View Full Version : about input Chinese

17 Jun 2009, 15:59
When I input Chinese by Websnooper,it show me a window--"4invalid UTF-8 sequence"and the message cann't be send.And if I input Chinese in the game,all the words I input turn into garbled.Only when I input Chinese by ProSnooper it shows normal.Can anybody solve this problem?I really hope to input Chinese in the game.You see it is inconvenient to chat by Phonetic transcriptions instead.
Btw,I know there r some chat command interfaces such as /me /anon /h2so4 /afk /away...Can anybody list all those?thx.

I'm sorry my English...

17 Jun 2009, 16:56
Sorry, only the Cyrillic and some European alphabets are supported at the moment. We plan to add full Unicode support in version 4.0.

18 Jun 2009, 11:08
Is that means WebSnooper will update.That's great.Althought it's a pity that I cant host by it,I think there will be more Chinese woms players turn to play WA.
In China I found that many worms players just know Worms Online but not WA or WWP.But Worms Online was closed down several years ago.And most players didn't know original worms game which developed by team17.I like this game very much so I'm trying hard to convened my friends to play WA.If we can chat by Chinese soon many of my friends should love this game.
Thx again.

18 Jun 2009, 14:19
I meant that we will add full Unicode support in W:A version 4.0.

You can't type Chinese text in WebSnooper because it translates Unicode characters sent by your web browser to the W:A character table (http://worms2d.info/WA_character_table). So, you can type Cyrillic from WebSnooper and players using the game will be able to read it, and vice versa.

ProSnooper, on the other hand, does no character table translation. This is why Chinese ProSnooper users will be able to see each other's text, but everyone else (including ProSnooper users from other locales) will see jibberish. People typing Cyrillic in ProSnooper will also not be able to see Cyrillic typed from the game or WebSnooper.