View Full Version : Controller setup PS1 style on PS2 controller

21 Sep 2009, 22:12
Hey everyone,

Currently I'm working on a setup that maps the controls of WA to a PS2 controller in the style of the controls from the PS1 version of WA. So far it has been alright, but I've hit a few snags and am unsure of how to go about them.

Before I say more, I'm using XPadder and AutoHotKey to make this. Also, I downloaded CyberShadow's controller script to look at, but it doesn't follow the PS1 layout and isn't for a PS2 controller. So unfortunately it hasn't helped much in this matter

I have 2 main problems, everything else is fine. The first, is changing the grenade timer and/or bounce level. These have to be done in a loop style fashion in order for it to increment the correct way. Unfortunately they cycle through 1 time and then stop with my AutoHotKey script. I don't know how to get them to keep cycling. However in Notepad or anything else besides Worms it cycles fine. Why that is I'm not sure.

The second problem is kind of hard to explain. The way my XPadder setup is... setup, is that there are 2 sets of controls. Set 1 has all the main controls (walk, aim, jump, backjump, shoot, etc). But in the PS1 version if you hold down "Square" the dpad emulates the mouse. Also when you hit "Select" or "Start" the mouse is emulated on the dpad as well. That's where Set 2 comes in, when holding down Square or pressing either Start and Select goes to Set 2 which does nothing more than change the dpad into mouse controls and "X" is used as Left-Click.

Everything with the sets seemed to work all fine and dandy, until I tested out the Air Strike. When the air strike gets selected the mouse still has to be emulated in order to say where to place it. This poses a problem since when you hit "X" while it Set 2 it brings you back to Set 1.

How I would get the XPadder to notice that you've selected an air-strike style of weapon is beyond me. I would only imagine that you'd have to hard-code the controller settings into Worms.

I'm not sure how anyone could help me out with the 2nd part of my problem, but does anyone know how to get a set of "If / else if" statements inside the overall infinite loop to actually start over? Even though it does it fine outside of Worms lol.

I've hit a dead end haven't I? Enabling a controller setup option in the next update of Worms would be awesome :P

Please don't tell me to map the controls to something else. My goal is to perfectly emulate the PS1 version, not make a knock-off that's like 85% the PS1 version.

22 Sep 2009, 03:58
your not going to get it to work just like the ps1 version. you may be able to rig up the cycle thing with hotkey, but the strikes are not going to happen and i doubt native gamepad support is high on the devs to do list.

also the game was built for keyboard use back in 1999, the ps1 layout is not adequate for playing much more than normal games

if you want to use a gamepad i wrote a tutorial for a layout that will actualy let you play modern schemes. http://www.thesqd.com/controllerapps.htm

if you do get cycling to work for mine fuse and bounce id like to know how you do it, as my layout doesnt have those.

22 Sep 2009, 09:56
Airstrikes are going to be difficult, since they require mouse input, and the PS1 used the movement keys... I suppose you can use the Right-Analog stick for mouse. That should be sufficient, but then again, not entirely like the PS1 version.
Perhaps switching from movement to mouse and back with the "Select" button?

As for your cycle problem, are you sure the loop is being iterated properly?

22 Sep 2009, 10:07
Can't you just map the right analog stick to act as a mouse?

22 Sep 2009, 10:15
Can't you just map the right analog stick to act as a mouse?
The point isn't so much to have it working on a PS2 controller, but to have it identical to the W:A(PS1) controls!

22 Sep 2009, 11:31
might as well take out fire then

22 Sep 2009, 21:37
Am I right in thinking the mouse disappears once you have selected air strike and press square to use the mouse again?

Or is it that pressing X acts as something else (Fire, instead of select? I don't know the PS controls) when using mouse?

23 Sep 2009, 00:24
Thanks for the help so far guys. Unfortunately it sounds like everyone is in agreement that you can't actually have it recognize the air-strike style weapons.

Am I right in thinking the mouse disappears once you have selected air strike and press square to use the mouse again?

Or is it that pressing X acts as something else (Fire, instead of select? I don't know the PS controls) when using mouse?

When you select an air-strike the mouse stays out and you select where to strike with "X" (mouse being the arrow).

Here are the PS1 controls in case anyone doesn't know or is interested...

Look up/down : D-Pad up/down arrows
Walk left/right : D-Pad left/right arrows
Open Weapon Panel : Select
Select Weapon : X
Fire Weapon : X or hold down X
Pan around : Square + D-Pad
Jump / Backhop : Triangle / Double-Triangle
Straight Jump / Back Flip : Circle / Double-Circle
Display Team Names : R1
Change Grenade Timer : L2
Change Bounce : L1
Pause : Start

---Special Cases---
Select Strike / Homing Missle Target : D-Pad to move cursor, X to select
If Paused Game / Selecting Weapon : D-Pad becomes cursor

That should be about it, unless I'm missing something.

The only thing I can think of for knowing when the air-strike stuff has been selected, would be to try and figure out where on the screen the cursor was when a weapon was selected. If that area happened to be over a box for the strikes then act differently.

But that wouldn't work if you used a different scheme and the weapon panel was resized. Unless you made multiple controller maps, one for each different scheme lol.

24 Sep 2009, 15:55
Pan around : Square + D-Pad
AFAIK, you can also use the right analog stick to do the same thing. (I even forgot that square button when playing the PS1 version)

double post edit

Oh, by the way, what does the R2 button do? And how is the girder rotated? I almost forgot these because I haven't played PS1 for a long time (since I got my own PC from my parents years ago).