View Full Version : most boring team etc

15 Feb 2008, 12:52

Can somebody please tell me what the most boring team label at the end of a match is?
What does it mean?
What makes a team boring?
Is there anywhere explaining all the statistical labels at the end of matches?

Please reply
Thanks very much

15 Feb 2008, 13:24
I believe this thread is the closest we got to deciphering the awards: http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=11040

15 Feb 2008, 14:07
If anybody out there DOES now the exact specifications for getting an award, then please feel free to add it to this page: http://worms2d.info/Post-game_awards

If you THINK you know what an award does, then add it to the Discussion page, if we can collect enough information then we may eventually be able to figure them all out.

15 Feb 2008, 15:38
krd thanks very much
that page is very helpful
i think i know why i get the most boring team most of the time now
i often use the same worm many times when we play with worm choosing enabled

do the authors not want to tell us the official reasons or why is it not just common knowledge?

melon i dont really have time but if you want that page krd showed answers a lot of qs for the awards page you showed


15 Feb 2008, 17:06
do the authors not want to tell us the official reasons or why is it not just common knowledge?

CS or DC could probably investigate the code and find out but it's probably not worth the effort

15 Feb 2008, 17:25
CS or DC could probably investigate the code and find out but it's probably not worth the effort
No, we probably just haven't nagged them enough about it. :D

16 Feb 2008, 05:11
Its funny that it hasnt been published officially after all these years.
Are CS and DC some of the developers that would have the source code or is the source code open?
I suspect the first.

Thanks very much everybody for your quick responses

16 Feb 2008, 09:39
CS (CyberShadow) and DC (DeadCode) have the source code, so they're the ones who make all the updates.