View Full Version : Stupid enough to buy it... AGAIN
Of course like a true die hard worms fan... I had to buy the PSN version of worms... And trust me I went in with loooooooooooow expectations...
I just have one question:
How can you be so lazy as to recycle code from the first open warfare game... to XBLA... then to open warfare 2... and then to PSN.
This game is such a JOKE, it's like you wanted some quick money, hey lets put together a quick worms. Probably finished in 2 weeks or whatever it took you to learn the PS3 cell, copy and paste some code, open up Photoshop and make a wavy background and added some photoshop effects on there. I COULD MAKE A NICER FRONT END THAN THAT IN 5 MINUTES.
I dont get why i bought this... honestly... I have the same exact game on XBLA and PSP but WORSE!
THE WEAPONS DONT EVEN PLOP LOL... THEY JUST FALL OR EVEN BOUNCE BACK IF THERE IS LAND... It's sad sad sad sad... I've lost my respect for you long ago... And I didnt think you could go much lower... But... yeah.
You sure have squeezed this franchise DRY. I just can't believe it... I dont know what to say... I found probably 10 bugs on my first play
11 Apr 2009, 10:45
Nice to see some people have no comprehension of creating a game :p
I found probably 10 bugs on my first play
Well rather than going off on a great, long and unconstructive rant, how's about actually posting information about those bugs so as they can be fixed? Like what the bugs are and steps to reproduce them.
Nice to see some people have no comprehension of creating a game :p
Well rather than going off on a great, long and unconstructive rant, how's about actually posting information about those bugs so as they can be fixed? Like what the bugs are and steps to reproduce them.
Dont Team17 have game testers for that kind of thing?
Seemes to me that all these bugs should be found by the game testers and fixed before the game got released.
The very first time i loaded the game i frooze completly and it still does like 3 of 10 times i play it, its true.
I love worms too but this version is a joke. Sure its a cheap game but i would rather pay double for a game that was working 100% proberbly.
But maybe xRazEx is right, This game just is a copy paster version of previous version.
I just like to know, on wich version exactly did you, Team17, stop caring?
11 Apr 2009, 12:47
Well there are already posts about the bugs on other posts, every problem I have had, has already been listed.
Weapons don't plop lol.
What the heck is that supposed to mean?
11 Apr 2009, 14:11
I found probably 10 bugs on my first play
Those bugs will be seen to after the European Release of the PSN version.
11 Apr 2009, 14:59
I'm still having faith that a fix will be up when ready, since then I can still play and the game is still fun. I would definetly pay an extra if if there was functionality and customization added, maybe a campaing, even if it is similar to Worms Armageddons.
and yes, what does that mean the weapons dont PLOP??? I only think that the landmines bouce a bit too much, like theyre made of superball rubber lol.
11 Apr 2009, 19:03
Instead of cluttering up the forums and wasting my time and/or bandwidth, email Team17.
Oh, yeah, and stop being a complete asshole, I've had to deal with enough assholery today as it is and I am not in the mood for some whiny little kid to be upset about his little game.
In short:
Pull yourself together, it's just a game.
11 Apr 2009, 19:52
Team 17 and Xbox 360 together are One!:mad:
11 Apr 2009, 19:59
It's just a game, but he isn't completely wrong. Though I haven't tried this game yet, something that hits me pretty hard is how Team17 does recycle stuff. From the weapons list thread, I've noticed that most of the weapon icons are from Worms 3D/Worms 4 Mayhem, and the other don't even fit the same art style. Okay, it's just a few icons, but it still looks wrong in my opinion. As for the gameplay and weapons, I would have expected something different and original on the console versions, and the only one game which brought something new was Worms Open Warfare 2, and I think it was probably the only one which received apparent time and attention.
Also, I think he's talking about skimming, apparently, weapons don't bounce over water, "they just fall or even bounce back if there is land".
11 Apr 2009, 22:27
Team 17 and Xbox 360 together are One!:mad:
I'm seriously fed up now of your "They are only caring about the X360's upcoming version" posts.
Team 17 added extra weapons to the PSN version, they are talking about a DLC update, and the bugs will be fixed.
They could have just gave you a port of the XBLA version with no additions.
12 Apr 2009, 21:06
Hey, I've got a great idea: learn to program, and buy a devkit, and do it yourself.
Can't do that? Too bad.
when you compare to all the other worms and improvements done previously, especially armageddon and WOW2 : worms PSN is kinda disapointing... it's obviously a backward step
It appears that worms PSN is real enjoyable in two cases: either you never played any worms before, or you only have the old xbla version.
But i play anyway coz it's still fun anyhow
15 Apr 2009, 07:07
PS3's version is pretty good overall and I like the extra graphic polish it has over PCs versions, but I have to agree its kinda annoying after all this time they still they still haven't came out with a console version of Worms which has everything from PCs versions in tact, such as the ability to skim weapons across water / flames coming out of exploding barrels, a complete weapons list etc.
I think the price, whilst not an earth-shattering sum of money, is a little excessive given Flower, a game developed from the ground up for PSN, is cheaper than this (which by most accounts sounds like a port).
I'm yet to buy any PSN titles but I have to say, the price difference puts Flower first on my list and Worms second; maybe a price of, say, �6 would have made it more attractive to me.
23 Apr 2009, 18:50
I hope Team17 are listening, because you're not alone on your thoughts. I don't agree with everything, I still think the game is pretty nice, but a lot needs to be improved... and a DLC is a must.
24 Apr 2009, 18:31
Go on then.
24 Apr 2009, 20:13
Instead of cluttering up the forums and wasting my time and/or bandwidth, email Team17.
Oh, yeah, and stop being a complete asshole, I've had to deal with enough assholery today as it is and I am not in the mood for some whiny little kid to be upset about his little game.
In short:
Pull yourself together, it's just a game.
There is a difference in being an asshole for the sake of it, and moaning about something you've paid for. The guy / girl wasn't terribly tactful or helpful in explaining his concerns but it is his right to complain about what he feels is a defective product.
To most points, I agree, the bugs should have been picked up in play testing and it should not have been released without fixing the issues of locking up the entire PS3 and to some extents the camera that makes the game very difficult to play in places.
This isn't the worst piece of software released on the ps3, I could name far worse things for reliablity, such as fallout 3 etc, but it really *does* make it appear that team 17 rushed this and could have put a couple more weeks into testing.
24 Apr 2009, 21:38
Very few games these days ship without bugs, and Team17 have already said that they're working on an update. So stick your hand down your skirt, grab your panties, and unbunch them. You'll feel a lot better.
25 Apr 2009, 00:36
Very few games these days ship without bugs, and Team17 have already said that they're working on an update. So stick your hand down your skirt, grab your panties, and unbunch them. You'll feel a lot better.
Sorry, not a defence.
That fact that loads of games get released by companies full of bugs is no excuse that it is acceptable, however much it happens. It's like selling a car without a gear stick and then claiming it's still fine to drive, it'll just get sorted it at the next service.
"bugs" that lockup the entire console on a frequent basis should get picked up in testing
I ain't sure what you're asking me to do either, my balls usually sit in a bunch, in a nut sack. Not sure where yours are but by the sound of your fanboy and overly defensive nature I'm assuming they've long since dissapeared up your own asshole?
25 Apr 2009, 00:38
Oh and PS, the update (see: patch) did aboslutely nothing to sort any of these problems out for me when playing online. Just so we're clear on that.
25 Apr 2009, 00:59
Sorry, not a defence.
That fact that loads of games get released by companies full of bugs is no excuse that it is acceptable, however much it happens. It's like selling a car without a gear stick and then claiming it's still fine to drive, it'll just get sorted it at the next service.
*sigh* I hate it when people use car analogies in relation to video games. They never seem to be able to get it right.
What we're talking about here is not a car with a missing gearstick but a car that occasionally stalls, but it's alright because you know it's covered by your AA membership and you'll be getting it looked at soon enough. So what if you can't go on the motorway yet. You're not going anywhere far away in the next day or two, are you? No, the furthest you're going is into town to do some shopping.
"bugs" that lockup the entire console on a frequent basis should get picked up in testing
Not if they can't be caught until there's sufficient server load to actually spot the bug. Some things you just can't test for - Team17 don't have a few thousand PS3s that they can use in one go to test whether or not the game freezes up if there's a more than ample load already connected to the server. UbiSoft had the exact same problem with Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. This is not a new thing.
I ain't sure what you're asking me to do either, my balls usually sit in a bunch, in a nut sack. Not sure where yours are but by the sound of your fanboy and overly defensive nature I'm assuming they've long since dissapeared up your own asshole?
Congratulations on resorting to the "Fanboy" attack - it's the laziest retort you can find on online gaming forums if someone happens to defend a company.
I will admit that, yes, in some respects I am a Fanboy. I did found the web's largest Team17 fansite, after all. But I'm not one of those "squee T17 can do no wrong" Fanboys. Team17 have made mistakes. The Speris Legacy was ****. Alien Breed 3D 2: The Killing Grounds was a gameplay nightmare, despite being a technical marvel. Worms 3D was little more than a Tech Demo, and the in-house Worms Open Warfare games have been, for the most part, rather poor - especially when compared to Two Tribes' DS port of Worms Open Warfare 2, which is absolute perfection.
The problem here is that I'm giving you perfectly rational answers to why Worms PS3 is in the state it's in, and you're dismissing them because it doesn't match up to your worldview of "Team17 are lazy and evil but I'm still going to give them my $12 because OMG WURMZ". If you choose to stick your head in the sand and ignore the way that the games industry is these days (and I'm not excusing it, I'm just saying it's The Way Things Are and *****ing about it is tantamount to standing on the beach and yelling at the ocean for being too wet) then that's your problem, not mine.
Sorry for the angry rant. I had to get it out. I didn't think the thread would be approved.
This is what I mean by weapons don't plop:
On a two island map (with the islands being close to eachother), place your worm on the inner side of one of the islands. Aim a full power grenade at the other island but at the underwater section of it.
The grenade enters the water with no sound or change in behaviour, and actually BOUNCES off the underwater land section. We all know how weapons act in the rest of worms games when they hit the water. I know its not a big deal but it matters to me, it adds to the experience.
What about the clear distinct animation of your worm hitting the wall while roping? Oh yeah, there is none, your worm just rolls in the air like it does inbetween ropes. So if I'm roping around and BARELY touch a wall or nudge my head after letting go of the rope, my worm continues spinning normally like nothing happened until it hits the ground and I lose my turn. Of course it's my fault for hitting the roof (I won't comment on the awesome rope mechanics they implemented ever since the first Open Warfare) but come on, thats just LAZY. Little details matter to me, and they should matter to Team 17 because I'm paying money for their game.
Someone argued that I should go learn programming and make my own game. Thats such a typical stupid argument. Even though I am majoring in Computer Science, I pay for games other companies make, because I'm not going to make my version of every game on the market just because I can code. I am a customer and I am allowed to complain, because I payed money for an unpolished product. It might be $12 or whatever I payed for it, but Team 17 makes their living off those $12 (times how many sales they get). Their success is in the customer's hands, so if they expect a positive sales figure then they should publish a product that is on par with today's standards (bug free and professional), and not recycle the same game 4 times.
Should I comment on the worm/terrain interaction? It's pretty horrible how if you try to backflip on a steep hill your worm slides off it, but it has no problem walking up the same hill.
Try placing a cluster grenade under a worm that is on a hill. We all know what should happen. Does it happen? Is there any point in using those grenades anymore? NOPE
Try teleporting to an offscreen area while zoomed in (I think it has something to do with moving the screen with the rightstick). The screen always moves back to your worm and you have no idea where the pointer is.
Try placing a sheep through a small hole.
(to be continued, I have to leave)
I have to admit the camera bugs are getting more irritating. I'm also seeing more issues I hadn't seen early into my playing time.
With that in mind I can see what you're saying. I think it's a shame you're not enjoying it, though, since there are quite a few people who enjoy it for what it is and not what it could be (camera bugs and flaky network play aside).
For example, AI worms seem particularly good at using the terrain as though it's a Line Rider map, hitting a nook on the ceiling only for it to smoothly glide around its rim and into a crater, where it smoothly glides around that crater like a kicker ramp, at which point it smoothly glides into my worm's face. This irritates me but I reckon I can use that to my advantage as much as anyone else.
Ultimately it's an even battlefield and for me - and possibly many others - that's what matters most.
The team are compiling reported issues and fixing them, this process in itself takes time and you can't simply upload a version when you see fit. A quick fix was prioritised for a critical net problem identified soon after release, other fixes will take a little longer as it's better to do one update not many.
As for testing, the game had an awful lot of testing at T17, at VMC (a professional testing unit) and also it has to go through Sony's own submission/testing unit in Europe and the USA. All this takes a lot of time and tracking. Sony don't just blindly approve things.
Unfortunately it is beyond our control to replicate how tens of thousands of people play the game without possibly having a six month beta or something, which is simply not possible on console - or at least not to us. We were actually very frustrated at the online problems given everything had been working fine during our own tests. There's simply no way Sony accept anything that's badly broken (MS neither).
In terms of 'lazy' accusations, which I refute, the PS3 game has totally re-created physics (i.e. not from the XBLA edition) and features more content, landscapes, landscape derivatives and additional weapons such as Bat, HHG, S.Sheep and Donkey, it's also got 1080p support and totally redrawn new levels in HD and a ton more audio (it actually works out cheaper than the original XBLA price and the cost of the DLC).
We would have preferred to launch the demo at the same time as the game, but Sony actually released the game ahead of schedule which kind of took us by surprise. I certainly don't consider the guys to be lazy, to be fair. If lazy means re-using some of the technology and code from another version then so be it, I think you'll find it's reasonably standard in the modern world.
I'm sorry that the game hasn't been enjoyable for you, but it seems like you really wanted something else, perhaps in future you may be better waiting for a demo (fortunately the 360 versions have trials built in).
We spent a long time play balancing the title, of that I can assure you. It's a shame it's not balanced or tweaked to your exacting standards, but there you go. With regards to the cluster bombs, yes we felt it was better if they were weaker. With regards the camera, you can stop it following quite easily by pressing R3 (I think).
The new title on 360 is exclusive to that platform for a reason - which is nothing to do with us having a problem with PS3, it's just a commercial decision we made in partnership with Microsoft.
Other than nags about the online play, we've generally had a very positive response about the game. We actually DO listen to feedback, especially more-so when it's constructive, I might add, and changed a lot of stuff for the PS3 edition of what's a fairly light, casual title. But we certainly don't just stick our head into the sand.
Making good video games is actually quite difficult, very time-consuming, expensive and fairly complex when dealing with consoles, online-play and all that goes with the territory of console manufacturers. I imagine you'll climb down off your stool once you've tasted what the real world is like.
The game costs about the same as 3 pints of lager, too - I don't consider it bad value for money, especially as you don't really ever "finish it".
The game costs about the same as 3 pints of lager, too - I don't consider it bad value for money, especially as you don't really ever "finish it".
I have to say that despite my earlier comments on the price (even without it being put into context as quoted) I feel I've got my money's worth already... and I'm skint, so I value my pennies a lot just now.
It's fun. It should be treated like a game, not a job; it shouldn't be taken too seriously, you know?
I have to say that despite my earlier comments on the price (even without it being put into context as quoted) I feel I've got my money's worth already... and I'm skint, so I value my pennies a lot just now.
It's fun. It should be treated like a game, not a job; it shouldn't be taken too seriously, you know?
I'll follow your example pertaining to that. I didn't like the $13 price, but I honestly play this a ridiculous amount more than any $10 PSN game out there right now. So now I feel fine about my purchase, bugs or not.
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