View Full Version : Animated graves

10 Jan 2008, 15:53
Hello. I met a player who has an animated graves file. Where can I download it? :-/

10 Jan 2008, 19:52
Some 3rd party team editors can switch the grave sprite to one of the animated sprites that the game uses.

Although, you probably won't make many friends, as most of those animated sprites are highly annoying during a game and tend to obstruct the view.

Please, don't use them! :-/

10 Jan 2008, 19:53
Use the donkey sprite and everyone will love you :P

10 Jan 2008, 20:05
Love you in a make-you-bite-the-edge-of-the-pavement-and-kick-you-in-the-back-of-the-head-with-a-heavy-boot way.

13 Jan 2008, 21:23
lol i use the MB bomb :D

biggest anim grave there is :)

but i tried to make an animated BMP

but didnt work.....................

14 Jan 2008, 07:30
GIF will animate. BMP's never will animate.

14 Jan 2008, 18:54
Aren't CDs bigger, though not animated?

14 Jan 2008, 19:57
GIF will animate. BMP's never will animate.

I beg to differ. Any image can potentially animate, but the level of animation depends on who's being animated.

19 Feb 2008, 03:58
I beg to differ. Any image can potentially animate, but the level of animation depends on who's being animated.

Wrong. BMP doesnt animate.. Gif files and BIK files can.

But still... I want to make a Animated grave for my clan. But i can only find the bmp non animated files...where are the animated gravestones stored in WA ?

19 Feb 2008, 04:22
Technically, you can animate a single frame BMP image simply by moving it.

W:A doesn't support making your own animated graves and the hacking method to do so is very difficult and messy.

19 Feb 2008, 06:39
This thread is (or was before ToxRox posted) more than a month old.

19 Feb 2008, 15:59
Wrong. BMP doesnt animate.. Gif files and BIK files can.

Main Entry: [2]an·i·mate

Pronunciation: \-ˌmāt\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): an·i·mat·ed; an·i·mat·ing
Date: 15th century

1: to give spirit and support to [encourage]
2a: to give life to
2b: to give vigor and zest to
3: to move to action [a criminal animated by greed]
4a: to make or design in such a way as to create apparently spontaneous lifelike movement [animate a cartoon]
4b: to produce in the form of an animated cartoon [animate a story]

Synonyms: quicken

Never get in the way of a dragon poking fun at Franpa. :eek:

Oh and animated graves, other than the default ones, suck.

19 Feb 2008, 20:23
Really? I'd been hoping a while ago to get a facing-down version of the Dragonball (in-game weapon, not big-haired anime) working, thought that would look quite good.

20 Feb 2008, 03:10
the BMP format was not designed for animation then.

22 Feb 2008, 22:23

I use the Croncrete Donkey grave. Yet to go on Worm Net as my comp doesn't let me.

23 Feb 2008, 09:49

I use the Croncrete Donkey grave. Yet to go on Worm Net as my comp doesn't let me.


that's one less person on wormnet with a stupidly annoying grave, then

23 Feb 2008, 16:00
I use an animated grave. Its a cookie, and every second, a bit dissapears.

23 Feb 2008, 18:22
I use an animated grave. Its a cookie, and every second, a bit dissapears.

is that so?

23 Feb 2008, 18:34
is that so?

maybe not every second, but there is one. Search on blame the pixel.

23 Feb 2008, 18:52
It's impossible to make your own animated grave to use on WA, because it only accepts .bmp images as graves, and you can't animate them.

I took a look at the file on btp, and he's uploaded a gif into the preview box, but the actul file is a non-animated bmp file, like it should be.

23 Feb 2008, 18:58
Oh, but bits do come off every second!

isn't that an animated grave?

23 Feb 2008, 19:01
But it doesn't work in the game. It CAN'T work in the game.

Even when you click download, it save a NON-ANIMATED version onto your hard-drive. Have you even tried using it yet?

24 Feb 2008, 02:23
you can replace a internal animation with it thus making it work. you will be the only one to see it tho.

24 Feb 2008, 18:13
you will be the only one to see it tho.

Don't tell them that... :eek:

25 Feb 2008, 19:07
Anyone ever try using one of those 'moving circles' optical illusions and claim it to be animated?


25 Feb 2008, 19:59
No, because the pixel dpeth is too small on the graves for the illusion to work adequately.

25 Feb 2008, 23:21
speaking of animations and maybe some legal info, would it be illegal if i made a fan animation of worms?

25 Feb 2008, 23:24
Technically yes, as it constitutes an unauthorised use of another person or party's Intellectual Property. However, Team 17 have been rather lenient when it comes to fan-projects and the like. It's not in their ebst interests to go around suing fans who produce fan-art, fan-games, etc.

25 Feb 2008, 23:33
I kinda figured that

25 Feb 2008, 23:37
From what I know, Team17 won't like it if you use the worms sounds and graphics etc. in a game that's a lot like worms. Worms Breakout, on the other hand, they didn't have much of a problem with.

27 Feb 2008, 08:36
;638772']speaking of animations and maybe some legal info, would it be illegal if i made a fan animation of worms?
If you use the laser sprite from my avatar you'll be punished by severe thrashing. :mad:

29 Feb 2008, 22:46
If you use the laser sprite from my avatar you'll be punished by severe thrashing. :mad:

i meant something better than that yo.

btw: i'm over here...and your over there! *Laughs diabolicly*

1 Mar 2008, 19:28
;639269']i meant something better than that yo.
WHAT? You're bashing on the laser?
That does it! :eek:
;639269']btw: i'm over here...and your over there! *Laughs diabolicly*
...sending a Sheep-on-a-rope to your place right now! Muhahaha!

3 Mar 2008, 23:07
of course i would be, it was to be a similar appeal to worms, but...i don't know, it was gonna contain stuff i wanted to see in future games of wormz.

but then there was that other idea i Had, about: Four worms are in a giant fort, then four other worms rolled in a giant crossbow (AKA: The 'actual' Ballista) then the crossbow fires, and then theres a bunch of explosions and such...yadda yadda

*digs a hole in the ground to avoid...stuff
*calls an Napalm Strike on bonz, and uses wind to where there is no where to run

13 Mar 2008, 13:34
This discussion went off-topic long time ago. Is there any moderator that could split this thread in 2 seperate threads?

For example:
"Animated graves" and "W:A missing weapons".

21 Mar 2008, 06:26
Done (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=35851) .