View Full Version : New member: Legendary Emerald

12 Apr 2010, 07:12
Hey all. I couldn't find a dedicated "Introduction Thread" in this forum, so I figured this would be the place to make myself known. So, yup, here I am: Legendary Emerald... and I have no clue why the number of letters to use in one's username is so low on this site.

I've been Worming since a young age, when my mother bought Worms 2 (PC) for me for a buck at toy's r us, on nothing but a whim. I'd never even heard of the game before, and the only artillery game I'd played before it was some weird DOS game with giant gorillas throwing bananas at each other from the roofs of building.

It wasn't long before the game hooked me in, largely due to the amount of customization available. Then I found out how to play online, and I lost many, many hours of my life to competing against the random foes of the internet.

Eventually though, Worms Armeggedon and World Party would be released, taking almost all Worms 2 players with it. I was unable to locate a copy of either PC sequel as a kid, so I made due with the inferior console versions. I still managed to have quite a bit of fun with World Party on PS1, despite the controller, but it just wasn't the same without online play.

Years past, and I largely forgot the Worms series except when I'd read about the new 3D titles being released (short note on those: I played the first quite a bit, and thought it good, but not up to the level of the 2D titles). I had a group of friends in my high school that got together at lunch time to play computer games. On a whim, I introduced them to Worms 2; we never played anything else again.

And yet I was still never able to find PC versions of Armageddon or World Party anywhere. I made due with the frankly awful Open Warfare, which was later replaced by the far superior Open Warfare 2. Still, I did not and still do not have WiFi at hand for gaming use, so the online experience continued to elude me.

Fast forward a bit, and I am now in college. Thanks to this wondrous website called "eBay", I have procured a copy of World Party for the system Worms was always meant to be played on: the PC. Took a bit of fiddling to get it working on my Vista Home Premium though; the patch on the main WWP site got it running though.

I found this forum while researching how to play online. I was able to fix the problem, and signed into Worm Net for the first time. Unfortunately, only one person was on, and he was not willing to let me join his game. Yet again, online battle has evaded my grasp. To compound the difficulties, last I tried to run the game (only thirty minutes ago), the colors were very distorted once I began a single player match. I see there is a color patch here; I will check it out later today.

Finally, while searching this forum, I find news of a Worms game I had yet to hear of: Worms Reloaded, for Steam. New found joy filled me; Steam is my bread and butter in this day of online gaming, and I had longed for a Worms title to be available on it for quite some time. Now, my wish will be coming true when Reloaded is released.

Except, I just spent five bucks buying a copy of Worms World Party that apparently no one plays online anymore, and fights my Vista system at every opportunity. Damn.

Reloaded had better be released soon, and with at least as much content as WWP.

~ Legendary Emerald

13 Apr 2010, 04:51
Good to see more users around here. l'm sure Superfrea feels your name pain.

13 Apr 2010, 09:30
the only artillery game I'd played before it was some weird DOS game with giant gorillas throwing bananas at each other from the roofs of building.
Ah, the classic "Gorillas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorillas_%28video_game%29)" from Microsoft, a Q-Basic demo program from MS DOS 5.
Except, I just spent five bucks buying a copy of Worms World Party that apparently no one plays online anymore, and fights my Vista system at every opportunity. Damn.
You should get your hands on a copy of Worms Armageddon as soon as possible.

That's the game that's still getting patched to this day by two guys from the community with the source code, with the latest public beta update being from July 2008 (and an internal alpha from November 2009).
The beta updates brought some excellent features like online color map support, up to 48 worms and 250 mines/oil barrels, etc., as well as tons of bug fixes.

Armageddon also gathers the remaining players of the 2D generation games, and you will surely find someone to play online there.

Check out this great semi-official community site:

14 Apr 2010, 05:03
Also you may enjoy the 1990's classic Scorched Earth (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showpost.php?p=716201&postcount=1086).
Its a great artillery game.

14 Apr 2010, 09:43
Also you may enjoy the 1990's classic Scorched Earth (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showpost.php?p=716201&postcount=1086).
Its a great artillery game.
It's the Mother Of All Games even!