View Full Version : request WKHomeLock

13 Oct 2009, 21:27
a friend of mine has been working on an autohotkey script to add a home lock key (like caps lock, but for home). The only problem is there is no way to make it deactivate automatically when when using the super sheep. could one of you programmer guys make a module to do this?

using the super sheep should overide it, i dont know what would be better; when you drop it or when it starts flying?
moving the mouse should overide it and give a slight delay before re-activating. the home lock key should be a dif key than home, mabe let the user define it in a text file.

thanks if you consider it

13 Oct 2009, 22:01
I'm pretty certain this already exists

14 Oct 2009, 01:14
o0? where?

14 Oct 2009, 07:53
Shift + home

14 Oct 2009, 08:43

14 Oct 2009, 14:26
Muzer is being silly. He probably means this already exists on paper and that in the next beta update, that's the key combination that will most likely be used. :p

Just checked, by the way, and the shortcut is actually Ctrl + Home. Sauce: http://feedback.worms2d.info/pages/5998-worms-armageddon/suggestions/75405

14 Oct 2009, 16:30
<----- should RTFFF :D well woopty doo, another reason to look forward to an update!

14 Oct 2009, 16:57
I believe I am, indeed, going bonkers. I swear I can remember some bug reports about some key combination like that on the actual forum... I must be wrong.

15 Oct 2009, 03:23
I posted a couple on the bug tracker a bit back, i think you're just getting confuzzled Muz :P