View Full Version : Ruler - Another stupid map and scheme

9 Feb 2009, 18:02
OK, this one really is just for giggles. There's no skill and no game-winning objective.

It's just a 20,000 pixel ruler with a minepit next to it. See how many mines you can place before you're bored and then see how far a worm will fly. The ruler is reasonably accurate (or should be) but if people are comparing results then it doesn't need to be, really, as it's relative.

This is a schematic response to Minepit v1 feedback. OF course, you are able to edit the scheme yourself so feel free to test other weapons out. For example, teleport one worm into the fly zone and with the other drop a ming vase. All those shards will pop on the minepit's sides, making quite a ba-boom.

Just now I put about 10 mines in the pit and with low gravity I still only reached 18,250 or so. See if you can get a worm off the end of the ruler without low grav!

Enjoy :)

9 Feb 2009, 18:07
Alright I downloaded and I'll give it a try. Wonder how many mines it takes to get off the ruler without low gravity :)
Tried it:
Too bad, ten mines will give the max distance possible. 10 mines and 21 mines gave me the same distance ~9000 :(

9 Feb 2009, 18:11
Nothing new, seen it before.

9 Feb 2009, 18:17
Yeah well I've been out of the loop for a while and haven't seen it.

Ah well, those of us who didn't can enjoy either, I guess. :)

9 Feb 2009, 22:58
1x 15 star banana will probably send a worm way off the edge of the ruler :)