View Full Version : 3 questions about wormnet

4 May 2009, 14:26
I have 3 more questions :)

1. is there a button to answer a incoming call in game (red phone)
like the chat window ?

2. how many games do I have to make on wormnet to get a higher rank
(silvermedal, goldmedal behind the name) and how this works exactly ?

3. which commands can I use @ the chat window ?
(if I press /w or /msg it says: unregonized command)
and if so what commands are allowed ?

hope my english is not to bad ^^

4 May 2009, 15:08
1. is there a button to answer a incoming call in game (red phone)
like the chat window ?
The red phone just means there's a new message in the chat. Press Page Down to see the chat box, Page Up to hide it.

2. how many games do I have to make on wormnet to get a higher rank
(silvermedal, goldmedal behind the name) and how this works exactly ?
Ranking was disabled when people hacked it. Currently everyone has bronze, and those that don't are using the same hacking tools as back in the day. It is expected to be re-enabled more securely some time in the future, but when nobody knows, so don't hold your breath.

3. which commands can I use @ the chat window ?
(if I press /w or /msg it says: unregonized command)
and if so what commands are allowed ?
There aren't many commands in the chat box ingame. There might be more, but the ones off the top of my head are:
/me does something
(shows as *Nickname does something)
/anon Woo this is an anonymous message
(doesn't show your nickname, but the owner can be seen in replays)
/msg Nickname Message
(Sends a private message to that nick).

4 May 2009, 15:10
1. the red phone is an alert for when a message is sent on the general chat which is opened/closed with the page up and page down keys

2. ranks were disabled almost a decade ago. You're stuck with bronze rank forever

3. there's an F# next to the players name in the status window right next to the chat window (page down), if you press that F key you will be able to write a private message.

edit: 2 minutes too late :(

4 May 2009, 15:50
thanks for this quick reply ;)