View Full Version : The Snow here in the UK
5 Feb 2009, 09:19
Wow! What a week it is for snow! London gets the most snow its had in 18 years! The snow's just arrived where I live, up here... there's a couple of photos on my blog.
What are your thoughts on the marvellous return of snow to our Winters, fellow Brits? Enjoying yourselves, I hope!
5 Feb 2009, 10:50
woot! snow day at uni! :D
What a pansy country we are... :p
5 Feb 2009, 10:53
The road just got ploughed, so we measured the drifts. ~4 feet tall!
I also had to dig through ~2 feet of snow to find my sledge, before setting off down the slopes.
Great fun, and that included the front tipping into a drift and hurling me down a hill covered in a uniform 1 foot of snow. My fleece sweatshirt was soaking.
Ah, good times.
Yeah it really was thick down here in the London/Essex area. Last time it was that thick I was about 3. This was what my back garden looked like on Monday.
We still have some but the rain is washing it away.
5 Feb 2009, 10:59
It's amazing how it's all come back. I was about 7 last time we had snow as thick as we do now.
I hope that the proper Winters and Summers come back, like so:
Winter: Snow, Frost, Ice. Not rain and rain only.
Summer: Sun. Sun. Sun. Not rain and rain only!
We got another heafty dose in Leicestershire last night - seems more's on the way tonight as well... And the load from Monday still hadn't fully melted!
I bet Team17 is full of snow.
Coming up next "Tornados thread, because Team17 HQ also get windy days".
We got another heafty dose in Leicestershire last night
Same in Warwickshire
Today is my second snow day this week from college :D (tuesday being the first)
Picture from tuesday.
Pfff! Ridiculous.
I could be spoiled though, from living in the middle of the Alps. :)
Personally, I think this is the first sign of the Gulf Stream cooling down and eventually ceasing completely.
You should all prepare for a new Ice Age and buy a new woolly hat and a pair of gloves.
Pfff! Ridiculous.
I could be spoiled though, from living in the middle of the Alps. :)
Personally, I think this is the first sign of the Gulf Stream cooling down and eventually ceasing completely.
You should all prepare for a new Ice Age and buy a new woolly hat and a pair of gloves.
Yup. Stupid global warming moving the gulf stream further north!
5 Feb 2009, 12:49
Or is it the effects of global warming reversing? My parents tell me of the crazy snow in the 70s. Usually about 1.5 ft deep for about two months up here; didn't stop traffic though, they just wrapped chains round the tyres of the cars and kept driving. The snow has lessened and lessened, until this year.
This year, it's like 1998 was...
Apparently one of the consequences of global warming is that the gulf stream gets pushed further north, so England (not sure about Scotland, that might actually get warmer) has much colder winters.
5 Feb 2009, 13:22
Had snow on tuesday, which got us the day off school. Its started to snow again, this morning. In fact as I type this now in school its still snowing like mad outside.
I do have some pictures of what my street and back garden looked like, and i'll post those when I get to my home computer.
I can't play in the snow, though. I have fractured my toe so I can't really do anything. Damn.
I have fractured my toe so I can't really do anything.
Tape a makeshift splint made from ice lolly sticks around the broken toe and off you go!
All melted here now :(
The year I move further south is the year that Surrey got real snow. Bah.
This ain't global worming (pun). CO2 levels have lowered, cycles aren't so fast bla bla bla
I haven't seen snow in quite a few years, but here in Reading we've had a fair amount these last few days. We even had a a lecture get canceled because the lecturer couldn't make it in.
Back in Northampton where my Mum is she has a whopping eight inches of snow and they basically couldn't leave for work today. Crazy.
We've had some pretty bad snow where I live (North Devon, South-west England) but it got us two and a half days off school which made it a good thing.
Here in Ireland, we've had...
Very light snow. For about five minutes.
5 Feb 2009, 16:08
Ok, pictures of my garden and street from tuesday:
My Back Garden:
And my street:
Alien King
5 Feb 2009, 17:48
Apparently one of the consequences of global warming is that the gulf stream gets pushed further north, so England (not sure about Scotland, that might actually get warmer) has much colder winters.
I thought it was expected to be shut down completely.
Down in the south of Cornwall we got an unusual amount of snow. Most schools were closed and I got the day off college.
All gone now. Meh.
Yeah, I had some snow down in Eastbourne.
We got not 1, but 2 days off. All gone now though. :(
5 Feb 2009, 19:49
Here in Ireland, we've had...
Very light snow. For about five minutes.I feel your pain... Same here in the Netherlands, weird how them British in between us do get snow. (There's probably a good explanation for that, don't bother, I'm just being jealous)
Random thingy: In my area, all snow and ice has thawed and dissapeared except for the lower body of the Snowman I made which is still right there in one piece in the middle of my back lawn. Don't know how it survived.
5 Feb 2009, 20:34
Nerd snowman
Made using an old, broken pair of my glasses, a piece of chalk for the nose (well it fits the whole snow thing) and the head of a broken coathanger for the mouth.
5 Feb 2009, 23:15
Hmm.. I think it's safe to say that the quality of your snowmen is comparable to the quality of your drawings.
You are a very consistent person, Mr. Power. :p
On another note, colour me jealous because we never get snow here. Except for that couple of times we did but it just melted on contact with the floor. Only a very small layer survived on top of cars that hadn't been recently used. :P
6 Feb 2009, 02:45
Damn you people and your "snow." I love snow. But here I am in crummy old New Zealand. :(
6 Feb 2009, 05:05
Just noticed that I can see the history of my edited posts. Does this mean that mods can see it too? Can they also see the edit history of my deleted posts? :eek:
Just noticed that I can see the history of my edited posts. Does this mean that mods can see it too? Can they also see the edit history of my deleted posts?
Yes, been ages since they could do that.
Apparently one of the consequences of global warming is that the gulf stream gets pushed further north, so England (not sure about Scotland, that might actually get warmer) has much colder winters.
another consequence is adelaide is 40+ degrees celcius... so yea, cooler in your half of the world, hotter in our half :/ which is pretty much what global warming is right? the extremes just get more extreme?
Random thingy: In my area, all snow and ice has thawed and dissapeared except for the lower body of the Snowman I made which is still right there in one piece in the middle of my back lawn. Don't know how it survived.
Density dude. Density.
Star Worms
6 Feb 2009, 08:35
Density dude. Density.It's far more due to it's surface area:volume.
It's far more due to it's surface area:volume.
Yeah dude, condensed snow has less surface area. highfive
6 Feb 2009, 10:54
Condensing it won't actually change the density of the snow. It's not going to suddenly sink through concrete if you pack it hard enough.
Condensing it won't actually change the density of the snow. It's not going to suddenly sink through concrete if you pack it hard enough.
All aboard the pedantic train choo choo
A snowball is more dense than snow on the floor usually is. Why are we arguing this? choo choo
Likewise, it's less likely to evaporate due to this concentration or crowdness choo choo
Choo choo
The train driver yakuza is right.
Now show me your tickets!
Can they also see the edit history of my deleted posts? :eek:
No, IIRC, they can only see the last version.
That said, you always need to edit your post before deletion and substitute the content with something sleazy about the mods. :D
It would actually be a mix of surface area and mass, meaning that everyone's right but Robowurmz.
Condensing it won't actually change the density of the snow.
That's so painfully wrong.
Just noticed that I can see the history of my edited posts. Does this mean that mods can see it too? Can they also see the edit history of my deleted posts? :eek:
No, IIRC, they can only see the last version.
That said, you always need to edit your post before deletion and substitute the content with something sleazy about the mods. :D
Yes we can see all your edit history, and even if you delete your posts :p If you edit your post 10 times, we can see all eleven versions - a bit like wikipedia's history.
Yes we can see all your edit history, and even if you delete your posts :p If you edit your post 10 times, we can see all eleven versions - a bit like wikipedia's history.
Is it safe to assume you don't check post histories unless there's a legitimate reason to do so?
Metal Alex
6 Feb 2009, 13:19
That's gotta be the best picture I've seen this year. (not to mention it looks like the buildings are falling to the right)
This one makes me want to have it as an avatar or something.
6 Feb 2009, 13:37
Snows all gone now :( the sun has came back.
This one makes me want to have it as an avatar or something.
Feel free!
Is it safe to assume you don't check post histories unless there's a legitimate reason to do so?
That depends if you consider "boredom" a legitimate reason :p
I might start leaving you secret messages in my posts... how obvious is it to you that I've edited a post if I do it within the first minute or whatever it is that you can change it without the "edited" tag popping up?
The history only shows up when the "Edited by" message shows up - so the first minute or so don't save. Unless the mod has email subscriptions :p
Star Worms
6 Feb 2009, 18:23
Yeah dude, condensed snow has less surface area. highfive
One snowball will melt faster than 2 feet of snow. A condensed snowball that is flattened will melt faster than one that is not. The effect of density acts through surface area:volume but is not the reason itself. Hence it's not density that matters.
We still have quite a bit of snow left over. Mainly because York likes to stay sub-zero for long periods of time (apparently it's -1 already).
One snowball will melt faster than 2 feet of snow. A condensed snowball that is flattened will melt faster than one that is not. The effect of density acts through surface area:volume but is not the reason itself. Hence it's not density that matters.
We still have quite a bit of snow left over. Mainly because York likes to stay sub-zero for long periods of time (apparently it's -1 already).
Same amount of snow, which will melt first? The most densed or the least?
Good bye
Alien King
6 Feb 2009, 18:58
Same amount of snow, which will melt first? The most densed or the least?
Good bye
The denser snow will melt slower. However density is not the actual cause in this case. The denser snow is going to have a lower surface area to volume ratio than the uncompacted snow.
Suppose this:
I have a 4x4x4 unit cubed cube of snow. I also have a 64x1x1 unit cubed cuboid of snow. Both have volume of 64 units cubed and I shall assume they are both of equal mass (say 1 unit of mass).
The surface area of the 4x4x4 cube is equal to 16x6 = 96 units squared.
The surface area of the 64x1x1 cuboid is equal to 64x4 + 1x2 = 258 units squared.
The cube will melt slower than the cuboid and hence, the important thing is the surface area to volume ratio as Star Worms was saying. Density is unimportant and will only be a potential cause for the surface area of one being lower.
Now if we have 2 cubes of snow of equal volume and shape but of different masses, well that may be different. I may be inclined to call that an unfair comparison though.
Now, AK, what have we learned from trying to debate with Yakuza?
Star Worms
6 Feb 2009, 20:05
Same amount of snow, which will melt first? The most densed or the least?
Good bye
The least because it has a lower surface area:volume.
Oh well. I tried to help you understand something.:(
Now, AK, what have we learned from trying to debate with Yakuza?
That you guys are unable to read literally? That you jump into stupid conclusions, make retarded assumptions and make me argue with 6 of you at the same time, getting poked by the mods in the process until someone you respect comes around, and agrees with me and makes you lot finally shut up rinse and repeat until next thread?
It hasn't really worked this time, only more and more people joining up, I expect the latest guest to come up and and say "yakuza you are wrong, the reason snow melts is not density, it's the sun" - **** dude, how did I miss that.
You guys are dense.
Next time you claim knifes cut bread because knifes are sharp I'll come over and say "No sir, it's the softness of bread, let's argue".
Wrong again.
They have a low surface area:volume.
The denser snow will melt slower. However density is not the actual cause in this case. The denser snow is going to have a lower surface area to volume ratio than the uncompacted snow.
Suppose this:
I have a 4x4x4 unit cubed cube of snow. I also have a 64x1x1 unit cubed cuboid of snow. Both have volume of 64 units cubed and I shall assume they are both of equal mass (say 1 unit of mass).
The surface area of the 4x4x4 cube is equal to 16x6 = 96 units squared.
The surface area of the 64x1x1 cuboid is equal to 64x4 + 1x2 = 258 units squared.
The cube will melt slower than the cuboid and hence, the important thing is the surface area to volume ratio as Star Worms was saying. Density is unimportant and will only be a potential cause for the surface area of one being lower.
Now if we have 2 cubes of snow of equal volume and shape but of different masses, well that may be different. I may be inclined to call that an unfair comparison though.
What about two snowballs with the same surface and different weight? I asked my little brother he says the heavier snowball will take longer to melt because "it has more snow and the more the colder so it fights better against the heat of the sun", haha, little kids and their thoughts, hahaha.
What about two snowballs with the same surface and different weight? I asked my little brother he says the heavier snowball will take longer to melt because "it has more snow and the more the colder so it fights better against the heat of the sun", haha, little kids and their thoughts, hahaha.
Geez, Yak. You're actually so predictable that AK could actually answer your question before you ask it! Made worse by how you quoted the answer in question.
It's also why I said it was a combo of surface area and mass.
6 Feb 2009, 22:36
Why are you all arguing about exactly the same thing?
Is this like some new form of argument that's purer than other forms because it's completely eliminated the thing to be argued about?
6 Feb 2009, 22:52
You guys are dense.
Awesome. We get to melt slower. :cool:
Why are you all arguing about exactly the same thing?
Is this like some new form of argument that's purer than other forms because it's completely eliminated the thing to be argued about?
Because I can't be right even if I am. So the way this goes is, I make a correct statement, someone attempts to correct my otherwise correct statement, and in a minute or two there's like 5 people having a go at me because how dare I be right.
What they seem to be unable to comprehend, specially Plasma is that a "combo of area surface and mass" is the same thing as density as far as BALLS are concerned. But hey, who am I to put end to the never ending celebration of ignorance of these forums?
6 Feb 2009, 22:58
Unless one or more of us find ourselves in a Saw-like situation where we needs to melt snow into containers quickly if we don't want to have that grenade in our stomaches explode, I don't really see us taking this information off of the forum and into our lives. This is important...?
Snow is fluffy!
I wish I was in England right now... or, more precicely, a few days ago. I'd better go find an upside-down cardboard box and let Calvin-logic take over.
Metal Alex
7 Feb 2009, 00:03
Are you guys really discussing how snow melts?
What they seem to be unable to comprehend, specially Plasma is that a "combo of area surface and mass" is the same thing as density as far as BALLS are concerned. But hey, who am I to put end to the never ending celebration of ignorance of these forums?
1: There are some points when you may want to specify that they thing you're talking about is a hypothetical perfect sphere. Mentioning the word 'ball' once in the debate (I looked back) does not count.
2: There's also a great difference between mass and density. Most notably, one involves volume. A giant snowball takes much longer to melt than a considerably smaller snowball, even if they're the same density.
Unless one or more of us find ourselves in a Saw-like situation where we needs to melt snow into containers quickly if we don't want to have that grenade in our stomaches explode, I don't really see us taking this information off of the forum and into our lives. This is important...?
We're scientists! We argue over schematics, regardless of how useless they may be! (
That's a snow cake from a few days ago. It isn't there anymore. In fact it was melting already when I took the photo. :(
Edit: Oh and the other snowy shots in that album are from right after New Year, so not very current.
7 Feb 2009, 01:37
It's just snowed again here. The ground looks all light and fluffy, somehow: it's a thin layer, but it's stuck.
It snowed again today. Didn't settle though :(
7 Feb 2009, 06:21
I'm not in the U.K. so all I got was this:
Alien King
7 Feb 2009, 08:51
We're scientists! We argue over schematics, regardless of how useless they may be!
Well you can label yourself if you want to. :p
No snow here, just rain.
1: There are some points when you may want to specify that they thing you're talking about is a hypothetical perfect sphere. Mentioning the word 'ball' once in the debate (I looked back) does not count.
2: There's also a great difference between mass and density. Most notably, one involves volume. A giant snowball takes much longer to melt than a considerably smaller snowball, even if they're the same density.
We're scientists! We argue over schematics, regardless of how useless they may be!
I said that a snowman will take more to melt because it's condensed snow iced together and compacted. I was told that nooo, that it's all about area surface. Then I asked if two pieces with the same area surface were put right next to each other, with different density, which one would melt first. This question pretty much says that area surface volume hasn't got the monopoly of speeding or slowing melting, and that my original comment was completely right, and that there was no reason for the pedantic train to make a stop in this station, but it did, and the little pedantic gnomes lead by you decided it was the right time to come here and spout ilimited amounts of crap at this thread.
Be by guests.
Oh shush and let us enjoy talking about snow.
7 Feb 2009, 11:21
Aaaaand most of the snow here has melted already.
And I second what MrBunsy said.
7 Feb 2009, 12:03
Still snowed in here. It just keeps on coming.
This thread is gold. Pure gold.
7 Feb 2009, 17:25
Pure white gold. :p
Alien King
7 Feb 2009, 18:40
Or pure yellow snow.
Er... :-/
You sure you're not thinking of something else?
8 Feb 2009, 05:31
Hmm.. I think it's safe to say that the quality of your snowmen is comparable to the quality of your drawings.
You are a very consistent person, Mr. Power. :p
holy burnination batman
Snow? thought it was washing powder...
The stuff was all over my garden, look:
24 Feb 2009, 20:39
You're several weeks late.
25 Feb 2009, 01:47
You're several weeks late.
Technically, if he is in the UK and it is snowing, it is perfectly legitimate. :p
25 Feb 2009, 10:08
Yes, but it's a little bit of a resurrection, isn't it?
25 Feb 2009, 14:56
Also everyone has stopped caring about the snow and have moved on with their lives.
25 Feb 2009, 15:34
Also everyone has stopped caring about the snow and have moved on with their lives.
Oh you take that right back son.
25 Feb 2009, 15:48
25 Feb 2009, 16:27
What about skiiers? They care for snows!
25 Feb 2009, 18:49
I imagine they care more for slopes.
25 Feb 2009, 22:13
I imagine they care more for slopes.
Snowy slopes.
26 Feb 2009, 01:04
And us snowboarders like it powdery.
Let us know when you stop caring, then.
Ahahaha, see what I gone did been made and done?
How much do you guys wanna bet that it'll snow in March or April in the UK this year?
How much do you guys wanna bet that it'll snow in March or April in the UK this year?
Ehh... depends if you count parts of Scotland.
28 Feb 2009, 23:38
I bet �1 that it snows as much in the UK as it snows in the USA in April!!
I live in the North Island of New Zealand (in Auckland, which is fairly far north, and therefore closer to the equator since we're in the southern hemisphere), so I get no snow here in the winter. But I have seen snow fairly deep in some places in America. In Washington (in the mountains) the snow was 3ft deep in January. And the people my family and I were staying with had 1� feet of snow on their roof, so they got a couple of guys who were with us to clear it off.
28 Feb 2009, 23:50
Ugh I just want winter to end.
Ugh I just want winter to end.
Winter? But it's the last month of spring?!
Wait... by any chance, is it the 2nd of February ( there?
1 Mar 2009, 00:40
Winter? But it's the last month of spring?!
Wait... by any chance, is it the 2nd of February ( there?
1) May is the last month of spring.
2) They kinda have long winters in Canada anyway.
1 Mar 2009, 01:28
Winter? But it's the last month of spring?!
Wait... by any chance, is it the 2nd of February ( there?Spring hasn't even started.
Metal Alex
1 Mar 2009, 01:35
Plasma probably lives in an alternate universe.
1) May is the last month of spring.
Not by the Irish system, here April is the last month of daaaaaaaamn...
I honestly have no idea why I thought March was the end of Spring. Or why I forgot that Canada had the 'spring starts in March' system too.
1 Mar 2009, 04:12
Spring begins when it stops ****ing snowing. :mad: Which can be even in May. But more than likely April.
Star Worms
1 Mar 2009, 22:19
Spring begins when it stops ****ing snowing. :mad: Which can be even in May. But more than likely April.
Well it's snowed in June in the UK before.
As a biologist, spring starts when the plants say spring starts. And they're starting to bloom now. Good old FLC and VRN genes.
2 Mar 2009, 04:25
It's snowing right now, damnit. GO AWAY WINTER!
They say we have global warming. Yeah, right.
They say we have global warming. Yeah, right.
2 Mar 2009, 20:27
Well it's snowed in June in the UK before.
As a biologist, spring starts when the plants say spring starts. And they're starting to bloom now. Good old FLC and VRN genes.
Well, our snowdrops have been blooming for a while now, and our daffs and crocuses have been starting up too.
I tend to go "Dec-Jan-Feb Winter, Mar-Apr-May Spring, Jun-Jul-Aug Summer, Sep-Oct-Nov Autumn", but I'll admit that there's some leeway in that interpretation. After all, the seasons don't have to all be the same length (consider the American Midwest, where spring and autumn are very short)
2 Mar 2009, 21:18
March should be the new year.
Then the names of the months would be correct. September - 7th month, October, 8th, November, 9th, December 10th.
And the year would end at the end of Winter, and begin in Spring.
I tend to go "Dec-Jan-Feb Winter, Mar-Apr-May Spring, Jun-Jul-Aug Summer, Sep-Oct-Nov Autumn", but I'll admit that there's some leeway in that interpretation.
Yes, like usually +/- a month or two...
3 Mar 2009, 17:51
Stop being ridiculous.
4 Mar 2009, 01:22
Why should I edit my post, exactly?
4 Mar 2009, 02:10
Why should I edit my post, exactly?
You said something stupid in it.
5 Mar 2009, 01:28
Star Worms
5 Mar 2009, 09:50
Global warming.
Care to enlighten us with your evidence that refutes the findings of hundreds/thousands of scientific papers? I assume you must have read them.
Metal Alex
5 Mar 2009, 10:11
Global warming.
Care to enlighten us with your evidence that refutes the findings of hundreds/thousands of scientific papers? I assume you must have read them.
Am I really the only one who noticed it was an exagerated joke?
Am I really the only one who noticed it was an exaggerated joke?
No, you're not. Rather than say so myself I was rather looking forward to seeing how this panned out.
Here's that portion of this thread in my head:
Guy 1: A man walked into a bar and said ow.
Guy 2: Well, walking into a bar does hurt.
Guy 1: Mmh... fine. Why are a chicken and a grape the same? They're both purple except for the chicken.
Guy 2: For starters grapes aren't always purple. Also, your punchline makes no sense because the chicken and the grape are different.
Guy 1: Nnnggh... fine. How you you know when an elephant has been in your fridge?
Guy 2: My fridge isn't big enough for an elephant. Not even a baby elephant. Especially since I have just bought loads of yakult.
Guy 1: FFS! Fine. What do you call a drug trafficking bird of prey with bird flu? An illegal ill eagle!
Guy 2: You can't really call a bird of prey an eagle, you know. You can call an eagle a bird of prey but to suggest all birds of prey are eagles is quite offensive. Furthermore a bird wouldn't be tried in court for trafficking drugs, the person who exploited it would be. I mean, you could call an eagle with bird flu an ill eagle but that's hardly funny at all.
Guy 1: I hate you.
Guy 2: You're not the first person to.
november-march it's cold
april-october it's hot
Is this the discussion taking place?
Am I really the only one who noticed it was an exagerated joke?
There's no way to say "I think she was actually serious" without sounding like either someone with a complete lack of humour or someone that's a humongous jackass. Or both.
Unrelatedly, we finally got proper snow here yesterday. Not snow that stays for anything other than on direct landing, but snow nontheless.
november-march it's cold
april-october it's hot
Is this the discussion taking place?
Not really, no.
It is now that you've engaged in it with him.
Adding my post to the discussion only makes things harder to deny.
Star Worms
5 Mar 2009, 22:57
november-march it's cold
april-october it's hot
Is this the discussion taking place?Depends where we're talking about. 10C is the average maximum in April for where I live.
5 Mar 2009, 23:08
november-march it's cold
april-october it's hot
Is this the discussion taking place?See, in Britain we get proper weather that you can have a good talk about. None of this predictability here!
november-march it's cold
april-october it's hot
Is this the discussion taking place?
Assuming we're referring to Northern Hemisphere (which as the thread topic is "UK", we should be!), then, in a nutshell, yes.
You must remember the British stereotype though - we always moan about the weather. It's either too hot (very rarely!), too wet (frequently), too cold (most of last winter) or too windy. It's never just right! None of that nice Mediterranean sunshine nonsense you're most likely used to! Plus this winter, we had the greatest snowfall in the south for about 20 years, which given how mild last winter was, is definitely something for us Brits to talk about. :p
6 Mar 2009, 03:40
Oh man, weather. I live in New Zealand. D: It is pretty much random not just for any given day, but any given MINUTE.
6 Mar 2009, 06:19
Yes I was joking. A couple weeks ago it was -40 windchill in Alberta.
Global warming, real or not, does not apply to Canada.
Assuming we're referring to Northern Hemisphere (which as the thread topic is "UK", we should be!), then, in a nutshell, yes.
You must remember the British stereotype though - we always moan about the weather. It's either too hot (very rarely!), too wet (frequently), too cold (most of last winter) or too windy. It's never just right! None of that nice Mediterranean sunshine nonsense you're most likely used to! Plus this winter, we had the greatest snowfall in the south for about 20 years, which given how mild last winter was, is definitely something for us Brits to talk about. :p
It is a myth that harsh weather conditions make you stronger, the source of all power is the sun.
7 Mar 2009, 14:03
It is a myth that harsh weather conditions make you stronger, the source of all power is the sun.
Never said we were stronger. Just that we have more interesting weather :p.
Never said we were stronger. Just that we have more interesting weather :p.
... well, not so much "interesting" weather but weather that allows us to talk about it for around 120 posts on an internet forum :p
Metal Alex
7 Mar 2009, 14:46
It is a myth that harsh weather conditions make you stronger, the source of all power is the sun.
Makes you more used to the lack of the power that is the sun, though, for emergencies.
...And also feel uncomfortable to hot weather :p
... well, not so much "interesting" weather but weather that allows us to talk about it for around 120 posts on an internet forum :p
I don't know about anywere else but if you have to resort to weather chat with say... a date, then you hit the lowest of conversation forms.
7 Mar 2009, 20:44
I don't know about anywere else but if you have to resort to weather chat with say... a date, then you hit the lowest of conversation forms.
I hate to break it to you yakuza, but this is not a date...
I don't know about anywere else but if you have to resort to weather chat with say... a date, then you hit the lowest of conversation forms.
Its a common icebreaker. "Lovely weather today isn't it?" (either said genuinely or, more often, with a "slight" hint of sarcasm)
8 Mar 2009, 08:53
Its a common icebreaker. "Lovely weather today isn't it?" (either said genuinely or, more often, with a "slight" hint of sarcasm)
It helps that it's pretty much a non-controversial topic.
Which makes this discussion rather incongruous :p.
Metal Alex
8 Mar 2009, 14:38
It helps that it's pretty much a non-controversial topic.
Which makes this discussion rather incongruous :p.
Specialy considering we are talking about talking about the weather. Making this BELOW the lowest conversation.
8 Mar 2009, 14:47
Specialy considering we are talking about talking about the weather. Making this BELOW the lowest conversation.
8 Mar 2009, 14:52
Specialy considering we are talking about talking about the weather. Making this BELOW the lowest conversation.
Well I meant more in the way of "we are having a big argument about something that's supposed to be pleasant and non-committal"
You're several weeks late.
No the pics were from that day when it snowed in feb, but I was only able to transfer them ages too late.
*thread resurrect*
pub+snow=snowduck I don't care if it doesn't look anything like a duck.
6 Jan 2010, 06:30
That's probably the best snowduck I've ever seen, probably the first too. :P
Just look out for the yellow snow.
6 Jan 2010, 09:34
I'm off school again, awesome. Lancashire has it pretty bad, so probably off school tommorow too. It was cool though, there's this huge hill in my area which is great for toboganning, which was pretty awesome.
6 Jan 2010, 09:50
*thread resurrect*
pub+snow=snowduck I don't care if it doesn't look anything like a duck.
Looks pretty accurate to me.
How did you do that, is there a bottle in there?
6 Jan 2010, 14:56
7 foot high snowdrifts across my driveway.
Looks pretty accurate to me.
How did you do that, is there a bottle in there?
Just pure snow, it's really really sticky so we just squidged it together. It was still there this morning too!
6 Jan 2010, 20:58
I broke my @rse sledging down a hill. :(
We're having major frost here. As in, every single branch has 1cm of frozen snow on it! And the nearby lake is COMPLETELY frozen over, I mean the ice is as thick as the length of your palm! Man, it's awesome!
I mean, it's awesome as long as you aren't planning on going anywhere, because the country's main supply of road salt and grit is exausted. And don't plan on drinking anything either, because the main water supply in the city has frozen up. And I sure hope you don't like birds, because...
10 Jan 2010, 00:48
It got down to 0�C yesterday and today. I was kinda hoping it would get lower. It snowed in Saltillo, which is about an hour away from here.
10 Jan 2010, 11:38
It got down to 0�C yesterday and today. I was kinda hoping it would get lower. It snowed in Saltillo, which is about an hour away from here.
-13 today. Conditions continue to worsen, as 4 inches of packed ice on the roads cause impassability...
10 Jan 2010, 11:41
The temperature leaped up overnight and the snow started to melt :( Now we're getting heavy snow interspersed with rain.
10 Jan 2010, 17:34
Found half of a giant icicle that was hanging off the roof.
Picture here. (
23 Jan 2010, 15:36
All these post about the winter you guys have been getting, yet here in Canada it has been unusually warmer, not much snow this year :(
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