View Full Version : Ranking

23 Feb 2008, 17:29
Hey just a little question

How do you get stars? I mean those little stars left to your nickname in wormnet. I've asked it to people a lot but NOBODY gives me a proper answer. Is it a secret or something?

23 Feb 2008, 17:37
Rankings were disabled in WA a long time ago, so everyobdy just shows up as the basic bronze ranking. While there is a program available that lets you change your ranking, this was the sort of network hacks that got the rankings removed in the first place.

It's not cool.

23 Feb 2008, 20:06
It only gains you respect with the noobs. Not good.

See my FAQ (the stickied one)

23 Feb 2008, 21:14

if i ever see you online with fake ranks i will make a point of it to laugh at you

24 Feb 2008, 06:47
thank you guys. that also explains the secret