View Full Version : Roping tips?

7 Aug 2009, 04:25
Is there any videos on youtube or any guides on how to rope better?

7 Aug 2009, 09:41
http://www.nolimitfreestyle.com/index.html this website has a bunch animated gifs of tricks. most of it is very advanced tho. best advice i have is:

use angled directions. pulling up and pushing the direction you are swinging will speed you up.

learn to use f8 to equip the rope, and once attached press f8 again to equip the parachute. make a habit of it.

learn to double tap space to let go and immediately shoot again. its like swing, tap tap, swing, tap tap, etc.

if you think our gonna go out of control just stay attached to the rope and stay calm

pushing directions isnt always the best option when roping. if your already moving its easy to just double tap around.

7 Aug 2009, 10:33
Port your directional keys to numpad 1/2/3/5 and assign F8 to numpad 0 and Backspace to numpad "+". Enter is already where it should be. Also, use a macro for puffing while roping, or assign "T" to numpad 4/6. Assign different Functional keys to numpad 7/8/9. And assign "Space" to "CapsLock"- better than having 2 or 3 or 10 "Space" keys and CapsLock is also more comfortable than "Ctrl". Also, mod you "Space" key (CapsLOck)- insert small amounts of cotton wool under the key. Bu77 rap3d pipolz will call this cheating, but nobody will know you actually do it- nOt ev3n u. Hfhfhfhfhfh glglglglgl gg gg ggg ggg g g g g g g g!!!111

7 Aug 2009, 12:10
http://spiderworms.webs.com/ And this is next level of nlF :cool:

7 Aug 2009, 12:16
you could use a gamepad http://www.thesqd.com/controllerapps.htm i do

7 Aug 2009, 12:30
you could use a gamepad

By any means DO NOT DO THAT! Billy is special.

7 Aug 2009, 12:51
now that wasnt very nice.

7 Aug 2009, 13:16
now that wasnt very nice.

He asks for roping tips and you tell him he can use a game pad?! You really are unique.

7 Aug 2009, 17:19
lol youd have him stuffing his keyboard full of cotton! now thats special. you do know that every major worms game has been on a console system right?

7 Aug 2009, 19:04
lol youd have him stuffing his keyboard full of cotton! now thats special.

That's a tip. And I did say small amounts of cotton under a single key.

you do know that every major worms game has been on a console system right?

That's irrelevant. Roping is performed better using a keyboard...

7 Aug 2009, 19:20
Cmon! Stop arguing and stuff!

7 Aug 2009, 19:41


8 Aug 2009, 00:35
That's a tip. And I did say small amounts of cotton under a single key. Q-tip?

That's irrelevant. Roping is performed better using a keyboard...i think the input device is irrelevant. practice makes perfect. you wouldnt know i use a gamepad if i didnt tell you, except that i equip the parachute when i need it instead of when i first start roping.

9 Aug 2009, 00:38
If the input device is irrelevant, then why did you suggest he use a gamepad?

9 Aug 2009, 03:26
i was saying neither is better. its just preference.

9 Aug 2009, 06:45
i was saying neither is better.

Of course the keyboard is better for roping, otherwise there wouldn't be just a person (maybe two) using a game-pad for that. And if you'd try a little harder, you could become better at the game using a keyboard.

I've played console games since I was 4 years old, but I'd never use a game-pad when playing games on a PC, unless I'd be playing Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter, because these kind of games are the only games that suck playing with a keyboard.

9 Aug 2009, 06:55
unless I'd be playing Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter, because these kind of games are the only games that suck playing with a keyboard.
Because you're right handed and prefer the D-Pad on the left instead of the right? :P

9 Aug 2009, 08:23
Because you're right handed and prefer the D-Pad on the left instead of the right? :P

You can set the controls any way you want on a keyboard, but keys are never going to beat a D-Pad when it comes to games like Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter mostly because of the tricks you have to perform using 2 directional keys at once in a way different from most of the games. Also, it's more comfortable than a keyboard full of keys you do not need in-game, in contrast to W:A.

If this were a topic about character motion in a fighting game, I'd say this has never failed me in 15 years:

9 Aug 2009, 09:35
true, easier to hold the controller and press the buttons and only the buttons that are needed are present, so you can't accidentally cause key-lock or perform the wrong move etc.

9 Aug 2009, 12:37
to me, it just makes sense and is more comfortable to play a side scrolling platform video game with a game pad. prefer to have the directional on my left hand. iv always been a console gamer, this is the only pc game i play. its not like wa has controller support to begin with. i suppose if more people had a choice youd see different results. the game pad vs keyboard argument is older than this forum, and the general consensus is both camps think they are right.

but anyway, anyone have anymore roping tips?

9 Aug 2009, 12:46
but anyway, anyone have anymore roping tips?

No, we're the only experts around here.

9 Aug 2009, 14:05

back on topic methinks

10 Aug 2009, 22:15
I agree that the arrow keys are better for roping than a gamepad.

You can add quick taps of up or down or diagonals to make tiny adjustments to your rope angle or worm release speed. These gentle movements are not possible to do easily on a pad because you can't change so quickly and efficiency between different key combinations.

Although you can rope to a good standard using a pad, the keyboard will offer more long term improvement to be possible.


11 Aug 2009, 11:44
nevermind this is getting old

16 Aug 2009, 08:30
Also, use a macro for puffing while roping, or assign "T" to numpad 4/6.
wat does this actually do does it serve a purpose???

16 Aug 2009, 09:41
It lets others know you're thinking :)