View Full Version : New Worms 5 idea

11 Aug 2008, 02:38

Here's how it goes: Just like the supply crates that fall from the sky, some supply boxes might have 'scrap metal' in them. You can bring up a menu that lists the things that you can build. Some of the ideas I can list off the top of my head are

Ammo Dispensers
Teleporters (if the landscape is big)
and mabey even vehicles (but they are a one time use)

If you have enough scrap metal for the thing you want to build, you can build it, but there is a catch: your worm has to spend a turn building it AND the building will only last a certain number of turns. You can also pay extra metal to make it last longer. Like X metal a turn.

And also Team 17 another thing that should be in worms 5 is Map and Gametype sharing online. ;) This will make a lot of people happy.



Alright I was thinking that T17 could put a currency feature in the game, like in WOW2, but in addition to buying unlockables, you can

a)Buy extra worms for your team
b)Upgrade your worms
c)Upgrade your weapons

You can get money buy beating missions in the campaign, and winning online/multiplayer matches. Just think how much replay value that would add to the game...just imagine upgrading your worm to make him stronger in online battles. Ooh, and with different stats, like:

Agility (Jump higher)

That would make worms SO much better and exciting!!

11 Aug 2008, 18:22
Maybe resource gathering too?!??!

and town center to create worm squadrons?!!!

11 Aug 2008, 19:07
Hmm, these sound fun. Metal sounds like a good use for the blowtorch if players dig in to get the upper hand. Sure, they'll take losses building at the start but it'll pay off if they can build the structures.

How about being able to convert scrap metal (maybe harvested from dud landmines too, who knows?) into girders for defense too?

11 Aug 2008, 21:19
Hmmm, that doesn't even sound half bad :)

12 Aug 2008, 00:45
This forum is awesome! No one makes fun of me for my ideas! Lol. Thanks guys.:D


Metal sounds like a good use for the blowtorch if players dig in to get the upper hand. Sure, they'll take losses building at the start but it'll pay off if they can build the structures.

How about being able to convert scrap metal (maybe harvested from dud landmines too, who knows?) into girders for defense too?

Like being able to dig underground w/ the blowtorch to collect metal? That sounds cool also! Part of edit 2: Oh wait thats not what you meant, stupid me. (facepalm) but that would be cool alternate way to get metal.

Edit 2: Look at my edit on the first post!

12 Aug 2008, 06:22
the currency idea is quite good, except I would keep that for single player missions only (IE) building up power of weapons you have, perhaps even converting some weapon to provide different effects such as when the bazooka explodes it can then also spew out a few more little explosives in the immedate area.

scrap metal also sounds cool BUT even better is that not only appearing in crates (rare) but have them embedded in the dirt. that way, you may have to actually dig to them forcing a new strategy. this could also balance out the game a bit for those who may not want to bother collecting them. whatever you build though, may be something powerful that can even things out a bit in the end.

good ideas man!

12 Aug 2008, 08:37
This forum is awesome! No one makes fun of me for my ideas! Lol. Thanks guys.
Maybe resource gathering too?!??!

and town center to create worm squadrons?!!!
If you can't tell, yakuza's post was sarcasm (note the multiple endmarks)

12 Aug 2008, 12:20
Like being able to dig underground w/ the blowtorch to collect metal? That sounds cool also! Part of edit 2: Oh wait thats not what you meant, stupid me. (facepalm) but that would be cool alternate way to get metal.

That is what I meant :p.

It means that although they would waste time digging and getting shot at the start, the buildings can enhance their power later on in the round.

12 Aug 2008, 17:28
omg and we shud also have leik classes of wurms also like spie and engeenir and stuf wiv difrnt wepns an abiltes. itd be awsum also it shud be realtiem fps.

12 Aug 2008, 19:19
omg and we shud also have leik classes of wurms also like spie and engeenir and stuf wiv difrnt wepns an abiltes. itd be awsum also it shud be realtiem fps.

OMG jest liek tf2???! tat wold b liek totaly awexome!!!!1
Nice job Mr. Sarcastic, I'm just listing an idea, you don't have to ***** about it. Because face it, worms is going to become boring unless Team 17 puts in some new factor or... something to make it more fun. Or else it wont sell. And nobodee wants that now do they?

12 Aug 2008, 19:33
People have been playing Worms Armageddon for almost a decade now.

Jes' sayin'.

12 Aug 2008, 22:19
What does that have to do anything with my post?

12 Aug 2008, 22:55
What does that have to do anything with my post?
That the game doesn't really need gimmicky ideas to sell and/or make it more fun.
Unless they make it 3d again, in which case there's no point in expecting a good game, so they might as well go crazy with the gimmicky ideas. :rolleyes:

30 Aug 2008, 20:32
Mabe moving terain:D
Or an online FFA mode where its pure mayhem!:eek:
all classic secret worms weapons (from W:A WWP);)

3 Sep 2008, 17:27
I know this is old, but god, at least tell him why his ideas are so bad instead of being sarcastic аssholes.

I always find it funny how aggressive and hateful WA fanboys may be towards those who like 3D or think Worms needs more innovative concepts.

3 Sep 2008, 17:33
I know this is old, but god, at least tell him why his ideas are so bad instead of being sarcastic аssholes.

I always find it funny how aggressive and hateful WA fanboys may be towards those who like 3D or think Worms needs more innovative concepts.

If I thought Worms 3D didn't ened innovative concepts then I'd like the game. I'm sorry if I don't think that turned worms into age of empires meets team fortress would make it a better game, ALSO HELICOPTERS AND HALO SUITS.

Done 3D-raging?

3 Sep 2008, 19:58
Haha, raging. I love how you are using that word. :cool:

Anyway, I'm not talking about how you are wrong in your opinion, I'm talking about how you are welcoming young new members who are trying to contribute to the game. How about just being nice with them and telling them what's wrong in what they suggested?

By the way, TF2-like achievements (think Worms 4 Mayhem trophies) and alternative weapons wouldn't be such a bad idea. A variation of each weapon with advantages and drawbacks would offer more different strategies for each team, and it would be a little more fun than a single special weapon. It just may require too much additional work for the developers, unless only a few weapons have an alternative version.

4 Sep 2008, 08:22
Haha, raging. I love how you are using that word. :cool:

Anyway, I'm not talking about how you are wrong in your opinion, I'm talking about how you are welcoming young new members who are trying to contribute to the game. How about just being nice with them and telling them what's wrong in what they suggested?

By the way, TF2-like achievements (think Worms 4 Mayhem trophies) and alternative weapons wouldn't be such a bad idea. A variation of each weapon with advantages and drawbacks would offer more different strategies for each team, and it would be a little more fun than a single special weapon. It just may require too much additional work for the developers, unless only a few weapons have an alternative version.

Well, yes, I could be nicer to the guy, but then again, so could the guy to me. He could have performed a search, he could have lurked the forum for a bit more time, if he did all this considered forum ettiquete he would have realized we're all pretty fed up with these threads that keep repeating themselves over and over again. Specially the HELICOPTERS.

4 Sep 2008, 16:09
Well, yes, I could be nicer to the guy, but then again, so could the guy to me. He could have performed a search, he could have lurked the forum for a bit more time, if he did all this considered forum ettiquete he would have realized we're all pretty fed up with these threads that keep repeating themselves over and over again. Specially the HELICOPTERS.

Don't bite the newbies.

Y'know, this guy could be 9, or 10. He could be young. He might be new to forums. Please be considerate.

4 Sep 2008, 16:24
Don't bite the newbies.

Y'know, this guy could be 9, or 10. He could be young. He might be new to forums. Please be considerate.

Y'know, this guy could be on a wheelchair, or maybe has ginger hair. Who cares? I'm not going to treat him like a retard just because there's a possibility of him being 9 or 10 years old. I'm going to treat him like I'd treat anyone. Age is not an excuse for ignorance even though you'd probably love for it to be the case.

4 Sep 2008, 16:40
Y'know, this guy could be on a wheelchair, or maybe has ginger hair. Who cares? I'm not going to treat him like a retard just because there's a possibility of him being 9 or 10 years old. I'm going to treat him like I'd treat anyone. Age is not an excuse for ignorance even though you'd probably love for it to be the case.

Yes, but been new to a forum, and not knowing what a forum is like, is.

By doing that, you can also scare them away from the forum.

4 Sep 2008, 17:08
Age may not be an excuse for ignorance, but the fact that he is new and unwarned is. Everyone is a little ignorant for a while when they join a forum, especially young people, and being a total аsshole towards them won't really help. I would understand such a behaviour if he has been warned several times, but it seems that he hasn't.

Also, just searched for "dispenser", "helicopter", "upgrade", "upgradable", and found one or no result for each word.

even though you'd probably love for it to be the case.

Oh, what about just leaving him alone for some time. He even had a pretty much valid point in his post.

4 Sep 2008, 17:18
So if an eight-year-old came up to you in real life (and knew you were a fan of the Worms series) and gave you some poor suggestions for Worms 5, you wouldn't instantly shout at them, be sarcastic and say that all their ideas suck and they are retards. You would at the very worst tell them gently that that isn't likely to happen.

Unless you are an unsociable moron.

And this is a forum, where you have an advantage over real life where you could have simply ignored the person, as Plasma said.

(this was directed at yakuza, but applies to anyone else who was sarcastic or said they are retards, etc.)

4 Sep 2008, 17:36
So if an eight-year-old came up to you in real life (and knew you were a fan of the Worms series) and gave you some poor suggestions for Worms 5, you wouldn't instantly shout at them, be sarcastic and say that all their ideas suck and they are retards. You would at the very worst tell them gently that that isn't likely to happen.

Unless you are an unsociable moron.

And this is a forum, where you have an advantage over real life where you could have simply ignored the person, as Plasma said.

(this was directed at yakuza, but applies to anyone else who was sarcastic or said they are retards, etc.)

First of all, the guy is not 8 years old, stop insulting his intelligence. I assumed he was 14-16. If a 14-16 year old came to me and personally tell me about this I'd probably make a joke about his overused idea and leave, but it's hard to say since I haven't experienced random Worms social interaction with strangers.

The point here is that he didn't PM me. He wrote on a public forum. So, in your super cool life analogy this would be like the guy coming up to stage on a Worms Meeting at some LAN party and talking to everyone about this. Yes, I'd laugh at it, and yes, others would probably be way more mean.

I would have just walked away because quite frankly, I'm used to the level of unoriginality and crap pseudo game designers come up with in the internet because everyone thinks they have great ideas. But you're trying too hard to defend the guy just because I was harsh with his silly ideas, and why you might ask?, simply put, if we happily welcome these kind of threads next thing you know is the forum is filled up with stupid ideas and other similar crap. But hey, it's happening anyway.

He's not new and unwarned. There's a search function, there's the ability to lurk. Look, I'm not saying people should go through a learning process before making their first post. But his ideas are crap. So why don't you allow me to happily state my opinion and stop baby sitting the ****ing forum?

4 Sep 2008, 17:43
I'm now going to prevent people stating their opinions...

by closing this thread.

I wish people would stop taking The Internet� so seriously.