10 Apr 2009, 20:10
I feel this should go in the worms knowledge base but i don't think there is a place for it.
BankEditor Name | Sample | Description (Further Notes)
Amazing! --- amazing.wav --- Phrase for an excellent shot.
Boring --- Boring.wav --- Phrase used when worm does something boring.
Brilliant! --- brillint.wav --- Phrase when a worm does something cool.
Bummer --- bummer.wav --- Worm does something bad.
Bungee --- Bungee.wav --- Used when Worm performs Bungee move.
Bye bye --- Byebye.wav --- Used when a Worm dies.
collect --- collect.wav --- Collect a weapon crate
Come On Then --- Comeonthen.wav --- Phrase used to tell you to hurry up!
Coward --- coward.wav --- Phrase when Worm calls you a coward.
Punch --- Dragonpunch --- Punch sound effect.
drop --- Drop.wav --- When a weapon crate drops.
Excellent --- Excellent.wav --- Phrase for an excellent shot.
Fatality --- Fatality.wav --- Phrase for when a worm has just died.
Fire --- Fire.wav --- Worm says, "Fire!"
Fireball --- Fireball.wav --- Fireball sound effect.
First Blood --- Firstblood.wav --- Worm says, "First Blood" when killing it's first victim.
Flawless --- Flawless.wav --- Worm says, "Flawless Victory" when winning a game without losing a worm or energy.
Go Away --- go away --- Used when another worm picks on another.
Grenade --- Grenade.wav --- Worm says, "Grenade!" when a grenade lands nearby.
Hello --- Hello.wav --- Worm says, "Hello"
I'll Get You --- illgetyou.wav --- Worm says, "I'll get you!" after being hit by another worm.
incoming --- incoming.wav -- Phrase when a strike weapon is called.
Jump 1 --- Jump1.wav --- Sound for jumping in the air.
Jump 2 --- Jump2.wav --- Sound for jumping in the air (2).
Just You Wait--- justyouwait.wav --- Worm threatens revenge.
Kamikaze --- kamikaze.wav --- Worm says, "Kamikaze!"
Laugh --- Laugh.wav --- Worm laughs.
Leave Me Alone --- leavemealone --- Worm says, "Leave me alone" when it is being picked on.
Missed --- missed.wav --- Worm says, "Missed!"
Noooo! --- nooo.wav --- Phrase when a worm is blasted off the screen.
Oh Dear --- Ohdear.wav --- Worm says, "Oh Dear" when dying.
Nutter --- oinutter.wav --- Worms says, "Oi! Nutter" when you do something stupid like hitting your own worm.
Ooff 1 --- ooff1.wav --- FX when hitting ground.
Ooff 2 --- ooff2.wav --- FX when hitting ground.
Ooff 3 --- ooff3.wav --- FX when hitting ground.
oops --- opps.wav --- Shoot and miss near own worm.
Orders --- Orders.wav --- Order strike
ouch --- ouch.wav --- Fall and hurt yourself.
Ow 1 --- ow1.wav --- When worm is hurt.
Ow 2 --- ow2.wav --- When worm is hurt.
Ow 3 --- ow3.wav --- When worm is hurt.
Perfect --- perfect.wav --- Worm says, "Perfect!" when making a great shot.
runaway --- runaway.wav --- When an object lands nearby.
Stupid --- Stupid.wav --- Worm says, "Stupid!" when you do something crazy.
Take cover --- Takecover.wav --- Worm says, "Take cover!" when a grenade lands nearby.
Traitor --- traitor.wav --- Worm says, "Traitor!" when you shoot one of your own.
Watch this! --- watchthis.wav --- Worm says, "Watch this!" as it fires.
What the? --- whatthe.wav --- Worm says, "What the..?" as a grenade lands nearby
victory --- victory.wav --- Sample used when your team wins.
Yes Sir! --- yessir.wav --- Confirmation phrase.
Regret --- youllregretthat.wav --- Worm says, "You'll regret that !" when being hit.
source: http://dlh.net/chtdb/chtview.php?lang=ger&typ=Engl.%20FAQ&sys=pc&cap=&search=&match=&layout=&disp=e5399&page=7
BankEditor Name | Sample | Description (Further Notes)
Amazing! --- amazing.wav --- Phrase for an excellent shot.
Boring --- Boring.wav --- Phrase used when worm does something boring.
Brilliant! --- brillint.wav --- Phrase when a worm does something cool.
Bummer --- bummer.wav --- Worm does something bad.
Bungee --- Bungee.wav --- Used when Worm performs Bungee move.
Bye bye --- Byebye.wav --- Used when a Worm dies.
collect --- collect.wav --- Collect a weapon crate
Come On Then --- Comeonthen.wav --- Phrase used to tell you to hurry up!
Coward --- coward.wav --- Phrase when Worm calls you a coward.
Punch --- Dragonpunch --- Punch sound effect.
drop --- Drop.wav --- When a weapon crate drops.
Excellent --- Excellent.wav --- Phrase for an excellent shot.
Fatality --- Fatality.wav --- Phrase for when a worm has just died.
Fire --- Fire.wav --- Worm says, "Fire!"
Fireball --- Fireball.wav --- Fireball sound effect.
First Blood --- Firstblood.wav --- Worm says, "First Blood" when killing it's first victim.
Flawless --- Flawless.wav --- Worm says, "Flawless Victory" when winning a game without losing a worm or energy.
Go Away --- go away --- Used when another worm picks on another.
Grenade --- Grenade.wav --- Worm says, "Grenade!" when a grenade lands nearby.
Hello --- Hello.wav --- Worm says, "Hello"
I'll Get You --- illgetyou.wav --- Worm says, "I'll get you!" after being hit by another worm.
incoming --- incoming.wav -- Phrase when a strike weapon is called.
Jump 1 --- Jump1.wav --- Sound for jumping in the air.
Jump 2 --- Jump2.wav --- Sound for jumping in the air (2).
Just You Wait--- justyouwait.wav --- Worm threatens revenge.
Kamikaze --- kamikaze.wav --- Worm says, "Kamikaze!"
Laugh --- Laugh.wav --- Worm laughs.
Leave Me Alone --- leavemealone --- Worm says, "Leave me alone" when it is being picked on.
Missed --- missed.wav --- Worm says, "Missed!"
Noooo! --- nooo.wav --- Phrase when a worm is blasted off the screen.
Oh Dear --- Ohdear.wav --- Worm says, "Oh Dear" when dying.
Nutter --- oinutter.wav --- Worms says, "Oi! Nutter" when you do something stupid like hitting your own worm.
Ooff 1 --- ooff1.wav --- FX when hitting ground.
Ooff 2 --- ooff2.wav --- FX when hitting ground.
Ooff 3 --- ooff3.wav --- FX when hitting ground.
oops --- opps.wav --- Shoot and miss near own worm.
Orders --- Orders.wav --- Order strike
ouch --- ouch.wav --- Fall and hurt yourself.
Ow 1 --- ow1.wav --- When worm is hurt.
Ow 2 --- ow2.wav --- When worm is hurt.
Ow 3 --- ow3.wav --- When worm is hurt.
Perfect --- perfect.wav --- Worm says, "Perfect!" when making a great shot.
runaway --- runaway.wav --- When an object lands nearby.
Stupid --- Stupid.wav --- Worm says, "Stupid!" when you do something crazy.
Take cover --- Takecover.wav --- Worm says, "Take cover!" when a grenade lands nearby.
Traitor --- traitor.wav --- Worm says, "Traitor!" when you shoot one of your own.
Watch this! --- watchthis.wav --- Worm says, "Watch this!" as it fires.
What the? --- whatthe.wav --- Worm says, "What the..?" as a grenade lands nearby
victory --- victory.wav --- Sample used when your team wins.
Yes Sir! --- yessir.wav --- Confirmation phrase.
Regret --- youllregretthat.wav --- Worm says, "You'll regret that !" when being hit.
source: http://dlh.net/chtdb/chtview.php?lang=ger&typ=Engl.%20FAQ&sys=pc&cap=&search=&match=&layout=&disp=e5399&page=7