View Full Version : Share your Tweaks

6 Feb 2008, 18:03
Post your pictures, post your weapon's file. This is for those people who want some ideas. At least post pics. Yes, I know there is a thread similar to this, hasn't received a reply since July 2007. I want to know what you can get done. If you want to post your Tweak for everyone to use please just post the weapon's setup text not you entire tweak files. Unless necessary. I can't force you to do anything, this is just a chance to show off.

PS: If anyone knows how to mod maps, pm me.

Tweaks I have Done:
20x Fatkins Strike Men (300 Damage per man with high land damage; similar to Armageddon)
Huge Bubble, with long life (More than 3 turns)

As for items and maps, I have nothing to boast about due to lack of intelligence and understanding on my part.

*Any Custom Items (Not Swaps, mind you)
*Master Chief Helmet
*Custom Weapons Models
*Castle of the Girders (PM for Details) (Attempting thru Video Tutorials)

6 Feb 2008, 19:30
Just ressurect the old thread! I think you need to watch this: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting

6 Feb 2008, 23:47
Okay fine, mistake. Most forums I post in don't want you resurrecting old topics.

10 Feb 2008, 04:28

well, everybody have fun :)


10 Feb 2008, 17:17
*jaw drops* D*mn you're good, but I have a question. Could you please give me those files? Those hair styles are awesome! I hadve a request, can anyone do a MC (Master Chief) Hat?

BTW; are your downloads supposed to have sexually explicit items in their readmes, I won't go into details, but you might want to fix this.

12 Feb 2008, 06:38
I think it is funny)) Open /data/scripts/lib_help.lua and edit last lines.
if scheme.Objects == 2 or scheme.Objects == 3 then
for i = 1,10 do

if scheme.Objects == 2 or scheme.Objects == 3 then
for i = 1,100 do

you will create 100 Oildrums on the map)))

12 Feb 2008, 12:12
Wow. That's cool.

12 Feb 2008, 13:18

12 Feb 2008, 20:07
You happen to have any other tweaks? Not increased barrels please, more than 100 I mean.

13 Feb 2008, 07:10
Ohoho! I know a lot of tweaks... hm.

Max girder distance, but it cand be set over land's bounds(In file Local.xml):

<XFloatResourceDetails id='Weapon.Girder.MaxDistance'>
<Value>300</Value> --Change to 3000

Default game styles-correctly works online!(In file Local.xml):

<XContainerResourceDetails id='DATA.LockedSchemes'>
<Value href='DATA.LockedSchemes-0'/>
<SchemeColective id='DATA.LockedSchemes-0'>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-1'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-59'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-117'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-175'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-233'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-291'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-349'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-407'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-465'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-523'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-581'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-639'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-697'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-755'/>
<Schemes href='DATA.LockedSchemes-813'/>
<SchemeData id='DATA.LockedSchemes-1'>
<Airstrike href='DATA.LockedSchemes-2'/>
<BananaBomb href='DATA.LockedSchemes-3'/>
<BaseballBat href='DATA.LockedSchemes-4'/>
<Bazooka href='DATA.LockedSchemes-5'/>
<ClusterGrenade href='DATA.LockedSchemes-6'/>
<ConcreteDonkey href='DATA.LockedSchemes-7'/>
<CrateShower href='DATA.LockedSchemes-8'/>
<CrateSpy href='DATA.LockedSchemes-9'/>
<DoubleDamage href='DATA.LockedSchemes-10'/>
<Dynamite href='DATA.LockedSchemes-11'/>
<FirePunch href='DATA.LockedSchemes-12'/>
<GasCanister href='DATA.LockedSchemes-13'/>
<Girder href='DATA.LockedSchemes-14'/>
<Grenade href='DATA.LockedSchemes-15'/>
<HolyHandGrenade href='DATA.LockedSchemes-16'/>
<HomingMissile href='DATA.LockedSchemes-17'/>
<Jetpack href='DATA.LockedSchemes-18'/>

Default weapons-anybody knows that(In file Local.xml):
<XContainerResourceDetails id='DATA.LockedWeapons'>
<Value href='DATA.LockedWeapons-0'/>
<WeaponFactoryCollective id='DATA.LockedWeapons-0'>
<Weapons href='DATA.LockedWeapons-1'/>
<Weapons href='DATA.LockedWeapons-4'/>
<Weapons href='DATA.LockedWeapons-7'/>
<Weapons href='DATA.LockedWeapons-10'/>
<Weapons href='DATA.LockedWeapons-13'/>
<Weapons href='DATA.LockedWeapons-16'/>
<Weapons href='DATA.LockedWeapons-19'/>
<StoreWeaponFactory id='DATA.LockedWeapons-1'>
<Weapon href='DATA.LockedWeapons-2'/>
<Cluster href='DATA.LockedWeapons-3'/>
<WeaponFactoryContainer id='DATA.LockedWeapons-2'>
<WeaponFactoryContainer id='DATA.LockedWeapons-3'>

13 Feb 2008, 07:39
Max JetpackFuel(in file Tweak.xml)
<XIntResourceDetails id='Jetpack.InitFuel'>
<Value>7500</Value> --change to 50000

Count of avaible Shots with Ninja rope(in file Tweak.xml)
<XIntResourceDetails id='Ninja.NumShots'>
<Value>5</Value> --change to 500

Count of avaible Shots with Ninja rope(in file Tweak.xml)
<XUintResourceDetails id='Worm.Poison.Default'>
<Value>10</Value> --damage from poison, change to 100

To make your land very big(in file Tweak.xml)

<XFloatResourceDetails id='Land.OverrideScale'>
<Value>20</Value> --change it more or less(ex. 200 or 1)

To change max length of the rope(in file Tweak.xml)
<XFloatResourceDetails id='Ninja.MaxLength'>
<Value>450</Value> --change to 50000

Parametrs of worm's movement - change them(in file Tweak.xml)
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.BackflipDistance'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.BackflipHeight'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.ForwardFlipDistance'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.ForwardFlipHeight'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.JumpDistance'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.JumpHeight'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.SlideAngle_Default'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.SlideAngle_Slippy'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.SlideFriction_Default'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.SlideFriction_Slippy'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.StartSlideVel_Default'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.StartSlideVel_Slippy'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.StopSlideVel_Default'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.StopSlideVel_Slippy'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='WXWorm.VerticalJumpHeight'>

Parametre of water's color. Changing them you can make water red like blood or radioactive and it works online!(in file Tweak.xml)
<XContainerResourceDetails id='FE.PS2Water'>
<Value href='FE.PS2Water-0'/>
<WaterPlaneTweaks id='FE.PS2Water-0'>
<GlintCentreColor r='219' g='197' b='131' a='255' />
<GlintInnerColor r='219' g='197' b='131' a='255' />
<GlintMiddleColor r='70' g='48' b='26' a='255' />
<GlintOuterColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<GlintRimColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ShadowCentreColor r='155' g='155' b='155' a='100' />
<ShadowInnerColor r='120' g='120' b='120' a='100' />
<ShadowMiddleColor r='80' g='80' b='80' a='100' />
<ShadowOuterColor r='50' g='50' b='50' a='100' />
<ShadowRimColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='255' />
<BlendCentreColor r='60' g='61' b='98' a='200' />
<BlendInnerColor r='101' g='120' b='156' a='255' />
<BlendMiddleColor r='140' g='155' b='200' a='200' />
<BlendOuterColor r='146' g='180' b='230' a='0' />
<BlendRimColor r='140' g='163' b='215' a='0' />
<DetailCentreColor r='140' g='163' b='215' a='100' />
<DetailInnerColor r='145' g='76' b='43' a='100' />
<DetailMiddleColor r='50' g='50' b='30' a='100' />
<DetailOuterColor r='100' g='100' b='70' a='0' />
<DetailRimColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintCentreColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintInnerColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintMiddleColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintOuterColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintRimColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<SkyBlendColor r='100' g='140' b='200' a='255' />
<XContainerResourceDetails id='FE.Water'>
<Value href='FE.Water-0'/>
<WaterPlaneTweaks id='FE.Water-0'>
<GlintCentreColor r='219' g='197' b='131' a='255' />
<GlintInnerColor r='219' g='197' b='131' a='255' />
<GlintMiddleColor r='122' g='91' b='61' a='255' />
<GlintOuterColor r='119' g='96' b='60' a='255' />
<GlintRimColor r='103' g='52' b='52' a='255' />
<ShadowCentreColor r='155' g='155' b='155' a='100' />
<ShadowInnerColor r='120' g='120' b='120' a='100' />
<ShadowMiddleColor r='80' g='80' b='80' a='100' />
<ShadowOuterColor r='50' g='50' b='50' a='100' />
<ShadowRimColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='255' />
<BlendCentreColor r='60' g='61' b='98' a='200' />
<BlendInnerColor r='101' g='120' b='156' a='255' />
<BlendMiddleColor r='140' g='155' b='200' a='200' />
<BlendOuterColor r='146' g='180' b='230' a='0' />
<BlendRimColor r='140' g='163' b='215' a='0' />
<DetailCentreColor r='140' g='163' b='215' a='100' />
<DetailInnerColor r='145' g='76' b='43' a='100' />
<DetailMiddleColor r='50' g='50' b='30' a='100' />
<DetailOuterColor r='100' g='100' b='70' a='0' />
<DetailRimColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintCentreColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintInnerColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintMiddleColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintOuterColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<ExtraGlintRimColor r='0' g='0' b='0' a='0' />
<SkyBlendColor r='100' g='140' b='200' a='255' />

File Scripts.xml - is a list of all maps.

13 Feb 2008, 07:47
File WeapTwk.xml has a lot of weapons and utilites. Just change them to get more fun))

File PartTwk.xml - is a list of graphical effects. You can create new effects or create compound effects and you can use them in WeapTwk.xml

Files WormActing.xml and WormAttachments.xml contains emotions of worms and their hats, hands and eyes. You can make your worm always angry or change hats size.

In folder \data\Misc Objects\ there are a lot of different objects. You can change worm's hat with replacing files from folder \data\Character with files from \data\Misc Objects\ - it is funny! And it works online!

But! All graphical tweaks are visible only on your comp!

13 Feb 2008, 09:24
I made an ultra Holy Hand Grenade. It was 20 times the original size and I accidently blew everything on the island away, including the island.

13 Feb 2008, 19:54
I made a team weapon that blows up one island in homelands or half the level in Deathmatch. Does anyone have any custom modelled items? Like the [Cobras] guy?

15 Feb 2008, 02:53
PD: it seems nobody have this :)

i will put in in www.worms4league.es, i hope soon
well cya !!

15 Feb 2008, 03:26
;637011']PD: it seems nobody have this :)

i will put in in www.worms4league.es, i hope soon
well cya !!

Do you have any others you haven't shown us you're pretty good. Could you take on my challenge to make a Master Chief helmet?

15 Feb 2008, 13:35
i can try if i get enough time

15 Feb 2008, 15:35
I just restored the Baseball Bat to it's former glory. Ah! The Good Old Days....

15 Feb 2008, 19:12
how did u made these weapons in 1st post pictures??

15 Feb 2008, 23:11
how did u made these weapons in 1st post pictures??

If you're talking to [Cobras], then he modelled these in a program, then injected them into the game with a texture. I don't know how to do it efectively.

16 Feb 2008, 03:46
You can download them at www.worms4league.es

16 Feb 2008, 22:57
;637166']You can download them at www.worms4league.es

which file should i download?i only found hats and hair but no weapons:/

16 Feb 2008, 23:00
Thanks man. You da bomb at Worms Modelling. Hey I got a question for ya. Can you move the file that is on your website for adding maps. I really want to download that, but I can't understand Spanish or whatever language that website is in.

EDIT: Are you going to add more than Cloud? All of those are awesome!

17 Feb 2008, 02:17
Yes i will keep adding more stuff, for now i added the carabine m4.


17 Feb 2008, 10:21
amazing tweaking.u think its possible to change baseball bat to that sword u made?

17 Feb 2008, 10:24

well, everybody have fun :)


What program did you use for that? If you'd tell me, now I can make my own TeddyWorm! So will you please?

[commencebegging]Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please[/begging]

Thomasp might remember this...:eek:

17 Feb 2008, 10:36
i would like to know the program too.i tryed notebad but its no use editing .xom files :sad: :(

//_kilburn can u post a download link for that k!2's converter plx?

//ok i downloaded 3ds max but it doesnt let me open xom files..:/

17 Feb 2008, 15:01
3DS Max or any modelling program that can save objects as .3ds files, and K^2's 3DS to XOM converter.

17 Feb 2008, 19:02
No. However, I think Kilburn has a program that lets you add them to the default ones. Also, if you beat the game, you unlock one that has all of them

17 Feb 2008, 19:35
Okay...*smiling* I thought I may have made them so strong, the game wouldn't let me add on.

17 Feb 2008, 21:45
The scheme editor I made is here : http://kilburn.ftp.free.fr/SchemeHacker.zip
It sucks, but it's better than nothing.

18 Feb 2008, 12:59
I remember my questions....

1.) How can I make it so I can give my worms really long names?

2.) Is there a Maplist Editor somewhere to extend the maplist to add custom maps without swapping? (I know somewhere it exsists.)

3.) Knowing that a Maplist extender exsists, is it possible to extend the clothes list to add hats, glasses, and mustaches without swapping?

18 Feb 2008, 18:42
3.) Knowing that a Maplist extender exsists, is it possible to extend the clothes list to add hats, glasses, and mustaches without swapping?
If it is, I strongly reccomend you host your models here.
Actually, how did you manage to edit them in the first place?

18 Feb 2008, 19:02
3DS Max or any modelling program that can save objects as .3ds files, and K^2's 3DS to XOM converter.

Also, those are not his models.

18 Feb 2008, 21:25
Thank you Kilburn. Those are not my models. Those are [Cobras]. I want to make a Master Chief hat, but....it didn't look too well. I'm going to try out a Stormtrooper or something next. If you want [Cobras] Model, just go to his clan website (the first link in his pics post) and go to downloads > Custom weapons and hats or whatever to download 2 of his models so far. 9Please add more Cobra)

20 Feb 2008, 05:24
2.) Is there a Maplist Editor somewhere to extend the maplist to add custom maps without swapping? (I know somewhere it exsists.)

I've created a W4MapListEditor (http://w4tweaks.ucoz.ru/_ld/0/19_W4MapListEditor.rar). I ve already posted it here (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=35575):)

20 Feb 2008, 21:26
Thanks, I added the English Language it was missing. (:() But I did manage to add a few new maps, this will keep me playing for a bit longer.

21 Feb 2008, 02:04
Did u played WormsBasket? :)


21 Feb 2008, 07:30
To ShadowSith:Oh!I've forgotten! delete Russian.lng!)))
To [Cobras]: Can you give it to me? I create a mpa pack-it will include 80 new maps. I'll be very glad if you'll help me!

21 Feb 2008, 13:33
You can download it in: www.worms4league.es in downloads section.

21 Feb 2008, 19:48
;638022']You can download it in: www.worms4league.es in downloads section.

Unfortunately like I've said before I cannot understand the language that your download site is, so I can't download anything on your website.

(Sorry if I typed this sounding rude; not my intentions)

EDIT: Gerich, you happen to know alot about adding stuff to the game is there even a .0001% chance that an adder for glasses, hats, mustaches, and gloves can be made?

21 Feb 2008, 22:46
The website is in English... open your eyes dude...

21 Feb 2008, 23:30
;638088']The website is in English... open your eyes dude...

Okay fine, I'll put it this way: http://w4tweaks.ucoz.ru/load/0-0-0-13-20

What the heck is that? That's not English.

22 Feb 2008, 13:14
That is just not my website, my website(s) are: www.worms4league.es and www.cobrasclan.es. The direct link for wormsbasket is: http://www.worms4league.es/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=10

PD: for your culture, "that" language of "http://w4tweaks.ucoz.ru/" is Russian.

22 Feb 2008, 13:23
PD(2): In the next days i'll share more stuff :)

have fun, cya

22 Feb 2008, 17:41
EDIT: Gerich, you happen to know alot about adding stuff to the game is there even a .0001% chance that an adder for glasses, hats, mustaches, and gloves can be made?

Hm... my English is not so good, so i didn't understand you))) Can you speak more simple, plz!(Without phrases like that: "happen to know alot about adding stuff ")
Maybe you want to ask me if you could add glasses, hats, mustaches, and gloves? I don't know. By try to change WormAttachments.xml. Maybe you should also change MenuTwkX.xml to make an ability for creating teams with these glasses, hats, mustaches, and gloves.

Site w4tweaks.ucoz.ru is in Russian. It is my site about mods, maps and programs for w4.

I'll create an english page here : http://w4tweaks.ucoz.ru/index/0-6

22 Feb 2008, 18:47
What stuff means??

22 Feb 2008, 19:35
stuff means things, anything, objects in general etc.

22 Feb 2008, 20:47
Thanks guys, Yeah Gerich I was wanting to know if you could add clothes to the game through a program similar to your map making. (Sorry I really don't know how to simplify it.)

23 Feb 2008, 18:36
If you'll tell me how to add clothes without any program, i'll write a program similar to my map editor=)

About my site. I have made an English version here http://w4tweaks.ucoz.ru/index/0-6. It has some words in russian, but i can't to change them because of ucoz.ru system =(
But i'll create an english forum and give some usefull links. I think it's not hard to understand my site=)

23 Feb 2008, 19:19
Alright, I was hoping it was possible. I'm not smart enough to figure out if that posssible. I figured that if maps could be added clothes could be too.

24 Feb 2008, 04:46
It is a description of mustaches:

<XContainerResourceDetails id='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R'>
<Value href='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-0'/>
<WXFE_WormAttachments id='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-0'>
<Offsets href='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-1'/>
<Offsets href='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-2'/>
<Offsets href='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-3'/>
<FrontEndOffsets href='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-4'/>
<WXFE_AttachmentOffsets id='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-1'>
<PositionOffset x='0' y='-1.8' z='-1.01' />
<OrientationOffset x='0' y='0' z='0' />
<ScaleOffset x='1.1' y='0.8' z='1' />
<WXFE_AttachmentOffsets id='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-2'>
<PositionOffset x='0' y='-1.1' z='-0.6' />
<OrientationOffset x='0' y='0' z='0' />
<ScaleOffset x='1.4' y='0.8' z='1' />
<WXFE_AttachmentOffsets id='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-3'>
<PositionOffset x='0' y='-2.9' z='0.8' />
<OrientationOffset x='0' y='0' z='0' />
<ScaleOffset x='0.9' y='0.65' z='0.8' />
<WXFE_AttachmentOffsets id='WXFE.A.Mustache.Viking.R-4'>
<PositionOffset x='7' y='65' z='0' />
<OrientationOffset x='0' y='0' z='0' />
<ScaleOffset x='1.6' y='1.6' z='1.6' />

But I don't know how to add your own mesh like Mustache.Viking.Red. It is not a filename-it is a constant, defined in other *.xml file or in *.xom file. If you'll find this definition, I'll create a program!

24 Feb 2008, 10:20
ok i got a problem.i tryed to edit some maps in w4m.for example i took a train from tutorial1.xan and put it into WormwigsBigRigJig.xan .i used
w3dmapedit.exe to do it .everything seemed ok but when i played this map i notieced the train was yellow(it was white when it was in tutorial1.xan):/
also the bridges had changed to white and rocks were green...
how can i avoid the colours of the objects being changed during the editing?
its not a big problem lol,but still...yellow train..?

//dang wrong topic. but meh,if anyone knows the answere they can still help me.

24 Feb 2008, 13:38
ok i got a problem.i tryed to edit some maps in w4m.for example i took a train from tutorial1.xan and put it into WormwigsBigRigJig.xan .i used
w3dmapedit.exe to do it .everything seemed ok but when i played this map i notieced the train was yellow(it was white when it was in tutorial1.xan):/
also the bridges had changed to white and rocks were green...
how can i avoid the colours of the objects being changed during the editing?
its not a big problem lol,but still...yellow train..?

//dang wrong topic. but meh,if anyone knows the answere they can still help me.

Each map is connected to a document in TGA format where its textures are stored. If a texture is not carried over, (I don't know how to do that) then it will adapt the map it's brought intos texture(s).

24 Feb 2008, 20:18
Each map is connected to a document in TGA format where its textures are stored. If a texture is not carried over, (I don't know how to do that) then it will adapt the map it's brought intos texture(s).
I don't understand you! Each map isn't connected to a document in TGA format! It is connected to xml file in /databanks/ with the same name. There are a link to a txt file, where are stored links to textures from /themes/. If you' change this txt file, you'll change textures of map. And your yellow train will get the true texture!

24 Feb 2008, 22:03
I don't understand you! Each map isn't connected to a document in TGA format! It is connected to xml file in /databanks/ with the same name. There are a link to a txt file, where are stored links to textures from /themes/. If you' change this txt file, you'll change textures of map. And your yellow train will get the true texture!

Alright whatevr you've got it covered.

24 Feb 2008, 23:01
I don't understand you! Each map isn't connected to a document in TGA format! It is connected to xml file in /databanks/ with the same name. There are a link to a txt file, where are stored links to textures from /themes/. If you' change this txt file, you'll change textures of map. And your yellow train will get the true texture!

so i should change the .txt files?how?copy everything from tutorial1.txt to wormwigsbigrig.txt?i'll try this tomorrow.

27 Feb 2008, 00:27
I'm taking at least today as a hiatus to make a stickfigure video. I know, but then I will try to make a new "Trooper" hat.

2 Mar 2008, 15:22
Omg DBZ hair

2 Mar 2008, 23:27
I got ***t by my parents guys, so I'm going to be on very sparingly.

6 Mar 2008, 21:36
Are all we all alive?

7 Mar 2008, 08:12

10 Mar 2008, 20:30
Okay just checking as noone's been posting here.

11 Mar 2008, 16:44
hehe=) about tweaks. I am writing a program W4MapPackEditor v 1.0 for creating map packs for W4MapPackLauncher v 1.0

12 Mar 2008, 21:57


It's XML only, no file swapping needed because that sucks, hehe. :p
Behaves almost exactly like its 2D counterpart. Too bad I can't change the model of the helicopter.

13 Mar 2008, 23:36
What did the helicopter drop?

13 Mar 2008, 23:38
What did the helicopter drop?
Carpets. It's a Worms4 variant of the "Mike's Carpet Bomb" from WA that Kilburn made.

14 Mar 2008, 15:36
hi all!!


14 Mar 2008, 17:11
Umm yeah. Now do a headcrab please. :p

15 Mar 2008, 10:56
Nice one [Cobras], try Master Chief or an Anubis those would be totally sweet!

18 Mar 2008, 04:55
I've been wantin to make ninja costumes for the worms.. but been havin trouble finding an converter for 3ds to xom files, anyone got any recommendations or know where I can find one? I know kilburn recommended k^2 converter, but I couldn't find that anywhere..

18 Mar 2008, 15:35
Umm yeah. Now do a headcrab please. :p

You like Half-Life too? Cool...
That carpet thing was cool.
Cool, when do I stop using that word?

18 Mar 2008, 15:43
You like Half-Life too? Cool...
That carpet thing was cool.

Sure, Half-Life is cool. I have always wanted a headcrab hat for Worms 4, headcrabs are cool.

And thanks you are cool. :cool:

18 Mar 2008, 17:11
Cool, cool cool cool cool cool, cool cool, cool. Cool? Cool, cool cool. Cool! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

20 Mar 2008, 00:28
Aha.. finally found the Minus One converter by K^2, took a while and a lotta digging (mainly it Cobras site and crosslinking one of his things thru google) but I did it an now I'm makin ninja hoods for my worms. I'll post a pic when I get done

20 Mar 2008, 00:57
Minus One? Isn't this for converting maps from Worms 4 Mayhem to Worms 3D?

20 Mar 2008, 01:05
Now for some tweaks I can share, I've made a couple things thru just basic XML editing.

The New-Matic Rifle: Yes, a remake of the classic Pneumatic Drill. :cool: Fires 10 shots. No worms damage, very little worm push, moderate land damage. Built off sniper rifle, uses shotgun model. Used in some custom levels I've built for burrowing, works awesomly when combined with girdering in. Also good for creating holes beneath people in shallow levels... >=)

Banana Blitz: Much like the Bovine Blitz, but it drops 4 "On-Impact" banana bombs with 4 bananettes. Round 7 weapon in my "Arms Race" weapon scheme.

Nuclear Strike: Drops one extra-jumbo-large nuclear missle on the landscape. Once again, a remake :p Poison's everyone with radiation, causes 75 damage to anyone within immediate blast radius which is relatively large and makes a big, big, hole. Round 10 weapon.

Chronoton Nade: Much like the nuclear strike, but this bad boy takes out the level. All of it (Unless your really, really, really lucky). Pretty much an insane scaled concrete donkey. Round 10 weapon found very rarely in crates only.

Still trying to figure out if it's possible to tweak another weapon (such as flood or tail nail) into a sentry gun. Everytime I've tried to make one it's crashed thus far..

20 Mar 2008, 01:09
Minus One? Isn't this for converting maps from Worms 4 Mayhem to Worms 3D?

Didn't know that. :mad:

So I'm still looking for a converter or process for modifying the costumes.. seems such an elusive concept at the moment. Although the pictures from Cobras seem pretty promising that there is a method somewhere.

20 Mar 2008, 04:36
_Kilburn, can I request for a particle effect like this?


What would it look like if it was used in a Poison Arrow?;)

20 Mar 2008, 10:41
Haha, I don't know if it is possible but I will give it a try. It will probably look pretty good. :p

20 Mar 2008, 10:51
Chronoton Nade: Much like the nuclear strike, but this bad boy takes out the level. All of it (Unless your really, really, really lucky). Pretty much an insane scaled concrete donkey. Round 10 weapon found very rarely in crates only.
*Sigh!* Here we go again...

20 Mar 2008, 11:45
Haha, I don't know if it is possible but I will give it a try. It will probably look pretty good. :p

I think its possible since you made a red laser effect thing on the bazooka.(the tweak you made before.)

20 Mar 2008, 17:06
*Sigh!* Here we go again...

LoL. It's not goin anywhere :P
With the people I play with on offline multi mode we never really get to use it.. everyone dead or drowned before round 10 and weapon drops are low for that item, heh.

27 Mar 2008, 03:16
Can anyone tell me or point me in the direction of which file I need to edit to do similar effects to what is in the Slot Machine?

For example, I want to be able to set Moon Physics on always. I am sure there is a switch somewhere I just can't find it.

Another example would be double crates.

I found something similar for Hyperactive, actually it just increases the worm speed. And hyperactive will double the new speed I set.


27 Mar 2008, 04:27
Agix, in /Tweak folder you'll see Tweak.xml, edit it..You'll find a container "Low.Gravity.GameDefault" in the list. Scroll down till you see this:
(or just do a find on the Low.Gravity.GameDefault)

<XFloatResourceDetails id='Low.Gravity.GameDefault'>
<XFloatResourceDetails id='Low.Gravity.OnValue'>

The Low.Gravity.OnValue is with moon physics. So Set GameDefault's value to .5 and it will be like Moon Physics is always on.. you can also set Moon Physics back UP to 1, so if you get the crate, it GIVES gravity ... or you can make it even lower =P

Oh yeah.. WWalk speed can be modified too. Modify the value of Worm.Walk.Speed in Tweak.xml up and it will get faster (Default is .0068, double is .0136). Crate drop chance is determined per scheme.. You can modify the preset scheme's through local.xml or even easier through the use of kilburn's scheme hacker. (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=29971) (post #26 has the link to download it)

27 Mar 2008, 04:45
Made some ninja hoods for my team "TehLeetNinjaz"

Was tired of being a chinese ninja (lol) :rolleyes:




Edit: And Now I'm working on making a permanent ninja rope =P (Team17's looks way cooler but hey.. I tried) I actually replaced one of the mustaches to do this.. If anyone can make bmp textures that could make a better texture for me (mine almost makes it look bronze :s) that would be awesome..


Gonna try to make some katanas for em now.. seen weapon mods done, so gonna take that for a spin too :cool:

30 Mar 2008, 21:21
hm... give me this hats,plz!it's just for my site!

11 Apr 2008, 01:10
In game I have seen some having the standard hats, wizard for instance, but the size is covering the whole worm.
How do you do that? :rolleyes:

12 Apr 2008, 07:28
Eh.. I scaled it up and stretched it a little. Besides, look at the Knight's Mask and Football Helm, they cover the whole face of the worm as well. And if you notice, the worms have ninja ropes permanently attached to their backs. I used the mustache slot to add that, because the stock mustaches (although awesome) were useless with the mask I made. I just moved it back on one of the axis' in my 3d editing software and it moved back in game when converted back to xom format. :o

3 Nov 2009, 08:08
I get on your website! It keeps on saying "The website declined to show this webpage"

HELLLP ME!!!!!!!!