View Full Version : Collision detection...

29 Jul 2008, 00:48
What are the collision detection methods used for W:A? Is it mainly the use of collision boxes?

29 Jul 2008, 01:04
I believe it uses pixel perfect collision detection checked for every pixel moved. So if a worm moves 10 pixels left in 1 frame, W:A will perform up to 10 pixel perfect collision checks. (just guessing)

29 Jul 2008, 01:08
I know mine collisions are detected 5 times per second (every 10 frames).

29 Jul 2008, 01:31
I know mine collisions are detected 5 times per second (every 10 frames).

That's mines checking for worm proximity, though, not actual mine collision detection. I know you know that, just thought you worded it a little silly.

All, or nearly all objects in the game use a collision mask of the same size and shape, a 7 by 5 pixel rectangle. Worms have a slightly different one, the shape of a vase. Sort of. These two articles would be a good place to start if you're after the details, I think:



As an aside, I've seen a Homing Missile go through the middle of a worm and not detonate! :eek:

29 Jul 2008, 08:26
Worms have a slightly different one, the shape of a vase.
Worms are 9×16 pixels big.

29 Jul 2008, 08:54
Worms are 9×16 pixels big.

We're talking about collision here, not sprites.

edit: my bad, then.

29 Jul 2008, 09:08
I know. That's how "big" worms are according to the game's logic. The sprites are bigger than that.

30 Jul 2008, 14:53
Cool, thanks for the info. I appreciate it. :)

31 Jul 2008, 16:11
Worms are 9×16 pixels big.

Not rectangular in shape... was my point.