View Full Version : DualView Dual Monitors - can't switch after playing WA! (post in german + english)

3 Mar 2008, 21:53

Ich schreibe den Beitrag zunächst auf Deutsch und versuche es dann auf Englisch.

First I write in German and try to translate into English after.

Ich habe ein Problem bezüglich des DualView-Betriebes. Ich habe zwei Monitore an meinem PC, die beide problemlos funktionieren. Allerdings ist es manchmal von Vorteil, nur eine einzelne Anzeige zu verwenden, ab und zu muss ich also die Mehrfachanzeige aus- und später wieder einschalten. Wenn ich allerdings Worms Armageddon spiele, kann ich danach keinerlei Einstellungen an der Mehrfachanzeige mehr verändern. Mir wird lediglich die Meldung ausgegeben, dass ein Video oder eine 3D-Anwendung aktiv ist und daher keine Umstellung möglich ist. Allerdings ist Worms beendet und es laufen auch keine das Spiel betreffenden Prozesse mehr (ist ja bloß WA.exe). Das Problem tritt ausschließlich bei WA auf, bei allen anderen Spielen funktioniert die Dualanzeige weiterhin mit allen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Ist das Problem bekannt und kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

Die Grafikkarte ist eine GeForce 7300 LE, es sind die neuesten nvidia-Treiber drauf. Vor 2 Wochen dachte ich, es könnte am Treiber liegen und habe diesen daher aktualisiert, was keinen Erfolg brachte. Der Treiber ist also definitiv nicht das Problem (wie gesagt funktioniert es bei allen anderen Spielen ja auch).

I have a problem with my two monitors. They do work properly in DualView-Mode. But sometimes I need to switch to single-display for certain applications. The problem is: When playing Worms Armageddon, I can't switch the multiple-display-options anymore (not while playing, but after closing the game). I get a message, that there's some video or 3D-Application running. But Worms is not running anymore and there are no processes in taskmanager, which are connected with WA in any way. I tried the same with other games (ie Counter-Strike): Everything is fine. There's only a problem with Worms. Can anybody help?

My graphics card is a GeForce 7300 LE. I got the latest drivers.

4 Mar 2008, 19:49
That English was quite good, very understandable

It seems to be a new issue, as many other people on the forum have dual monitors that still work after playing WA

5 Mar 2008, 13:41
Yeah, I read the other threads about dual monitors, but no one described my problem. Maybe I should try to uninstall the graphics drivers completely and reinstall them after?

What I'm wondering about is, that all other games work fine... except WA.

29 Mar 2008, 13:06
I just deinstalled the graphics drivers completely and reinstalled them after. The problem remains. Doesn't seem to be a driver-problem. Any ideas?

29 Mar 2008, 17:26
I just deinstalled the graphics drivers completely and reinstalled them after. The problem remains. Doesn't seem to be a driver-problem. Any ideas?

Whoever said the drivers were not the problem, the drivers themselves may be defective, reinstalling would not resolve that.

29 Mar 2008, 18:10
But then the problem would not only arise when playing Worms. All other games work fine.

29 Mar 2008, 18:26
But then the problem would not only arise when playing Worms. All other games work fine.

Some games exploit bugs in drivers that others dont.

For example, Game A may cause a memory leak while Game B doesnt.

29 Mar 2008, 18:43
Hmm ok... but an older driver caused the same problem, usually a driver update solves such specific problems. Or should I try an alternative driver maybe?

1 May 2011, 17:26
I have exactly the same problem and I have the newest nvidia drivers. So obviously there's something wrong with the game itself. Before playing WA, I switch to my television in order to play on a bigger display, but after closing the game nvidia won't let me change back to computer screen. It indicates that a 3d application is running or something. So this is not only about dual view but also about switching between different displays.