View Full Version : -Legally- Downloading WA

9 Jan 2008, 14:31

I was thinking of downloading the game (from trygames.com), looking into some old threads here I came across to this:


There you can see a member say "DO NOT Download the game (legally or illegally) from anywhere - it will not work. Even if you pay for it, it still won't work.".

Just wondering if this is true?.. The game will not work altogether or there will be problems with say, multiplayer (which I'll prefer over singleplayer)?..


9 Jan 2008, 14:40
The trymedia and gametap versions of the game cannot be udated. This basically means:

You can't play with any of the features added in the last few years, most importantly the variable map size support. This will mean nobody will play against you online.

The game will work, but you might as well kiss online mode goodbye, as well as any upcoming features that will be added in further updates.

9 Jan 2008, 14:53
^ Ok, thanks for that.

9 Jan 2008, 17:18
Get the CD version from https://secure.team17.com . They ship to pretty much everywhere, usually for less than it costs for a downloaded version.

15 Jan 2008, 00:40
Mine works perfect, and it's a downloaded version.

15 Jan 2008, 02:16
do you play with anyone you want online XNiKoX? or do you normally get yelled at to update your game (which you can't legally update above 3.5b2 (?)

17 Jan 2008, 04:52
It's not that it can't be "legally" updated, it's that it can't be updated at all and still work. If TryGames WA is updated, it asks for a CD, which you won't have if you've downloaded the game (because if you did have a CD, there would be no point and a waste of money downloading it.).