20 Jan 2009, 14:00
ok, in the past there have been great artists and crap artists, but 90% of them on both sides of the spectrum have drawn the same old boring worms over and over again with different clothes.
why does everyone always draw the "perfect" body shape for a worm? where are all the fat, disgusting worms? the bean pole worms? the bad ass thugs? the cheerful neanderthals? why is every single character drawn with absolutely no character to them? everyone just draws the same thing over and over again with little variations and leave the character portrayal to the text. the best artists portray the character with emotion, but even most of them keep to the same body type while doing so.
well, I've come to try to remedy that. I recently ran into a series of tutorials on deviantArt and they portray how to draw humans. those tutorials are here: Face (http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Face-Tutorial-109889834) Expressions (http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Expression-tutorial-77399204) Hands (http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Hand-tutorial-83785318) Poses (http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Pose-tutorial-72010406)
but to follow up with those, I've come up with a basic tutorial on how to portray your fancy human characters as worm characters without dropping the character. this tutorial is for use in learning to convert a human face to the top half of a worm's body (the bottom half is up to you). use your own style in doing this, obviously, but keep in mind the similarities so that you can portray your character's overall attitude without text.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/2881/humantowormtutorialhe3.th.jpg (http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/2881/humantowormtutorialhe3.jpg)
let me know if I didn't explain anything very well.
I also plan to do a version showing how to depict various human poses in worm form (and get some practice for both myself).
and now for a poses version to show how to convey a human's pose with the limitations of a worm's body (be warned, this one is VERY basic. the first one was the actually useful one :p):
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9088/humantowormtutorial2hr8.th.jpg (http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9088/humantowormtutorial2hr8.jpg)
why does everyone always draw the "perfect" body shape for a worm? where are all the fat, disgusting worms? the bean pole worms? the bad ass thugs? the cheerful neanderthals? why is every single character drawn with absolutely no character to them? everyone just draws the same thing over and over again with little variations and leave the character portrayal to the text. the best artists portray the character with emotion, but even most of them keep to the same body type while doing so.
well, I've come to try to remedy that. I recently ran into a series of tutorials on deviantArt and they portray how to draw humans. those tutorials are here: Face (http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Face-Tutorial-109889834) Expressions (http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Expression-tutorial-77399204) Hands (http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Hand-tutorial-83785318) Poses (http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Pose-tutorial-72010406)
but to follow up with those, I've come up with a basic tutorial on how to portray your fancy human characters as worm characters without dropping the character. this tutorial is for use in learning to convert a human face to the top half of a worm's body (the bottom half is up to you). use your own style in doing this, obviously, but keep in mind the similarities so that you can portray your character's overall attitude without text.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/2881/humantowormtutorialhe3.th.jpg (http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/2881/humantowormtutorialhe3.jpg)
let me know if I didn't explain anything very well.
I also plan to do a version showing how to depict various human poses in worm form (and get some practice for both myself).
and now for a poses version to show how to convey a human's pose with the limitations of a worm's body (be warned, this one is VERY basic. the first one was the actually useful one :p):
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9088/humantowormtutorial2hr8.th.jpg (http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9088/humantowormtutorial2hr8.jpg)