View Full Version : Why is there no rope knocking in directip games

13 Feb 2008, 18:09

The hamsters powering wormnet were tired once again and needed a bit of rest so me and my mate decided to try to play through directIP, but we found that the worms were unknockable.
Why oh why did you disable rope knocking in private games and is there a way to enable it ?
Not being able to knock is pretty lame since it's a game standard ( in sp you can knock etc...).

13 Feb 2008, 18:59
The reason would be that the hoster needs the Offline rope knocking reg activated - this is found in the Patches folder in the WA folder.

The reason you can rope knock in AG or RH is rope knocking is enabled in the channel.

Hope this makes sense

13 Feb 2008, 19:08
No but in singleplayer both of us have rope knocking, it only doesn't happen in a non wormnet multiplayer game.

I know why it's enabled in wormnet.
It also works however in singleplayer or the ''multiplayer'' singleplayer (the hotseat one).
It doesn't when we create a game in the lan menu and join it through direct ip.

13 Feb 2008, 19:20
Look at you guys! sayin' stuff i'm not even "in-depth" about....indins

13 Feb 2008, 19:27
The reason is that the offline rope knocking is only a workaround enabled by a registry key which works only locally, but not (yet) in LAN and direct IP games.
I guess it'll be a standard scheme feature once Fiddler support and other option are implemented.

13 Feb 2008, 20:23
You have to host using this command and the people joining have to use it too or it will desynch

wa://"your ip without brackets"?scheme=Pf

13 Feb 2008, 22:01
the string after "scheme=" can vary from Pa to Pk

22 Sep 2008, 07:08
Hi everybody, im kindda new here so plz have mercy of me!

Anyway... I have a little problem. I think rope knocking is not enabled when I play multiplayer game.
Is there any way to enable it?
I have last update and wormkit, does this has something to do?

Ty very much. :p

22 Sep 2008, 20:53
Hi everybody, im kindda new here so plz have mercy of me!

Anyway... I have a little problem. I think rope knocking is not enabled when I play multiplayer game.
Is there any way to enable it?
I have last update and wormkit, does this has something to do?

Ty very much. :p
Rope knocking only works on Wormnet in the #AnythingGoes channel and offline if you have enabled the registry workaround that comes with the beta updates.

It currently does not work in LAN and Direct IP games. Yet.

22 Sep 2008, 21:25
It currently does not work in LAN and Direct IP games. Yet.

It actually can be done in direct IP games already, although it is somewhat tricky. Still, all the info one requires to do it is in the ReadMe file that comes with the latest beta update.

23 Sep 2008, 01:40
It works fine in Direct IP doesn't it? I've played quiet a few games via that (granted the host most likely hosted in #AG) but can't remember playing one that used A rope.

23 Sep 2008, 02:29
... (granted the host most likely hosted in #AG)...

Not much of a direct IP game, then. I'm talking about manually setting the required parameters when hosting; in this case it would look something like this:

"C:\Program Files\Team17\Worms Armageddon\WA.exe" /host wa://?scheme=Pf

23 Sep 2008, 05:00
/host wa://?scheme=Pf

What are the parameters for decifering the pa-pf, and I'm assuming the ? = IP?

23 Sep 2008, 05:13
It's all in the ReadMe. Also, if you specify wa://?parameters, you don't need to run W:A explicitly with /host - just enter the wa:// string in the Run box.

23 Sep 2008, 17:18
It is also on the WKB somewhere.