View Full Version : It is possible for a team to be both boring and entertaining

23 Mar 2008, 20:00
I found when playing a game with 3 people over the network, that, at the end of the game, it is possible for one team to be both boring and entertaining. Isn't this contradictory?

I think some code shouls be put in place so that this can not happen.

24 Mar 2008, 14:04
Maybe they were boring in one game and entertaining in the next.

24 Mar 2008, 15:29
I think that this has already been discussed. It's somewhere in the WA forum.

24 Mar 2008, 15:29
Maybe it just needs to reach a certain amount of inactivity/low activity for the "boring" award and a certain amount of activity/shots for the "entertaining" award.
If one team reaches both amounts, each consecutively, in the same round/game and is better than the next team, it could possibly get both.
Maybe they were boring in one game and entertaining in the next.
That could be the reason for games with 2 rounds and more.

Anyway, we really need the devs to look into the conditions to gain all those awards.
(Steam Achievements come into my mind again.)

28 Mar 2008, 19:56
That means that there are 2 variables being tracked during the game, Entertainment and Lack-Of-Entertainment.
That is like keeping track of the amount of light in a room as well as the amount of darkness in that room.
Better yet, the amount of money you have, and the amount of money you don't have.

1 Apr 2008, 04:53
The second one doesn't really work, because there is an infinite amount of money that you don't have.

1 Apr 2008, 09:16
No, there is a finite amount of money, you just can't tell how much your missing.

9 Apr 2008, 21:16
The Most Entertaining team is determined by having the highest total calculated by this rather bizarre formula:

({total number of secret weapons used by team} * {shots fired by team} * {total damage inflicted by team} * {total kills inflicted by team}) - {number of boring points assigned to team}

So if nobody used any secret weapons, then the "Most Entertaining" would simply be the least boring.

"Boring points" are added for the following:

using time (total hot seat + turn time + retreat time, in seconds, rounded up for each turn)
using Blow Torch (3 points each use)
using Freeze (14 points each use)
using Skip Go (7 points each use)
using Girder (3 points each use)

I think in most schemes the time would dominate, so the "Most boring team" should usually be the one who used up the most time!

It shouldn't be too hard to be "Most entertaining" and "Most boring" at the same time — racking up kills, damage and using secret weapons would create a total that would quickly surpass boring points.

9 Apr 2008, 21:33
Huh. I wouldn't have expected super weapons having an individual part of the end-of-game summary like that.

9 Apr 2008, 21:56
I find that on most of the games I play a team gets both entertaining and boring, so is what your saying, DC, that whats going on is incorrect?

10 Apr 2008, 00:13
So it's most active and least active, not entertaining.
Least active should be the team for whom that formula returns the lowest number.

A more realistic "entertainment" could be determined by:
Use of superweapons (+)
Hitting multiple worms with single shot (++)
Worm hurting itself (with a weapon) (+)
Times rope fired from air (+)
Weapon traveling time (not sheep) (++)
Kamikazee used (++++)
Plop enemy worm (++)
Every 2 seconds that a worm is idle (-)
Turns without attacking (---)
Weapon misses (--)

10 Apr 2008, 00:14
Heh. That's quite interesting. What an odd formula. I thought it had something to do with kills and damage, but I'd never have guessed super weapons played a part, or that certain weapons made you more boring.

I personally think some of the awards come up with weird results at times. Maybe at some point we could eventually redo them and make them a bit more sensible? What I'd like to see is a trophy cabinet for each team and worm, where the records and awards each worm and team have earned could be displayed, purely for e-peen. That would be totally awesome. Unnecessary, but totally awesome.

I find that on most of the games I play a team gets both entertaining and boring, so is what your saying, DC, that whats going on is incorrect?

It seems if a team is entertaining enough, it can get the most boring points of all the teams, and with that subtracted, still end up as the most interesting. Maybe the most boring team should just be the least entertaining team? Makes more sense that way.

EDIT: Seems I got ninja'd by pokeman somewhat.

10 Apr 2008, 15:48
The Most Entertaining team is determined by having the highest total calculated by this rather bizarre formula:

({total number of secret weapons used by team} * {shots fired by team} * {total damage inflicted by team} * {total kills inflicted by team}) - {number of boring points assigned to team}

So if nobody used any secret weapons, then the "Most Entertaining" would simply be the least boring.

"Boring points" are added for the following:

using time (total hot seat + turn time + retreat time, in seconds, rounded up for each turn)
using Blow Torch (3 points each use)
using Freeze (14 points each use)
using Skip Go (7 points each use)
using Girder (3 points each use)

I think in most schemes the time would dominate, so the "Most boring team" should usually be the one who used up the most time!

It shouldn't be too hard to be "Most entertaining" and "Most boring" at the same time — racking up kills, damage and using secret weapons would create a total that would quickly surpass boring points.
Nice info there!

Now it would be nice if you could do that for all the awards. :)

10 Apr 2008, 16:46
That Karl Morton is won kwazy wab'bit. I wonder if he coded anything like a normal person might?

10 Apr 2008, 17:46
That Karl Morton is won kwazy wab'bit.
Someone who has his very own video codec must be. :)