if the "LandmineRailgun" hits a common landmine the landmine is pushed with the railgunone and its like a 2shots railgun.
* ElectricChain(weap): initially its a zooka, but when it hits the land a thunder reaches a near worm and then jumps to a anotherone, it can do USERSELECTED jumps (1-5) and the thunder can pass trough the ground/landmines/oildrums.....it only hits worms, and have no push.
* Geyser(weap): A water pillar comes from the underseas in USERSELECTED(10-50) seconds.....the enemy worms will know where the pillar will come out but no in how many seconds (it can be made with a "bubble tornado" underwater where the pillar will come out)
* Ghostmine(weap): its placed like a normal mine but it will be semitransparent(ghost) and dud for the first USERSELECTED seconds......when the USERS seconds passed the ghostmine will turn into a instantfuse landmine
* Spear(weap): its like an arrow.....the diference is that it doesnt impact on worms/landmines/oil drums, it only impacts on the map.....if the spear hits a worm the worm is attached to the spear and the spear keeps going with the worm attached till it hits the land....the spear can also attach more than one object (3mines max /3worms max).....when the spear hits a oildrum, the oildrum explodes but the spear keeps going (all the worms attached recieve the oildrum damage)
* Eclipse(util): null all the airstrikes for next X turns
* Underground Prison(weap): initially is a battle axe.....when the enemy worm gets hit, the weapon produces an explosion 10y or 15y below the worm and the worm falls trough the ground into the hole made by that explosion (inditerrain = falls into the water // near water = falls into the water)
* Cowboy(weap): your worm ride a sheep, he can take down before the sheep explodes......usefull when your turn is over and you really wanted to reach that far place :P
* AnimalFood(util): stops 1 sheep, cow or mole from walking/jumping

29 Apr 2010, 14:21
But yeah.. how does that sound??

rA`xKatiex <3<3 Peace And Onespace (Soz Meta)


Nice idea, but very difficult to make.

@ jsg, keep 'em coming xD you're sure to strike gold every hundred ideas ^.^

That said, it'd be cool if you edited any new ideas into your last post, rather than leaving too many separate lists. :rolleyes:

29 Apr 2010, 14:25
I've got a library and a pxscheme of a few weapons I made, I'll upload when the PX Uploader works.

(I'm a tester of 0.8.0 BTW)

29 Apr 2010, 14:36
I've got a library and a pxscheme of a few weapons I made, I'll upload when the PX Uploader works.

(I'm a tester of 0.8.0 BTW)

PX Uploader?
Give me these scripts, please :)

Also, nice ideas jsgnext.

29 Apr 2010, 15:09
You know, the uploader on the site. The scheme uploader. The one GranPC has been wrestling with for ages. (Besides, one of the weapons I'm working on isn't quite finished yet)

29 Apr 2010, 15:24
I've got a library and a pxscheme of a few weapons I made, I'll upload when the PX Uploader works.

(I'm a tester of 0.8.0 BTW)

PX Uploader works, but before uploading 0.8.0 schemes to a place everyone can see it, ask Entuser.

29 Apr 2010, 21:18
@ jsg, keep 'em coming xD you're sure to strike gold every hundred ideas ^.^

Roger that.....

PX Uploader?
Give me these scripts, please :)

Also, nice ideas jsgnext.

Thx....I have a lot more......but most of them are preety random and imposible to make with the WA engine xD

30 Apr 2010, 12:03
* Timebomb(weap): your worm eats a bomb (coockia anim), that worm will explode in 1,2,3,4,5 (USERSELECTED) turns.....you can pass the bomb to other worm by hitting him, but then the other worm can keep on passing it.....in the last turn the worms who have the bomb inside explodes

Like in Crash Bash. I loved that game =D

I'll try to get this one made, it'd be a really funny addition. It could even spawn it's own scheme.

Personally, I think it should be a utility that takes instant effect, and the bomb should explode after a set time, say 10-15 turns, so that there can be chasing between 4 players, and plenty of passing around.

Alternately, it could be a utility that you use on yourself, and the timer goes down from 5 every time the bomb is passed to a new worm, instead of every turn.

30 Apr 2010, 18:45
Oh!.....its true....there were something similar in crash bash xD
Im happy with my ideas being selected.....i dont really care about the details....so, if you want to make one of my ideas, make them in the way you consider better........a timebomb, in general, would be awesome.
I will keep updating my ideas in that post.....

30 Apr 2010, 18:58
in what map do i place the folders to play with it (i have download version 0.6.5)
so my question is how to i install it ?

Friendly greetz Jona,

30 Apr 2010, 19:17
Honestly, if I were you, I wouldn't really bother with 0.6.5, the scripting is not exactly compatible with 0.8.0 and, really, there aren't many scripts for 0.6.5 :)

30 Apr 2010, 20:42
I remember making this picture a while ago. Could it be possible?

30 Apr 2010, 21:54
Cool picture, I like that idea :D !

30 Apr 2010, 22:11
Yeah like an alternative to Aqua Sheep

1 May 2010, 13:23
Oh, I'm working on timebomb today :)
Right now I'm thinking the worm should be "infected" for 60 seconds, and then BOOM. Alternatively, pass it to another worm, which works :)

1 May 2010, 17:19
In my opinion, the most innovating and important thing of the time bomb is the ability to pass it from worm to worm before exploding....exploding on seconds or exploding on turns are unimportant details (i think making it with turns is a bit better, since the turntime varies with from schemme to schemme)
Anyway, if the "passing by" is hard to code a simple inwormtimebomb would be nice....

ED: added new ideas in my post....

2 May 2010, 00:52
The bomb is already passable :rolleyes:

It turns out the timing of the bomb really WAS a stumbling block in development. No one could agree on it.

We'll see what happens xD

@Penguin, I'm fairly sure the sub could be made, but personally I wouldn't jump for joy upon seeing this in the game. Maybe I'm missing something; justify your idea further, if you like.

2 May 2010, 20:16
Let's see...

*Mines which explode into more mines (I dunno, might crash if timer is set to 0)

*Some kind of terraforming airstrike, destroys the landscape and deposits more in its place. Kind of like placing lots of girders, only using different sprites. Worms getting in its way die and become part of the landscape.

*On a similar note, a cement thrower: works like the flamethrower only each blob of cement places a few pixels on the landscape. Worms getting cemented either "drown" or become frozen to the spot, artillary style, til something explodes them free.

*Trees: landscape that grows pixel by pixel after every turn.

*A freeze ray whose effects on worms are identical to the "freeze" utility, only they lose health and remain frozen for several turns.

*Versions of the animal weapons which don't explode automatically and instead roam areas of the map, like moving landmines.

3 May 2010, 04:34
*Versions of the animal weapons which don't explode automatically and instead roam areas of the map, like moving landmines.

I like this idea, if it was a new animal (Or a completely different sprite like a ghost or a bomb with eyes or something). It'd be awesome. There might be a problem, since it (or they) would constantly be moving, which might make changing turns impossible. I'll research it =]

4 May 2010, 20:34
Assuming you can make objects roam around between turns, how about making the Portal Gun? It'd be just like the shotgun (2 shots), and portals stay open between turns (that's why you need the moving objects thing to work, so mines can fall forever while allowing players to take their turns). Portals are indestructible, although after a few turns they could maybe close again. I don't know if there are plans to include giant maps, rope tournament style, but portals would be a more conveniant way of getting around them than teleports in the long run.


Is real time worms going ahead? Having automatic weapons that fire only so long as players hold the spacebar would be good.

Finally, someone around here mentioned how PX changed the past due to a glitch causing the replay to play out differently from what actually happened. When play continued the game just assumed the effects of the replay were what happened, rather than what the player had intended to do.

Because of this, we know both that the game records things after the player takes their shot, and that replays play out those events in 'real time' such that something could potentially interfere with the replay and cause things to happen differently.

So why not turn this into a feature, say, a Prince of Persia style rewind system?

4 May 2010, 21:33
Although a Portal Gun is a great idea, what would happen to worms trapped inside of an infinite loop? They wouldn't even be able to skip their turn and would lose a colossal amount of damage once the portals close. That could be used in an offensive way for cheap instakills.

5 May 2010, 00:09
I agree, like the Garrysmod portalgun ̣.o (its more like a loopgun now)
I really want that sht back on my game......

Anyway....maybe a weapon portalgun (worms cannot pass trough, just weapons can....that could be awesome and without any risks (since all the weapons, exept landmines, explode if they are in a constant loop)

5 May 2010, 08:50
since all the weapons, exept landmines, explode if they are in a constant loop

Holy Hand Grenade.

5 May 2010, 14:35
Portal Gun?

APPARENTLY turn-changing during the constant movement of another object is possible. There's only one weapon (I think) that does this so far; I discounted it before since it crashes the game anyway, but perhaps there's another reason for that entirely. (Don't bother asking, said weapon is super-secret =)

Is real time worms going ahead? Having automatic weapons that fire only so long as players hold the spacebar would be good.

The winds of change seem to blow hard around this issue. I can't find out at the moment, but the last time I checked, work on RTW was due to resume after PX 0.8.0 is released.

So why not turn this into a feature, say, a Prince of Persia style rewind system?

Easier said then done, I fear. In fact, that sounds absolutely evil to engineer.

16 May 2010, 16:10
APPARENTLY turn-changing during the constant movement of another object is possible. There's only one weapon (I think) that does this so far; I discounted it before since it crashes the game anyway, but perhaps there's another reason for that entirely. (Don't bother asking, said weapon is super-secret =)

Yeah, it's possible. No-one else thought having enemies roaming around would be cool though, other than the one that's already made. ><

The winds of change seem to blow hard around this issue. I can't find out at the moment, but the last time I checked, work on RTW was due to resume after PX 0.8.0 is released.

This is still the way things stand.

*Shameless self-bump*

8 Jun 2010, 18:22
Boomerang: you can steal some cr8s without loosing the turn, and attack as well (30HP, same as FP).

8 Jun 2010, 18:33
I'm sure I made a post in this thread before the rollback, but I've completely forgotten what I suggested.

11 Jun 2010, 14:40
Boomerang: you can steal some cr8s without loosing the turn, and attack as well (30HP, same as FP).

This has been thought of before, but I like the crate-snatching idea.

I'm sure I made a post in this thread before the rollback, but I've completely forgotten what I suggested.

The rollback?

11 Jun 2010, 15:32

11 Jun 2010, 17:00
Personally, I would like to see a Lawn-Mower. Damn, I've wanted that thing in a Worms game for Years.

11 Jun 2010, 21:05
Utility: Ability to hide current crates from other players via making them invisible to other players.

11 Jun 2010, 21:12
Utility: Ability to hide current crates from other players via making them invisible to other players.With Crate Spy canceling out the effect? :P

12 Jun 2010, 02:26
Have it so that if someone has Crate Spy, invisible crates will appear but the contents won't be listed for them.

12 Jun 2010, 13:57
Personally, I would like to see a Lawn-Mower. Damn, I've wanted that thing in a Worms game for Years.


Can you give me some insight into how that would work?


I went back through the thread, all of the posts seem to be there..

You'd best whip up a great idea to cover yourself.

Utility: Ability to hide current crates from other players via making them invisible to other players.

Interesting. Would be a cracker for the new T17.

13 Jun 2010, 06:10
Utility: Ability to hide current crates from other players via making them invisible to other players.Have it so that if someone has Crate Spy, invisible crates will appear but the contents won't be listed for them.

To further elaborate, the system would involve multiple "levels" for crates such as invisible, normal and contents revealed. The crate Hider would lower the level of current crates by 1 while Crate Spy will raise the level of current and future crates by 1.

14 Jun 2010, 18:39

Can you give me some insight into how that would work?

It would be like a Double Damage version of the Blowtorch, but it only travels forwards, and it can't go through ground.
I heard rumours it was in WWP Aqua, but I can't be bothered to check if it is.

14 Jun 2010, 19:43
That lawnmower would be great if it had a minimal knock-back effect, in turn delivering multiple hits to the same worm/s in its path. Could be used as a prolonged prod or piling tool.

15 Jun 2010, 04:10
Ok.. So what happens if you meet a steep/vertical surface? Would you turn around/ climb straight up it until the mower's time ran out/ be unable to go anywhere?

15 Jun 2010, 07:35
Or the weapon just stops (turns off) ._.

16 Jun 2010, 05:29
Well I assumed if you didn't want any of those things to happen you could just hit space to stop it :p

25 Jun 2010, 21:26
double damage as a weapon

extra turn time- useful in elite games, and game wit out much time.

tele nade,- a nade that teleports the user to where is explodes

also when is px 0.8.0 coming out i really want to get my hands on it myself

26 Jun 2010, 08:34
There are utility crates that allow for double damage and more turn time already...

26 Jun 2010, 10:10
yes but to have the double damage and turn times as a weapon to be used when the player wants, not to having to be used the turn they are picked up from a utility create

26 Jun 2010, 11:31
There are utility crates that allow for double damage and more turn time already...


Also, the Telenade has already been made. :D

Offical estimate for release is the day Duke Nukem Forever goes gold, a hole is torn in the fabric of Valve time and when 2D is back in fashion.

If you want a general idea, we're hoping for sometime during the summer. Please be patient, Entuser is mega busy, but work does get done on PX everyday.

26 Jun 2010, 12:42
yes but to have the double damage and turn times as a weapon to be used when the player wants, not to having to be used the turn they are picked up from a utility create

Ah okay, that sounds interesting.

10 Jul 2010, 19:06
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku: Whirlwind tornado kick

We have hadokens and shoryuken, now we want the tornado kick!!!

You can attack more than 1 worm, in a horizontal range like a girder or blowtorch, and destroying the terrain.

24 Jul 2010, 09:06
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku: Whirlwind tornado kick

We have hadokens and shoryuken, now we want the tornado kick!!!

You can attack more than 1 worm, in a horizontal range like a girder or blowtorch, and destroying the terrain.


Is it like, a spin attack from Crash Bandicoot? :D

How long does it last, and can you move from side to side while doing it?

24 Jul 2010, 11:59
I believe fire punch is shoryuken.