View Full Version : Tweaking a Space Oddity

30 Jun 2009, 22:41
Well, have to tell you that it's kind a possible.
And since I was always involved in this "tweaking" thing i thought i could give it a try.
These files can be modified, although i haven't listed all of them here.

Nothing much for now, but stay tuned.

Scheme file ( Beginner ):

// Scheme Data

HotSeatTime = 5
TurnTime = 60
RoundTime = 20
RoundsToWin = 1

RetreatTime = 5
RopeRetreatTime = 5

WinCondition = 0

DisableCrates = 0
WeaponCrateChancePC = 18
HealthCrateChancePC = 6
UtilityCrateChancePC = 6

//CratesPerTurn = 1
//CrateChancePercentage = 75

GameType = 0

DisableSpecialEvents = 1

//LaserSight = 255

// Weapon Data
// (If the weapon data isn't in this list, then it will have zero ammo)

Bazooka = (255,0)
HomingMissile = (2,0)
Grenade = (255,0)
ClusterBomb = (4,0)

Dynamite = (2,0)
AirStrike = (2,2)
Shotgun = (255,0)

FirePunch = (255,0)

Excavator = (255,0)
Sheep = (1,2)

Girder = (4,0)
JetPack = (4,0)
Teleport = (4,0)

SkipGo = (255,0)
Surrender = (255,0)

Mission related :

Time Attack 2 Team 2

// Team Script
WormsHealth = 100
NumWorms = 0
GraveStone = 1
SpeechBank = 2
Control = 3
// 0. Human Controlled
// 1. Vengeful
// 2. Reckless
// 3. Cocky
// 4. Stupid
// 5. Strategic
AlliedGroup = 2
Flag = 5
Helmet = 6
Skin = 0
ArtilleryMode = 0


TeamWeaponOverride = 1
// CPU Team Inventory:
Bazooka = (255,0)
//HomingMissile = (1,5)
Grenade = (255,0)
ClusterBomb = (255,0)
//BananaBomb = (255,0)
Dynamite = (1,0)
//AirStrike = (1,10)
Shotgun = (3,0)
Uzi = (1,0)
FirePunch = (2,0)
DragonBall = (1,0)
Prod = (255,0)
BlowTorch = (4,0)
Mine = (3,0)
//Sheep = (1,0)
//Kamikaze = (255,0)
//ConcreteDonkey = (255,0)
//BunkerBuster = (255,0)
//HolyHandGrenade = (255,0)
Parachute = (3,0)
//SentryGun = (255,0)
//Boomerang = (255,0)
//SuperSheep = (255,0)
//BuffaloOfLies = (255,0)
//LightningStrike = (255,0)
//Electromagnet = (255,0)
Rope = (1,0)
Girder = (4,0)
//JetPack = (255,0)
//Teleport = (255,0)
SkipGo = (255,0)
Surrender = (255,0)
PneumaticDrill = (2,0)

More info here (http://www.giga-game.tk/)

30 Jun 2009, 23:28
I love how you give absolutely no explanation to what you're talking about.
Now, how about you try explain what you mean once again. Keeping in mind that if its anything to do with emulating the game on a PC, you're breaking a major rule of the forum.

1 Jul 2009, 08:36
Same as .xml files in tweak folder of Worms 4 Mayhem, these files ( there are lots of more than I listed ) can be modified. I'm not saying how can you play, or can you at all.
First is a scheme file - Beginner. You can edit scheme options and save it.
Then there are mission related things. Edit speech, camera settings, worm options etc.
There are lots of more files, and I'm working on it.
As I said, nothing much for now. But I'l soon reply with more.

1 Jul 2009, 08:39
Are these contained within the save file (which you probably used wii.git to extract)? Or are they on the disc? If the latter, then modifying them would be illegal since you need a modchip or a "backup" loader which are illegal since they circumvent copyright protection.