View Full Version : Graphics Distortion

12 Jul 2008, 23:31
Ok, this is nothing like the 8-bit black world kind of problems.

I upgraded my Vista to XP since vista started acting up for no reason. After I am done restoring all my stuff and setting up XP, I start worms, which is still set to start at high priority and the menus are fine. As soon as I get to the cake, the screen gets to be distorted with noise-like lines, as if I was shaking an old TV screen. This goes on through an entire game.

Is there a way to fix this issue, there seems to be nothing in the background that could steal enough focus to do so.

I have tried setting the game to normal priority, Win98-2000 compatibility, 256 colors, 640x480, etc, but to no avail.

How can I please fix this? WWP is my favorite game and this is making me think XP is just as big a rip-off as Vista...I so feel like going back to DOS right now, it's the best OS so far.

This image is a screen from Worms Armageddon that I found on Google and I edited it with Paint.NET to make it look like what I saw in WWP. It ain't the exact same thing, what I saw was a bit worse than that, but this pretty much shows it all.

How do I fix this?

12 Jul 2008, 23:46
Ah, I fixed it...I set the game's resolution to 800x600. Now graphics are perfect!!!
I guess XP is an upgrade...In Vista I had to keep it at 640x480 or it was black world and inverted colors all over again.

13 Jul 2008, 08:50
Hmm, and the menu works fine? (That is forced 640x480). Weird.

17 Jul 2008, 00:19
Indeed, I have to change the resolution on vista on the lowest resolution, otherwise I had the same problems as you...

17 Jul 2008, 18:21
my mate had the same issue on vista, so set color quality from 32bit to 16bit seems to have solved the problem

17 Jul 2008, 18:47
Werid, I see no connection with the resolution in your OS and the game. Specially considering the frontend has a fixed resoltuion. Try disabling visual components on the compatibility tab on your shortcut and have a folder window open before running the game.