View Full Version : How do you rank up?

25 Aug 2008, 03:07
On WormNet in the channel list of users, I have a red check emblem but some users have starts and gold emblems etc. I'm assuming these are ranks. How do you rank up?

25 Aug 2008, 04:54
Ranking feature was taken out in newer updates. Red = Bronze, and everyone will be bronze except for people using a program like ProSnooper which allows access to WormNet w/o worms open, and it can emulate the ranks.

25 Aug 2008, 06:23
ProSnooper? O_O

25 Aug 2008, 08:57
Ranking feature was taken out in newer updates. Red = Bronze, and everyone will be bronze except for people using a program like ProSnooper which allows access to WormNet w/o worms open, and it can emulate the ranks.

Newer as in 8 or so years ago.

25 Aug 2008, 09:03
Doesn't have anything to do with Beta updates. It was a server-side change. W:A still supports a ranked server, should someone write one.

25 Aug 2008, 09:44
ProSnooper? O_O
The ranks where removed because of people cheating the ranks system. People still use the cheats that got it disabled in the first place today!

25 Aug 2008, 09:51
oh lame. so i will stay bronze forever lol

25 Aug 2008, 12:51
oh lame.
Yes, cheating is lame.
And if you have anything else than that bronze rank, you'll label yourself as a lame cheater too.
Or at least at a complete newbie who thinks it's sooo cool that he found out how to get a higher rank.
You don't want that.
so i will stay bronze forever lol
Or until it will be re-introduced with the v4.0 patch. Only secure this time.
That could take many many moons though, so don't hold your breath.

25 Aug 2008, 18:44
Or until it will be re-introduced with the v4.0 patch. Only secure this time.
That could take many many moons though, so don't hold your breath.

Cyber just stated, it is only the server that needs changing.

25 Aug 2008, 19:41
Cyber just stated, it is only the server that needs changing.
If that happened though, people would hack it again. Unless the server stored a copy of the person's rank, and didn't let the player join if they had a different rank than the stored copy, but that would require constant connection to the server, even while playing, and therefore would need a recode of some of the game.

25 Aug 2008, 19:57
Lol. I just saw the thread for 4.0 beta from the Team 17 Staff. Thread made in 2004...and still not out. lol..

25 Aug 2008, 21:18
Just curious though, since we'd have to do the actual login when going into WormNet, and it'd store our rank, could basic profiles be included? Also, how does it go up/down; does it just record when you lose a game/win on wormnet for the games actually winnable by death [excluding.. rr?]

26 Aug 2008, 04:30
Cyber just stated, it is only the server that needs changing.
key word was "secure".

26 Aug 2008, 18:29
Was it the game that was exploited with the ranking system last time? I was under the impression that it was the server which was at fault.

26 Aug 2008, 18:46
Was it the game that was exploited with the ranking system last time? I was under the impression that it was the server which was at fault.

I was under that impression too. That's why they brought down all the league channels and the other "web" pages that were accesible via Wormnet (like the Ranking explanations and such).

26 Aug 2008, 19:58
Actually it's possible to create a secure ranked server, it's just not trivial.

27 Aug 2008, 01:42
It is a simple change in what of the IRC user fields that changed your rank, people just used hacked WA.EXE files and IRC clients to change there ranks... not to mention the snoopers and stuff. A excellent example of A hacked copy of the game would be using WWPpipe on WWP (its found on BTP).

27 Aug 2008, 04:46
It wasn't that simple.

27 Aug 2008, 08:14
It is a simple change in what of the IRC user fields that changed your rank, people just used hacked WA.EXE files and IRC clients to change there ranks... not to mention the snoopers and stuff. A excellent example of A hacked copy of the game would be using WWPpipe on WWP (its found on BTP).

Oh yeah, people used snoopers that hacked their rank back then when there was no snoopers that hacked your rank.

Why do people keep bringing up snoopers as if they were at fault?

Look, the ranking hacking wasn't even a big issue, I didn't even notice it, and many people didn't, either. It's not like everyone was hacking their rank, it was a small minority of people. There was rank hacking just like there is in most games with ranks (including W:OW or W:OW2).

The servers were brought down by Kufner and this ****ed Team17 out and they switched wormnet off for almost a month while they pretended to be working in a new more secure ranking server. It never came, Wormnet came back up all tunned down with less features and that's what we've got until now.

I'm not even sure if the snoopers that hack your rank nowadays would have worked before.

31 Aug 2008, 12:23
One weekend T17 decided to do some maintenance or whatever on Wnet because no one wants to play worms at the weekend. Rather than blocking all access to Wnet they just disabled the login page.
Kufner wanted to play worms so he changed the HTML serverlist to bypass the login page and go straight to Wnet, he passed the edited serverlist to a couple of people and they did the same until loads of people had it and a full scale invasion was underway. CleanAir politely asked us to leave and was told to GTFO.
Someone else found out that if you changed your username in the network settings page to the name of an existing account then you would log in to that account which broke everything.

Wnet was not down for a month, according to icq logs it was down for 7 days at the most.