14 Nov 2008, 04:07 Colour Fix.bat
Simply place this file inside your Worms World Party installation folder and execute it :) if you want to check the source code, right click the file and choose "edit".
EDIT: @echo off
@echo ================================================
@echo Welcome to Franpa's WWP Colour Fix! v1.00
@echo ================================================
@echo Simply place this BAT file into your Worms World Party folder and execute it,
@echo this will close all instances of Explorer.exe then start the game, when closing
@echo the game, Explorer.exe is reloaded.
@echo off
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
Start explorer.exetaskkill /f /IM explorer.exe [this waits until all instances of Explorer.exe are closed then moves onto the next step.]
wwp.exe [this executes wwp.exe, moves onto the next step once wwp.exe is closed.]
Start explorer.exe [starts explorer.exe and closes the BAT file once complete.]
Simply place this file inside your Worms World Party installation folder and execute it :) if you want to check the source code, right click the file and choose "edit".
EDIT: @echo off
@echo ================================================
@echo Welcome to Franpa's WWP Colour Fix! v1.00
@echo ================================================
@echo Simply place this BAT file into your Worms World Party folder and execute it,
@echo this will close all instances of Explorer.exe then start the game, when closing
@echo the game, Explorer.exe is reloaded.
@echo off
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
Start explorer.exetaskkill /f /IM explorer.exe [this waits until all instances of Explorer.exe are closed then moves onto the next step.]
wwp.exe [this executes wwp.exe, moves onto the next step once wwp.exe is closed.]
Start explorer.exe [starts explorer.exe and closes the BAT file once complete.]