View Full Version : Map Making Question

20 Jan 2008, 03:52
Google and browsing this forum has been useless so feel free to point out a resource and mock me being retarded.

I'm playing around with map making again and am very interested in the unlimited dimensions for .PNG. However, when paintbrush saves things as a .PNG for some reason Worms will not import it.

Is there a way to convert a .bmp into a .png that worms will recognize, or a freeware software with Paintbrush-level functions that saves them in such a way? Or am I just stupid and missing something simple? I know about the divisible by 8 feature but have been doing that I think.

Any help is appreciated!

20 Jan 2008, 05:09
WA can import .bmp .jpg .tga maps but those can only be 1920x696 and in the import folder. If you want to use the full extent from min(640x32) to max(32512x32600) for cavern maps and slightly less for island maps you'll need a program that can index the maps to an 8bit image using 113 colors max(including black).
There are many free programs that can do this. I only know of two off the top of my head GIMP and my map making program WormMM(http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=31775). For my program you can just open the image and do the following:
1. File->Save Image As (ctrl+s)
2. Select location to save file and click save.
3. Select yes to save as WA index format in next dialog box.
4. Press enter at next dialog box if amount of colors in map is less than or equal to 113. Otherwise type in an amount less than or equal to 113.
5. Press enter to default to method #1 which is fine for most all images.
Map is now saved in the proper format.

Just remembered also more in depth http://worms2d.info/Colour_map . Im sure others can add anything else.

20 Jan 2008, 06:17
I tried but on step 3 I get an odd error with your program

'Your file could not be saved.

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 1'

Not sure what's going on with that... I tried to open the .bmp and .png of my map (Which is at 800 wide and 8000 tall) and then save it like you said.

Edit: GIMP's instructions in the supplementary link you gave worked, but when I saved it as a .png Worms would not load it, saying it had an error loading the map. Bah.

20 Jan 2008, 06:59
Do you have the latest JRE? http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp That could be your problem with my program. Other than that I'm not sure what could be wrong.

20 Jan 2008, 09:55
Did you make sure both dimensions were divisible by 8 on the map (when saving from gimp)?

20 Jan 2008, 09:58
I got GIMP to work, I think I forgot to save the original bitmap correctly. I've already begun testing my new concept map... :E Thanks a lot for the info!

20 Jan 2008, 12:05
I love GIMP, but it has a couple of problems with regards to making Worms maps.

First of all, once your map is done, go to --> Image ---> Mode ---> Indexed and put in an appropriate number of colours to index the map to (remember, you can't go above 113). After that, go to Dialogs ---> Colourmap. This will open a box showing the palette. Check the very first one which should be black. You'll most likely find it's 0,1,0 instead of pure black, so you'll need to change that. Finally, it won't work if you've got too few colours in it for some reason, so you'll need to keep adding to the palette until you've got about 32 colours in it (the colours you add don't matter, you can even keep adding pure black).